

Sapienza is connected to the world. We currently manage over 1,000 inter-institutional Erasmus agreements with 400 universities in all participating countries. That means our students have more options than ever before. Each year there are over 1,100 incoming and outgoing students. In addition to the Erasmus programme international students can choose to spend time studying or working on research projects at our University.

Exchange students enjoy a wide range of services such as guidance and tutoring (SOrT), info and reception (Urp, Hello), free transportation (Minerva), a help desk for people with disabilities, cafeterias, libraries, sporting facilities (Cus), cultural centres, technological facilities and more.

Visiting students earn credits for individual courses without full enrolment in Sapienza. 

Sapienza is like a small city. Inside the campus you'll find everything you need whether you want to open a bank account or mail a letter. The University is also quite active culturally and organises a range of diverse events where exchange students can meet local students and make friendships that last a lifetime.