Ritratto di Alessandra.Decesaris@uniroma1.it

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Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
EXHIBIT DESIGN STUDIO 10600322 2022/2023

giovedì mattina Dipartimento PDTA 1 piano previa mail di conferma

Alessandra De Cesaris
summary curriculum vitae

Alessandra De Cesaris, Ph.D in Architectural Design and Theory, is associate professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome. She teaches in the Master of Architecture - Urban Regeneration course at the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, where he holds the Laboratory of Architectural Design for Urban Regeneration
She is in the committee of the PhD Programe in Architecture Design and Theory of Architecture. Advisor of the architecture magazine l industria delle costruzioni and member of editorial board of Arteoficio magazine of Escuela di Arquitectura de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH.
As of 2019, it is part of the PDTA Department of Planning Design, Architectural Technology.
From 2012 to 2019 she was the director and scientific head of HousingLab, the housing research centre of the DiAP Department of Architecture.
She is responsible of numerous cultural agreements with universities of Iran and Tehran, in 2018 she was invited to hold the Design Studio 5 in Soore University, Tehran
Her research is mainly focused on:
1 The theme of the relationship between soil and subsoil. The thickness of the soil, understood both as a support of geological origin and as an artificial entity, is considered an essential component of the urban form with which contemporary design needs to deal.
On this topic see:
A. De Cesaris, Il progetto del suolo/sottosuolo, Gangemi editore, Roma, 2012;
2 Closely related to the research on soil-subsoil is the issue of infrastructure: transport and network. In the regeneration of the contemporary city, a series of possibilities is offered by an infrastructure project capable of integrating technical solutions and the design of urban space, technical form and the quality of public space.
On this topic see:
A. De Cesaris, La riscrittura del suolo/sottosuolo. Prospettive per la rigenerazione della città contemporanea, in Ananke n.90, 2020.
A. De Cesaris, Infrastrutture e paesaggio urbano 2, Roma, Edilstampa 2012;
Design Competition 10 Idee e proposte per Roma PerCorso Francia, first prize;

3 A third theme that is the subject of constant theoretical and design reflection is urban regeneration and the redevelopment of the built heritage.
On this topic see:
A. De Cesaris, D. Mandolesi, Rigenerare le aree periferiche. Ricerche e progetti per la città contemporanea, Quodlibet 2015,
A. De Cesaris, L. V. Ferretti, H. Osanloo, Iran: Città, Percorsi, Caravanserragli, Edilstampa 2014
4 Reflection on housing runs through the entire theoretical and design research activity: housing as an object of experimentation aimed at identifying flexible and economical typologies more in keeping with the new needs of contemporary society and as a tool for regenerating the peripheral areas of the contemporary city.
Professional, teaching and research experiences are intertwined on this theme; in particular:
- the didactic experiences of the 1st and 3rd year Design Workshops whose theme is housing;
- the research and projects developed within HousingLab (Nordic Built Challenge, 2013, PASS 2010, The Modular House for IKEA 2007, the Minimum Housing Unit for the new council house in Fidenza 2005);
- studies and research on temporary housing in relation to emergency situations, which in 2016 found a moment of synthesis and comparison in the organization of the International Design Workshop "Architecture & Refugees". The workshop was organized by HousingLab (curator and scientific responsibility of A. De Cesaris and D. Mandolesi) together with the Faculty of Architecture, Emergency Architecture & Human Rights, Denmark, with the participation of professors from The Royal Danish Academy of Copenhagen KADK;
- the study of the work of Ralph Erskine (cfr. study stay at the Erskine-Tovatt studio, Stockholm 2004) which concluded with the publication of the article "Ralph Erskine.

5 Since 2011, in the framework of DiAP Cultural Agreements, the issues and topics related to land infrastructures, reuse of existing buildings and housing have been investigated and deepened thanks to the exchange and interaction with professors and PhD students from the Faculty of Architecture Soore in Tehran and Allaodoleh Semnani in Garmsar.
In particular: the role of qanats in defining the forma urbis of Iranian cities and their strategic role in urban regeneration operations in the cities of the plateau. The subject of study and study in depth is also the theme - at the centre of research by the new generation of Iranian architects - of reinventing traditional types of housing without falling into nostalgic or folkloric formulas. The results of such a confrontation, which has opened up new horizons and opened up new research questions, are reported, among other things, in:
- A. De Cesaris, Iranian Houses. Il valore del vuoto, FrancoAngeli, Milan 2020.
- A. De Cesaris, L. V. Ferretti, H. Osanloo, Iran. Cities Caravanserai routes, Edilstampa, Rome 2014.
- A. De Cesaris, H. Osanloo (eds.), Tehran Metro Stations- Public Space Gardens and Water. Projects for Tehran, the publication reports the theoretical reflections and results elaborated during the design workshop Tehran Metro stations. Public Space Garden and water, Garmsar, September 2016.
- A. De Cesaris, editor of issue 459, 2018 of "l'industria delle costruzioni" Tehran: Contemporary Architecture.

Institutional Appointments
-2022 RAM of the Degree Course in Urban Regeneration Architecture, ARU Sapienza (14-1-2022)
-2020 PDTA Department Member of the Internationalisation Unit of the PDTA Department
-2012-19 DiAP Department, Scientific Responsible of HousingLab research centre on urban regeneration, typological innovation, environmental sustainability
-2018-2019 Member of the Selection Committee for Mobility Grants, Erasmus call aa. 2018-19 2019-20.
-2015-2020 Academic Responsible for Mobility (RAM) of the Doctorate in Architecture Theories and Design and of the EU Five-year Degree Course
-2014 Member of the Selection Committee for the Competition for admission to the PhD Course 30th cycle of the Doctorate in Architecture-Theories and Design.
-2014 Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Direzione Generale per il Paesaggio, le Belle Arti, l'Architettura e l'Arte Contemporanee, Responsible for DiAP of the general coordination of the activities within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per il Paesaggio, le Belle Arti, l'Architettura e l'Arte Contemporanee, Roma Capitale - Municipality Roma XV-XVI and "Sapienza" University of Rome, Department of Architecture and Design for the "Development of a common programme for promotion, research and documentation activities related to the architectural, landscape, cultural and socio-economic values of Corviale and its territory".
-2013 Member of the jury for the awarding of the title of PhD in Architectural and Urban Design, year 2012, session 2.
-2012 Member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in Architecture Theories and Design.
-2012-14 Faculty of Architecture, Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Single-Cycle Degree Course
2007-2011 L. Quaroni Faculty, Member of the International Relations Office of the Faculty (elective basis).
2007-2011 L. Quaroni Faculty, Scientific Responsible for the LLP Erasmus Programme (elective basis).
2009 University of Catania, Faculty of Architecture, Appointed member of the Selection Committee for the comparative evaluation of 1 post of University Researcher (ICAR 14 Sector).

Institutional Appointments - International Relations
- Since 2019- Sapienza International Relations, Responsible for the International Agreement of Cultural and Scientific Collaboration /Executive Protocol with Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Insitute, Isfahan, Iran.
- Since 2017- Sapienza International Relations, Head of the International Agreement for Cultural and Scientific Collaboration /Executive Protocol with Soore University, Tehran, Iran.
- 2014-18 Wisdom International Relations, Responsible for the International Agreement of Cultural and Scientific Collaboration /Executive Protocol with the University of Santiago de Chile USACH.
- 2013-19 Sapienza International Relations, Responsible for the International Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Collaboration/Executive Protocol with ITU Istanbul Technical University.
- 2017-2011 L. Quaroni Faculty, Member of the International Relations Office of the Faculty (elective basis).
- 2007-14 L. Quaroni Faculty-Faculty of Architecture, Responsible and Promoter of the Erasmus Agreement with L'Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (03).
- 2007-14 L. Quaroni Faculty-Faculty of Architecture, Responsible and Promoter of the Erasmus Agreement with L'Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Sant Cugat de Valles (03V).
- 2007-20 L. Quaroni Faculty of Architecture, Responsible and Promoter of the Erasmus Agreement with San Pablo Ceu University, Madrid.
- 2007-20 L. Quaroni Faculty of Architecture, Responsible for and promoter of the Erasmus Agreement with Camillo Josè Cela University, Madrid.
- 2007-09 L. Quaroni Faculty, Responsible and Promoter of the Erasmus Agreement with the University of Dortmund.
- 2007-09 Faculty L. Quaroni, Responsible and Promoter of the Erasmus Agreement with the University of Wien 02.

Scientific activity. Conventions, Conferences, Seminars
2022 International Seminars, Public space for resilient cities toward global challenges, Master Degree Course Architecture Urban Regeneration, DPDTA, Qanat, Madi and Rud: reactivating the relationship between waterways and urban space in Iranian plateau, 12 January.

2021 Keynote Speaker, 11th Conference on Sustainable Development & Urban Construction,
Isfahan 15-16 December 2021, A new life for the river Zayanderud, 15 December.

2021 Kayyam University, Mashad Iran, Lecture on line, Build in the Built. The relationship between old and new Mimesis, Imitation, Contrast, Dialogue, Reinvention, 2 Jan.

2021 Changing Urban Environment for Sustainable Development, Study Day, Unità per l Internazionalizzazione PDTA, 11 Jan. Organisation and scientific care, A. De Cesaris lecture Reti di rigenerazione nell altopiano iranico.

2021 New European Bauhaus, New Boundaries. Public space toward a sustainable urban environment PDTA 10 May, Lecture HYDRO-INFRASTRUCTURES. Designing new hydrological Infrastructures integrated with public space.

2020 Pars today. Servizio radiofonico internazionale dell'IRIB, Intervista telefonica di Davood Abbasi, Case iraniane il valore del vuoto. Mercoledì 11 novembre.

2020 Diruz, Conversazioni sull Iran, Intervista in modalità online di Antonello Sacchetti, Case iraniane il valore del vuoto. Alessandra De Cesaris presenta il suo libro, mercoledì 21 ottobre

2020 Tenstar Community e Associazione Culturale inAsia, Passaggio a est tra occidente e oriente, Verona, 30-9/2.10.
Lecturer in modalità online, Teheran, le trasformazioni di una capitale dall'era Pahlavi a oggi, mercoledì 30 settembre

2020 DinMei Company, Jiaxing, Zhejiang (China), China, Lecturer, Presentazione progetti elaborati nel Dipartimento PDTA e all interno di HousingLab per la ricerca dal titolo Modular interior design. An Italian vision for a contemporary Chinese house . 3-4 January.

2019 Facoltà di Architettura, Ordine degli Architetti di Roma, Casa dell Architettura, organizzazione e cura scientifica di Kamran Afshar Naderi, Tendenze dell architettura contemporanea in Iran, Conferenza, Giovedì 28 marzo ore 14,30; Aula Magna della facoltà di Architettura.

2018 Keynote speaker in the "International Conference on Sustainable Development & Urban Construction organized by Daneshpajoohan Higher Education Ins. (DHEI), Esfahan, 12 December "Outskirts Regeneration Strategies. The research of HousingLab, Qom,

2018 HousingLab Reserch Method 9 Dec. Lecture in the Research Methods in Architecture
Cour, prof. Parastoo Eshrati, School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, Tehran University,

2018 Build in the Built Lecture, 3 December, Soore University,

2018 Outskirt is the City of Our Time Lecture, 12 November, Soore University,

2018 Build in the Built Lecture, 1 November,Alaodolleh University, Garmsar,

2017 Soore University, Tehran 23, Oct. Rome: figures of stratification, Lecture (su invito)

2017 Tabriz Islamic Art University,14 Oct. Public Space&Urban Quality, New Frontiers of Public Space, Lecture

2017 Tabriz Islamic Art University 14 Oct. Designing in Old Urban Fabric. Ancient Rome, Building the city on the city, Lecture (su invito)

2017 Organization for development, renovation and equipping schools of IR IRAN. Iranian Schools Iranian Architecture 4-5 March, The School is the Mirror of the Civilization of a Country, Lecture and Seminar, Tehran University (su invito)

2016 Soore University Tehran 21 Sept. Tehran Metro Station. Public Space Garden and Water.
Final Seminar Discussant A. de Cesaris, S. Afshar, H. Osanloo, H. Sadrolasharafi, H. Mazaherian.

2016 1st International Conference on Architecture, Arts and applications, Tehran, Iran 15-16 Dec 2016
Metro Stations Public Space, Visual Arts, Lecture and Seminar (su invito).

2016 15 Biennale di Venezia REPORTING FROMe 22 October, Self Construction, HousingLab research.

2016 Le vie dei Mercanti XIV International Forum. World Heritage and Degradation. Aversa Naples Capri June, The future of caravanserais along the Silk Road in Iran. Con L. V. Ferretti.

2016 ARCHITECTURE AND REFUGEES. Design solutions to reduce segregation Improve welcome policies Accommodate refugees in urban space in Europe HousingLab - DiAP- Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome and Emergency Architecture & Human Rights, Denmark EA&HR.DK 29-30 jan. 2016. Organizzazione e cura scientifica (con D. Mandolesi)

2015 3° International Congress on Civil Engineering Architecture & urban Development.
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 29-31 dec. THE DESIGN OF SOIL-SUBSOIL Towards a sustainable urban development, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 31 dic. su invito

2015 Progetto urbano e crisi economica, Roma Facoltà di Architettura, Aula Magna 11 dic. Edilizia residenziale pubblica. Strategie per la rigenerazione. su invito

2015 Giornata di studi, Aula Fiorentino, HousingLab, DiAP Facoltà di Architettura, lunedì 18 maggio. Rigenerare le periferie urbane. Ricerche-strategie-progetti. organizzazione e cura scientifica

Intervento dal titolo Rigenerare la periferia diffusa. Caso studio nella periferia est di Roma.

2015 Octavo Encuentro de la Red ARCOT - Cátedra Unesco - Chile Confronto sulle strategie e tecniche per la costruzione in adobe a Quinta de Tilcoco e Quinta de Coinco nell ambito del ProyectoReconstrucción en Zonas de InterésPatrimonial (Arq. Rodrigo Aguilar) y Fundación Jofré (Arq. Marcelo Cortés) Red ARCOT Cátedra Unesco
Partecipazione all incontro, Santiago de Chile 11-12 giugno. Su invito

2015 Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH Paisajes Romanos. Interpretaciones y visiones, Lunes 8 junio. Il testo della lecture è stato pubblicato in Arteoficio n.11, 2105, Publicación de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile

2015 Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH La ciudad fuera del centro. Investigación y Proyectos, Miercoles 19 junio

2015 "Il Mattone e lo specchio, Architettura contemporanea in Iran" Casa Dell Architettura Convegno Roma 23 marzo su invito

2014 Giornata di Aggiornamento e Conferenza Stampa. Quarta Dimensione: il sottosuolo come risorsa FAST (Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Tecniche), Milano. Sotto il suolo urbano. Nuove prospettive e possibilità. Milano, 28 novembre, su invito

2014 Incontro presso la Direction de l Urbanisme de la Ville de Paris
Présentation de l actualité de la politique urbaine parisienne et présentation des principes de la politique d'urbanisme à Rome dans la perspective d approfondir les échanges entre les 2 villes Visita di quattro Progetti Urbani, accompagnati dai responsabili della Sous-direction de l Aménagement de la Ville de Paris. Su invito.

2014 Giornata di studio. La ricerca di HousingLab DiAP e Tallerforma&Proyecto, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Strategie di Rigenerazione a Confronto. Facoltà di Architettura, 23 aprile.

2013 Convegno conclusivo PRIN 2008, Rigenerazione di tracciati e di tessuti urbani marginali, Metodi, strumenti e strategie di progetto per nuove forme di abitare sostenibile. Il progetto del suolo nella rigenerazione della citta contemporanea, Politecnico di Milano - Scuola di Architettura e Società, 13 giugno.

2012 Zero energy housing design and tecnologies, Masa Noguchi, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow Organizzazione e Chairman della Conferenza di Masa Noguchi, Aula Magna Piazza Borghese, 21 maggio.

2012 EAAE/ARCC, International Conference on Architectural Research, Milano Strategies to regenerate suburban sprawl, case study in Rome, Milano, 8 June.

2012 La didattica di Architettura a confronto. Incontro tra la Fachberich Architektur Hochschule Darmastadt e la Facoltà di Architettura di Roma The regeneration of public housing neighbourhoods. The example of Tor Bella Monaca in Rome. Aula Magna Piazza Borghese,14 maggio.

2011 Second special session of the urban landscape aesthetics, Milad Tower, Tehran International Trade and Convention Centre The Trasportation Network and the Urban Landscapes Infrastructures, Tehran 13 sept. (su invito).
Published in: Manzar the Scientific Journal of Landscape n.16, 2011 ISSN 2008-7446

Memberships in Scientific Societies, Editorial Boards, Reviewer Activities, Acknowledgements and Awards

2019 WTC 2019 World Tunnel Congress, WTC 2019 chairpersons of the session ARCHAEOLOGY, ARCHITECTURE AND ART IN UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION - Subtopic AAA & itacus session.
08 May 2019, Mediterranean room.

2018 WTC 2019 World Tunnel Congress, Member of the Scientific Committee WTC 2019 World Tunnel Congress and Topic Coordinator of "Archeology, Architecture and Art in underground construction", Naples 3-9 May 2019.

2018 3rd International Conference&4th National Conference on Civil Engeeneering, Architecture &Urban Design 5-7 september 2018. Tabriz Islamic Art University, Member of the Scientific Committee

2018 3rd International Conference&4th National Conference on Civil Engeeneering, Architecture &Urban Design 5-7 september 2018. Tabriz Islamic Art University. Member of the Scientific Committee

2015 3rd ICSAU International Congress On Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development, Shahid Beheshti University. Iran Member of the Scientific Committee 3rd ICSAU International Congress On Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development.

Since 2015 "Arteoficio" Publicacion Escuela di Arquitectura de la USACH indexed in Latindex Member of the editorial board of "Arteoficio" publication of the Escuela di Arquitectura de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH, (indexed in Latindex)

2012-16 Italian-Iranian Research Centre "Ludovico Quaroni" member of the rector of Soore University, Tehran

2010 Competition 10 Ideas and proposals for Rome announced by the Order of Engineers of Rome, Percorso Francia. 1st classified, with A. Franchetti Pardo, E. Salce, project published.

2007-09 ENHR European Network on Housing Research Member

2006 Scientific Committee of International Conference, Housing and Cities, Faculty of Architecture 'L. Quaroni'Member of the Scientific Committee

2005-06 National competition for participatory and communicative design. INU, ANCI, WWF. Third edition 2005-06. Competition of ideas in two phases. Requalification and re-design of the landscape. Case study Foligno.
Project selected among the finalists of the second phase (a de cesaris group leader) project published.

2005 National competition of ideas The new Italian Popular House. Parma Architecture Festival. Minimum dwelling unit 27 MQ (A De Cesaris group leader) 2nd prize, project published.

Since 2004 'l'industria delle costruzioni', technical magazine of ANCE Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili He is among the contributors to the editorial staff. He has edited the monographic issues 367, 373, 382, 408, 443, 449, 459.

Publications 2022-2011

2022 De Cesaris A., AttraversoTehran. Spazi, luoghi, architetture, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2022, p.190.

2020 De Cesaris A., Case iraniane. Il valore del vuoto, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020, p.158.

2017 De Cesaris A., Di Giorgio G., Ferretti L. V., Attraverso l Iran. Città architetture paesaggi, Manfredi Edizioni, p. 318.

2015 De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D., Rigenerare le aree periferiche. Ricerche e progetti per la città contemporanea, Macerata, p. 238.

2014 De Cesaris A., Ferretti L. V., Osanloo H., Iran. Città Percorsi caravanserragli, Edilstampa, Roma, p. 264. Seconda edizione casa editrice Soore University, Tehran, 2016. Testo italiano e farsi

2012 De Cesaris A., Il progetto del suolo-sottosuolo, Print/Ricerca, Collana del DiAP, Gangemi editore, Roma, p. 301, testo italiano con abstract in inglese.

2012 De Cesaris A., Infrastrutture e paesaggio urbano 2, Edilstampa, Roma, p. 248. Testo italiano e inglese.
Editing of books and monographic journal issues

2018 De Cesaris A., (a cura di), Tehran: Architetture Contemporanee, volume monografico de l industria delle costruzioni n.459/gennaio-febbraio.

2017 De Cesaris A., Osanloo H., (a cura di), Tehran Metro Stations. Public Space Garden and Water. Progetti per Tehran, Aracne, Roma, p. 138. Aracne, Roma, 2 edizione Soore University Tehran. Testo italiano e farsi.

2016 De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D. (a cura di), Rigenerare le periferie urbane. Ricerche Strategie Progetti, Edilstampa Roma.

2016 De Cesaris A., (a cura di), Architettura in Cile 2, volume monografico de l industria delle costruzioni n.449/maggio-giugno.
Numero monografico della rivista sulle tendenze dell architettura contemporanea in Cile.

2015 De Cesaris A., Ferretti L. V. (a cura di), Parigi 2015, volume monografico de l industria delle costruzioni n.443/maggio-giugno.

2011 De Cesaris, A., Del Monaco A. I. (edited by), The urban regeneration of Fatou city. A case study of industrial heritage in Beijin, La Sapienza Orientale Ricerche, Roma, libro 122 pagine.

Articles on book

2020 De Cesaris A., Osanloo H., Iran: an infrastructured territory. Caravanserais, Qanats, Undergrounds: from tradition to contemporary; Iran un territorio infrastrutturato. Caravanserragli, Qanats, Metropolitane: dalla tradizione alla contemporaneità, in Carpenzano O., Cherubini, R. Del Monaco A., (a cura di), DiAP nel mondo. Visioni Internazionali Sapienza Università Editrice, pp. 223-239
2020 De Cesaris A., Tehran: verso una metropoli porosa, in De Cesaris A., Case iraniane. Il valore del vuoto, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020, p.36-51.

2020 De Cesaris A., Intervista a Alireza Taghaboni, in De Cesaris A., Case iraniane. Il valore del vuoto, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020, p. 134-151.

2018 De Cesaris A., Iran. La qualità dello spazio domestico nelle sperimentazioni contemporanee, in Giancotti A., Giofrè F. Ribichini L. (a cura di), ROOMROME, Biennale di Venezia 2018.
2017 De Cesaris A., Verso una nuova generazione di spazi pubblici, in: De Cesaris A., Osanloo H., Tehran Metro Stations. Public Space Garden and Water. Progetti per Tehran, Aracne, Roma, 2 edizione Soore University Tehran, p. 138. Testo italiano e farsi.

2016 De Cesaris A., La periferia diffusa, la città dei nostri tempi, in De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D. (a cura di), Rigenerare le periferie urbane. Ricerche Strategie Progetti, Edilstampa Roma 2016.

2016 De Cesaris A., Kit per l emergenza abitativa, Seed Kit, in Giancotti A., Giofrè F., Ribichini L. (a cura di), in Reporting Frome, Facoltà di Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma, 2016.
2016 De Cesaris A., Ferretti L. V., The future of caravanserais along the Silk Road in Iran, in Le vie dei Mercanti XIV International Forum. World Heritage and Degradation. Atti del Convegno, Aversa Naples Capri, pp. 123-130.

2015 De Cesaris A., Strategie di rigenerazione a confronto in: De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D., Rigenerare le aree periferiche. Ricerche e progetti per la città contemporanea, Macerata, pp. 183-202.

2015 De Cesaris A., La periferia diffusa: caso studio nel settore est di Roma, in: De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D., Rigenerare le aree periferiche. Ricerche e progetti per la città contemporanea, Macerata, pp. 130-153.

2015 De Cesaris A., La periferia della città contemporanea. Le trasformazioni possibili, in: De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D., Rigenerare le aree periferiche. Ricerche e progetti per la città contemporanea, Macerata, pp. 15-37.

2014 De Cesaris A., Il ruolo delle infrastrutture di trasporto e delle infrastrutture energetiche nella rigenerazione di Tor Bella Monaca, in Rigenerare Tor Bella Monaca, Calzolaretti M., Mandolesi D. (a cura di), Quodlibet, Macerata 2014, p.194-197/ 254-269.

2014 De Cesaris A., Il progetto del suolo/sottosuolo: ridefinire l attacco a terra di Tor Bella Monaca, in Rigenerare Tor Bella Monaca, Calzolaretti M., Mandolesi D. (a cura di), Quodlibet, Macerata 2014, p.144-151/ 254-269.

2014 De Cesaris A., Strategies for the Regeneration of Suburban Sprawl. Case study in Rome, in Bovati M., Caja M., Floridi G., Landsberger M., Cities in Trasformation Research&Design. Ideas, Methods, Techniques, Tools, Case Studies, Il Poligrafo, Padova 2014, p. 887-894.

2012 De Cesaris A., The Relation between the Aurelian Walls and the Urban Fabric, in Gazzola L., Wen Chen, Comparative Study on the city Walls of Nanjing and Rome, Southest University Press, Nanjin 2012, p. 84-108.
2012 De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D., Modular, sustainable and customized: projects for contemporary home ,. in: Masa Noguchi. Zemch 2012 International Conference . Glasgow, ZEMCH Network, pp. 697-706 (Atti del

2011 De Cesaris A., Abandoned Industrial areas: Strategies adopted by european cities, in:
De Cesaris A., Del Monaco A. I., (edited by), The urban regeneration of Fatou city. A case study of industrial heritage in Beijin, La Sapienza Orientale Ricerche, Roma 2011, p. 100-107.

Magazine articles

2021 De Cesaris A., Il progetto del suolo/sottosuolo nella rigenerazione della città contemporanea in: Urbanistica Dossier n. 22, pp. 141-145.
2021 De Cesaris A., Il valore del vuoto nella casa mediorientale, in: l industria delle costruzioni n. 480, pp.115-117.

2021 De Cesaris A., Abitare flessibile . Casa Ponti a Milano, in: l industria delle costruzioni n. 480, pp. 40-47.

2020 De Cesaris A., L alternativa a due ruote per gli spostamenti in città, in: l industria delle costruzioni n. 473, p. 36-39.

2020 De Cesaris A., La riscrittura del suolo/sottosuolo. Prospettive per la rigenerazione della città contemporanea, in Ananke n.90, pp. 129-133.

2019 De Cesaris A., Gio Ponti archi-designer al Mad di Parigi, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 467, 2019 p. 114-117.

2019 De Cesaris A., Abitazione e spazi condivisi. Modelli atipici dalla cultura islamica in Iran, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 466, 2019 p. 18-23.

2018 De Cesaris A., Teheran è l Iran, in Limes. Rivista italiana di geopolitica Attacco all Impero Persiano n. 7, 2018.

2018 De Cesaris A., La città contemporanea: le molte Tehran, in: l industria delle costruzioni n. 459, 2018 Tehran: architetture contemporanee p. 6-21.

2018 De Cesaris A., Intervista a Reza Daneshmir/Fluid Motion Architects, in: l industria delle costruzioni n. 459, 2018 Tehran: architetture contemporanee p. 22-25.

2018 De Cesaris A., Moschea di Vali-e-asr, in: l industria delle costruzioni n. 459, 2018 Tehran: architetture contemporanee p. 26-35.

2016 De Cesaris A., Facoltà di economia Diego Portales a Santiago, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 449, pp. 62-69.

2016 De Cesaris A., Centro per l innovazione a Santiago, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 449, pp. 32-67.

2016 De Cesaris A., Parco culturale a Valaparaiso, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 449, pp. 88-95.

2016 De Cesaris A., Periferia, la città del nostro tempo, in Italianieuropei n.4 2016, pp.121-126

2016 De Cesaris A., L architettura iraniana alla 15 biennale di Venezia, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 452

2016 De Cesaris A., Il Tabiat bridge a Teheran, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 448

2015 De Cesaris A., Roma: Paisajes de la estratificación, in Arteoficio n.11, pp. 21-25.

2015 De Cesaris A., Parigi. Costruire la città sulla città, Paris. Building the city on the city, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 443, pp.14-23.

2015 De Cesaris A., Riconversione dell edificio per la logistica Macdonald, Macdonald building reconversion in l industria delle costruzioni n. 443, pp. 44-61.

2015 De Cesaris A., Padiglione di Arti Islamiche al Museo del Louvre, Department of Islamic Arts, Louvre Museum, in l industria delle costruzioni n. 443, pp. 90-95.

2015 De Cesaris A., Complesso residenziale Home , Home housing in l industria delle costruzioni n. 443, pp.104-109.

2014 De Cesaris A., Metropolitane, stazioni sotterranee e sistemazioni urbanistiche, in Trasporti e Cultura n.40, pp. 51-59.

2013 De Cesaris A., Mandolesi D., Modular, sustainable and customized: projects for contemporary home, in Open House International ISSN:0168-2601 vol. 38 n. 3, p. 39-47.

2011 De Cesaris A., The Transportation Network and Urban Landscape Infrastructures, in Manzar The scientific Journal of landscape, n. 16, ISSN:2008-7446 pp. 33-28. Testo inglese e farsi.