Learning Outcomes

The Course is aimed at training future teachers of nursery and primary schools, fostering the acquisition of a scientific aptitude characterised by observation, theoretical way of reasoning, comparison, and discussion with others, as well as the ability to integrate, re-elaborate, and communicate disciplinary contents by means of a training that keeps a constant balance between theory and experience.
One of the curriculum's purposes is to analyse in depth, both from a theoretical point of view and a didactic one, the disciplinary areas established for teaching in the National Directives for the considered types of school.
The Course is aimed at training teachers able to plan an active teaching focused on children's uniqueness and fostering their curiosity, motivation to learn, independency, creativity, and ability to construct and strengthen their knowledge by applying them in real contexts.
Such an approach puts together disciplines and relational aspects, and implies that teachers are able to understand the times and ways each child needs to construct his/her own knowledge, so to understand their development and appreciate individual and cultural differences of each one.
Scientific and humanistic disciplinary areas include the acquisition of disciplinary contents and didactic methodologies specific for each kind of teaching, in order to supply the future teachers with the needed theoretical competences and effective intervention strategies. Workshop credits associated to the disciplines will be necessary to experiment specific educational programmes related to each discipline.
The proposed educational model implies skills in planning and realising flexible and articulated learning programmes in the various disciplinary areas, paying a special attention to cross skills, by means of a collaboration among teachers too.
A special attention will be paid to train teachers able to welcome, appreciate, and make interact among them various cultures and identities, respecting all traditions, religions, family roles, and gender differences. The Course will supply the cognitive tools needed to prevent and remove gender stereotypes and sexuality-based discriminations.
A great attention will be paid to the knowledge of the specific needs of children with disabilities, learning disorders, or special educational needs, for whom it is necessary to plan adequate organisational strategies and personalised educational projects.
The Course includes the experimentation and knowledge of the various didactic strategies and methods fostering the processes of learning-teaching.
The Course intends to make students know the conditions that make the school context and the classroom context places where each child can feel educational wellbeing and psychological security, essential for everyone to learn, interact with others, and deal with new experiences.
For this purpose, it is very important the acquisition of relational competences and communication skills connected to the management of the adult-child relationship, the group, the communication within the scholastic community and with families, as well as the relationships with other local educational agencies.
Future teachers will possess abilities and competences within observation, evaluation, and measurement processes of the educational action results. This implies a special attention paid to the documentation management, the ability to monitor the didactic intervention, and the ability to choose and construct valid and reliable measuring tools.
The educational programme is organised in educational areas including the following activities:
- basic educational activities aimed at the acquisition of psycho-pedagogical, methodological-didactic, socio-anthropological, and digital competences;
- characterising educational activities dedicated to the analysis of teaching contents of the two types of school considered and the didactics connected to them, to the acquisition of competences in English and competences related to ICT;
The activities proposed for the various educational areas include:
- academic courses directed to supply a theoretical knowledge related to the various educational areas (both basic or characterising), giving the under-training individuals the opportunity to critically compare theoretical and methodological models, diversified and specific for each discipline; the five-year courses are gradual and preparatory in order to integrate the various disciplines;
- exercises and didactic workshops, characterised by an experiential approach coherent with the proposed methods for teaching, and connected and integrated to the single academic courses according to criteria of continuity and progression;
- internships both direct (in nursery and primary schools) and indirect (in simulations by means of group works that include research, analysis, and reflection activities related to the experience within school).
The internship is divided into the single years according to criteria of continuity and progression.


At the end of the Course, the graduate will have the following aptitudes:
- awareness of the ethical and cultural responsibilities related to the role of a teacher and assumption of the duties resulting from this role toward the children, their families, the school, and the territory;
- aptitude for observing and knowing children's needs and behaviours in nursery and primary schools, taking into account the individual differences with a view to the contemporary social contexts;
- aptitude for analysing the educational situations and events and elaborating it in a reflective way;
- aptitude for considering alternative solutions to problems and for making decisions responding to the educational needs of each one;
- aptitude for making judgements on educational situations and events only after examining an accurate documentation;
- aptitude for examining processes and behaviours by means of systematic observation procedures;
- aptitude for self-evaluating one's professional preparation and the efficacy of didactic actions;
- aptitude for renovating the didactic practices by means of research, experimentation, and innovation.
These aptitudes are trained by means of group discussions, internships aimed at re-elaborating the didactic experience, simulations, critical presentation of contents, and activation of reflection and problem-solving starting from the discussion of cases.
The evaluation of such a skill takes place when the student takes the written and oral exams and presents the final report after the annual internship.
In evaluating the internship, the thesis, and the final report, it will be taken into consideration the ability at independent and reflective elaboration of the future teacher.

At the end of the Course, the graduate will have:
- the ability to use the verbal and non-verbal interaction for different purposes: to create a comfortable and secure educational climate, to prepare experiences, to explain concepts and theories, to motivate learning, to appreciate the interaction among peers, and to support the needy; - the ability to dialogue with any colleague within collective bodies, to interact with the principle and with the operators of local services to exchange information, prepare projects, and manage the educational processes in a coordinated way;
- the ability to organise and present the goals and the nature of the didactic intervention, by means of educational and didactic planning skills;
- the ability to clearly communicate to pupils, their families, and the colleagues the learning results and the possible solutions for the detected difficulties;
- the ability to be positive when talking about pupils on occasion of teachers' meetings or on parents' days;
- the ability to have positive relationships with families, proving to be open-minded, showing true interest in dialogue, and using the sympathetic-emotional register of communication, especially useful for families with different identity, language, culture, and religion;
- the ability to use the digital communication in scholastic contexts, in order to implement the use of didactic technologies and to reduce the distance between the formal languages of school and the non-canonical ones of youth communication.
The acquisition of these learning results takes advantage of cross training in all educational activities. The verification of these results - that can include the presentation of written compositions, oral expositions, and didactic projects and products - takes place by means of the basic and characterising educational activities, the workshops, the direct and indirect internships, and when understanding texts and lessons in English.

At the end of the Course, the graduate will have developed the following aptitudes and attitudes in terms of learning skills, from a lifelong learning standpoint:
- interest in teaching, with the desire to improve one's knowledge and its practice;
- aptitude to widen one's basic psycho-pedagogical and methodological-educational culture, related to the progress of scientific research too;
- motivation to deepen the study contents and methods of school disciplines, with a recurring update of one's knowledge;
- availability to explore the prospects of the didactic, methodological, technological, and media research at national and international level, being open to the themes of pedagogy and inclusive didactics;
- aptitude to self-support and self-regulate one's learning by means of an independent bibliographical research and the interested participation to opportunities of professional training and update. The acquisition of these learning results takes place by means of all educational activities that allow the student to independently make researches and to freely find information useful to develop a cultural attitude aimed at self-training. The monitoring and evaluation of these results take place by means of the various kinds of verification during the educational activities.