
La prova finale consiste nella discussione, di fronte a una commissione di docenti, di una tesi elaborata sotto forma di dissertazione scritta, in modo originale, dallo studente sotto la guida di un relatore.
L'elaborato ha per oggetto un progetto di ricerca di carattere sperimentale, condotto attraverso la frequenza per non meno di 12 mesi di un laboratorio interno ad un Dipartimento di ?Sapienza? o presso un ente di ricerca convenzionato con l'Ateneo.
Attraverso la prova finale viene verificata la capacita del laureando di portare avanti in modo autonomo, in coordinamento con un gruppo di ricerca, un progetto di natura sperimentale, cosi come la capacita dello stesso di descrivere, esporre e discutere con chiarezza e padronanza i risultati dello studio condotto.

Il lavoro di tesi sperimentale svolto viene presentato dallo studente alla Commissione di Laurea, composta da 11 membri, con l’ausilio di diapositive. Il tempo di presentazione a disposizione dello studente è di circa 15 minuti e la proclamazione dei candidati avviene nello stesso giorno, al termine di tutte le discussioni.
Oltre alla figura del relatore, può essere prevista quella di un docente correlatore, qualora il lavoro di tesi sia stato svolto presso un Ente di ricerca esterno a “Sapienza”. E’ inoltre prevista la figura di un controrelatore, nominato dalla struttura didattica, con il compito di acquisire gli elementi caratterizzanti della tesi/elaborato finale e valutare il contributo personale del candidato nella preparazione dell’elaborato.
A determinare il voto di laurea, espresso in centodecimi, contribuiscono i seguenti parametri:
a) la media non ponderata dei voti conseguiti negli esami curriculari, espressa in centodecimi;
b) i punti attribuiti dalla Commissione di Laurea in sede di discussione della tesi, fino ad un massimo di 8, tenendo conto dei seguenti criteri:
- tipologia della ricerca. Il carattere sperimentale della tesi di laurea, che sarà insindacabilmente giudicato dalla commissione, deve essere supportato dalle caratteristiche di originalità e/o innovatività dello studio condotto, oltre che dal rispetto della metodologia scientifica adottata, che deve originare da conclusioni basate su evidenze originali scientificamente valide.
- qualità della presentazione;
- padronanza dell’argomento;
- abilità nella discussione;
- durata del corso (in corso/fuori corso);
- numero di lodi ottenute negli esami di profitto.
Possono inoltre essere aggiunti fino ad un massimo di 2 punti premiali, in presenza di una o più delle seguenti condizioni: conseguimento del titolo in corso (1 punto); Erasmus o altre esperienze di studio all’estero (1 punto); tesi radatta in lingua inglese (1 punto); almeno tre lodi in carriera (1 punto).
La lode, che deve essere approvata all’unanimità dalla Commissione di Laurea, è proponibile solo per il candidato che superi il punteggio di 112.

The graduation sessions of the CLM in Medical Biotechnology take place in the months of March, July, October, November and January.

Attached is the memorandum for undergraduates, with the indication of the procedures to be followed for the degree application and the relative deadlines.



1. The memorandum also includes graduation sessions in June and September, which, however, unlike other degree programs of the Faculty, are not active for the CLM in Medical Biotechnology.

2. Students who apply for graduation through the online procedure must simultaneously fill in and send the "didactic secretariat form" available in attachment to the teaching secretariat of the course (

3. Information on the layout of the thesis is available at this link:

For more information:, 06.49255123.

Below are the deadlines for the graduation sessions of the 2022 summer session:

Extraordinary session of June 2022 (valid for the academic year 2020/2021):

- date of the session: Wednesday 15 June (V Clinica Medica teaching room)

- Upload of the degree application on Infostud: from 3 to 13 May

- sending of the form for the didactic secretariat (available in attachment, to be filled in strictly on word): by 17 May

- upload of the thesis on Infostud: by 8 June

- taking the last exam: by 10 June

Graduates in the extraordinary session of June 2022 who have already paid their contributions for the academic year 2021/2022, can find at this link: information on how to obtain the reimbursement due to them.

Ordinary session of July 2022 (valid for the academic year 2021/2022):

- date of the session: Friday 22 July (Aristide Busi Room, Central Radiology)

- Upload of the degree application on Infostud: from 20 to 30 May

- sending of the form for the didactic secretariat (available in attachment, to be filled in strictly on word): by June 17

- upload of the thesis on Infostud: by 15 July

- taking the last exam: by June 30th


N.B.: To facilitate the administrative steps, candidates should bear in mind that:

1) When sending the form to the teaching secretariat, the title of the thesis may not be the final one, but the name of the examiner must be indicated. The latter is usually identified by the supervisor, among the professors and researchers of Sapienza, also from his own research laboratory. Its function is to read the paper carefully and to ask questions during the discussion, thus allowing the commission to understand more deeply the work done by the candidate.

2) After the student has uploaded the thesis on Infostud, the supervisor must, always on the same platform, approve the thesis and indicate the wording "experimental". This operation must be carried out within two days following the loading of the thesis, to allow the secretariat to print the graduation report. Candidates are therefore recommended to urge their rapporteurs to do so.

3) Any waivers must be communicated, as well as to the student secretariat, also to the didactic secretariat, at the address



Starting from the session of July 2022 (first graduation session of the academic year 2021/2022), the following regulations for degrees come into force:

The final exam consists in the discussion, in front of a commission of professors, of a thesis prepared in the form of a dissertation written, in an original way, by the student under the guidance of a supervisor.
The object of the thesis is a research project of an experimental nature, conducted through the attendance for no less than 12 months in a laboratory inside a Department of Sapienza or at a research institution affiliated with the University.
Through the final test, the ability of the graduate to carry out an experimental project independently, in coordination with a research group, as well as the ability of the same to describe, expose and discuss the results of the study with clarity and mastery. study conducted.


The experimental thesis work carried out is presented by the student to the Graduation Commission, composed of 11 members, with the help of slides. The presentation time available to the student is approximately 15 minutes and the candidates are announced on the same day, at the end of all discussions.
In addition to the role of the supervisor, the role of a co-supervisor can be envisaged, if the thesis work has been carried out at a research institution outside “Sapienza”. There is also the figure of a co-supervisor, appointed by the teaching structure, with the task of acquiring the characterizing elements of the thesis / final paper and evaluating the personal contribution of the candidate in the preparation of the paper.
The following parameters contribute to determining the degree grade, expressed in one hundred and tenths:
a) the unweighted average of the marks obtained in the curricular exams, expressed in one hundred and ten;
b) the points awarded by the Degree Commission during the discussion of the thesis, up to a maximum of 8, taking into account the following criteria:
- type of research. The experimental nature of the degree thesis, which will be unquestionably judged by the commission, must be supported by the originality and / or innovativeness of the study conducted, as well as by respect for the scientific methodology adopted, which must originate from conclusions based on original scientifically valid evidence. .
- quality of presentation;
- mastery of the subject;
- discussion skills;
- duration of the course (in progress / out of course);
- number of honors obtained in the exams.
Furthermore, up to a maximum of 2 reward points can be added, in the presence of one or more of the following conditions: achievement of the title in progress (1 point); Erasmus or other study experiences abroad (1 point); thesis rooted in English (1 point); at least three honors in career (1 point).
Honors, which must be unanimously approved by the Degree Commission, can only be proposed for the candidate who exceeds the score of 112.