Learning Outcomes

Educational Goals

The Programme (CLaSS) is aimed at supplying knowledge and tools specifically intended to satisfy the needs of the professional area of social work, in order to be a care worker, both freelance and employed. The Programme supplies skills aimed at preventing and solving disadvantages of groups, communities, families, and individuals, fostering and coordinating new resources included the voluntary ones, carrying out tasks of promotion, management, organisation, evaluation, planning, and direction of social work, developing strategies of social information on citizens' services and rights.
The Programme is aimed at supplying the following professional skills:
- operating with technical-professional and judgement autonomy in all stages of interventions for the prevention, support, and rehabilitation of needy individuals, families, groups, and communities;
- managing and collaborating, with executive tasks, to the planning and organisation of social work;
- coordinating, with executive tasks, other figures, voluntary and non, involved in individual and collective interventions;
- carrying out evaluation and supervision activities in the area of social work interventions.
For this purpose, are essential the professionalising courses of Social Work and the external professionalising internship.
There are basic and characterising courses with multidisciplinary qualities strengthened by the interfaculty character of the Programme, with important contributes by the juridical, demo-ethno-anthropological, economic, psychologic, statistical-social, and medical-healthcare areas; the courses are also integrated by the training in similar areas, with contributes in the psychological (clinical-dynamic), economic-administrative, public law, philosophical, and juridical sociology fields.
In order to take advantage of the experience of external professionals, the didactic modules related to the professional area (social work disciplines) are entrusted to experts in social work, with documented professional titles and experience, according to the last clause of art. 4 DPR No.162,10/3/1982.
The 450-hour external professionalising internship, in agreement with the Association of the Care Workers, is compulsory and completes the educational offer in a qualifying and integrated way with the various stages of the training. It takes place in two periods (second and third year) in external institutions under the supervision of a care worker with recognised competence and experience working in affiliated institutions, and coordinated by a teacher of a professionalising discipline. The internship is aimed at letting students experiment their own professional inclination and skills in applying the theoretical knowledge they are acquiring.
Activities carried out in social work structures abroad are valid for the professionalising internship.

Graduates have the possibility to acquire knowledge of a foreign language and an IT "literacy" by using the current main computer languages.

Didactic Tools
In order to achieve these educational goals, the Programme will include theoretical-practical lectures; practical-directed exercises; experiences of external operators, workers and/or managers of services and/or care workers operating in local institutions, of experts in specific areas connected to the social work. To facilitate the learning of the professionalising themes, useful tools are the case analysis and the visits to organisational realities with a special professional interest.

Educational Path
The Programme includes courses related to various Scientific Disciplinary Areas useful to acquire theoretical models, methods and techniques for the comprehension of social phenomena characterised by the complexity of the historical-cultural moment, and for the planning and realisation of social work intervention.
The first year includes the basics of the discipline, that is the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the various areas.
The second year includes the characterising disciplines, especially those connected to the social work area, concurrently with the starting of the external professionalising internship.
The third year includes the characterising disciplines and the similar and supplementary disciplines, connected to the social politics, in order to deal with the areas of planning and intervention, concurrently with the final stage of the internship.
In order to obtain the degree in Social Work, the student must get:
the credits related to the basic educational activities in the sociological, juridical, psychological, political-economic and statistical, historical-anthropological, philosophical-pedagogical disciplines;

the credits related to the characterising activities in the social work, sociological, juridical, psychological, and medical disciplines;
the credits related to the similar and supplementary activities in the psychological disciplines from the dynamic-clinical side, the juridical disciplines from the public law side, the economic disciplines from the business management side, the sociological disciplines from the juridical sociology side.
To the elective activities are assigned 12 credits.
To the verification on the knowledge of a foreign language, with a special reference to the social work themes are assigned 3 credits.
To the verification on the skills in using IT tools for psychometric statistics, especially data archiving and elaboration, text composition, and Internet research softwares, are assigned 3 credits.
To the professionalising internship are assigned 18 credits. Internship's evaluation, along the compulsory attendance of 450 hours, consists of a discussion on a detailed report of the professional activity carried out during the internship and adequately documented.
To the final test are assigned 6 credits.
The Programme consists of 19 didactic modules, and each one of them is designed as a "didactic unit" of at least 6 or 9 credits with a final evaluation, so to give enough space to each educational moment.
Student's work, along to the lectures, includes the exercises hours, the workshop hours, the hours related to the mid-term tests and the exams, the seminars, and all other educational activities planned. The 450-hour external professionalising internship is compulsory and is equal to 18 ECTS.
The amount of time dedicated to the individual study is established in the School Regulations of the Programme.

Making judgements

The degree is assigned to the students who prove to have developed skills in making critical judgements on scientific texts and sources connected to the processes of social analysis. Students are also required to be able to deal with conceptual frameworks integrated to the intervention methods. Graduates must then be able to prepare quantitative and qualitative researches and to apply theoretical knowledge directing it to the planning of specific intervention areas and methods. Planning skills will be acquired by attending seminars and workshops organised by the various disciplinary areas, by making didactic visits to public and private structures of social intervention, and by studying and making exercises on specific cases. The evaluation will be by means of the exams' results, the internship reports, and the final test.

Communication skills

The degree is assigned to the students who prove to be able to effectively communicate with various social individuals. This implies the skills in learning and using a kind of communication useful to interact with several professionals in the social work area and/or with other professionals included in the management/treatment of social problems. Graduates are also required to be able to conduct and/or manage group discussions aimed at preparing interventions and to develop an inclination to the individual assessment, that is an effective tool to deal with the various situations of social disquiet, social deviance, marginality. The didactic tools used to achieve these goals are especially the activity of analysis and reflection on cases during the internship.
The acquisition of these skills will be verified by means of discussions on cases and essays related to the professionalising courses and the internship.

Learning skills

The degree can be assigned to the students who have developed the skills in using specialised texts and their bibliographies, and research skills by means of IT databases. The achievement of such a result represents the final result of students' learning process, aimed at a continuing update, getting a Masters Degree and/or titles related to other post-graduate courses. With the final test, the skills at using the various bibliographical tools, included the electronic ones, will be verified; it will also verify the skills in expressing, both written and oral, one's critical arguments.