
In order to take the Degree Exam, a student must have passed all the courses' exams.
The dissertation consists of the discussion of an original thesis prepared by the student under the supervision of a supervisor; there can be a co-supervisor too.
Thesis discussion will take place in front a Panel appointed according to the University Regulations, the Faculty Regulations, and the Masters Degree Programme Regulations.
The Panels have available 110 points.
The Degree exam is passed with a minimum mark of 66/100.
If a candidate gets the highest mark, the entire Panel can give him/her Honours.
Degree exams are public.
The student has 18 ECTS to dedicate to the degree thesis preparation in clinical or basic university structures. Such an activity is called "Degree Internship," and cannot be done during the time dedicated to other educational activities or to ADE, and students must normally apply for it in the month of December of the fourth/fifth year. 
The student who wants to do his/her Degree Internship in a specific structure has to hand in to the Director a formal request along with his/her curriculum (list of the taken exams with the related marks, list of the elective activities done, internships in laboratories or clinics, and any other educational activity).
The Director, after consulting the teachers having connections with the structure and after verifying the availability of positions, can accept the request and assign to a tutor, possibly chosen by the student, the responsibility of the control and certification of student's activities.
An abroad internship can be used as a Degree Internship upon the student's request.
The degree exam is the discussion of a thesis prepared by the student under the guidance of a supervisor; there can be also a co-supervisor and/or a second supervisor. 
In order to take the degree exam, the student must:
1. have attended all the courses and passed the related exams;
2. have obtained 360 ECTS during the six-year Course;
3. have handed in:
i. to the Student Affairs Office the request to the Dean and the documentation required by the University within the prescribed times;
ii. to the Educational Affairs Office a copy of the thesis at least ten days before the discussion day.
The degree exam takes place in the same periods of the exam sessions. There can be also dissertation dates in January, March, and October.
To the final mark, expressed on a scale of 110, the following criteria can contribute:
a) the non-weighted average of the exam marks, expressed on a scale of 110;
b) the points the Dissertation Panel assigns, up to seven points:
1. type of research (experimental study, case presentation, case report, desk study): up to four points; the experimental characteristic of the thesis, that will be unquestionably judged by the Panel, must be supported by the original and innovative features of the conducted study, as well as by the respect of the adopted scientific methodology, that must originate from conclusions based on original and scientifically valid evidences*;
2. quality of presentation: up to one point;
3. mastery of the subject: up to one point;
4. discussion ability: up to one point;
c) the points given for Course's duration: up to three points;
d) the points for the Honours obtained in the exams (at least 3/6 Honours): up to two points;
e) the points obtained in international exchange programmes (No. months: 2-3/5-6): up to two points.
Criteria useful to evaluate students' careers for the degree mark:
1) A student gets three points if he/she graduates within the summer session (the first session available), two points if he/she graduates within the autumn session (in the current academic year), and one point if he/she graduates within the winter session. 
2) If the Honours** got in the exams equal to or are more than six, the student gets two points; if they equal to or are more than three, he/she gets one point.
3) If the student spent five or six months in international exchange programmes acknowledged by the University, he/she gets two points; one point if the months are two or three.
* "Experimental" is also meta-analytical reviews and retrospective analyses of cases of pluricentric studies and wide databases.
** If the mark of the Progress Test of the last three years is higher than the average mark, it is equated with the Honours obtained in the exams.
The final mark, obtained adding up the points described in the entries "a - e," is rounded up to the nearest integer.
Honours can be given, with a unanimous decision of the Panel, to the candidates who obtain a final mark ≥113.
The use of didactic aids (slides, tracing papers, PPT presentations, etc.) must not exceed the number of ten and must be considered as a support to the graduand for a better understanding of his/her exposition; therefore, it cannot consist of exclusively conversational parts, but only of graphs, pictures, tables, etc

Calendario sessioni di laurea

Sedute di laurea a.a. 2018-2019

19 e 26 marzo 2019 aula a + b
27 giugno 2019 aula a

16, 18 e 25 luglio 2019 aula A e B

25 settembre 2019
22 ottobre  2019 aula a + b
21 novembre 2019 aula a
23 gennaio 2020 aula a


Reminder for Graduands
Any information for who applies for the degree exam - go to the page



The sixth-year students should remember that in the previous week of the degree exam they have to remove their personal effects from their lockers, to return the key to the Educational Affairs Office, and to ask for the cancellation of their data from the database.
If a student did not comply with this rule, the locker would be reassigned and the Office would decline any responsibility for the personal effects inside it.