Study plan


Curriculum unico

First year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1041789 - PSYCHOLOGY OF THE COURSE OF LIFE First semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian
1023961 - PRIVATE LAW AND FAMILY First semester 9 IUS/01 Italian
1018210 - SOCIAL STATISTICS First semester 6 SECS-S/05 Italian
1020464 - FUNDAMENTALS AND METHODS OF SOCIAL SERVICE First semester 9 SPS/07 Italian
AAF1796 - Computer skills for assessing psychometric First semester 3 Italian
1015318 - CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Second semester 6 M-DEA/01 Italian
1042042 - PRINCIPLES OF PUBLC LAW Second semester 6 IUS/09 Italian
AAF1185 - FOREIGN LANGUAGES SKILLS Second semester 3 Italian

Second year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1042043 - PUBLIC HEALTH First semester 6 MED/42 Italian
1038697 - GENERAL AND SOCIAL PEDAGOGY First semester 6 M-PED/01 Italian
1025518 - SOCIAL SERVICE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES First semester 6 Italian
1010531 - ORGANIZATION OF SOCIAL SERVICES First semester 9 SPS/09 Italian
1022521 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Second semester 6 SPS/08 Italian
1022505 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Second semester 6 M-PSI/05 Italian
1026957 - DYNAMIC PSYCHOLOGY Second semester 6 M-PSI/07 Italian
10591757 - Psychopathology and deviance Second semester 6 M-PSI/08 Italian
AAF1047 - Training Second semester 9 Italian

Third year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
98111 - PSYCHOLOGY OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONS First semester 6 M-PSI/06 Italian
1010540 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY First semester 6 M-PSI/08 Italian
AAF1220 - Training II First semester 9 Italian
1042045 - SOCIAL SERVICE AND SOCIAL POLICIES Second semester 6 SPS/07 Italian
1025518 - SOCIAL SERVICE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Second semester 6 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 12 Italian
AAF1004 - Final exam Second semester 6 Italian

Optional Groups

School regulations

Degree Programme in Social Work (CLaSS)

Interfaculty course
The Degree Programme in Social Work is an interfaculty course, coordinated by the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, with teachers from the faculties of: Law; Sociology and Communication; Medicine and Psychology; Pharmacy and Medicine; Information, Computer and Statistical Engineering; Economics.

Educational Goals and Professional Skills
The Programme (CLaSS) is aimed at supplying knowledge and tools specifically intended to satisfy the needs of the professional area of social work, in order to be a care worker, both freelance and employed. 
The Programme supplies specific skills aimed at: fostering the social bonds and health, viewed as wellbeing and quality of individuals and groups' lives; preventing and solving disadvantages of communities, groups, families, and individuals; carrying out tasks of promotion, management, organisation, evaluation, planning, and direction of social work; developing strategies of social information on citizens' services and rights; fostering and coordinating new resources, included those at the base of the third sector.
The Programme is aimed at supplying the following professional skills:
1. operating with technical-professional and judgement autonomy in all stages of interventions for the prevention, support, and rehabilitation of needy individuals, families, groups, and communities; 
2. managing and collaborating, with executive tasks, to the planning and organisation of social work; 
3. coordinating, with executive tasks, other figures, voluntary and non, involved in individual and collective interventions;
4. fostering good relationships and mediating possible conflict situations;
5. exercising an advocacy function for the social groups more vulnerable towards the competent institutions;
6. carrying out educational and supervision activities in the area of social work.
For this purpose, are essential the professionalising courses of Social Work and the external professional internship. In order to take advantage of the experience of external professionals, the didactic modules related to the professional area (social work disciplines) are entrusted to experts in social work, with documented professional titles and experience, according to the last clause of art. 4 DPR No. 162, 10/3/1982.

Information on the Educational Path 
The educational path includes 20 courses, and each one of them is designed as a "didactic unit" of at least 6 or 9 credits with a final evaluation, so to give enough space to each educational moment. To the professionalising internship are assigned 18 ECTS; to other elective educational activities 12 ECTS; to the foreign language (English) and the IT skills for the psychometric evaluation 3 ECTS each; the remaining 6 ECTS are for the final test.
The credit is the unit of measurement of student's work and corresponds to 25 hours. Each credit is made up of 8 hours of lectures or 12 hours of workshop activities. 
The Programme includes courses related to various Scientific Disciplinary Areas useful to acquire theoretical models, methods and techniques for the comprehension of social phenomena characterised by the complexity of the historical-cultural moment, and for the planning and realisation of social work intervention. There are basic and characterising courses with multidisciplinary qualities strengthened by the interfaculty character of the Programme, with important contributes by the juridical, demo-ethno-anthropological, economic, psychological, statistical-social, and medical-healthcare areas; the courses are also integrated by the training in similar areas, with possible contributes in the psychological (clinical-dynamic), economic-administrative, public law, philosophical, and medical jurisprudence fields.
More in detail, in order to obtain the degree in Social Work, the student must get the credits related to:
1. the basic educational activities (sociological, juridical, psychological, political-economic, statistical, and anthropological-pedagogical disciplines) for a total of 54 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: SPS/07 (9 ECTS); SPS/08 (6 ECTS); IUS/09 (6 ECTS); M-PSI/05 (6 ECTS); SECS-P/02 (9 ECTS); SECS-S/05 (6 ECTS); M-DEA/01 (6 ECTS); M-PED/01 (6 ECTS).
2. the educational activities connected to the characterising disciplinary fields, for a total of 66 credits, divided into:
a. sociological disciplines, with 36 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: SPS/07 (27 ECTS), SPS/09 (9 ECTS);
b. juridical disciplines, with 9 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary area: IUS/01;
c. psychological disciplines, with 15 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: M-PSI/04 (9 ECTS), M-PSI/06 (6 ECTS);
d. medical disciplines, with 6 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary area: MED/42.
3. the similar and supplementary activities, for a total of 18 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: M-PSI/07 (6 ECTS); M-PSI/08 (6 ECTS); SPS/12 (6 ECTS).
4. the elective activities (12 ECTS); 
5. the final test (6 ECTS);
6. the verification on the knowledge of a foreign language, with a special reference to the social work themes (3 ECTS);
7. the verification on the skills in using IT tools, especially data archiving and elaboration, text composition, and Internet research softwares (3 ECTS); 
8. the internship, evaluated by means of the discussion on a detailed report of the professional activity carried out during the internship and adequately documented (18 ECTS).
The internship is compulsory and is to be carried out in external institutions, under the supervision of a care worker tutor working in affiliated institutions and coordinated by a teacher of a professional discipline.
Activities carried out in social work structures abroad are valid for the professional internship.

Admission Requirements
In order to access the Programme is necessary a high school diploma obtained in Italy, or another equivalent title or recognised by the laws in force. Candidates should also have a good knowledge of Italian, basic knowledge of English, and general culture knowledge. 
The admission test modalities are decided each year by the CLaSS Board.
The number of students is decided each year by the Academic Senate, after consulting the CLaSS Board, according to the available structures, the limits coming from the external professional internship, and the laws in force. 
The enrolment of students coming from other Programmes depends on the admission test; if the student passes it, not more than 60 credits from the previous Programme can be recognised.
The students who have passed the test but are under a certain limit have to attend activities aimed at supplying the missing knowledge.

Educational Goals

Knowledge and understanding

The degree can be given to the students who have proved to understand the main theories and techniques of Social Work presented in all scientific disciplinary areas of the Programme. The student will also have to prove skills in analysing themes on: social determinants of health (education, income, work, house, social bonds, access to services), inequality, family discontinuity (separation, divorce, families with old or disabled people, foster families), and social risk (marginality, deviance, abuse and mistreatment, substance addiction, discrimination and racism), that characterise the modern social structures; these skills imply knowledge and constant updates, and graduates must prove to have conducted theoretical and empirical in-depth analyses. 
Students are also required to develop skills at creating bibliographical updates on themes specific of intervention and on innovative methods well integrated in their training (e.g. family mediation, intercultural mediation). 
These skills can be obtained by means of an active participation to the didactic activities (lectures), workshop exercises, and individual study. 
The achievement of this goal will be verified through the exams' results, especially for the professionalising courses.

Applying knowledge and understanding

CLaSS graduates must be able to apply the main theoretical knowledge and intervention methods learned by means of the basic, characterising and/or similar courses to specific problems and/or social disadvantages (disadvantaged children, disabled, old people, immigrant families and minors, etc.). They will be also able to deal with complex organisational processes and to possess the needed skills to solve specific problems by means of argumentations empirically founded compared to these ones. 
These skills can be obtained mainly by means of the professionalising internship in the second and third year and the workshop activities that integrate the courses. 
The achievement of such skills will be verified with mid-term tests and final exams, with discussions on cases and/or the aptitude of field research during the internship. With an individual study, the student can obtain autonomously these skills, but they are strengthened by means of the supervision of the internship too.

Making judgements

The degree is assigned to the students who prove to have developed skills in making critical judgements on scientific texts and sources connected to the processes of social analysis. Students are also required to be able to deal with conceptual frameworks integrated to the intervention methods. Graduates must then be able to prepare quantitative and qualitative researches and to apply theoretical knowledge directing it to the planning of specific intervention areas and methods. Planning skills will be acquired by attending seminars and workshops organised by the various disciplinary areas, by making didactic visits to public and private structures of social intervention, and by studying and making exercises on specific cases. 
At the end of the course, students must be able to take their responsibilities in the professional actions the Programme prepares them to, and to evaluate the relevance and the deontological correctness of the requests made to them. The evaluation will take place by means of the exams' results, the internship reports, and the final test.

Communication skills

The degree is assigned to the students who prove to be able to effectively communicate with various social individuals. This implies the skills in learning and using a kind of communication useful to interact with several professionals in the social work area and/or with other professionals included in the management/treatment of social problems, such as health operators, operators in juridical and institutional fields, decision-makers, etc. Graduates are also required to be able to conduct and/or manage group discussions aimed at preparing interventions and to develop an inclination to the individual assessment, that is an effective tool to deal with the various situations of social disquiet, social deviance, marginality. The didactic tools used to achieve these goals are especially the activity of analysis and reflection on cases during the internship.

Learning skills

The degree can be assigned to the students who have developed skills in using specialised texts and their bibliographies, and research skills by means of IT databases. The achievement of such a result represents the final results of students' learning process, aimed at a continuing update, getting a Masters Degree and/or titles related to other post-graduate courses. With the final test, the skills at using the various bibliographical tools, included the electronic ones, will be verified; it will also verify the skills in expressing, both written and oral, one's critical arguments.

Features of the Final Test 
For the final test dissertation in front of a board, it is planned a theoretical-empirical composition based on the topics discussed in the Programme; it allows to evaluate student's skills in putting together adequate theoretical knowledge, intervention methods, and critical evaluation of the results.

Job and Professional Opportunities for Graduates
CLaSS graduates can carry out all professions recognised in the social work area, that is regulated and supervised by a professional register.
These can be in the form of work in: local institutions (single or associated municipalities, mountain communities, provinces, regions); health and social services (with a special reference to ASL and hospitals); ministries, with a special reference to Ministry of Justice (services for adults and minors), Ministry of Interior (areas of immigration and of addictions), Ministry of Welfare (or similar titles); Third Sector (social co-operatives, non-profit organisations, charities, charitable institutions, voluntary associations, non-governmental organisations-NGO). 
Other job possibilities are in international institutions (with a special reference to the area of collaboration, international adoption, planning, and research). A care worker can also operate as a freelance in a single or associated form (multi-professionals offices).

Elective Credits
Elective credits must be obtained within the various types of the Other Educational Activities (AAF) for a total of 12 ECTS. 
According to what the Programme Board (CCL) approved on 12/11/2012, the kinds of AAF for which a student can ask for their recognitions by the appointed committee are: 
1) exams related to a) basic, b) characterising, and c) similar activities of other Programmes of Sapienza, according to the University Regulations, especially those of the Programmes cooperating with CLaSS (Medicine and Psychology; Sociology; Communication; Pharmacy and Medicine; Law; Information, Computer, and Statistical Engineering); 
2) exams taken in other universities related to courses that have no correspondence with the activities planned by CLaSS, but that are suitable for the educational training chosen by the student (maximum 6 ECTS); 
3) supplementary activities organised by CLaSS, attending the seminars or the interdisciplinary workshops organised by at least two teachers; activities managed by single teachers in the form of a) seminars or workshops, b) directed essays, and c) research activities (maximum 2 ECTS); 
4) courses of Elective Didactic Activity (ADE) organised by CLaSS teachers (and previously approved by CCL) and ADE courses in faculties of Sapienza that cooperate with CLaSS (maximum 3 ECTS); 
5) exams taken within the Erasmus programme that have no correspondence with the activities planned by CLaSS, but that are suitable for the educational training chosen by the student, as well as the participation to the Erasmus Intensive Programmes, Socrates, or other similar international programmes (maximum 6 ECTS); 
6) attendance to international and national conventions and workshops within an educational project previously approved by a CLaSS teacher (maximum 1 ECTS); 
7) educational courses related to the Programme offered by non-university institutions (maximum 4 ECTS); 
8) stages, and work and voluntary activities (from now on "activities") carried out continuously and related to the educational path (maximum 4 ECTS).

Change of Degree Programme and Recognition of Exams
The students who come from another university or another Programme of Sapienza, or who are already graduate (with a three-year degree, a Masters degree, or a single-cycle degree) and enrol to CLaSS can have their previous ECTS recognised, as long as they pass the admission test. The credits obtained in the previous course can be recognised in substitution of exams planned in the educational path or as elective activities, if they are pertinent to the educational path. As established in section "Elective Credits", if there are requests for the recognition of credits obtained abroad or with other activities that are not related to exam tests, they can be evaluated for the integration in the elective activities. The students who possess the ECDL certificate, on presentation of the original certificate, are exempted from credits for computer skills.

Didactic Methods, Attendance, and Verification
All didactic activities are held in the classroom in the conventional way; especially for the professionalising disciplines, will be also organised didactic visits to public and private structures of social intervention and to other organisational realities of special professional interest.
Some courses imply the use of the e-learning portal to carry out special exercise and workshop activities.
The attendance is compulsory for at least two thirds of the scheduled time.
Student's work, along to the lectures, includes the exercises hours, the workshop hours, the hours related to the mid-term tests and the exams, the seminars, and all other educational activities planned, especially the external professional internship.
The part-time students have a different order for the exams to be taken each year and have specific orientation activities and reserved meetings. 
The verification of student's preparation takes place by means of oral exams, structured and semi-structured tests, professional reports, and presentation of cases related to the internship activity.

The role of tutor is taken on mainly by the teachers of the Programme, with a special reference to the psychological and professional disciplines of social work, by means of periodic meetings planned or organised on request. This activity can be supported by students winner of scholarships for 150 hours in all.

In the prospectus are listed the teachers of each Programme, with the exception of those who are subjected to an external commitment call or a contract. All teachers teach disciplines of their own disciplinary area.

Information on the Educational Path

The educational path includes 20 courses, and each one of them is designed as a "didactic unit" of at least 6 or 9 credits with a final evaluation, so to give enough space to each educational moment. The professionalising internship has 18 ECTS; other elective educational activities have 12 ECTS; the foreign language (English) and the IT skills for the psychometric evaluation have 3 ECTS each; the remaining 6 ECTS are for the final test.
The credit is the unit of measurement of student's work and corresponds to 25 hours; each credit is made up of 8 hours of lectures or 12 hours of workshop activities.
The Programme includes courses related to various Scientific Disciplinary Areas useful to acquire theoretical models, methods and techniques for the comprehension of social phenomena characterised by the complexity of the historical-cultural moment, and for the planning and realisation of social work intervention. There are basic and characterising courses with multidisciplinary qualities strengthened by the interfaculty character of the Programme, with important contributes by the juridical, demo-ethno-anthropological, economic, psychologic, statistical-social, and medical-healthcare areas; the courses are also integrated by the training in similar areas.
More in detail, in order to obtain the degree in Social Work, the student must get the credits related to:
1. the basic educational activities (sociological, juridical, psychological, political-economic, statistical, and anthropological-pedagogical disciplines) for a total of 54 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: SPS/07 (9 ECTS); SPS/08 (6 ECTS); IUS/09 (6 ECTS); M-PSI/05 (6 ECTS); SECS-P/02 (9 ECTS); SECS-S/05 (6 ECTS); M-DEA/01 (6 ECTS); M-PED/01 (6 ECTS).
2. the educational activities connected to the characterising disciplinary fields, for a total of 66 credits, divided into:
a. sociological disciplines, with 36 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: SPS/07 (27 ECTS), SPS/09 (9 ECTS);
b. juridical disciplines, with 9 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary area: IUS/01;
c. psychological disciplines, with 15 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: M-PSI/04 (9 ECTS), M-PSI/06 (6 ECTS);
d. medical disciplines, with 6 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary area: MED/42.
3. the similar and supplementary activities, for a total of 18 credits, obtainable in the following scientific disciplinary areas: M-PSI/07 (6 ECTS); M-PSI/08 (6 ECTS); SPS/12 (6 ECTS).
4. the elective activities (12 ECTS);
5. the final test (6 ECTS);
6. the verification on the knowledge of a foreign language, with a special reference to the social work themes (3 ECTS);
7. the verification on the skills in using IT tools, especially data archiving and elaboration, text composition, and Internet research softwares (3 ECTS);
8. the internship, evaluated by means of the discussion on a detailed report of the professional activity carried out during the internship and adequately documented (18 ECTS).
The internship is compulsory and is to be carried out not in the University, under the supervision of a care worker tutor working in affiliated institutions and coordinated by a teacher of a professional discipline.
Activities carried out in social work structures abroad are valid for the professional internship.
All didactic activities are held in the classroom in the conventional way; especially for the professionalising disciplines, will be also organised didactic visits to public and private structures of social intervention and to other organisational realities of special professional interest.
Some courses imply the use of the e-learning portal to carry out special exercise and workshop activities.
The attendance is compulsory for at least two third of the scheduled time.
Student's work, along to the lectures, includes the exercises hours, the workshop hours, the hours related to the mid-term tests and the exams, the seminars, and all other educational activities planned, especially the external professional internship.
The part-time students have a different order for the exams to be taken each year and have specific orientation activities and reserved meetings.
The elective credits are 12 ECTS in all.
According to what the Programme Board (CCL) approved on 12/11/2012, the kinds of activities for which a student can ask for their recognitions by the appointed committee are:
1) exams related to a) basic, b) characterising, and c) similar activities of other Programmes of Sapienza, according to the University Regulations, especially those of the Programmes cooperating with CLaSS (Medicine and Psychology; Political Science; Sociology; Communication; Pharmacy and Medicine; Law);
2) exams taken in other universities related to courses that have no correspondence with the activities planned by CLaSS, but that are suitable for the educational training chosen by the student (maximum 6 ECTS);
3) supplementary activities organised by CLaSS, attending the seminars or the interdisciplinary workshops organised by at least two teachers; activities manages by single teachers in the form of a) seminars or workshops, b) directed essays, and c) research activities (maximum 2 ECTS);
4) courses of Elective Didactic Activity (ADE) organised by CLaSS teachers (and previously approved by CCL) and ADE courses in faculties of Sapienza that cooperate with CLaSS (maximum 3 ECTS);
5) exams taken within the Erasmus programme that have no correspondence with the activities planned by CLaSS, but that are suitable for the educational training chosen by the student, as well as the participation to the Erasmus Intensive Programmes, Socrates, or other similar international programmes (maximum 6 ECTS);
6) attendance to international and national conventions and workshops within an educational project previously approved by a CLaSS teacher (maximum 1 ECTS);
7) educational courses related to the Programme offereb by non-university institutions (maximum 4 ECTS);
8) stages, and work and voluntary activities carried out continuously and related to the educational path (maximum 4 ECTS).