Ritratto di Loretta.Tuosto@uniroma1.it

Tutte le informazioni sui corsi e il relativo materiale didattico sono su e-learning.


Martedì 3 ottobre 2023 inizierà il corso di Oncologia Molecolare  in Aula Pasquini - Ed CU008 (Zoologia) alle ore 14.00. Le lezioni si svolgeranno tutti i martedì e giovedì dalle 14.00 alle 16.00 nella medesima aula.


Martedì 5 marzo 2024 inizierà il corso di Immunologia in Aula Pasquini - Ed CU008 (Zoologia) alle ore 14.00. Le lezioni si svolgeranno tutti i martedì e giovedì dalle 14.00 alle 16.00 nella medesima aula.


Lunedì 4 marzo 2024 inizierà il corso di Immunopatologia delle Malattie Neurodegenerative in Aula B "Tecce" - Ed CU026 (Fisiologia Generale) alle ore 14.00. Le lezioni si svolgeranno tutti i lunedì e mercoledì dalle 14.00 alle 16.00 nella medesima aula.





Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
ONCOLOGIA MOLECOLARE 1023434 2023/2024
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2023/2024
ONCOLOGIA MOLECOLARE 1023434 2022/2023
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2022/2023
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2021/2022
ONCOLOGIA MOLECOLARE 1023434 2021/2022
ONCOLOGIA MOLECOLARE 1023434 2020/2021
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2020/2021
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2019/2020
MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY 1051865 2019/2020
MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY 1051865 2018/2019
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2018/2019
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2017/2018
MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY 1051865 2017/2018
IMMUNOLOGIA 1019010 2016/2017
ONCOLOGIA MOLECOLARE 1023434 2016/2017

Su richiesta tramite e-mail

Parte III Occupazioni

IIIA Occupazioni Accademiche

Inizio Fine Istituzione Posizione
2012 current Sapienza Università di Roma Professore Associato
2004 2012 Sapienza Università di Roma Ricercatore
2002 2004 Sapienza Università di Roma Assegno di ricerca
1999 2002 Sapienza Università di Roma Contratto di ricerca

IIIA Altre Occupazioni

Inizio Fine Istituzione Posizione
2008 In corso Istituto Pasteur Italia - Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Roma Responsabile studi e ricerche
1998 1999 Sapienza Università di Roma Borsa di studio (Post-Doc), Istituto Pasteur Italia - Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Roma
1996 1998 Unità di immunologia Molecolare, Institut Pasteur, Parigi, Francia Borsa di studio (Post-Doc), Foundation pour la Recherche Medical, Francia
1994 1996 Unità di immunologia Molecolare, Institut Pasteur, Parigi, Francia Borsa di studio estero per ricerche sull AIDS, Istituto Superiore della Sanità

Part IV Attività didattica

IVA Corsi/Seminari

Anno Istituzione Programma Corso/Seminario Ore
2005-2009 Sapienza Università di Roma LM-Biologia Applicata alla Ricerca Biomedica Immunologia Molecolare 24
2010-2012 Sapienza Università di Roma LM-Biologia Applicata alla Ricerca Biomedica Immunologia Molecolare e Applicazioni Biotecnologiche 48
2012-current Sapienza Università di Roma Laurea Triennale in Scienze Biologiche Immunologia 48
2017-current Sapienza Università di Roma LM - Genetica e Biologia Molecolare Oncologia Molecolare 48
2017-2019 Sapienza Università di Roma Laurea Triennale in Scienze Biologiche Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari della risposta immune 48
2017-2019 Sapienza Università di Roma LM - Genetics and Molecular Biology Molecular Oncology 24
2021-current Sapienza Università di Roma LM Neurobiologia Immunopatologia delle Malattie Neurodegenerative 48
2009 Università di Roma Tor Vergata Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze e iotecnologie riproduttive e dello Sviluppo CD28 costimulatory molecule in NF- B activation and survival 2
2019 Università di Wurzburg, Germania Batchelor, Master e PhD Human CD28 costimulatory molecule:
pro-infammatory functions beyond a qualitative and quantitative support to TCR signals 2
2020 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Batchelor, Master and PhD Human CD28 costimulatory molecule:
pro-infammatory functions beyond a qualitative and quantitative support to TCR signals 2

IVA Supervisore/tutor di studenti di laurea triennale, magistrale e PhD

Anno Programma Tesi
2007 PhD in Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo 1 Tesi XIX cycle
2011 PhD in Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo 1 Tesi XXIII cycle
2017 PhD in Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo 1 Tesi XXIV cycle
2020 PhD in Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo 1 Tesi XXXII cycle
ongoing PhD in Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo 1 Tesi XXXVII cycle
2006-2023 Laure in Scienze Biologiche > 30 Tesi
2009-2023 LM-Genetica e Biologia Molecolare, LM-Biologia e Tecnologie Cellulari > 30 Tesi

Parte V Attività Accademica (nazionale e internazionale)
Anno Istituzione Programmi/Concorsi Ruolo
2004-in corso Sapienza Università di Roma Facoltà di scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali Membro dell Assemblea di Facoltà
2008-in corso Sapienza Università di Roma Laurea in Scienze Biologiche Membro del Consiglio dei Docenti
2008-in corso Sapienza Università di Roma Scuola di Dottorato in Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo Membro del Collegio dei Docenti
2014 Università di Roma Tor Vergata Scuola di Dottorato in Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare Membro della Commissione per l esame finale (XXVI ciclo)
2016 Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany PhD Valutatore esterno di una Tesi
2016 Università degli studi di Padova PhD in Scienze Biomediche Sperimentali Valutatore esterno di una Tesi (XXX ciclo)
2016-current Sapienza Università di Roma LM Genetica e Biologia Molecolare Membro del Consiglio dei Docenti
2018-2022 Sapienza Università di Roma LM Genetica e Biologia Molecolare Membro della Commissione per il controllo di qualità (AQ)
2018 Università di Roma Tor Vergata Scuola di Dottorato in Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare Membro della Commissione per l esame finale (XXXI ciclo)
2021-current Sapienza Università di Roma LM-Neurobiologia Membro del Consiglio dei Docenti
2021-2024 Sapienza Università di Roma CIVIS - Cancer and Immunology Blended Mobility Network - Cancer and Immunology Institute (AMU Co-Organizzatore
2021 Università degli Studi di Verona Concorso per una posizione da RTD-B (MED/04) Membro della Commissione
2021 Sapienza Università di Roma Concorso per una posizione da RTD-B (MED/04) Membro della Commissione

Parte VI Terza Missione
Anno Istituzione/Quotidiano Attività
2011 Istituto Pasteur Italia-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti Orientamento e training per studenti delle scuole superiori

2016 ANSA Intervista per divulgazione scientifica
2017 Wired Intervista per divulgazione scientifica
2018 CusMiBio Stage Una settimana da ricercatore for studenti delle scuole superiori
2022 Fanpage Intervista per divulgazione scientifica

Parte VII Appartenenza a Società Scientifiche, Premi e ASN

Anno Titolo
1994-1996 Borsa di studio per l estero per ricerche sull AIDS, Istituto Superiore della Sanità
1996-1998 Borsa di studio (Post-Doc), Foundation pour la Recherche Medical, Francia
1998-current Socio della Società Italiana d Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica ed Allergologia (SIICA)
1998-current Socio della European Cell Death Organization (ECDO)

2012-current Socio della European federation of Immunology Societies (EFIS)
1998 1st PBI PBI (GCI) per l attività di ricerca
2000 1st Prize Mascia Brunelli, Associazione Italiana Colture Cellulari (ONLUS-AICC, 2000) per l attività di ricerca

2014-2023 ASN Professore I Fascia, SC 05/F1
2014-2023 ASN Professore I Fascia, SC 05/B2
2020 Vigevani Research Project Prize 2020
2022-current ASN Professore I Fascia, SC 06/A2

Parte VIII Attività editoriale e di revisore (manuscritti e progetti di ricerca)
Anno Ruolo
2000-current Revisore per: Nature Review in Immunology - Journal of Immunology - British Journal of Immunology - BMC Immunology - Molecular Cancer Therapeutics European Journal of Immunology - Apoptosis Immunology Letters - Cell Death and Differentiation - Cancer Letters - Cell Death and Disease - Journal of Leukocyte Biology British Journal of Cancer Cancers Cells Embo Journal Faseb Journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Oncotarget Nature Communications PNAS Scientific Reports
2013 Revisore di progetti di ricerca FIRB, MIUR
2013 Revisore di progetti di ricerca, ANR (French National Research Agency)
2016 Revisore di progetti di ricerca, National Science Center (NSC, Krakov, Poland)
2012-current Associate Editor di Frontiers in Immunology, section T cell Biology
2018-current F1000 Faculty member
2017 Co-editor del Research Topic Membrane Lipids in T cell Functions . Frontiers in Immunology
2018 Revisore di progetti di ricerca, EEA Grants Collaborative Research Projects (Romania)
2020 Revisore di progetti di ricerca, ANR (French National Research Agency)
2021 Revisore di progetti di ricerca, Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
2022 Co-editor del Research Topic Insights in T cell Biology - 2021 . Frontiers in Immunology
2022-current Associate Editor di Cells, MDPI Journals

Parte IX Programmi di ricerca finanziati come PI-principal investigator

Anno Titolo Programma/Agenzia Valore/Euro
2000 Come il TCR e CD28 mediano l attivazione di NF- B Progetto Giovani Ricercatori MIUR 9000
2000 Caratterizzazione dei meccanismi molecolari che regolano i segnali del TCR e CD28 che portano all attivazione di NF- B CNR-Agenzia2000, CNR 11500
2004 PRIN 2004 MIUR 61500
2005 Regional AIRC Grants for Research on Ovarian Carcinoma AIRC 64400
2006 PRIN 2006 MIUR 60800
2008-current Progetto Ateneo Sapienza University of Rome 149300
2008-current Progetti di ricerca sul CD28 Istituto Pasteur Italia-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti 196000
2011 FISM Project 2011 Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (FISM) 100000
2016 FISM Project 2016 FISM 100000
2020 FISM Project 2020 FISM 30000
2020 Specialised phenotyping - Functional immune-phenotyping screen by mass cytometry INFRAFRONTIER2020 Facilities

Parte VII Attività di Ricerca e Scientifica

Keywords Descrizione
Linfociti T
Sclerosi Multipla
I started my research activity in 1991 and since 1998 I direct a research group characterized by several national and international collaborations as evidenced by authors co-signing our scientific works.
My research activity has been focused in the fields of cellular and molecular immunology and oncology. My work has resulted in the development of a well-characterized system to analyze the molecules, mechanisms and signal transduction pathways involved in cell activation and apoptosis. The analysis of apoptosis induction was initiated in 1993 and allowed the clarification of signals regulating the susceptibility of T cells to apoptosis induced by several stimuli, including immunosuppressive drugs and HIV-1. My studies unraveled the role of Bcl-2 family proteins in regulating T lymphocyte cell death in response to specific apoptotic signals. (International collaborators: Robert Lechler, Giovanna Lombardi, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK)
My laboratory also characterized the signalling pathways regulating mitochondria-dependent and Bax-regulated apoptosis in response to chemotherapeutic drugs. These studies contributed to elucidate and the role of p53 and p73 oncosuppressors in the acquisition of resistance to apoptosis by tumour cells. In particular, we identified a new tumour-associated mutant of p53 (K351N) involved in the acquisition of resistance to apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells and with specific defects in tetramerization, transcriptional activity and nuclear export. (International collaborators: Prof. Kazuyasu Sakaguchi, Hokkaido University; Sapporo, Japan; Wei Gu, Columbia University, New York, USA; Salma Abdelmoula-Souissi, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia).
We also contributed to the characterization of the molecules involved in the activation of NF- B signalling in T lymphocytes. We were among the first to evidence that the engagement of CD28 costimulatory molecule activates in primary T lymphocytes a non-canonical NF- B2-like cascade leading to the selective recruitment of RelA/p52 and RelA/RelA dimers on the promoter of several NF- B target genes including survival and inflammatory genes. These studies also contributed to the identification at a cellular and molecular level of distinct signalling abilities between human and mouse CD28, thus emphasizing the essential need to pay attention to molecular details when transferring results from preclinical models to the bedside. (International collaborations: Santos Manes, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid, Spain; Burkhart Schraven, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany: Robert T. Abraham, the Burnham Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA; Christopher E. Rudd, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK; Balbino Alarcon, University of Madrid (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain; Jacques Nunes, Aix-Marseille Université UM 105, 13284, Marseille, France; Daniel Olive, INSERM119, Marseille, France; Oreste Acuto, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; Antonio Lanzavecchia, Basel Institute, Switzerland). For this long-lasting expertise on CD28, she has been invited by Prof. Choi to write a chapter on CD28 in Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 2nd Edition, Springer.
Our recent studies clarify the pivotal role of membrane phospholipids, in particular phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate, and the kinases responsible for their generation (PIP5K, PIP4K and class 1A PI3K) in the regulation of cytoskeleton rearrangement necessary for organizing a complete signaling compartment regulating downstream signaling functions. (International collaborations: Jenny L. Persson, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden: Chenqi Xu, Shanghai Tech University, Shanghai, China). For these contribution in the field, in 2017, I was invited as co-editor of a Research Topic for Frontiers in Immunology entitled Membrane lipids in T cell functions , together with Prof. Chenqui Xu, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China.
More recently, we focused on the role of CD28 in the regulation of the metabolic and inflammatory processes in Multiple Sclerosis (MS), highlighting an important contribution of class 1A PI3K associated with CD28 in the reprogramming of the metabolic processes that maintain/amplify the inflammatory phenotype of peripheral T lymphocytes, thus suggesting class 1A PI3K as a valid therapeutic target for MS.
For these contribution in the field of T cell biology, in 2022, I was invited as co-editor of a Research Topic for Frontiers in Immunology entitled Insights into T cell Biology-2021 , together with Prof. Chen Dong, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and Remy Bosselut, National Cancer Institute (NIH), Rockville, United States
Actually, we are working on the characterization of the intracellular signalling events elicited by CD28 in response to bacterial superantigens and its control by CD28 dimer interface mimetic peptides.

Parte VIII Partecipazione come oratore a Congressi nazionali e internazionali
Anno Congresso Contributo
1994 European Congress of Immunology (ECI, Barcellona, Spagna) Presentazione orale
1997 Keysotne Symposia (Keystone Colorado, USA) Presentazione orale
2000 2nd European Workshop on Cell Death (EWCD, Gibilmanna) Presentazione orale
2005 3rd Lymphocyte signal transduction workshop, Aegean Conferences (Creta, Grecia) Presentazione orale
2010 52nd Annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society (Roma) Presentazione orale
2011 6th Lymphocyte signal transduction workshop, Aegean Conferences (Creta, Grecia). Presentazione orale
2011 Joint Annual Meeting of Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA) and German Society for Immunology (DGfI) Presentazione orale
2013 15th International Congress of
Immunology (ICI 2013, Milano) Chairman del Workshop "Costimulation"
2014 IX National Conference of the Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA, Firenze) Chairman del Workshop "Cell Signaling and Transcription Factors
2015 Annual Scientific Conference FISM (Roma) Presentazione orale
2020 Annual Scientific Conference FISM (Roma Presentazione orale
2023 Annual Scientific Conference FISM (Roma) Presentazione orale

Parte IX Sintesi dei risultati scientifici : IF = Impact factor
Data Base = Scopus
Papers totali = 62
IF totale = 662.493
Citazioni totali = 2221
H index = 28
Papers ultimo nome/corresponding = 29
IF ultimo nome/corresponding = 224.702
Citazioni ultimo nome/corresponding = 730

Pubblicazioni totali: IF = impact Factor, Cit = citations

1. Tuosto L. Editorial: Insights in T Cell Biology: 2021. Front. Immunol. 13:1039602. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1039602. IF: 8.786 Cit: 0

2. Amormino C, Tedeschi V, Paldino G, Arcieri S, Fiorillo MT, Paiardini A, Tuosto L*, Kunkl M. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Does Not Possess Intrinsic Superantigen-like Inflammatory Activity. Cells. 2022 Aug 15;11(16):2526. doi: 10.3390/cells11162526. * Corresponding author. IF: 7.666 Cit: 2

3. Tedeschi V, Paladino G, Kunkl M, Paroli M, Sorrentino R, Tuosto L, Fiorillo MT. CD8+ T cell senescence: lights and shadows in viral infections, autoimmune disorders and cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2022, 23:3374. doi: 10.3390/ijms23063374. IF: 6.208 Cit: 7

4. Kunkl M, Amormino C, Tedeschi V, Fiorillo MT, Tuosto L. Astrocytes and inflammatory T helper cells: a dangerous liaison in Multiple Sclerosis. Front Immunol. 2022 Feb 8;13:824411. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.824411. IF: 8.786 Cit: 4

5. Kunkl M, Amormino C, Caristi S, Tedeschi V, Fiorillo MT, Levy R, Popugailo A, Kaempfer R, Tuosto L. Binding of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) to B7 Receptors Triggers TCR- and CD28-Mediated Inflammatory Signals in the Absence of MHC Class II Molecules. Front Immunol. 2021 Aug 13;12:723689. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.723689. IF: 8.786 Cit: 3

6. Tedeschi V, Paldino G, Paladini F, Mattorre B, Tuosto L, Sorrentino R, Fiorillo MT. The Impact of the 'Mis-Peptidome' on HLA Class I-Mediated Diseases: Contribution of ERAP1 and ERAP2 and Effects on the Immune Response Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Dec 17;21(24):9608. doi: 10.3390/ijms21249608. IF: 6.208 Cit: 9

7. Kunkl M, Amormino C, Frascolla S, Sambucci M, De Bardi M, Caristi S, Arcieri S, Battistini L, Tuosto L. CD28 Autonomous Signaling Orchestrates IL-22 Expression and IL-22-Regulated Epithelial Barrier Functions in Human T Lymphocytes. Front Immunol. 2020 Oct 14;11:590964. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.590964. IF: 8.786 Cit: 4

8. Bucci E., Andreev K., Bjorkman A., Calogero R. A., Carafoli E., Carninci P., Castagnoli P., Cossarizza A., Mussini C., Guerin P., Lipworth B., Sbardella G., Stocki T., Tuosto L., van Tulleken C., Viola A. Safety and efficacy of the Russian COVID-19 vaccine: more information needed. Lancet. 2020 Oct 3;396(10256):e53. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31960-7. IF: 202.731 Cit: 21

9. Kunkl M, Frascolla S, Amormino C, Volpe E, Tuosto L. T Helper Cells: The Modulators of Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis. Cells. 2020 Feb 19;9(2). pii: E482. doi: 10.3390/cells9020482. IF: 7.666 Cit: 75

10. Kunkl M, Sambucci M, Ruggieri S, Amormino C, Tortorella C, Gasperini C, Battistini L, Tuosto L. CD28 Autonomous Signaling Up-Regulates C-Myc Expression and Promotes Glycolysis Enabling Inflammatory T Cell Responses in Multiple Sclerosis. Cells. 2019 Jun 11;8(6). doi: 10.3390/cells8060575. IF: 7.666 Cit: 20

11. Kunkl M, Mastrogiovanni M, Porciello N, Caristi S, Monteleone E, Arcieri S, Tuosto L. CD28 Individual Signaling Up-regulates Human IL-17A Expression by Promoting the Recruitment of RelA/NF- B and STAT3 Transcription Factors on the Proximal Promoter. Front Immunol. 2019 Apr 24;10:864. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00864. eCollection 2019. IF: 8.786 Cit: 8

12. Tuosto L, Xu C. Editorial: Membrane Lipids in T Cell Functions. Front Immunol. 2018 Jul 9;9:1608. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01608. IF: 8.786 Cit: 5

13. Porciello N, Kunkl M, Tuosto L. CD28 between tolerance and autoimmunity: the side effects of animal models. F1000Res. 2018 May 30;7. pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-682. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.14046.1. Cit: 4

14. Porciello N, Grazioli P, Campese AF, Kunkl M, Caristi S, Mastrogiovanni M, Muscolini M, Spadaro F, Favre C, Nunès JA, Borroto A, Alarcon B, Screpanti I, Tuosto L. A non-conserved amino acid variant regulates differential signalling between human and mouse CD28. Nat Commun. 2018 Mar 14;9(1):1080. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03385-8. IF: 17.694 Cit: 16

15. Kunkl M, Porciello N, Mastrogiovanni M, Capuano C, Lucantoni F, Moretti C, Persson JL, Galandrini R, Buzzetti R, Tuosto L. ISA-2011B, a Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase inhibitor, impairs CD28-dependent costimulatory and pro-inflammatory signals in human T lymphocytes. Front Immunol. 2017 Apr 26;8:502. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00502. IF: 8.786 Cit: 12

16. Porciello N, Kunkl M, Viola A, Tuosto L. Phosphatidylinositol 4-Phosphate 5-Kinases in the Regulation of T Cell Activation. Front Immunol. 2016 May 13;7:186. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2016.00186. IF: 8.786 Cit: 22

17. Porciello N, Tuosto L. CD28 costimulatory signals in T lymphocyte activation: Emerging functions beyond a qualitative and quantitative support to TCR signalling. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2016 Apr;28:11-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2016.02.004. IF: 17.660 Cit: 34

18. Kallikourdis M, Trovato AE, Roselli G, Muscolini M, Porciello N, Tuosto L*, Viola A. Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase controls recruitment of lipid rafts into the Immunological Synapse. J Immunol. 2016 Feb 15;196(4):1955-63 doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1501788 *Corresponding author. IF: 5.446 Cit: 25

19. Tuosto L, Capuano C, Muscolini M, Santoni A, Galandrini R. The multifaceted role of PIP2 in leukocyte biology. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015 Dec;72(23):4461-74 doi: 10.1007/s00018-015-2013-0. IF: 9.237 Cit: 29

20. Muscolini M, Camperio C, Porciello N, Caristi S, Capuano C, Viola A, Galandrini R, Tuosto L. Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase and Vav1 mutual cooperation in CD28-mediated actin remodeling and signaling functions. J Immunol. 2015 Feb 1;194(3):1323-33. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1401643. IF: 5.446 Cit: 22

21. Colasanti T, Vomero M, Alessandri C, Barbati C, Maselli A, Camperio C, Conti F, Tinari A, Carlo-Stella C, Tuosto L, Benincasa D, Valesini G, Malorni W, Pierdominici M, Ortona E. Role of alpha-synuclein in autophagy modulation of primary human T lymphocytes. Cell Death Dis. 2014 May 29;5:e1265. IF: 9.705 Cit: 35

22. Camperio C., Muscolini M., Volpe E., Di Mitri D., Mechelli R., Buscarinu M.C., Ruggieri S., Piccolella E., Salvetti M., Gasperini C., Battistini L., Tuosto L. CD28 ligation in the absence of TCR stimulation up-regulates IL-17A and pro-inflammatory cytokines in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis T lymphocytes. Immunol Lett 2014 Jan 8;158(1-2):134-142 doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2013.12.020. IF: 4.230 Cit: 28

23. Palermo V, Mangiapelo E, Piloto C, Pieri L, Muscolini M, Tuosto L, Mazzoni C. p53 death signal is mainly mediated by Nuc1(EndoG) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Res. 2013 Nov;13(7):682-8. IF: 2.923 Cit: 9

24. Muscolini M, Camperio C, Capuano C, Caristi S, Piccolella E, Galandrini R, Tuosto L. Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase activation critically contributes to CD28-dependent signaling responses. J Immunol. 2013 May 15;190(10):5279-86. IF: 5.446 Cit: 18

25. Muscolini M, Montagni E, Palermo V, Di Agostino S, Gu W, Abdelmoula-Soussi S, Mazzoni C, Blandino G and Tuosto L. The cancer-associated K351N mutation affects the ubiquitination and the translocation to mitochondria of p53 protein. J Biol Chem. 2011 Nov 18;286(46):39693-702. IF: 5.486 Cit: 19

26. Muscolini M., Sajeva A., Caristi S. and Tuosto L. A novel association between Filamin A and NF- B Inducing Kinase couples CD28 to Inhibitor of NF- B kinase and NF- B activation. Immunol Lett. 2011 May;136(2):203-12. IF: 4.230 Cit: 21

27. Tuosto L. NF- B family of transcription factors: Biochemical players of CD28 co-stimulation. Immunol Lett. 2011 Sep 21. Mar 30;135(1-2):1-9. IF: 4.230 Cit: 37

28. Muscolini M, Montagni E, Caristi S, Nomura T, Kamada R, Di Agostino S, Corazzari M, Piacentini M, Blandino G, Costanzo A, Sakaguchi K, Tuosto L. Characterization of a new cancer-associated mutant of p53 with a missense mutation (K351N) in the tetramerization domain. Cell Cycle. 2009 Oct 15;8(20):3396-405. IF: 5.173 Cit: 14

29. Muscolini M, Cianfrocca R, Sajeva A, Mozzetti S, Ferrandina G, Costanzo A, Tuosto L. Trichostatin A up-regulates p73 and induces Bax-dependent apoptosis in cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther. 2008 Jun;7(6):1410-9. IF: 6.009 Cit: 45

30. Annibaldi A, Sajeva A, Muscolini M, Ciccosanti F, Corazzari M, Piacentini M, Tuosto L. CD28 ligation in the absence of TCR promotes RelA/NF-kappaB recruitment and trans-activation of the HIV-1 LTR. Eur J Immunol. 2008 May;38(5):1446-51. IF: 6.688 Cit: 11

31. Falasca L, Farrace MG, Rinaldi A, Tuosto L, Melino G, Piacentini M. Transglutaminase type II is involved in the pathogenesis of endotoxic shock. J Immunol. 2008 Feb 15;180(4):2616-24. IF: 5.446 Cit: 56

32. Cianfrocca R, Muscolini M, Marzano V, Annibaldi A, Marinari B, Levrero M, Costanzo A, Tuosto L. RelA/NF-kappaB recruitment on the bax gene promoter antagonizes p73-dependent apoptosis in costimulated T cells. Cell Death Differ. 2008 Feb;15(2):354-63. IF: 12.077 Cit: 33

33. Tavano R, Contento RL, Baranda SJ, Soligo M, Tuosto L, Manes S, Viola A. CD28 interaction with filamin-A controls lipid raft accumulation at the T-cell immunological synapse. Nat Cell Biol. 2006 Nov;8(11):1270-6. IF: 28.213 Cit: 121

34. Scottà C, Tuosto L, Masci AM, Racioppi L, Piccolella E, Frasca L. Hypervariable region 1 variant acting as TCR antagonist affects hepatitis C virus-specific CD4+ T cell repertoire by favoring CD95-mediated apoptosis. J Leukoc Biol. 2005 Aug;78(2):372-82. IF: 6.011 Cit: 5

35. Tavano R, Gri G, Molon B, Marinari B, Rudd CE, Tuosto L, Viola A. CD28 and lipid rafts coordinate recruitment of Lck to the immunological synapse of human T lymphocytes. J Immunol. 2004 Nov 1;173(9):5392-7. IF: 5.446 Cit: 89

36. Marinari B, Costanzo A, Marzano V, Piccolella E, Tuosto L. CD28 delivers a unique signal leading to the selective recruitment of RelA and p52 NF-kappaB subunits on IL-8 and Bcl-xL gene promoters. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Apr 20;101(16):6098-103. IF: 12.779 Cit: 67

37. Marinari B, Simeoni L, Schraven B, Piccolella E, Tuosto L. The activation of Csk by CD4 interferes with TCR-mediated activatory signaling. Eur J Immunol. 2003 Sep;33(9):2609-18. IF: 6.688 Cit: 5

38. Guillaume S, Tuosto L, Tanchot C, Di Bartolo V, Acuto O, Rocha B. Proximal changes in signal transduction that modify CD8+ T cell responsiveness in vivo. Eur J Immunol. 2003 Sep;33(9):2551-6. IF: 6.688 Cit: 16

39. Tuosto L, Marinari B, Andreotti M, Federico M, Piccolella E. Vav exchange factor counteracts the HIV-1 Nef-mediated decrease of plasma membrane GM1 and NF-AT activity in T cells. Eur J Immunol. 2003 Aug;33(8):2186-96. IF: 6.688 Cit: 8

40. Piccolella E, Spadaro F, Ramoni C, Marinari B, Costanzo A, Levrero M, Thomson L, Abraham RT, Tuosto L. Vav-1 and the IKK alpha subunit of I kappa B kinase functionally associate to induce NF-kappa B activation in response to CD28 engagement. J Immunol. 2003 Mar 15;170(6):2895-903. IF: 5.446 Cit: 45

41. Tuosto L, Marinari B, Piccolella E. CD4-Lck through TCR and in the absence of Vav exchange factor induces Bax increase and mitochondrial damage. J Immunol. 2002 Jun 15;168(12):6106-12. IF: 5.446 Cit: 17

42. Marinari B, Costanzo A, Viola A, Michel F, Mangino G, Acuto O, Levrero M, Piccolella E, Tuosto L. Vav cooperates with CD28 to induce NF-kappaB activation via a pathway involving Rac-1 and mitogen-activated kinase kinase 1. Eur J Immunol. 2002 Feb;32(2):447-56. IF: 6.688 Cit: 60

43. Tuosto L, Parolini I, Schröder S, Sargiacomo M, Lanzavecchia A, Viola A. Organization of plasma membrane functional rafts upon T cell activation. Eur J Immunol. 2001 Feb;31(2):345-9. IF: 6.688 Cit: 135

44. Michel F, Mangino G, Attal-Bonnefoy G, Tuosto L, Alcover A, Roumier A, Olive D, Acuto O. CD28 utilizes Vav-1 to enhance TCR-proximal signaling and NF-AT activation. J Immunol. 2000 Oct 1;165(7):3820-9. IF: 5.446 Cit: 79

45. Tuosto L, Costanzo A, Guido F, Marinari B, Vossio S, Moretti F, Levrero M, Piccolella E. Mitogen-activated kinase kinase kinase 1 regulates T cell receptor- and CD28-mediated signaling events which lead to NF-kappaB activation. Eur J Immunol. 2000 Sep;30(9):2445-54. IF: 6.688 Cit: 27

46. Somma F, Tuosto L*, Gilardini Montani MS, Di Somma MM, Cundari E, Piccolella E. Engagement of CD4 before TCR triggering regulates both Bax- and Fas (CD95)-mediated apoptosis. J Immunol. 2000 May 15;164(10):5078-87. (*co-first author) IF: 5.446 Cit: 28

47. Frasca L, Del Porto P, Tuosto L, Marinari B, Scottà C, Carbonari M, Nicosia A, Piccolella E. Hypervariable region 1 variants act as TCR antagonists for hepatitis C virus-specific CD4+ T cells. J Immunol. 1999 Jul 15;163(2):650-8. IF: 5.446 Cit: 76

48. Gilardini Montani MS, Tuosto L, Giliberti R, Stefanini L, Cundari E, Piccolella E. Dexamethasone induces apoptosis in human T cell clones expressing low levels of Bcl-2. Cell Death Differ. 1999 Jan;6(1):79-86. IF: 12.077 Cit: 14

49. Michel F, Grimaud L, Tuosto L, Acuto O. Fyn and ZAP-70 are required for Vav phosphorylation in T cells stimulated by antigen-presenting cells. J Biol Chem. 1998 Nov 27;273(48):31932-8. IF: 5.486 Cit: 85

50. Tuosto L, Acuto O. CD28 affects the earliest signaling events generated by TCR engagement. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Jul;28(7):2131-42. IF: 6.688 Cit: 91

51. Viola A, Salio M, Tuosto L, Linkert S, Acuto O, Lanzavecchia A. Quantitative contribution of CD4 and CD8 to T cell antigen receptor serial triggering. J Exp Med. 1997 Nov 17;186(10):1775-9. IF: 17.579 Cit: 84

52. Mège D, Di Bartolo V, Germain V, Tuosto L, Michel F, Acuto O. Mutation of tyrosines 492/493 in the kinase domain of ZAP-70 affects multiple T-cell receptor signaling pathways. J Biol Chem. 1996 Dec 20;271(51):32644-52. IF: 5.486 Cit: 58

53. Tuosto L, Michel F, Acuto O. p95vav associates with tyrosine-phosphorylated SLP-76 in antigen-stimulated T cells. J Exp Med. 1996 Sep 1;184(3):1161-6. IF: 17.579 Cit: 173

54. Carbone E, Terrazzano G, Colonna M, Tuosto L, Piccolella E, Franksson L, Palazzolo G, Pérez-Villar JJ, Fontana S, Kärre K, Zappacosta S. Natural killer clones recognize specific soluble HLA class I molecules. Eur J Immunol. 1996 Mar;26(3):683-9. IF: 6.688 Cit: 46

55. Montani, M.S.G., Tuosto, L. & Piccolella, E. Apoptosis. Clin. Immunother. 1996 5: 413 419 IF: 0.862 Cit: 1

56. Tuosto L, Piazza C, Moretti S, Modesti A, Greenlaw R, Lechler R, Lombardi G, Piccolella E. Ligation of either CD2 or CD28 rescues CD4+ T cells from HIV-gp120-induced apoptosis. Eur J Immunol. 1995 Oct;25(10):2917-22. IF: 6.688 Cit: 32

57. Tuosto L, Gilardini Montani MS, Lorenzetti S, Cundari E, Moretti S, Lombardi G, Piccolella E. Differential susceptibility to monomeric HIV gp120-mediated apoptosis in antigen-activated CD4+ T cell populations. Eur J Immunol. 1995 Oct;25(10):2907-16. IF: 6.688 Cit: 30

58. Del Porto P, D'Amato M, Fiorillo MT, Tuosto L, Piccolella E, Sorrentino R. Identification of a novel HLA-B27 subtype by restriction analysis of a cytotoxic gamma delta T cell clone. J Immunol. 1994 Oct 1;153(7):3093-100. IF: 5.446 Cit: 58

59. Tuosto L, Karr RW, Fu XT, Olson RR, Cundari E, Piccolella E, Lechler R, Lombardi G. Different regions of the N-terminal domains of HLA-DR1 influence recognition of individual peptide-DR1 complexes. Hum Immunol. 1994 Aug;40(4):312-22. IF: 2.211 Cit: 9

60. Tuosto L, Cundari E, Gilardini Montani MS, Piccolella E. Analysis of susceptibility of mature human T lymphocytes to dexamethasone-induced apoptosis. Eur J Immunol. 1994 May;24(5):1061-5. IF: 6.688 Cit: 101

61. Carlucci S, Beschin A, Tuosto L, Ameglio F, Gandolfo GM, Cocito C, Fiorucci F, Saltini C, Piccolella E. Mycobacterial antigen complex A60-specific T-cell repertoire during the course of pulmonary tuberculosis. Infect Immun. 1993 Feb;61(2):439-47. IF: 3.621 Cit: 19

62. Gilardini Montani MS, Tuosto L, Delfini M, Guerritore D, Starace G, Politi E, Piccolella E. A new tripeptide, Pol 509, influences biochemical events associated with antigen presentation efficiency of PPD-specific EBV-B cells. Immunopharmacology. 1993 Jan-Feb;25(1):51-63. IF (2002): 4.202. Cit: 5