
The final graduation exam consists in the dissertation of a technical or scientific project (for an approximate period of 6 months), described in a written final report. Under the supervision of a professor, work for the dissertation can be performed by the student autonomously, or carried out in a company or with an industrial partner during an internship, or developed in one of the laboratories at DIAG (please visit the Department website ). Completion of the master dissertation yields 27 credits, starting with the Manifesto 2018/19 (previously, 24 credits). The preparation of the master dissertation can also integrate an internship, summing up the related number of credits (anyway for a total of 30).

The final graduation exam consists in the presentation and discussion of the master thesis. The work performed should prove that the student masters the methodologies of Control Engineering and/or their application in a specific field, with an appropriate level of confidence and in line with the state-of-the-art of technology. After graduation, the student should be ready for the labour market or for higher studies.


Si comunica che per la III sessione di Laurea, la scadenza per la presentazione della domanda è il 23 giugno. 

la seduta di laurea si terrà in modalità telematica in data 22 luglio 2020 ore 10.00


La scadenza per il caricamento della tesi su Infostud è posticipata in accordo con la determinazione della data della seduta di laurea.

Resta valido il principio che la tesi dovrà essere caricata su Infostud almeno 7 giorni prima del giorno effettivo della discussione della tesi.

You should apply in time for the final graduation exam of your Masters Degree Programme (please see the schedule and deadlines below). Registration to the final graduation is made online via infostud. Operative instructions are available on the sidebar.


I 23rd-31st of March 2020 21st of February 2020
II 18th-29th of May 2020 17th of April 2020
III 22th -31th of July 2020 23th of June 2020
IV 19th-30th of October 2020 18th of September 2020
V 7th-22nd of January 2021 6th of November 2020