
The final exam involves the presentation and discussion of an original dissertation by students under the guidance of a supervisor. This test is designed to evaluate the achievement of the specific training objectives of the course together with the ability of students to apply their acquired knowledge and skills. The score of the masters degree is assigned by a special commission during a public session and takes into account the entire study path of the student. The procedures regarding the organization of the final exam and the formation of the degree commission are defined in the Teaching Regulations of the Masters Degree Course in Pharmacy.

The final exam consists in the writing, presentation (with slides in ppt) and discussion of a written dissertation, produced independently by the student, which provides detailed documentation regarding the way the research was performed. The dissertation documents the student's individual experimental work (30 ECTS credits) carried out in a research laboratory under the guidance of a supervisor. The discussion takes place before the Selection Committee nominated by the Dean of the Faculty and is composed of at least seven members who, based on the student's career and the evaluation of the presentation and the dissertation itself, establishes the degree score.

The grade for admission to the degree examination is calculated through the arithmetic average of the scores in the exams.

To the average, expressed in one hundred and tenths, the following points are added:

1. 0.33 / 110 for each profit exam passed with honours;

2. 0.50 / 110 if student have passed all the exams of their first and second year by the end of the third year of the course;

3. 1/110 if the degree exam is taken in the academic year in which students, as certified by their scholastic career, are in their 5th year of course;

4. 0.50 / 110 if the degree exam is taken in the first year “fuori corso”, limited to the March exam session;

5. 1/110 vote if the preparation of the thesis has been carried out abroad for a period of not less than six months.

At the graduation exam, the Graduation Committee can award up to a maximum of 11 points, based on the evaluation of the commitment and the quality of the presentation.

Honours (lode) can be proposed by the supervisor and must be approved by the entire Commission unanimously.