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Link lezione Malattie del Sistema Nervoso 06/10/2021 ore 09:00 - 11:00


Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board

Lunedì dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 10:00

Informazioni personali
Nome e Cognome Antonio Santoro
indirizzo) 155, Viale del Policlinico,00161, Roma, Italia
telefono 0649979119
fax 064462980

Nazionalita` Italiana

Data di Nascita 13-09-1956

Specializzazione Neurochirurgia

Esperienza lavorativa

Date 2019: Direttore della scuola di specializzazione in Neurochirurgia della Sapienza di Roma. Dal 2019 Direttore del reparto di Neurochirurgia del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma
2008: Eletto Professore Ordinario . Dal 2008 al 2019 , Direttore del reparto di Neurochirurgia B del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma.
2006: idoneità per il ruolo di professore ordinario
2003: confermato professore associato ed eletto vicedirettore della scuola di specializzazione di Neurochirurgia della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia della Sapienza di Roma
2000: Eletto Professore Associato in Neurochirurgia presso la facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell università di Roma la Sapienza
1999: vincitore di concorso per il ruolo di ricercatore presso il reparto di Neurotraumatologia del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma

Prinicipali mansioni e responsabilità

Direttore del reparto di Neurochirurgia del policlinico Umberto I di Roma,
Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia della Sapienza di Roma,

Responsabile dell insegnamento Malattie del sistema nervoso del corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico Medicina e Chirurgia D della Sapienza di Roma.

Responsabile della sezione Vascolare SINch. (Società italiana Neurochirurgia)

Istruzione e formazione

Data 1981: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/110 lode), Università La Sapienza di Roma

1986: Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia, Università La Sapienza di Roma

Titoli conseguiti Medico,Neurochirurgo
università La Sapienza di Roma ; Policlinico Umberto I di Roma

Capacità e competenze personali Bypass extra intracranico; Chirurgia degli aneurismi intracranico; Chirurgia di cavernomi e AVM; Chirurgia della base cranica; Chirurgia endoscopica della regione sellare; Chirurgia dei gliomi intracranici; Chirurgia dei meningiomi

Madrelingua Italiano

Altre lingue
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Additional information

Il sottoscritto, consapevole che- ai sensi dell -art. 76 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000 le dichiarazioni mendaci, la falsità negli atti e l uso di atti falsi sono puniti ai sensi codice penale e delle leggi speciali, dichiara che le informazioni rispondono a verità

Il sottoscritto autorizza il trattamento dei propri dati personali ai sensi dell art. 13 del D.lgs 30 giugno 2003 n.196- codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali e dell art. 13 GDPR 679/16- regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali

Roma, lì 08/01/2020


1. Armocida, D., Pesce, A., Frati, A., Santoro, A., Salvati, M. EGFR amplification is a real independent prognostic impact factor between young adults and adults over 45yo with wild-type glioblastoma? (2019) Journal of Neurooncology Dec 30. doi: 10.1007/s11060-019-03364-z.
2. Armocida, D., Pesce, A., Di Gianmarco, F., Frati, A., Santoro, A., Salvati, M. Long Term Survival in Patients Suffering from Glio-blastoma Multiforme: A Single-Center Observational Cohort Study. (2019) Diagnostics (Basel). Nov 30;9(4). pii: E209. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics9040209.
3. Armocida, D., Marzetti, F., Pesce, A., Caporlingua, A., D'Angelo, L., Santoro, A. Purely Meningeal Intracranial Relapse of Melanoma Brain Metastases After Surgical Resection and Immunotherapy as a Unique Disease Progression Pattern: Our Experience and Review of the Literature. (2019) World Neurosurgery. Nov 18;134:150-154. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.10.101.
4. Pesce, A., Palmieri, M., Zancana, G., Salvati, M., Santoro, A., Raco, A., Frati, A. Radiation Induced Brain Aneurysms: Institutional Experience and State of Art in the Contemporary Literature. (2019) World Neurosurgery. Oct 9. pii: S1878-8750(19)32601-4. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.09.157.
5. Pizzinga, A., Pindinello, I., Artico, M., Nicolai, A., Taurone, S., Santoro, A. Francesco Durante and the First Intracranial Tumor Successfully Operated on with Long Survival (1884). (2019) World Neurosurgery Aug;128:308-313. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.05.054.
6. Berra, LV., Armocida, D., Pesce, A., Di Rita, A., Santoro, A. Herpes Simplex Reactivation After Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. (2019) World Neurosurgery. Jul;127:e16-e21. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.01.226.
7. Salvati, M., Pesce, A., Palmieri, M., Brunetto, FGM., Santoro, A., Frati, A. The Role and Real Effect of an Iterative Surgical Approach for the Management of Recurrent High-Grade Glioma: An Observational Analytic Cohort Study. (2019) World Neurosurgery. Jan 3. pii: S1878-8750(18)32941-3. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.12.118.
8. Armocida, D., Pesce, A., Berra, LV., Marzetti, F., Antonelli, M., Santoro, A. Intradural extramidullary dorsal melanocytoma in the adult: Case report and review of the literature. (2019) Journal of Clinical Neurosciences. Apr;62:248-253. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2018.12.004.
9. Colella, B., Faienza, F., Carinci, M., D'Alessandro, G., Catalano, M., Santoro, A., Cecconi, F., Limatola, C., Di Bartolomeo, S. Autophagy induction impairs Wnt/ -catenin signalling through -catenin relocalisation in glioblastoma cells. (2019) Cellular Signalling. an;53:357-364. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2018.10.017.
10. Santoro, G., Braidotti, P., Gregori, F., Santoro, A., Domenicucci, M. Traumatic Sacral Fractures: Navigation Technique in Instrumented Stabilization (2019) World Neurosurgery, 131, pp. 399-407.
11. Caporlingua, A., D Angelo, L., Tropeano, M.P., Massimo, V., De Vincentiis, L., Gargano, L., Cellini, M., Mercuri, V., Giangaspero, F., Gargiulo, P., Santoro, A. Infundibuloneurohypophysitis associated with autoimmune thrombocytopenia and chiasmal syndrome: a case report (2019) Acta Neurologica Belgica, 119 (3), pp. 337-342.
12. D'Angelo, L., Paglia, F., Caporlingua, A., Sampirisi, L., Guidetti, G., Santoro, A. Atypical Manifestation of Direct Low-Flow Carotid-Cavernous Fistula: Case Report and Review of the Literature (2019) World Neurosurgery, 125, pp. 456-460.
13. D Alessandro, G., Monaco, L., Catacuzzeno, L., Antonangeli, F., Santoro, A., Esposito, V., Franciolini, F., Wulff, H., Limatola, C. Radiation increases functional KCa3.1 expression and invasiveness in glioblastoma (2019) Cancers, 11 (3), art. no. 279, .
14. Donnarumma, P., Nigro, L., Ambrosone, A., Tarantino, R., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Spinal epidural lipomatosis: A rare condition with unclear etiology (2019) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 63 (3), pp. 352-354.
15. Paglia, F., D Angelo, L., Armocida, D., Sampirisi, L., Giangaspero, F., De Vincentiis, L., Santoro, A. A rare case of spinal epidural sarcoidosis: case report and review of the literature (2019) Acta Neurologica Belgica, .
16. Caporlingua, A., D'Angelo, L., Tropeano, MP., Massimo, V., De Vincentiis, L., Gargano, L., Cellini, M., Mercuri, V., Giangaspero, F., Gargiulo, P., Santoro, A. Infundibuloneurohypophysitis associated with autoimmune thrombocytopenia and chiasmal syndrome: a case report. (2019) Acta Neurologica Belgica. Sep;119(3):337-342. doi: 10.1007/s13760-018-1007-8.
17. Lepore, F., D'Alessandro, G., Antonangeli, F., Santoro, A., Esposito, V., Limatola, C., Trettel, F. CXCL16/CXCR6 axis drives microglia/macrophages phenotype in physiological conditions and plays a crucial role in glioma (2018) Frontiers in Immunology, 9 (NOV), art. no. 2750,.
18. Pescatori, L., Tropeano, MP., Santoro, A. Complex Aneurysm: The Unpredictable Pathological Entity. (2018) Acta Neurochirurgica. Supplement. 129:61-70. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73739-3_9.
19. Tsaousi, GG., Marocchi, L., Sergi, PG., Pourzitaki, C., Santoro, A., Bilotta, F. Early and late clinical outcomes after decompressive craniectomy for traumatic refractory intracranial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of current evidence. (2018) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences. Oct 23. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.18.04527-7.
20. Nigro, L., Tarantino, R., Donnarumma, P., Rullo, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Delayed surgery in neurologically intact patients affected by thoraco-lumbar junction burst fractures: to reduce pain and improve quality of life. (2018) Journal of Spine Surgery (Hong Kong). Jun;4(2):397-402. doi: 10.21037/jss.2018.05.02.
21. Cannizzaro, D., Peschillo, S., Cenzato, M., Pero, G., Resta, M.C., Guidetti, G., Burdi, N., Piccirilli, M., Santoro, A., Lanzino, G. Endovascular and surgical approaches of ethmoidal dural fistulas: a multicenter experience and a literature review (2018) Neurosurgical Review, 41 (2), pp. 391-398.
22. Donnarumma, P., Tarantino, R., Rullo, M., Grisaro, A., Petrucci, M.T., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Surgery for vertebral involvement in multiple myeloma (2018) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 62 (1), pp. 10-15.
23. Peschillo, S., Cannizzaro, D., Missori, P., Colonnese, C., Santodirocco, A., Santoro, A., Guidetti, G. Reconstructive endovascular treatment of a ruptured blood blister-like aneurysm of anterior communicating artery (2017) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 61 (4), pp. 438-441.
24. Nigro, L., Tarantino, R., Donnarumma, P., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. A case of cervical tuberculosis with severe kyphosis treated with a winged expandable cage after double corpectomy. (2017) Journal of Spine Surgery (Hong Kong). Jun;3(2):304-308. doi: 10.21037/jss.2017.06.02.
25. Cannizzaro, D., Peschillo, S., Mancarella, C., La Pira, B., Rastelli, E., Passacantilli, E., Santoro, A. Clipping in Awake Surgery as End-Stage in a Complex Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm After Failure of Multimodal Endovascular and Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Treatment (2017) Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 26 (6), pp. e114-e118.
26. Tarantino, R., Nigro, L., Donnarumma, P., Rullo, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Cervical reconstruction techniques. After adequate selection of the patient report of a series of 34 patients treated with winged expandable cages (2017) Neurosurgical Review, 40 (2), pp. 281-286.
27. Nigro, L., Tarantino, R., Donnarumma, P., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. C5 palsy after insertion of a winged expandable cervical cage: a case report and literature review. (2017) Journal of Spine Surgery (Hong Kong). Jun;3(2):300-303. doi: 10.21037/jss.2017.06.03.
28. Nigro, L., Tarantino, R., Donnarumma, P., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Static and dynamic cervical MRI: two useful exams in cervical myelopathy. (2017) Journal of Spinr Surgery (Hong Kong). Jun;3(2):212-216. doi: 10.21037/jss.2017.06.01.
29. Piccirilli, M., Prizio, E., Cannizzaro, D., Tropeano, MP., Guidetti, G., Santoro, A. The only case of mycotic aneurysm of the PICA: Clinical-radiological remarks and review of literature. (2017) Journal of Clinical Neurosciences. Apr;38:62-66. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2016.12.034. Epub 2017 Jan 21.
30. Pescatori, L., Tropeano, MP., Manfreda, A., Delfini, R., Santoro, A. Three-Dimensional Anatomy of the White Matter Fibers of the Temporal Lobe: Surgical Implications. (2017) World Neurosurgery. Apr;100:144-158. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.12.120
31. Lenzi, J., Caporlingua, F., Caporlingua, A., Anichini, G., Nardone, A., Passacantilli, E., Santoro, A. Relevancy of positive trends in mortality and functional recovery after surgical treatment of acute subdural hematomas. Our 10-year experience (2017) British Journal of Neurosurgery, 31 (1), pp. 78-83.
32. Pescatori, L., Niutta, M., Tropeano, M.P., Santoro, G., Santoro, A. Fourth cranial nerve: surgical anatomy in the subtemporal transtentorial approach and in the pretemporal combined inter-intradural approach through the fronto-temporo-orbito-zygomatic craniotomy. A cadaveric study (2017) Neurosurgical Review, 40 (1), pp. 143-153.
33. Lenzi, J., Anichini, G., Landi, A., Piciocchi, A., Passacantilli, E., Pedace, F., Delfini, R., Santoro, A. Spinal Nerves Schwannomas: Experience on 367 Cases - Historic Overview on How Clinical, Radiological, and Surgical Practices Have Changed over a Course of 60 Years (2017) Neurology Research International, 2017, art. no. 3568359, .
34. Landi, A., Marotta, N., Ambrosone, A., Prizio, E., Mancarella, C., Gregori, F., La Torre, G., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Correlation between timing of surgery and outcome in thoracolumbar fractures: Does early surgery influence neurological recovery and functional restoration? A multivariate analysis of results in our experience (2017) Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum, 124, pp. 231-238.
35. Piccirilli, M., Delfinis, CP., Santoro, A., Salvati, M. Mesenchymal stem cells in lumbar spine surgery: a single institution experience about red bone marrow and fat tissue derived MSCs. (2017) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences. Apr;61(2):124-133. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.16.03266-X.
36. Nigro, L., Donnarumma, P., Tarantino, R., Rullo, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Letter to the Editor: Intradural extramedullary spinal tumor resection and quality of life. (2017) Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine. Feb;26(2):272-273. doi: 10.3171/2016.8.SPINE16910.
37. Passacantilli, E., Lenzi, J., Caporlingua, F., Nardone, A., Cannizzaro, D., Pescatori, L., Santoro, A. Full endoscopic transforaminal endoscopic approach for symptomatic lumbar disc herniation, our experience (2016) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 60 (3), pp. 410-412.
38. Bilotta, F., Robba, C., Santoro, A., Delfini, R., Rosa, G., Agati, L. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging in Detection of Changes in Cerebral Perfusion. (2016) Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Nov;42(11):2708-2716. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2016.06.007.
39. Ciasca, G., Sassun, TE., Minelli, E., Antonelli, M., Papi, M., Santoro, A., Giangaspero, F., Delfini, R., De Spirito, M. Nano-mechanical signature of brain tumours. (2016) Nanoscale, Dec 1;8(47):19629-19643.
40. Vazana, U., Veksler, R., Pell, G.S., Prager, O., Fassler, M., Chassidim, Y., Roth, Y., Shahar, H., Zangen, A., Raccah, R., Onesti, E., Ceccanti, M., Colonnese, C., Santoro, A., Salvati, M., D Elia, A., Nucciarelli, V., Inghilleri, M., Friedman, A. Glutamate-mediated blood brain barrier opening: Implications for neuroprotection and drug delivery (2016) Journal of Neuroscience, 36 (29), pp. 7727-7739.
41. Landi, A., Palmarini, V., D'Elia, A., Marotta, N., Salvati, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging and fiber-tracking diffusion tensor tractography in the management of spinal astrocytomas. (2016) World Journal of Clinical Cases. Jan 16;4(1):1-4. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v4.i1.1.
42. Piccirilli, M., Liberati, C., Santoro, G., Santoro, A. Cervical Posttraumatic Unilateral Locked Facets (2016) Clinical Spine Surgery, 29 (6), pp. 261-265.
43. D'Alessandro, G., Grimaldi, A., Chece, G., Porzia, A., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Salvati, M., Mainiero, F., Ragozzino, D., Di Angelantonio, S., Wulff, H., Catalano, M., Limatola, C. KCa3.1 channel inhibition sensitizes malignant gliomas to temozolomide treatment (2016) Oncotarget, 7 (21), pp. 30781-30796.
44. Grimaldi, A., D'Alessandro, G., Golia, M.T., Grössinger, E.M., Di Angelantonio, S., Ragozzino, D., Santoro, A., Esposito, V., Wulff, H., Catalano, M., Limatola, C. KCa3.1 inhibition switches the phenotype of glioma-infiltrating microglia/macrophages (2016) Cell Death and Disease, 7, art. no. e2174,
45. D'elia, A., Fazzolari, B., Arcovio, E., Di Paolo, A., Antonelli, M., Giangaspero, F., Salvati, M., Santoro, A.Transdural spread of glioblastoma with endonasal growth in a long-term survivor patient: Case report and literature review (2016) Turkish Neurosurgery, 26 (5), pp. 799-804.
46. Passacantilli, E., Lenzi, J., Caporlingua, F., Pescatori, L., Lapadula, G., Nardone, A., Santoro, A.Endoscopic interlaminar approach for intracanal L5-S1 disc herniation: Classification of disc prolapse in relation to learning curve and surgical outcome (2015) Asian journal of endoscopic surgery, 8 (4), pp. 445-453.
47. Peschillo, S., Miscusi, M., Caporlingua, A., Cannizzaro, D., Santoro, A., Delfini, R., Guidetti, G., Missori, P. Blister-like Aneurysms in Atypical Locations: A Single-Center Experience and Comprehensive Literature Review (2015) World Neurosurgery, 84 (4), pp. 1070-1079.
48. Bilotta, F., Stazi, E., Titi, L., Lalli, D., Rosa, G., Delfini, R., Santoro, A. Reply to de Witte et al - Language therapists for language testing in awake craniotomy (2015) British Journal of Neurosurgery, 29 (4), p. 608.
49. Passacantilli, E., Lapadula, G., Caporlingua, F., Anichini, G., Giovannetti, F., Santoro, A., Lenzi, J. Preparation of nasoseptal flap in trans-sphenoidal surgery using 2- thulium laser: Technical note (2015) Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 33 (4), pp. 220-223.
50. Peschillo, S., Missori, P., Piano, M., Cannizzaro, D., Guidetti, G., Santoro, A., Cenzato, M. Blister-like aneurysms of middle cerebral artery: a multicenter retrospective review of diagnosis and treatment in three patients (2015) Neurosurgical Review, 38 (1), pp. 197-203.
51. Lenzi, J., Lapadula, G., D'Amico, T., Delfinis, C.P., Iuorio, R., Caporlingua, F., Mecca, N., Mercuri, V., Bassotti, G., Rillo, M., Santoro, F., Tamburrano, G., Santoro, A., Gargiulo, P.Evaluation of trans-sphenoidal surgery in pituitary GH-secreting micro- and macroadenomas: A comparison between microsurgical and endoscopic approach (2015) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 59 (1), pp. 11-18.
52. Piccirilli, M., Maiola, V., Salvati, M., D'Elia, A., Di Paolo, A., Campagna, D., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Granular cell tumor of the neurohypophysis: A single-institution experience(2014) Tumori, 100 (4), pp. e160-e164.
53. Di Paolo, A., Piccirilli, M., Pescatori, L., Santoro, A., D'ElIa, A. Single institute experience on 108 consecutive cases of type II odontoid fractures: Surgery versus conservative treatment (2014) Turkish Neurosurgery, 24 (6), pp. 891-896.
54. Tarantino, R., Donnarumma, P., Nigro, L., Rullo, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Surgery of intradural extramedullary tumors: Retrospective analysis of 107 cases (2014) Neurosurgery, 75 (5), pp. 509-514.
55. Bilotta, F., Stazi, E., Titi, L., Lalli, D., Delfini, R., Santoro, A., Rosa, G. Diagnostic work up for language testing in patients undergoing awake craniotomy for brain lesions in language areas (2014) British Journal of Neurosurgery, 28 (3), pp. 363-367.
56. Melone, A.G., D'Elia, A., Santoro, F., Salvati, M., Delfini, R., Cantore, G., Santoro, A. Intracranial hemangiopericytoma - Our experience in 30 years: A series of 43 cases and review of the literature (2014) World Neurosurgery, 81 (3-4), pp. 556-562.
57. Nardone, A., Caporlingua, F., Lapadula, G., Santoro, A. Anterior spinal epidural abscess due to Salmonella typhi: A report of a rare case treated conservatively and review of the literature (2013) Neurological Sciences, 34 (11), pp. 2051-2052.
58. Passacantilli, E., Lapadula, G., Caporlingua, F., Lenzi, J., Antonelli, M., Santoro, F., Santoro, A Chordoid meningioma: A retrospective series of seven consecutive cases (2013) Neurological Sciences, 34 (11), pp. 1985-1989.
59. D'Alessandro, G., Catalano, M., Sciaccaluga, M., Chece, G., Cipriani, R., Rosito, M., Grimaldi, A., Lauro, C., Cantore, G., Santoro, A., Fioretti, B., Franciolini, F., Wulff, H., Limatola, C. KCa3.1 channels are involved in the infiltrative behavior of glioblastoma in vivo (2013) Cell Death and Disease, 4 (8), art. no. e773.
60. D'Elia, A., Maiola, V., La Pira, B., Arcovio, E., Brogna, C., Frati, A., Santoro, F., Santoro, A., Salvati, M.Vanishing glioblastoma after corticosteroid therapy: Does this occurrence modify our surgical strategy? (2013) Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 115 (4), pp. 490-494.
61. Passacantilli, E., Anichini, G., Lapadula, G., Salvati, M., Lenzi, J., Santoro, A. Assessment of the utility of the 2- thulium laser in surgical removal of intracranial meningiomas (2013) Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 45 (3), pp. 148-154.
62. Sciaccaluga, M., D'Alessandro, G., Pagani, F., Ferrara, G., Lopez, N., Warr, T., Gorello, P., Porzia, A., Mainiero, F., Santoro, A., Esposito, V., Cantore, G., Castigli, E., Limatola, C.Functional cross talk between CXCR4 and PDGFR on glioblastoma cells is essential for migration. (2013) PloS one, 8 (9), art. no. e73426.
63. Santoro, A., D'Elia, A., Fazzolari, B., Santoro, F., Antonelli, M., Giangaspero, F., Brogna, C., Lenzi, J., Frati, A., Salvati, M.Four-year clinical and neuroradiological follow-up of a papillary tumor of the pineal region (2012) Neurological Sciences, 33 (4), pp. 931-935.
64. Salvati, M., Pichierri, A., Piccirilli, M., Brunetto, G.M.F., D'Elia, A., Artizzu, S., Santoro, F., Arcella, A., Giangaspero, F., Frati, A., Simione, L., Santoro, A.Extent of tumor removal and molecular markers in cerebral glioblastoma: A combined prognostic factors study in a surgical series of 105 patients - Clinical article(2012) Journal of Neurosurgery, 117 (2), pp. 204-211.
65. Passacantilli, E., Antonelli, M., D'Amico, A., Delfinis, C.P., Anichini, G., Lenzi, J., Santoro, A. Neurosurgical applications of the 2- m thulium laser: Histological evaluation of meningiomas in comparison to bipolar forceps and an ultrasonic aspirator (2012) Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 30 (5), pp. 286-292.
66. Anichini, G., Passacantilli, E., Lenzi, J., Guidetti, G., Santoro, A. Dissecting aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery treated with heparin infusion in a 6-year-old child; neurological recovery with delayed spontaneous thrombosis: Case illustration and literature review (2012) Neurological Sciences, 33 (2), pp. 313-316.
67. Salvati, M., Frati, A., D'Elia, A., Pescatori, L., Piccirilli, M., Pietrantonio, A., Fazi, M., Santoro, A. Single brain metastases from melanoma: Remarks on a series of 84 patients (2012) Neurosurgical Review, 35 (2), pp. 211-217.
68. Piccirilli, M., Lapadula, G., Caporlingua, F., Martini, S., Santoro, A. Spontaneous regression of a thoracic calcified disc herniation in a young female: A case report and literature review (2012) Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 114 (6), pp. 779-781.
69. Piccirilli, M., Anichini, G., Cassoni, A., Ramieri, V., Valentini, V., Santoro, A. Anterior cranial fossa traumas: Clinical value, surgical indications, and results - A retrospective study on a series of 223 patients (2012) Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base, 73 (4), pp. 265-272.
70. Artico, M., Bianchi, E., Magliulo, G., De Vincentiis, M., De Santis, E., Orlandi, A., Santoro, A., Pasture, F.S., Giangaspero, F., Caruso, R., Re, M., Fumagalli, L. Neurotrophins, their receptors and Ki-67 in human GH-secreting pituitary adenomas: An immunohistochemical analysis (2012) International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 25 (1), pp. 117-125.
71. Frati, A., Pichierri, A., Bastianello, S., Raco, A., Santoro, A., Esposito, V., Giangaspero, F., Salvati, M.
Frameless stereotactic cerebral biopsy: Our experience in 296 cases (2011) Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 89 (4), pp. 234-245.
72. Passacantilli, E., Anichini, G., Delfinis, C.P., Lenzi, J., Santoro, A. Use of 2- m continuous-wave thulium laser for surgical removal of a tentorial meningioma: Case report (2011) Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 29 (6), pp. 437-440.
73. Tafani, M., Di Vito, M., Frati, A., Pellegrini, L., De Santis, E., Sette, G., Eramo, A., Sale, P., Mari, E., Santoro, A., Raco, A., Salvati, M., De Maria, R., Russo, M.A Pro-inflammatory gene expression in solid glioblastoma microenvironment and in hypoxic stem cells from human glioblastoma (2011) Journal of Neuroinflammation, 8, art. no. 32, .
74. Salvati, M., D'Elia, A., Frati, A., Brogna, C., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Safety and feasibility of the adjunct of local chemotherapy with biodegradable carmustine (BCNU) wafers to the standard multimodal approach to high grade gliomas at first diagnosis (2011) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 55 (1), pp. 1-6.
75. Melone, A.G., Delfinis, C.P., Passacantilli, E., Lenzi, J., Santoro, A. Intracranial extra-axial cavernous angioma of the cerebellar falx (2010) World Neurosurgery, 74 (4-5), pp. 501-504.
76. Bilotta, F., Santoro, A., Rosa, G. Awake "anesthesia" for intraoperative language testing during temporary clip application in a patient with giant intracranial aneurysm (2010) Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 22 (3), pp. 272-273.
77. Salvati, M., D'Elia, A., Frati, A., Santoro, A. Sarcoma metastatic to the brain: A series of 35 cases and considerations from 27 years of experience (2010) Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 98 (3), pp. 373-377.
78. Sciaccaluga, M., Fioretti, B., Catacuzzeno, L., Pagani, F., Bertollini, C., Rosito, M., Catalano, M., D'Alessandro, G., Santoro, A., Cantore, G., Ragozzino, D., Castigli, E., Franciolini, F., Limatola, C. CXCL12-induced glioblastoma cell migration requires intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel activity(2010) American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 299 (1), pp. C175-C184.
79. Landi, A., Di Norcia, V., Dugoni, D.E., Tarantino, R., Cappelletti, M., Antonelli, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R.Intramedullary non-specific inflammatory lesion of thoracic spine: A case report (2010) World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 8, art. no. 3.
80. Artico, M., Bronzetti, E., Pompili, E., Ionta, B., Alicino, V., D'Ambrosio, A., Santoro, A., Pastore, F.S., Elenkov, I., Fumagalli, L. Immunohistochemical profile of neurotrophins in human cranial dura mater and meningiomas (2009) Oncology Reports, 21 (6), pp. 1373-1380.
81. Russo, N., Giangaspero, F., Beccaglia, M.R., Santoro, A.Intracranial dural histiocytosis (2009) BritishJournal of Neurosurgery, 23 (4), pp. 449-454.
82. Pichierri, A., Santoro, A., Raco, A., Paolini, S., Cantore, G., Delfini, R. Cavernous sinus meningiomas: Retrospective analysis and proposal of atreatment algorithm (2009) Neurosurgery, 64 (6), pp. 1090-1099.
83. Salvati, M., Formichella, A.I., D'Elia, A., Brogna, C., Frati, A., Giangaspero, F., Delfini, R., Santoro, A.
Cerebral glioblastoma with oligodendrogliomal component: Analysis of 36 cases (2009) Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 94 (1), pp. 129-134.
84. Salvati, M., D'Elia, A., Brogna, C., Frati, A., Antonelli, M., Giangaspero, F., Raco, A., Santoro, A., Delfini, R.Cerebral astroblastoma: Analysis of six cases and critical review of treatment options (2009) Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 93 (3), pp. 369-378.
85. D'Elia, A., Melone, G.A., Brogna, C., Formichella, A., Santoro, A., Salvati, M. Radio-induced low-grade glioma: Report of two cases and review of the literature (2009) Neurological Sciences, 30 (2), pp. 137-141.
86. Pichierri, A., Frati, A., Santoro, A., Lenzi, J., Delfini, R., Pannarale, L., Gaudio, E., D'Andrea, G., Cantore, G.P. How to set up a microsurgical laboratory on small animal models: Organization, techniques, and impact on residency training (2009) Neurosurgical Review, 32 (1), pp. 101-110.
87. Russo, N., Domenicucci, M., Beccaglia, M.R., Santoro, A. Spontaneous reduction of intracranial arachnoid cysts: A complete review (2008) British Journal of Neurosurgery, 22 (5), pp. 626-629.
88. Cantore, G., Santoro, A., Guidetti, G., Delfinis, C.P., Colonnese, C., Passacantilli, E. Surgical treatment of giant intracranial aneurysms: Current viewpoint (2008) Neurosurgery, 63 (4 SUPPL.), pp. ONS279-ONS289.
89. Bilotta, F., Caramia, R., Cernak, I., Paoloni, F.P., Doronzio, A., Cuzzone, V., Santoro, A., Rosa, G. Intensive insulin therapy after severe traumatic brain injury: A randomized clinical trial (2008) Neurocritical Care, 9 (2), pp. 159-166. 67) Pichierri, A., Santoro, A., Delfini, RClinoidal meningiomas(2008) Neurosurgery Quarterly, 18 (3), pp. 195-200.
90. Raco, A., Frati, A., Santoro, A., Vangelista, T., Salvati, M., Delfini, R., Cantore, G Long-term surgical results with aneurysms involving the ophthalmic segment of the carotid artery (2008) Journal of Neurosurgery, 108 (6), pp. 1200-1210.
91. D'Avella, E., Tschabitscher, M., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Blood supply to the intracavernous cranial nerves: comparison of the endoscopic and microsurgical perspectives. (2008) Neurosurgery, 62 (5 Suppl 2), pp. ONS305-310; discussion ONS310-311.
92. Vicenzin, E., Delfini, R., Magri, F., Puccinelli, F., Altieri, M., Santoro, A., Giannoni, M.F., Bozzao, L., Di Piero, V., Lenzi, G.L. Semiquantitative human cerebral perfusion assessment with ultrasound in brain space-occupying lesions: Preliminary data (2008) Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 27 (5), pp. 685-692.
93. Santoro, A., Piccirilli, M., Brunetto, G.M.F., Delfini, R., Cantore, G. Intramedullary cavernous angioma of the spinal cord in a pediatric patient, with multiple cavernomas, familial occurrence and partial spontaneous regression: Case report and review of the literature (2007) Child's Nervous System, 23 (11), pp. 1319-1326.
94. Santoro, A., Minniti, G., Ruggeri, A., Esposito, V., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Delfini, R. Biochemical remission and recurrence rate of secreting pituitary adenomas after transsphenoidal adenomectomy: long-term endocrinologic follow-up result (2007) Surgical Neurology, 68 (5), pp. 513-518.
95. Fratticci, A., Grieco, F.A., Spilioti, C., Giangaspero, F., Ventura, L., Esposito, V., Piccirilli, M., Santoro, A., Gulino, A., Cantore, G., Alesse, E., Jaffrain-Rea, M.L. Differential expression of neurogenins and NeuroD1 in human pituitary tumours (2007) Journal of Endocrinology, 194 (3), pp. 475-484.
96. Frati, A., Pichierri, A., Esposito, V., Frati, R., Delfini, R., Cantore, G., Bastianello, S., Santoro, A. Aesthetic issues in neurosurgery: A protocol to improve cosmetic outcome in cranial surgery (2007) Neurosurgical Review, 30 (1), pp. 69-76.
97. Passacantilli, E., Pichierri, A., Delfinis, C.P., Brogna, C., Santoro, A., Raco, A.Chronic expanding intracerebral hematoma treated by mini-invasive ultrasonography-guided needle aspiration (2006) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 50 (3), pp. 67-70.
98. Paolini, S., Santoro, A., Missori, P., Pichierri, A., Esposito, V., Ciappetta, P. Surgical exposure of lateral orbital lesions using a coronal scalp flap and lateral orbitozygomatic approach: Clinical experience (2006) Acta Neurochirurgica, 148 (9), pp. 959-963.
99. Pichierri, A., Piccirilli, M., Passacantilli, E., Frati, A., Santoro, A. Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome and intramedullary cervical cavernoma: a very rare association. Case report (2006) Surgical Neurology, 66 (2), pp. 203-206.
100. Salvati, M., Piccirilli, M., Raco, A., Santoro, A., Frati, R., Lenzi, J., Lanzetta, G., Agrillo, A., Frati, A. Brain metastasis from non-seminomatous germ cell tumors of the testis: Indications for aggressive treatment (2006) Neurosurgical Review, 29 (2), pp. 130-137.
101. Piccirilli, M., Bistazzoni, S., Gagliardi, F.M., Landi, A., Santoro, A., Giangaspero, F., Salvati, M. Treatment of glioblastoma multiforme in elderly patients. Clinico-therapeutic remarks in 22 patients older than 80 years (2006) Tumori, 92 (2), pp. 98-103.
102. Passacantilli, E., Pichierri, A., Guidetti, G., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Surgical treatment of pial cerebellar arteriovenous fistulas with aneurysm of the main feeding artery (2006) Surgical Neurology, 65 (1), pp. 90-94.
103. Caroli, E., Salvati, M., Giangaspero, F., Ferrante, L., Santoro, A. Intrameningioma metastasis as first clinical manifestation of occult primary breast carcinoma (2006) Neurosurgical Review, 29 (1), pp. 49-54.
104. Minniti, G., Esposito, V., Piccirilli, M., Fratticci, A., Santoro, A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L. Diagnosis and management of pituitary tumours in the elderly: A review based on personal experience and evidence of literature (2005) European Journal of Endocrinology, 153 (6), pp. 723-735.
105. Lenzi, J., Seferi, A., Nardone, A., Salvati, M., Vreto, G., Santoro, A., Raco, A., Pichierri, A., Petrela, M.
Sylvian subarachnoid and extra-pial cavernous angioma (2005) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 49 (4), pp. 163-166.
106. Santoro, A., Piccirilli, M., Bristot, R., Di Norcia, V., Salvati, M., Delfini, R. Extradural spinal cavernous angiomas: Report of seven cases (2005) Neurosurgical Review, 28 (4), pp. 313-319.
107. Santoro, A., Piccirilli, M., Ciappetta, P., Guidetti, G., Cantore, G. Vasospasm of venous grafts in extra-intracranial by-pass: Report of two cases (2005) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 49 (3), pp. 107-115.
108. Piccirilli, M., Salvati, M., Bistazzoni, S., Frati, A., Brogna, C., Giangaspero, F., Frati, R., Santoro, A.
Glioblastoma multiforme and breast cancer: Report on 11 cases and clinico-pathological remarks (2005) Tumori, 91 (3), pp. 256-260.
109. Minniti, G., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Osti, M., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Solda, F., Gargiulo, P., Tamburrano, G., Enrici, R.M. The long-term efficacy of conventional radiotherapy in patients with GH-secreting pituitary adenomas (2005) Clinical Endocrinology, 62 (2), pp. 210-216.
110. Passacantilli, E., Santoro, A., Pichierri, A., Delfini, R., Cantore, G. Anterolateral approach to the craniocervical junction. (2005) Journal of neurosurgery. Spine, 3 (2), pp. 123-128.
111. Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Minniti, G., Salvati, M., Innocenzi, G., Lanzetta, G., Cantore, G. Transsphenoidal adenomectomy for GH-, PRL- and ACTH-secreting pituitary tumours: Outcome analysis in a series of 125 patients (2004) Neurological Sciences, 25 (5), pp. 251-256.
112. Caroli, E., Salvati, M., Orlando, E.R., Lenzi, J., Santoro, A., Giangaspero, F. Solitary fibrous tumors of the meninges: Report of four cases and literature review (2004) Neurosurgical Review, 27 (4), pp. 246-251.
113. Lenzi, J., Agrillo, A., Santoro, A., Marotta, N., Cantore, G.P. Postoperative spondylodiscitis from Aspergillus fumigatus in immunocompetent subjects (2004) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 48 (2), pp. 81-85.
114. Santoro, A., Piccirilli, M., Frati, A., Salvati, M., Innocenzi, G., Ricci, G., Cantore, G. Intramedullary spinal cord cavernous malformations: Report of ten new cases (2004) Neurosurgical Review, 27 (2), pp. 93-98.
115. Jian, F.-Z., Santoro, A., Wang, X.-W., Passacantili, E., Seferi, A., Liu, S.-S. A vertebral artery tortuous course below the posterior arch of the atlas (without passing through the transverse foramen): Anatomical report and clinical significance (2003) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 47 (4), pp. 183-187.
116. Minniti, G., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Tamburrano, G., Cantore, G. Evolving criteria for post-operative biochemical remission of acromegaly: Can we achieve a definitive cure? An audit of surgical results on a large series and a review of the literature (2003) Endocrine-Related Cancer, 10 (4), pp. 611-619.
117. Santoro, A., Salvati, M., Vangelista, T., Delfini, R., Cantore, G.P. Fronto-temporo-orbito-zygomatic approach and variants: Surgical technique and indications (2003) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 47 (3), pp. 141-147.
118. Santoro, A., Passacantilli, E., Cantore, G.P. Extracranial-intracranial by-pass through a saphenous vein graft: Experience in 51 cases [By-pass extra-intracranici con graft di vena safena: Esperienza in 51 casi] (2003) Rivista di Neuroradiologia, 16 (1), pp. 165-167.
119. Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Minniti, G., Moroni, C., Esposito, V., Ferretti, E., Santoro, A., Infusino, T., Tamburrano, G., Cantore, G., Cassone, R. Impact of successful transsphenoidal surgery on cardiovascular risk factors in acromegaly (2003) European Journal of Endocrinology, 148 (2), pp. 193-201.
120. Ferretti, E., Di Stefano, D., Zazzeroni, F., Gallo, R., Fratticci, A., Carfagnini, R., Angiulli, S., Santoro, A., Minniti, G., Tamburrano, G., Alesse, E., Cantore, G., Gulino, A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.L. Human pituitary tumours express the bHLH transcription factors NeuroD1 and ASH1(2003) Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 26 (10), pp. 957-965.
121. Frati, A., Salvati, M., Giarnieri, E., Santoro, A., Rocchi, G., Frati, L. Brain metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma associated with hepatitis B virus (2002) Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, 21 (3), pp. 321-327.
122. Jaffrain-Rea, M.L., Di Stefano, D., Minniti, G., Esposito, V., Bultrini, A., Ferretti, E., Santoro, A., Faticanti Scucchi, L., Gulino, A., Cantore, G. A critical reappraisal of MIB-1 labelling index significance in a large series of pituitary tumours: Secreting versus non-secreting adenomas (2002) Endocrine-Related Cancer, 9 (2), pp. 103-113.
123. Salvati, M., Cimatti, M., Frati, A., Santoro, A., Gagliardi, F.M., Cucciniello, B. Brain metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma: A case report (2002) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 46 (2), pp. 77-80.
124. Santoro, A., Salvati, M., Frati, A., Polli, F.M., Delfini, R., Cantore, G., Villani, R., De Tribolet, N. Surgical approaches to tumours of the lateral ventricles in the dominant hemisphere (2002) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 46 (2), pp. 60-65.
125. Cantore, G., Ciappetta, P., Santoro, A., Paolini, S. Discontinuous myelotomy: An alternative to standard myelotomy in the surgical treatment of intramedullary spinal cord tumours (2002) Acta Neurochirurgica, 144 (4), pp. 373-376.
126. Santoro, A., Minniti, G., Paolini, S., Passacantilli, E., Missori, P., Frati, A., Cantore, G.P. Atypical tentorial meningioma 30 years after radiotherapy for a pituitary adenoma (2002) Neurological Sciences, 22 (6), pp. 463-467.
127. Minniti, G., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Santoro, A., Esposito, V., Ferrante, L., Delfini, R., Cantore, G. Giant prolactinomas presenting as skull base tumors (2002) Surgical Neurology, 57 (2), pp. 99-103.
128. Paolini, S., Ciappetta, P., Santoro, A., Ramieri, A. Rapid, symptomatic enlargement of a lumbar juxtafacet cyst: case report. (2002) Spine, 27 (11), pp. E281-283.
129. Santoro, A., Passacantilli, E., Guidetti, G., Dazzi, M., Guglielmi, G., Cantore, G. Bypass combined with embolization via a venous graft in a patient with a giant aneurysm in the posterior communicating artery and bilateral idiopathic occlusion of the internal carotid artery in the neck (2002) Journal of Neurosurgery, 96 (1), pp. 135-139.
130. Passacantilli, E., Santoro, A., Tarantino, R., Delfini, R. 087. Anterolateral approach to the craniospinal junction: Surgical technique and case-series (2001) Skull Base, 11 (SUPPL. 2), p. 33.
131. Agrillo, A., Passacantilli, E., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Spinal intradural endodermal cyst located anterior to the cervical spinal cord (2001) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 45 (4), pp. 220-223.
132. Qasho, R., Santoro, A., Vangelista, T., Cantore, G. Nerve root compression by a gas-containing cyst associated with stenotic lateral recess: Case report and review of the literature (2001) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 45 (3), pp. 181-184.
133. Minniti, G., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Moroni, C., Lenzi, J., Tamburrano, G., Cassone, R., Cantore, G. Surgical treatment and clinical outcome of GH-secreting adenomas in elderly patients (2001) Acta Neurochirurgica, 143 (12), pp. 1205-1211.
134. Caramia, F., Santoro, A., Pantano, P., Passacantilli, E., Guidetti, G., Pierallini, A., Fantozzi, L.M., Cantore, G.P., Bozzao, L. Cerebral hemodynamics on MR perfusion images before and after bypass surgery in patients with giant intracranial aneurysms (2001) American Journal of Neuroradiology, 22 (9), pp. 1704-1710.
135. Minniti, G., Moroni, C., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Affricano, C., Cantore, G., Tamburrano, G., Cassone, R. Marked improvement in cardiovascular function after successful transsphenoidal surgery in acromegalic patients (2001) Clinical Endocrinology, 55 (3), pp. 307-313.
136. Jian, F.-Z., Santoro, A., Innocenzi, G., Wang, X.-W., Liu, S.-S., Cantore, G. Frontotemporal orbitozygomatic craniotomy to expose the cavernous sinus and its surrounding regions: Microsurgical anatomy (2001) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 45 (1), pp. 19-28.
137. Mancini, G., Pauletti, G., Sinibaldi, L., Muzzi, F., Santoro, A., Passacantilli, E., Cantore, G. Giant aneurysm of the carotid siphon in patient with latent neurosyphilis, treated with high-flow extraintracranial bypass and trapping of the internal carotid artery [Aneurisma gigante del sifone carotideo in paziente con neurosifilide latente, trattato con bypass extraintracranico ad alto flusso e trapping della carotide interna] (2000) Rivista di Neurobiologia, 46 (5-6), pp. 445-450.
138. Missori, P., Maraglino, C., Tarantino, R., Salvati, M., Calderaro, G., Santoro, A., Delfini, R. Chronic subdural haematomas in patients aged under 50 (2000) Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 102 (4), pp. 199-202.
139. Santoro, A., Bristot, R., Paolini, S., Di Stefano, D., Cantore, G., Dorizzi, A., Infuso, L. Radiation injury involving the internal carotid artery: Report of two cases (2000) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 44 (3), pp. 159-164.
140. Santoro, A., Giuliani, S., Paolini, S. Recurrent arteriovenous malformation in an adult (2000) Journal of Neurosurgery, 93 (6), p. 1082.
141. Santoro, A. Long saphenous-vein grafts for extracranial and intracranial internal carotid aneurysms amenable neither to clipping nor to endovascular treatment (1999) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 43 (4), pp. 237-251.
142. Santoro, A. Multiple meningiomas in different neuraxial compartments. Report of two cases (1999) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 43 (3), pp. 211-215.
143. Santoro, A., Ciappetta, P., Delfini, R., Cantore, G. Anterolateral approach to benign lesions of the cranio-spinal junction (1999) Skull Base Surgery, 9 (SUPPL. 1), p. 7.
144. Pierallini, A., Caramia, F., Piattella, M.C., Pantano, P., Santoro, A., Di Stefano, D., Bozzao, L. Metastasis along the stereotactic biopsy trajectory in glioblastoma multiforme (1999) Acta Neurochirurgica, 141 (9), pp. 1011-1012.
145. Cantore, G., Missori, P., Santoro, A. Cavernous angiomas of the brain stem intra-axial anatomical pitfalls and surgical strategies (1999) Surgical Neurology, 52 (1), pp. 84-94.
146. Cantore, G., Santoro, A., Da Pian, R. Spontaneous occlusion of supraclinoid aneurysms after the creation of extra-intracranial bypasses using long grafts: Report of two cases (1999) Neurosurgery, 44 (1), pp. 216-220.
147. Jaffrain-Rea, M.L., Ferretti, E., Toniato, E., Cannita, K., Santoro, A., Di Stefano, D., Ricevuto, E., Maroder, M., Tamburrano, G., Cantore, G., Gulino, A., Martinotti, S. p16 (INK4a, MTS-1) gene polymorphism and methylation status in human pituitary tumours (1999) Clinical Endocrinology, 51 (3), pp. 317-325.
148. Qasho, R., Santoro, A., Vangelista, T., Gianardi, E., Delfini, R., Cantore, G. Ernie discali lombari contenenti gas. Descrizioni di tre casi e revisione della letteratura (1998) Nuova Rivista di Neurologia, 8 (4), pp. x6-132.
149. Santoro, A., Innocenzi, G., Bellotti, C., Cancrini, A., Delfini, R., Cantore, G.R. Total removal of an intramedullary cavernous angioma by transthoracic approach (1998) Neurological Sciences, 19 (3), pp. 176-179.
150. Cantore, G.P., Santoro, A. Treatment of aneurysms unsuitable for clipping or endovascular therapy (1998) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 42 (1 SUPPL. 1), pp. 71-75.
151. Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Minniti, G., Santoro, A., Bastianello, S., Tamburrano, G., Gulino, A., Cantore, G. Visual improvement during octreotide therapy in a case of episellar meningioma (1998) Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 100 (1), pp. 40-43.
152. Santoro, A., Paolini, S., Piattella, M.C., Cantore, G. Spontaneous thrombosis of a giant carotid-ophthalmic aneurysm and of the ipsilateral internal carotid. Case report (1997) Nuova Rivista di Neurologia, 7 (4), pp. x7-150.
153. Santoro, A., Oppido, P.A., Paolini, S., Piattella, M.C. Fibromuscolar dysplasia at the origin of the internal carotid artery: A rare site. Reports of two cases (1997) Nuova Rivista di Neurologia, 7 (5), pp. x3-173.
154. Delfini, R., Domenicucci, M., Santoro, A., Padlini, S. Meningiomas of the cavernous sinus (1997) Skull Base Surgery, 7 (SUPPL. 1), p. 21.
155. Pierallini, A., Caramia, F., Prosperi, D., Pantano, P., Ferone, E., Santoro, A., Di Stefano, D., Bozzao, L. . Metastasis along a stereotactic biopsy trajectory in glioblastoma multiforme: Description of one case (1997) Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 18 (4), p. 252.
156. Bristot, R., Santoro, A., Fantozzi, L., Delfini, R. Cavernoma of the cavernous sinus: Case report (1997) Surgical Neurology, 48 (2), pp. 160-163.
157. Jaffrain-Rea, M.L., Baldelli, R., Ferretti, E., Minniti, G., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Gulino, A., Tamburrano, G. P-043. IGF-I measurement in post-operative evaluation of patients with tumours of the sellar region (1997) Endocrinology and Metabolism, Supplement, 4 (A), p. 52.
158. Salvati, M., Cervoni, L., Santoro, A. Cerebellar mutism after posterior cranial fossa surgery (1996) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 40 (1), pp. 59-63.
159. Cervoni, L., Salvati, M., Santoro, A., Celli, P. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: Some observations (1996) Neurosurgical Review, 19 (1), pp. 13-16.
160. Pierallini, A., Bonamini, M., Osti, M.F., Pantano, P., Palmeggiani, F., Santoro, A., Maurizi Enrici, R., Bozzao, L. Supratentorial glioblastoma: Neuroradiological findings and survival after surgery and radiotherapy (1996) Neuroradiology, 38 (SUPPL. 1), pp. S26-S30.
161. Cervoni, L., Salvati, M., Santoro, A. Vasospasm following tumor removal: Report of 5 cases (1996) Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 17 (4), pp. 291-294.
162. Ricci, M., Pantano, P., Pierallini, A., Di Stefano, D., Santoro, A., Bozzao, L., Lenzi, G.L. Relationship between thallium-201 uptake by supratentorial glioblastomas and their morphological characteristics on magnetic resonance imaging (1996) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 23 (5), pp. 524-529.
163. Fraioli, B., Esposito, V., Santoro, A., Iannetti, G., Giuffre, R., Cantore, G. Transmaxillosphenoidal approach to tumors invading the medial compartment of the cavernous sinus (1995) Journal of Neurosurgery, 82 (1), pp. 63-69.
164. Sarkarati, M., Foo, D.K., Santoro, A., Delfini, R., Williams, B., Sudo, K., Tashiro, K., Isu, T. Spontaneous drainage in syringomyelia [2] (1994) Journal of Neurosurgery, 80 (5), pp. 948-951.
165. Salvati, M., Ciappetta, P., Capone, R., Santoro, A., Raguso, M., Raco, A. Osteosarcoma of the skull in a child: case report and review of the literature (1993) Child's Nervous System, 9 (7), pp. 437-439.
166. Cervoni, L., Delfini, R., Santoro, A., Cantore, G. Multiple intracranial aneurysms: Surgical treatment and outcome (1993) Acta Neurochirurgica, 124 (2-4), pp. 66-70.
167. Delfini, R., Iannetti, G., Belli, E., Santoro, A., Ciappetta, P., Cantore, G. Cranio-facial approaches for tumours involving the anterior half of the skull base (1993) Acta Neurochirurgica, 124 (2-4), pp. 53-60.
168. Santoro, A., Delfini, R., Innocenzi, G., Di Biasi, C., Trasimeni, G., Gualdi, G. Spontaneous drainage of syringomyelia. Report of two cases (1993) Journal of Neurosurgery, 79 (1), pp. 132-134.
169. Ferrante, L., Acqui, M., Celli, P., Santoro, A., Fortuna, A. Achondroplasia: unusual bone abnormalities of the cervical spine (1992) Neurosurgical Review, 15 (2), pp. 143-145.
170. Salvati, M., Ciappetta, P., Raco, A., Capone, R., Artico, M., Santoro, A. Radiation-induced schwannomas of the neuraxis. Report of three cases (1992) Tumori, 78 (2), pp. 143-146.
171. Oppido, P.A., Delfini, R., Innocenzi, G., Di Giugno, G., Pecori-Giraldi, J., Santoro, A., Virno, M., Cantore, G.P. Brain oedema and intracranial hypertension treatment by GLIAS. (1992) Acta neurochirurgica. Supplementum, 55, pp. 40-42.
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173. Spallone, A., Santoro, A., Palatinsky, E., Giunta, F. Intracranial meningiomas associated with glial tumours: A review based on 54 selected literature cases from the literature and 3 additional personal cases (1991) Acta Neurochirurgica, 110 (3-4), pp. 133-139.
174. Delfini, R., Acqui, M., Oppido, P.A., Capone, R., Santoro, A., Ferrante, L. Tumors of the lateral ventricles (1991) Neurosurgical Review, 14 (2), pp. 127-133.
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176. Nucci, F., Artico, M., Santoro, A., Bardella, L., Delfini, R., Bosco, S., Palma, L., Kline, D.G. Intraneural synovial cyst of the peroneal nerve: Report of two cases and review of the literature (1990) Neurosurgery, 26 (2), pp. 339-344.
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179. Fortuna, A., Ferrante, L., Acqui, M., Santoro, A., Mastronardi, L. Narrowing of thoraco-lumbar spinal canal in achondroplasia (1989) Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 33 (2), pp. 185-196.
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Works Textbooks (Chapters, etc.)

1. Angiomi cerebrali. GP Cantore. In : Trattato Italiano di Neurologia, di P. Bergonzi, A.R. Massaro; vol. 3;pp ; 105.1-105-25. Verduci Ed.

2. Neuroanatomia: manuale, schemi e tavole sinottiche. A. Frati, A. Pichierri, M. Salvati, J. Lenzi, M. Piccirilli, A. Raco, A. Santoro, R. Delfini. Mario Roberti Editore 2005

3. Cerebellar convexity meningiomas. Delfini, Santoro, Pichierri. In: Meningiomas 2008, Cap. 50; pp 457-464. Springer