Learning Outcomes

Educational Goals

The Course includes 13 exams: 10 are essential and 2 are elective, and to these other educational activities (AAF) are to be added. The first year is dedicated to the exams aimed at expanding and strengthening the basic knowledge on neuropsychology, psychometry, learning psychology, psychology of social and emotional development; in the second year, instead, there are the exams aimed at the acquisition of tools and methods useful for a consultation in schools and other educational organisations, or for the evaluation and intervention in child and adolescent's atypical development.

The Course, by means of the elective groups, outlines two professional profiles, with greater knowledge and competences one toward educational institutions and organisations, and the other toward public and private centres dealing with evaluation of and intervention in the disorders of neurodevelopment and emotional-relational problems.

The first year includes four compulsory courses and an elective group, with two possible PSI-04 courses (one about "psychologist and education" and the other about "psychologist for evaluation and intervention"); there are also 18 credits for elective exams.
The second year includes three compulsory courses and two elective groups: the first one is between a pedagogical course and a medical course (developmental neurology); the second one is between an exam on the learning disorders and the special educational needs (profile "psychologist and education") and an exam on the risk factors in adolescence, with a special reference to the autism spectrum disorders (profile "psychologist for evaluation and intervention"). In order to allow the choice between the pedagogical exam and the medical one, keeping compulsory the 12 credits for the similar and supplementary exams, one PSI-01 exam has been moved into the group of the similar and supplementary exam, but it still remains compulsory in the second year.

The second year also includes 3 credits for AAF and 18 credits for the final test.

The Course supplies students with the following competences:

a) mastery of developmental evaluation tools, both in its emotional-motivation aspects and in its social, cognitive, linguistic abilities and learning strategies;
b) mastery of techniques of observation, assessment, and testing for an early evaluation of the atypical development conditions;
c) mastery of the tools of observation and analysis of the functioning of operator groups within various kinds of educational organisations (schools, group homes, social cooperatives, and third-sector institutions);
d) skills in planning, realising, and evaluating educational interventions starting from childhood, that take into consideration of individual differences and are aimed at strengthening individuals' talents and abilities;
e) skills in planning, realising, and evaluating interventions aimed at the acquisition of social skills that foster children/adolescents' social adaptation;
f) skills in conducting interventions of educational consultation, in order to develop good organisational, professional, and educational practices;
g) skills in conducting interventions aimed at eliminating from educational contexts phenomena of gender discrimination/segregation or social exclusion.

The verification methods consist of written composition for the theoretical parts, and certificates of attendance and written reports for workshops.
As for the percentage of time dedicated to the individual study, please see Course's Regulations.

Making Judgements

The degree can be given to the students who prove to have developed the ability of integrating their knowledge and managing the difficulties, as well as of making judgements with limited or incomplete pieces of information, including the reflection on the social and ethical responsibilities connected to the application of their knowledge and judgements. More in detail, students must be able to take on the responsibility of their interventions, of exercising a full professional independency, and of collaborating with families and other professionals operating in favour of childhood and adolescence, with the purpose of creating life conditions where children, adolescents, and youths can feel that someone protects, takes care of, and accompany them during their development, in order to avoid risk situations and/or behaviours and to complete the development of their skills.
These skills and the ability to make decisions, validating them critically and indicating the operational implications, will be developed by means of workshop activities carried out individually or in groups, and by means of discussions including the reasoning at the base of the choices made. These skills will be mainly verified in the final test.

Communication Skills

The degree can be given to those students who prove to have:
• the skill of summarising, with a clear and specific lexicon, the results of observations, questionnaires, and tests;
• the skill of adjusting the communication to interlocutors without a specific psychological training;
• the knowledge of the communication features (openness, reflectiveness, flexibility) that are included in the basic competences of a psychologist;
• mastery of the main computer tools and telematic communication in the specific competence areas;
• the ability to use, orally or in written form, at least one EU language in addition to Italian, with a special reference to the areas regarding developmental psychology, educational psychology, and health psychology.
These skills will be promoted by asking for short communications, both individual and/or in groups. The verification of the acquisition of these skills will take place during workshop activities and in the final test, that students will be specifically trained for according to the methods established in Faculty's Regulations.

Learning Skills

The degree will be given to those psychologists who have developed the learning skills needed to pursue a further education in a self-directed or independent way.
In order to help students to develop these skills, they will be requested to acquire further information expanding the topics discussed in the classroom. The verification will take place during the two years by means of short reasoned bibliographies on specific topics, and in the final test as an ability to express, orally and in a written form, the critical reflections in specific areas.