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Le lezioni di Fisica Terrestre inizieranno il giorno martedì 26 settembre alle ore 11.00 in aula 3 e seguiranno l'orario prestabilito.

Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2023/2024
EARTHQUAKE PHYSICS 10600015 2023/2024
EARTHQUAKE PHYSICS 10600015 2022/2023

Teaching activities
Fracture and crack mechanics.
Dislocation model for stress and slip. Stress transformations.
Friction: Leonardo, Amontons, Coulomb, Rabinowicz-Tabor-Bowden (1950’s).
Mohr circles and the optimum angle of failure.
Adhesive theory of friction (Contact junction size, friction as the ratio of material hardness and shear strength, concepts of static & dynamic friction, critical friction distance, contact age, velocity weakening friction and contact size, contact aging or frictional healing, frictional state-contact age).
Mechanics of frictional sliding: stick-slip. Discussion on Rabinowicz paper.
Rate & State Friction constitutive laws part A and B.
Rate & State Friction constitutive laws part C and D.
Work on faulting.
Fault rocks, deformation processes and fault structure.
Shear stress, or differential stress, required for a crustal fault to move.
Fault slip behavior (seismic vs. aseismic) upon reactivation.
Fault and permeability.
Induced and triggered seismicity from the geo-energy activities (wastewater disposals, enhanced oil recovery, EOR, fracking, carbon capture and storage, CCS, enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), reservoir depletion): examples worldwide.
Rock deformation experiments for improving our understanding of induced seismicity.
Rock and fault rheology to explain the seismicity of Amatrice-Visso-Norcia 2016, part A
Rock and fault rheology to explain the seismicity of Amatrice-Visso-Norcia 2016, part B
The mechanics of slow slip part A
The mechanics of slow slip part B

Laboratory activities
Laboratory on the spring slider.
Visit Sapienza rock deformation and earthquake physics lab.
Python on laboratory experiments on friction part A.
Python on laboratory experiments on friction part B.
Visit Sapienza rock deformation and earthquake physics lab.
Python on permeability in the lab.

FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2022/2023

1 Introduzione
Crosta (continentale e oceanica), mantello e nucleo
Litosfera e astenosfera
Cenni tettonica a placche
Geologia, Fisica, Geofisica
Metodi geofisici e proprietà investigate
Interpretazione: metodi inversi e diretti, vincoli
(Intro Python Lezione 1, PL1)

2 Sforzo e reologia
Sforzo normale e di taglio
Tensore dello sforzo, sforzo idrostatico e deviatorico
Sforzi principali
Criterio di Mohr-Coulomb e teoria di Anderson
Carico litostatico, pressione dei fluidi e sforzi effettivi
Profili reologici (es. PL2)

3 Onde sismiche
Comportamento elastico vs. duttile
Costanti elastiche: moduli di bulk, shear, Young (PL3), coefficiente di Poisson, Lamé
Tipi di onde di volume (PL4) e velocità, Birch’s law, onde di superficie.
Curve di Travel-Time
Onda diretta, criticamente rifratta, riflessa (PL5)
Cenni di sismica a riflessione e rifrazione
Onde sismiche ed interno della Terra
Propagazione in funzione di velocità e bending dei raggi
Diagrammi T-D
PREM, Jeffreys–Bullen
Principali divisioni: crosta, mantello, nucleo, litosfera-astenosfera

4 Terremoti
Localizzazione (epicentro, ipocentro, profondità) (PL6)
Foreshocks, Mainshock, Aftershocks, Swarms, legge di Omori
Meccanismi focali e proiezioni stereografiche (esercizi)
Esempi di sequenze sismiche, tomografia sismica (PL7)
Intensità, Magnitudo, Momento sismico, Gutenberg-Richter
Terremoti e stress di Coulomb (CFF)
ABC di fisica dei terremoti, ciclo sismico, stick-slip e stress drop.
Esempi di terremoti molto ben caratterizzati:
Faglia Nord-Anatolica
Il SAFOD e la porzione in creep della San Andreas
Il terremoto di Tohoku (Giappone) del 2011
Sismicità indotta

5 Gravità ed isostasia
Dimensioni e forma della Terra
Campo gravitazionale terrestre
Misure di gravità
Anomalie gravimetriche: gravità teorica, in aria libera, di Bouguer
Anomalia gravimetrica indotta da un corpo sferico e cilindrico (PL8)
Anomalia gravimetrica indotta da una piastra semi-infinita (PL8)
Isostasia (modelli di Pratt, Airy e di flessurazione)
Flessurazione litosfera per carico (PL9)
Flessurazione litosfera in zona di subduzione

6 Magnetismo
Campo magnetico terrestre
Magnetizzazione dei materiali (indotta vs. rimanente)
Interpretazione di anomalie magnetiche indotte:
1) anomalia magnetica prodotta da un corpo magnetico locale
2) anomalia magnetica dallo stesso corpo ma a differente latitudine
3) anomalia magnetica e gravimetrica dallo stesso corpo ma a differente latitudine
indagini geofisiche integrate: intrusione ignea vs. duomo salino anomalia magnetica e profondità del basamento
Paleomagnetismo e magnetizzazione rimanente

7 Flusso di calore
Il calore all’interno della Terra (primordiale e per decadimento)
Trasferimento di calore (irraggiamento, conduzione, convezione, advezione)
Flusso di calore sulla superficie della Terra
Equazione della conduzione del calore
Ricostruzione geoterme (modello ad 1 e 2 strati, (PL10)
Flusso di calore a scala globale e in litosfera oceanica
Misure di flusso di calore vs. contesti geologici

FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2021/2022
EARTHQUAKE PHYSICS 10600015 2021/2022
FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2020/2021
ROCK PHYSICS 10589731 2020/2021
ROCK PHYSICS 10589731 2019/2020
FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2019/2020
ROCK PHYSICS 10589731 2018/2019
FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2018/2019
GEOLOGIA I 1052090 2018/2019
PETROFISICA 1044910 2017/2018
FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2017/2018
GEOLOGIA I 1052090 2017/2018
FISICA TERRESTRE 1035352 2016/2017
PETROFISICA 1044910 2016/2017
GEOLOGIA I 1052090 2016/2017

1) Lunedì, Martedì 10.00-11.00, stanza 301 durante lo svolgimento delle lezioni;
2) Mandare un mail a per appuntamento;
3) Mandare un mail a con richiesta di chiarimenti/spiegazioni.

Education and training
1997 Laurea in Geology at the University of Perugia. (110/110 and honors)
2002 Ph.D. at the University of Perugia.
2003 Postdoc at the University of Perugia.

Research and professional experience:
2004-2010 Lecturer at the University of Perugia.
2010-2013 European Research Council, ERC-Fellow at INGV Roma
2013-2019 Associate Professor at La Sapienza, University of Roma
2019-present Full Professor at La Sapienza, University of Roma

I have focused my research on the mechanics of earthquakes and faulting using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates geological, geophysical and experimental observations on earthquake processes. For me there is much learn by considering phenomena at the boundaries between different disciplines. Applied/unconventional aspects of my research include CO2 sequestration, oil/gas reservoir characterization and the mechanics of induced vs. triggered seismicity.

These activities have afforded me a very solid yet unusually broad scientific experience in the field of the mechanics of earthquakes and faulting demonstrated by:

From 2000, 101 papers (2 on Nature, 1 Nature Geoscience, 2 Nature Communications, 1 Science Advances, 6 in Geology), most of them as first author or having PhD or Post-Docs as first author. Total citations 5532; h-index 45 (source Scopus March 2023).

2005-2007: Nicola De Paola (Postdoc), now Professor at Durham UK;
2007-2011: Fabio Trippetta (PhD and Post-doc), now researcher at La Sapienza, Roma;
2014-2015: Marco Scuderi (Post-doc) from September 2019 RTDB in Sapienza;
2005-2008: Sergio Mantenuto (PhD); now employed at LEANE international;
2005-2009: Steve Smith (PhD, co-advised), now researcher at Dunedin NZ;
2011-2015: Brett Carpenter (Postdoc), now Professor at Oklahoma University;
2011-2015: Giuseppe Di Stefano (PhD); now senior technologist at INGV;
2011-2017: Telemaco Tesei (PhD and Post-Doc); from 11/2019 RTDB at Padova University;
2014-2017: Carolina Giorgetti (PhD); now Post-Doc at EPFL Lausanne;
2016-2020: Marco Mercuri (PhD); now RTdA in Sapienza;
2017-2021: Piercarlo Giacomel (PhD); now Post-Doc in Liverpool;
2019-20xx: Giacomo Pozzi post-doc at INGV working with BRAVA;
2020-20xx: Giuseppe Volpe (PhD).

From 2007 I have been the PI of several research project for a total budget of about 3.0 M.

- 2021-2023: Supervisor of the Marie Curie Individual Fellow (171.473 Euros) grant awarded to C. Giorgetti, the role of Stress History on the EARthquake potential of faults
- 2022-2023: ENI (105.000 Euros) PI TAPAS2 project dealing with CO2 storage.
- 2021-2023: TOTAL (110.000 Euros) Fault-parallel permeability and response to overpressure: implications for leakage and stability.
- 2020-2021: ENI (75.000 Euros) PI TAPAS project dealing with CO2 storage.
- 2018-2022: Dipartimenti di Eccellenza MIUR-grant (500.000 Euros), PI: Progettazione e sviluppo di un apparato prototipale capace di ricreare le condizioni deformative e di PT della crosta terrestre.
- 2018-2021: Dipartimento Protezione Civile (440.000 Euros) co-PI: Estendere la conoscenza del terremoto dalla profondità alla superficie.
- 2020-2021: ENI (105.000 Euros) co-PI Fault stability (FAST2). This is a project dealing with induced seismicity.
- 2018-2019: ENI (90.000 Euros) co-PI Fault stability (FAST1). This is a project dealing with induced seismicity.
- 2018-2019: TOTAL (90.000 Euros) Fault zone permeability and leakage.
- 2016-2017: SAPIENZA awards (38.000 Euros): The role of fluid pressure in carbonate-fault frictional stability and earthquake triggering.
- 2015-2017 Supervisor of the Marie Curie Individual Fellow (182.000 Euros) grant awarded to M. Scuderi, The role of fluid pressure in earthquake triggering
- 2010-2015 PI ERC Starting Grant (consolidator panel) (1.514.400 Euros) Integrated laboratories to investigate the mechanics of aseismic vs. seismic deformation.

From 2006, I have given 20 invited talks at international conferences including 5 invited talks at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting:

In addition, I have given the following key-note lectures at prestigious international schools.
a) Collettini C. Frictional behavior of weak phyllosilicate-rich faults (2009). 8th International School on Friction and Faults, Erice, Italy
b) Collettini C. Seismic vs. aseismic deformation in faults and experiments (2014). Cargese school on Earthquake mechanics.
c) Collettini C. Fault strength, and the slip behaviour of fluid pressurized experimental faults (2017). Second Cargese school on Earthquake mechanics
d) Collettini C. Fault structure, reaction softening and the weakness of mature faults (2018). Gordon Research Conference in Rock Deformation US.

2001: Student Paper Award American Geophysical Union
2002: SPE-EAGE-Assomineraria Gustavo Sclocchi PhD Theses Award, special mention
2005-2010 Most cited article in Journal of Structural Geology, Collettini et al., 2006.
2008: Shell Prize for the work Smith, Collettini and Holdsworth, JSG, 2008
2010: Seventh Framework Programme Ideas , ERC
2011: Ramsay medal for the paper: Smith, Holdsworth, Collettini C. (2011). GSA Bulletin
2013: Excellence in reviewing from Elsevier

Within the Dipartimenti di Eccellenza MIUR-grant 2018-2022, I have been supervising the activities for the development of a new rock mechanics laboratory at Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, in Sapienza. Within this project I have been supervising the activities that have allowed the development of the BRAVA2.0 apparatus. With the ERC GLASS grant I have directed a research group composed of engineers, physics, geologists and seismologists to build a new rock deformation apparatus, named BRAVA (Collettini et al., 2014, International Journal of Rock Mechanics).

Other activities I was involved in regard:

a) Professional service and committees (selected)
From 2011: Editorial Board of Journal of Structural Geology, Elsevier.
2011: Evaluation panel for Post-Doc in Earth Sciences, Greek Government.
2012: Evaluation panel FIRB 2012: Physical Sciences and Engineering.
2013-2017: Editorial board Geology.
2014-2019: Member of the advisory board, Giunta, di Dipartimento Scienze della Terra, Sapienza.
2017-2019: Member of the advisory board, Giunta di Facoltà di Scienze, MM.FF.NN. Sapienza.
2018: co-PI of the DISCO proposal: Drilling Investigation of Seismogenic Crust in Oklahoma
2019-2020: Topical Editor of the European Geosciences Journal, Solid Earth.
2018-2022: Member of the committee of the project Dipartimento di Eccellenza, Sapienza.
2021-present: Coordinator Laure Magistrale, Geologia di Esplorazione, Sapienza.

Reviewer for international scientific journals (in alphabetic order): Annals of Geophysics, Bulletin of Geological Society of America, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Earth Planets and Space, Earth Science Reviews, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Geology, Geophysical Journal International, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of the Geological Society of London, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Structural Geology, Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Review of Geophysics, Science Advances, Scientific Reports, Solid Earth, Tectonophysics, Terranova.

Reviewer for national and international projects: PRIN and FIRB projects, National Science Foundation (USA); Switzerland (Swiss National Science Foundation; ETH), Dutch Research Council (NWO), ERC starting and consolidator grants, Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellow; Paris region fellowship program 2020; Italy-Germany, MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program; French National Agency, ANR, for the Research; PhD evaluation panel in Italy, France, Netherland, New Zealand. Tenure track position evaluation in the US system.

b) Teaching activities (in the last 5 years)
2015-2018 Course of Fondamenti di Geologia Strutturale (6CFU), master s degree in Exploration Geology;
2015-2018 Field trip at the course Geologia I (3CFU), bachelor s degree in Geology;
2019-present: Course of Fisica Terrestre (9CFU), bachelor s degree in Geology;
2022-present: Course of Earthquake Physics (6CFU), master s degree in Exploration Geology;
2015-2021: Course of Rock Physics (6CFU), master s degree in Exploration Geology;
2017-present: Field trip to Elba Island within the course of Geology II (2 CFU);
2018-present: Teaching activity for PhD students in Earth Sciences, University of Sapienza & Roma Tre. Suggestions on how to write a scientific paper and Introduction to Python.

on Google Scholar:
