
The final degree exam consists of the preparation and discussion of a report developed independently by the student on issues that characterise Management Engineering. The methods for preparing the report must be agreed upon with a reference professor who acts as a supervisor.


The final degree exam is assigned to the student and, subsequently, delivered and approved by the supervisor through a dedicated electronic procedure.


Generally, preparatory activity for the final exam consists of taking part in a further laboratory course, apart from the one already chosen by the student in their study plan. The supervisor is a member of the teaching staff that holds the laboratory.  For example, if the graduand has included the “Operative Research laboratory” in their study plan, they may, as preparation for the final exam, take part in the Economics and Management Engineering laboratory (which is, typically, a business game simulating a company and market context in which the graduand is required to make decisions on the basis of the methodologies studied during the degree course).


The appointed Dissertation Panel decides the final degree mark under the guidelines drawn up by the Educational Board (CAD), which can be seen on the Degree Programme webpage and which follow criteria such as the weighted average of the marks obtained in the exams in the various subjects on the degree course (expressed as a mark out of 110), time taken to complete the degree course and assessment of the final paper.


For further information, students may consult the Programme Regulations of the Bachelor’s Degree.


Here you can find:


  • deadlines for the submission of the application for graduation;
  • deadlines that cannot be extended for the presentation of documents;
  • Calendar and venues for Graduation sessions