Professional Opportunities

Profile: Pharmaceutical Biotechnologist

Functions: Graduates in the Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology have high levels of expertise in the programming and scientific and technical-productive development of biotechnology applied in the field of health.

Graduates in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology will therefore be able to operate, with functions of high responsibility, in the following areas:

diagnostic, through the management of molecular analysis technologies and biotechnologies applied to medical fields,

pharmacological, toxicological, cosmetological and environmental;

experimentation in the biomedical and animal field, with particular reference to the use of in vivo and in vitro models for the understanding of the pathogenesis of diseases and mechanisms of action of new drugs;

therapeutic, with particular regard to the development and testing of innovative pharmaceutical products (including gene therapy);

of the formulation, with reference to the preparation of advanced pharmaceutical forms for the administration of new therapeutic products;

production and design in relation to health patents.

In addition, graduates in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology will be able to:

to direct laboratories with a prevalent biotechnological and pharmacological characterization;

to promote and develop scientific and technological innovation in the fields of application of pharmaceutical biotechnology;

manage production facilities in the chemical industry, in the bio-industry, in the pharmaceutical industry;

to coordinate, even at the management and administrative level, development and surveillance programs of biotechnologies applied in the field of health with particular regard to the development of pharmacological products and vaccines taking into account the ethical, technical, legal and environmental protection implications.

Moreover, because of the equivalence between the degree classes LM9 and LM6 (Biology), the graduate in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology will be able to access the professional functions regulated by public competitions foreseen in the medical-health field.

Skills: The graduate in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology has the following skills and knowledge, required for the performance of the functions described:

- chemical-analytical skills

- knowledge of molecular and cellular mechanisms (physiological and pathological)

- skills in pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and toxicology

- knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry, technology and pharmaceutical legislation

- bioinformatics, drug design and modeling skills

- self-learning and continuous updating skills

- specific transversal competences for the biotechnological-pharmaceutical area of ​​the communicative-relational, organizational-management and programming type, which are in agreement with the degree of autonomy and responsibility assigned and which can also be used internationally.

Career opportunities: Graduates in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology will find employment opportunities in the following professional fields: pharmaceutical industry, scientific information and dissemination, cosmetics industry, toxicological and environmental studies and surveys, food industry, universities and other public and private research institutes and institutions , pharmaceutical research centres, research and development centres for biotechnological diagnostics, biotechnological service centres, National Health System structures, bodies responsible for the development of health and patent laws concerning the exploitation of biotechnological products.

After completing the training course, the graduate in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology will be able to acquire further skills, as well as greater autonomy and responsibility, through access to the research doctorate, specialization schools (eg Pharmacology) and II level Masters. In addition, according to current legislation, will be able to take the exam for access to the FIT (Initial Training and Internship) to acquire the teaching qualification in secondary schools of first and second degree.

Allo stato attuale è possibile ipotizzare un sistema di consultazioni cicliche con le organizzazioni rappresentative a livello locale e nazionale (Farmindustria, Rappresentanze dei Biotecnologi, Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco), per un confronto circa la formazione di un laureato con conoscenze biochimico-farmaceutiche adeguate per portare avanti lo studio di farmaci basati sulle moderne tecnologie, ed un aggiornamento sulle tematiche relative all'inserimento professionale dei laureati. Per ottenere informazioni in tempi più rapidi, è stato proposto di integrare tale azione con una ulteriore che prevede la somministrazione di un questionario a diverse aziende Italiane o estere che operano nel settore. Per tale scopo il CDS e la Commissione AQ si sono avvalse dell'assistenza di JobSOUL per interpellare aziende e strutture che operano in ambito biotecnologico nella regione. Tale questionario ha avuto per oggetto il profilo professionale ottimale di un laureato in Biotecnologie Farmaceutiche, con particolare riferimento alle conoscenze teoriche più importanti e alle competenze tecniche/sperimentali che sono più utili per l'inserimento occupazionale del laureato. Il questionario è stato somministrato nell’anno 2016 e successivamente, in forma leggermente modificata, nel 2017. I risultati ottenuti sono stati utilizzati dalla Commissione AQ per suggerire modifiche e/o integrazioni al corso. Il questionario sarà riproposto nel 2018.
Nel 2017 sono stati avviati contatti con i rappresentanti del mondo del lavoro che hanno portato a due incontri:
- 11 gennaio 2018: incontro sul tema “LA FORMAZIONE IN BIOTECNOLOGIE - INCONTRO CON LE PARTI SOCIALI” a cui hanno partecipato il Dott. Leonardo Vingiani (Direttore Assobiotec - Federchimica) e il Prof. Mauro Magnani (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, già Direttore del Consorzio Interuniversitario Biotecnologie (CIB).
- 19 gennaio 2018: Incontro sul tema “Medicinal Investigational Research Biogem: A research platform focused on Discovery and Preclinical Development of new drugs” con il Dr. Claudio Pisano
Durante questi incontri sono state affrontate le tematiche riguardanti la formazione e l’occupazione dei laureati in Biotecnologie, e più in particolare in Biotecnologie Farmaceutiche.