Study plan


Pedagogia e scienze dell'educazione e della formazione (percorso valido anche ai fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-russo)

First year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
99710 - HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY First semester 6 M-FIL/06 Italian
10589718 - General pedagogy advanced course First semester 6 M-PED/01 Italian
1052320 - EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION Advanced Course Second semester 6 M-PED/04 Italian
10589620 - Design of Educational Services Second semester 6 M-PED/04 Italian
1052319 - HISTORY OF EDUCATION Advanced Course Second semester 6 M-PED/02 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 6 Italian
gruppo OPZIONALE Altre conoscenze utili per il mondo del lavoro Go to group
OPZIONALE 2 Go to group

Second year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1023617 - DIDACTICS OF SCIENCES First semester 6 MAT/04 Italian
1052322 - Psychometrics - Advanced Course First semester 6 M-PSI/03 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE First semester 6 Italian
AAF1793 - Advanced Internship Second semester 6 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 6 Italian
1020951 - HYGIENE Second semester 6 MED/42 Italian
AAF1022 - Final exam Second semester 24 Italian
OPZIONALE 1 Go to group

Optional Groups

gruppo OPZIONALE Altre conoscenze utili per il mondo del lavoro : The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
AAF1799 - OTHER USEFUL SKILLS FOR INCLUSION IN THE WORLD OF WORK advanced First year First semester 6 Italian
AAF1797 - OTHER USEFUL SKILLS FOR INCLUSION IN THE WORLD OF WORK advanced First year First semester 4 Italian
AAF1798 - OTHER USEFUL SKILLS FOR INCLUSION IN THE WORLD OF WORK advanced First year First semester 2 Italian
AAF1681 - Competences in academic writing First year Second semester 6 Italian
OPZIONALE 1: The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1044948 - Socialization and educational contexts Second year First semester 6 M-PSI/05 Italian
1044801 - Adolescent at risk: assessment and intervention Second year First semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian
OPZIONALE 2: The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1055880 - Learning disabilities and special educational needs First year First semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian
10589625 - Cognitive Psychology First year First semester 6 M-PSI/01 Italian
1044952 - Psychoeducation of communication First year Second semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian

School Regulations

The Masters Degree Course in Pedagogy and Learning Science (PSEF) (Class LM85) is a two-year course and is aimed at obtaining the Masters Degree.
Programme's purpose, as completion of the training acquired in the three-year L-19 class courses, is the achievement of the following educational goals related to possible job opportunities and the pursue of a further education and research:
1. strong and deep competences and knowledge, both theoretical and practical, in pedagogical and learning science, and in those disciplines, such as philosophy and psychology, that from one part contribute to the definition of the whole conceptual framework, and from the other one foster its application in the various educational contexts;
2. skills in analysing and dealing with the educational issues according to a pluri- and inter-disciplinary logic, typical of learning science; 
3. an advanced knowledge, on an epistemological level too, within scientific disciplines;
4. a knowledge on the legal aspects about the national, European, and international educational systems; 
5. an adequate mastery of educational research methods of theoretical, historical, empirical, and experimental nature, in formal, non-formal, and informal training environments;
6. competences and knowledge allowing to deal, in the various educational contexts, with the methodological and instrumental needs of planning, monitoring, and evaluation of products, processes, project systems, and intervention programmes;
7. a knowledge on the elements needed to promote health and prevention culture, especially in schools, preschool contexts, and among the youths, and to identify the methods for measuring health state;
8. mastery of dynamics at the base of scenarios and practices of permanent and lifelong learning, included the implications related to work and employment; 
9. analysis, interpretation, and intervention skills related to social and educational implications of intercultural dynamics; 
10. adequate skills in analysing and interpreting - and contextualising in the Italian framework - national and international studies and researches, and their political implications in educational fields; 
11. a strong knowledge, also in comparative terms, and experimentation skills, with a reference to the sectors of educational science, at local, national, European, and international levels; 
12. mastery of the main computer tools and of telematic communication in the specific competence areas.

Job Opportunities
Job opportunities are within the activities of educational research and consultation in the planning, management, and evaluation of interventions in various services operating in the educational area, as well as within the activities of orientation and evaluation. 
More in detail, graduates will be able to work in private companies, agencies and institutions of professional training, business services, employment services, socio-educational and cultural services, museums, third sector organisations, institutions of educational and social research, and educational services of public administration.
They will be also able to participate in contests for teachers in secondary school, if they have the enough credits in the scientific disciplinary sector established by the laws in force. 
Graduates can participate in the contest for PhD in the reference disciplinary areas.

Admission Requirements
You can access the Masters Degree Course in Pedagogy and Learning Science from the three-year courses of class XVIII of DM 509 (Learning Science) and class L19 of DM 270, from the Degree Programme in Primary Learning Science, as well as from the old-system Programme in Philosophy and in Pedagogy, according to the transfer criteria. The minimum requirements for the access from courses of other classes are 48 ECTS specified as follows: 12 ECTS in the sectors M-PED/01, M-PED/02, M-PED/03, and M-PED/04; 36 ECTS in the sectors M-PED/01, M-PED/02, M-PED/03, M-PED/04, M-PSI/01, M-PSI/02, M-PSI/03, M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05, M-PSI/06, M-PSI/08, SPS/01, M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06, M-FIL/08, M-STO/05, M-STO/02, M-STO/04, SPS/07, IUS/14, SECS-P/01, SECS-S/01, MED/25, MED/38, MED/39, and MED/42; students must also have passed the examinations for the English language and the computer abilities. A student can be admitted if he/she does not lack more than 12 ECTS. He/she can obtain these credits by taking exams in the sectors required, before the enrolment in the Course.
The Programme is with numerus clausus. The admission test verifies the possession or the acquisition of a knowledge related to the disciplines of the Programme. In order to verify the knowledge of a foreign language, it is planned an English test with multiple choice questions about the disciplinary lexicon, as established in the educational goals.

Types of Educational Courses

The Masters Degree Course in Pedagogy and Learning Science consists of two years. 
It is organised in educational areas including activities in the following disciplines:
• educational pedagogical and methodological disciplines concerning the various recipients of the educational actions as well as the various contexts of intervention, that is the competences and knowledge typical of the Course
• philosophical, psychological, and medical disciplines as an essential integration of the study course
• workshops, internships, and other activities considered essential to enter the world of work and aimed at the completion of student's cultural and professional training.
In order to obtain the degree the student must have at least 120 credits.
The 6-credit exams are planned every six months.
Courses' Organisation
The educational activities include:
- academic courses aimed at supplying a theoretical knowledge about the various educational areas, giving the student the opportunity to critically compare theoretical and methodological models diversified and specific for each discipline; the courses are progressive, so that each one integrates the previous
- workshops, characterised by an experiential approach, coherent and integrated to each academic course, according to criteria of continuity and progression.

The Programme establishes that the student must not take more than 12 exams. From this number are excluded the internship and all other educational activities. The elective credits are counted as a single exam.
For special needs, the courses can be in other EU languages, indicating it in the annual Prospectus.
International Agreements
Thanks to collaboration agreements with foreign universities, it is possible to obtain a double degree.
There are two Masters Degree Courses with a double degree with two Russian universities:

1) since 2010, with the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (’M.G.P.P.U.), as Diploma in Psychopedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Psychology, and as Masters Degree in Pedagogy and Learning Science of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of Sapienza University;
2) since 2014, with the North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) (Institute of Education and Social Sciences) of Stavropol, as Diploma in Psychopedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Psychology, and as Masters Degree in Pedagogy and Learning Science of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology.
Those who follow this educational path obtain a double degree.
The double degree can be obtained studying in one of the two Russian locations or in Rome. The student who enrols in one of the two universities must obtain not less than 30 ECTS at the partner university by means of modules previously established by the Study Committee.
The 30 ECTS must be obtained by respecting the following conditions:
• by passing the exams for at least 18 ECTS;
• by acquiring experience in educational internships and/or preparation and dissertation of the thesis at the partner university.
The degrees are released by the two universities where the student has taken the exams.
Educational Path
The educational paths are approved by the President of the Course or of the Didactic Area.
A tutor is assigned to each student since his/her enrolment and is chosen among the teachers of the Course. The tutor follows the student for the whole course, periodically verifying his/her training. The student must periodically update his/her own educational path. The student can ask for another tutor, if the previous one cannot follow him/her anymore.
List of the courses with the scientific-disciplinary sector and the credits:
Subdivision according the year

First year
48 credits in characterising educational activities
6 elective credits
6 credits in workshops

Second year
12 elective credits among the characterising educational activities
12 elective credits among the similar or supplementary educational activities
6 elective credits
6 credits in internships
24 credits in final test

Information on the Course

Types of Educational Courses

The Masters Degree Course in Pedagogy and Learning Science consists of two years.
It is organised in educational areas including activities in the following disciplines:
• educational pedagogical and methodological disciplines concerning the various recipients of the educational actions as well as the various contexts of intervention, that is the competences and knowledge typical of the Course
• philosophical, psychological, and medical disciplines as an essential integration of the study course
• workshops, internships, and other activities considered essential to enter the world of work and aimed at the completion of student's cultural and professional training.
In order to obtain the degree the student must have at least 120 credits.
The 6-credit exams are planned every six months.
Courses' Organisation
The educational activities include:
- academic courses aimed at supplying a theoretical knowledge about the various educational areas, giving the student the opportunity to critically compare theoretical and methodological models diversified and specific for each discipline; the courses are progressive, so that each one integrates the previous;
- workshops, characterised by an experiential approach, coherent and integrated to each academic course, according to criteria of continuity and progression.

The Programme establishes that the student must not take more than 12 exams. From this number are excluded the internship and all other educational activities. The elective credits are counted as a single exam.
For special needs, the courses can be in other EU languages, indicating it in the annual Prospectus.
International Agreements
Thanks to collaboration agreements with foreign universities, it is possible to obtain a double degree.
There are two Masters Degree Courses with a double degree with two Russian universities:

1) since 2010, with the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (’M.G.P.P.U.), as Diploma in Psychopedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Psychology, and as Masters Degree in Pedagogy and Learning Science of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of Sapienza University;
2) since 2014, with the North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) (Institute of Education and Social Sciences) of Stavropol, as Diploma in Psychopedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Psychology, and as Masters Degree in Pedagogy and Learning Science of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology.
Those who follow this educational path obtain a double degree.
The double degree can be obtained studying in one of the two Russian locations or in Rome. The student who enrols in one of the two universities must obtain not less than 30 ECTS at the partner university by means of modules previously established by the Study Committee.
The 30 ECTS must be obtained by respecting the following conditions:
• by passing the exams for at least 18 ECTS;
• by acquiring experience in educational internships and/or preparation and dissertation of the thesis at the partner university.
The degrees are released by the two universities where the student has taken the exams.
Educational Path
The educational paths are approved by the President of the Course or of the Didactic Area.
A tutor is assigned to each student since his/her enrolment and is chosen among the teachers of the Course. The tutor follows the student for the whole course, periodically verifying his/her training. The student must periodically update his/her own educational path. The student can ask for another tutor, if the previous one cannot follow him/her anymore.
List of the courses with the scientific-disciplinary sector and the credits:
Subdivision according the year
First year
48 credits in characterising educational activities
6 elective credits
6 credits in workshops

Second year
12 elective credits among the characterising educational activities
12 elective credits among the similar or supplementary educational activities
6 elective credits
6 credits in internships
24 credits in final test