daniele.ventura@uniroma1.it's picture



Di seguito il calendario previsto per l'anno 2024:


07/03/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
08/03/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
14/03/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
15/03/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
21/03/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
22/03/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
28/03/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
29/03/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
04/04/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
05/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
11/04/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
12/04/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
18/04/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
19/04/2020 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
25/04/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
26/04/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
27/05/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
28/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
02/05/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
03/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
09/05/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
10/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
16/05/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
17/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
23/05/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
24/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
30/05/2023 09:00 11:00 Aula E DBA CU022 (Botanica)
31/05/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)
06/06/2023 11:00 13:00 Aula C DBA CU022 (Botanica)


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Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board

Mercoledì e Giovedì ore 11.00-13.00 edificio di zoologia (stanza piano terra aula ex-Maria Antonietta Bracci)

Curriculum Vitae

E-mail daniele.ventura@uniroma1.it
Spoken Languages Italian (mother tongue), English (oral/written)
Current position Research Fellow position renewal on Faculty funds (Ricercatore tipo A, Art. 24, comma 3, Lett. A, L. 240/2010). s.c. 05/C1, s.s.d. BIO/07

Part II Education

2017- PhD in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology. Ecological Science curriculum (29th cycle).
Faculty of mathematical, physical and natural sciences. Grade: cum laude unanimously given by the Committee. Title of the project: Ecology of juvenile species of the genus Diplodus. Supervisor: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone

Post-graduate studies
2013- Sapienza University of Rome Master's degree in science of the Sea [LM (DM 270/04) - ordin. 2009] (classe lm-60). Faculty of mathematical, physical and natural sciences. Grade: cum laude. Experimental thesis dealing with underwater visual census techniques applied in studying microhabitat use by juvenile sparid fish. Supervisor: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone

University graduation
2010- Sapienza University of Rome Degree in Natural Sciences, [L (DM 509/99) - ordin. 2002] (class 27), Faculty of Mathematical, physical, and natural sciences. Grade 105/110

Part III Appointments

III-A: Academic Appointments

Start End Institution Position
4/06/2022 3/06/2024 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Research Fellow position renewal on Faculty funds (Ricercatore tipo A, Art. 24, comma 3, Lett. A, L. 240/2010). s.c. 05/C1, s.s.d. BIO/07.
4/06/2019 3/06/2022 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Research Fellow (Ricercatore tipo A, Art. 24, comma 3, Lett. A, L. 240/2010). Project title: Study of coastal fish species and characterization of their habitats using drones and GIS Supervisor: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone. s.c. 05/C1, s.s.d. BIO/07.
1/10/2017 30/09/2018 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Postdoctoral Researcher (Art. 22 L. 240/2010). Project title: Ecology of Posidonia oceanica meadows with the associated coastal fish assemblages. Supervisor: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone. s.c. 05/C1, s.s.d. BIO/07.

Description of the main activities carried out during the Academic Appointments mentioned above:

My research activities established a new basis regarding the ecology of juvenile coastal fish (especially for Sparid fish of the genus Diplodus) by integrating and discussing the application of emergent remote sensing tools based on aerial (drone-based) and underwater photogrammetry. I applied innovative methods to map sensitive marine environments used by juvenile species, such as seagrass meadows and biogenic/rocky reef habitats, to enhance the knowledge concerning nursery areas. Moreover, identifying and defining best practices for accurate and fine-scale mapping have provided a valuable new perspective on ecological monitoring finalized to 3-dimensional modelling and visualization of both natural and restored Mediterranean habitats. As a result, some of the techniques developed during my post-doc and research fellowship will be implemented at European scale in further monitoring programmes concerning Posidonia oceanica restoration.

III-B: Other Appointments

Start End Institution Position/Description
2022 current Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Member of the Quality Assurance Management Commission (CGAQ) of the Course in Ecobiology Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.
2022 current Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Member of the commission for the evaluation of applications for admission to the course in Ecobiology (BIO/07)..
5/2021 04/2024 CIBM - Consorzio per il Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina ed Ecologia Applicata. Viale Nazario Sauro, 4 - 57128, Livorno Freelancer as environmental consultant for scientific support during environmental monitoring after Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) installation and SCUBA operator for Posidonia transplantation and monitoring activities. Scientific coordinator: Dott. Andrea Belluscio
01/2023 12/2023 Ente Roma Natura - Evaluation and monitoring of underwater resources for the sustainable development of underwater tourism in the Marine Protected Area "Secche di Tor Paterno." Support during diving activities for photo/video acquisition. Scientific coordinator: Dott. E. Casoli
03/2022 04/2022 SIDRA - Società Italiana Dragaggi S.P.A. VIA Zucchi Carlo 25 00165, Roma / Regione Emilia-Romagna Freelancer as drone operator for environmental monitoring and video assessment of ante and post-operam beach nourishment activities from Punta Marina to Cesenatico. Supervisor: Ing. Massimo Ardu
12/2019 01/2020 RINA consulting S.P.A. Via S. Nazaro, 19 - 16145, Genova Freelancer as environmental consultant and scientific supervisor during offshore remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and saturation (SAT) diver activities for Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) Bioconstruction Relocation project at Otranto. Scientific coordinator: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone
3/2017 7/2017 Ex-State Forestry Corps, Nucleo Carabinieri Biodiversity / Department of Biology, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" 00133, Roma Responsible for the research project regarding the characterization of the population dynamics of Aphanius fasciatus among the State Natural Reserve called "Saline di Tarquinia". Scientific coordinator: Prof. Maria Flavia Gravina
01/2015 02/2024 CIBM - Consorzio per il Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina ed Ecologia Applicata. Viale Nazario Sauro, 4 - 57128, Livorno Freelance as environmental consultant, diving activity supervisor and SCUBA Scientific Operator during the Costa Concordia site Remediation and Restoration phases (WP4-WP10). Scientific coordinator: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone
9/2013 12/2014 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Environmental biologist after the shipwrecking of Costa Concordia at Giglio Island (Parbuckling project, WP3-WP5 phases). Scientific coordinator: Prof. G.D. Ardizzone

Description of the main activities carried out during the Other Appointments mentioned above:

As a marine ecologist expert with a highly collaborative approach, I applied my expertise outside the field of pure research, with direct interaction with stakeholders and environmental managers and agencies. I supported the main environmental monitoring phases of crucial National projects to restore (Costa Concordia Project) or limit (TAP Bioconstruction Relocation project) anthropogenic impacts on marine habitats. During seabed cleaning operations and habitat restoration inside the Costa Concordia shipyard area, my primary duties were focused on underwater data collection, processing, and interpretation to assess water quality, seabed status, and biotic interaction between benthos and nekton. Extensive GIS analysis based on acoustic methods such as Side Scan Sonar (SSS) and Multi-Beam echo sounder (MBES) coupled with direct underwater ground truth survey allowed the production of fine-scale cartographic products used to optimize in-field operation. My specific skills in imagery analysis and remote sensing application allowed the development of new tools for transplanting Posidonia cuttings (iron stakes), density and cover estimation of natural and transplanted meadows. My knowledge in video and photographic methods, other than in photogrammetric acquisition using RTK/PPK GPS, provided important guidelines during Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) surveys aimed at accurate mapping of coastal areas in which multi-year assessments were conducted to follow the operational procedures aimed at habitat restoration.

Part IV Teaching experience

Part IV-A: University frontal lessons and courses

Year Institution Subject/Course
2019/present Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Responsible (aggregate Professor) for the course: "Conservation and Management of Marine Resources (code: 1023373, 6 CFU)" belonging to the three-year master's degree in Ecobiology (Cds 30053, Ecobiologia, LM-6, BIO/07). I carried out classroom lessons and educational excursions with students. I was part of the examination commission for this course and the following courses: "Structure and Function of Marine Ecosystems" held by Dr. Casoli and "Remote Sensing and GIS" held by Dott.ssa Valentini
2022/2024 Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Via Verdi, 8 - 10124 Torino Teaching experience in the form of seminar on seagrass ecology for the course: "Conservazione della biodiversità ed ecofisiologia vegetale" belonging to the three-year master's degree in Environmental Biology (SSD: BIO/03)
9/2022 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Teaching experience in the form of seminar for PhD course (1 CFU - Biodiversità, risposte al cambiamento climatico e servizi ecosistemici) with the following theme: Conservazione della biodiversità ittica e indicazioni di gestione e monitoraggio per il mantenimento dei servizi ecosistemici legati agli ambienti sensibili del Mar Mediterraneo, di acque interne e di transizione . Reference Teachers: Dott. M. Seminara, M. Costantini, F. Manes, E. Calizza.
2019/2020 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Teaching experience in the form of classroom lessons for the course in zoology of vertebrates (code: 1016501, 6 CFU) belonging to the three-year master's degree in Ecobiology (Cds 30053, Ecobiologia, LM-6, BIO/07). Reference teacher: Dott. P. Coloangelo
2016/2017 Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome Teaching experience in the form of classroom lessons and practical lab activities for the course in Environmental zoology belonging to the bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences (code: 1041617, 9 CFU, Bio/05). Reference teacher: Prof. L. Maiorano
2014/2018 Department of Biology of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Via della Ricerca Scientific - 00133, Roma Teaching experience in the form of classroom lessons and educational excursion for the course in Marine Biology (code: 8067193, 4 CFU, BIO/07) belonging to the bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (Dm. 270/04). Reference teacher: Dott.ssa M.F. Gravina
Part IV-B: Thesis supervisor

Supervisor for the following bachelor s degree thesis:

Year Student/Course Title
10/2023 Castellucci Domiziana, Scienze biologiche [l-270 - ordin. 2019] Applicazioni e metodiche di mappatura delle fanerogame marine: casi studio su Posidonia oceanica
10/2022 Cosentino Francesca, Scienze biologiche [l-270 - ordin. 2019]. L'utilizzo dei droni per l'ecologia dell'ambiente costiero

Supervisor for the following experimental master's degree thesis:

Year Student/Course Title Co-Supervisor
1/2023 Barone Gianmarco, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Studio del ruolo degli ecosistemi nella protezione costiera basato sull'uso di mappe di copertura e uso del suolo e dati satellitari iperspettrali. Dott.ssa Emiliana Valentini, CNR
1/2023 Spaziani Elena, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Visual census come metodologia non invasiva per lo studio dell'ecologia dello scorfano rosso (Scorpaena scrofa)
1/2023 Midena Elena Sofia, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] La fotogrammetria subacquea come strumento per il monitoraggio dei trapianti di Posidonia oceanica: ottimizzazione dei metodi di acquisizione e classificazione delle immagini
6/2022 Mori Alessandro, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2013] Caratterizzazione del posidonieto tra Terracina e San Felice Circeo: Impatto dell'antropizzazione e cause di regressione.
3/2022 Fedele Alessandra, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Risposte strutturali, funzionali e morfologiche di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 in funzione di differenti substrati di trapianto
3/2022 Grasso Gaia, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] La fotogrammetria subacquea come strumento per lo studio dell ecologia dei macroinvertebrati marini bentonici: nuove prospettive di indagine per gli oloturoidei Mediterranei
1/2022 Cardella Edoardo, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Ruolo ecologico dei reef biogenici a Sabellaria alveolata (Linnaeus, 1767) del Lazio centrale durante l'insediamento di giovanili di specie ittiche costiere
3/2021 Del Giudice Laura, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Effetti della posa di dispositivi anti-strascico nel Golfo dell Asinara (Sardegna settentrionale): effetti di regionalizzazione e variazione nella struttura della comunità ittica Dott. Umberto Scacco, ISPRA
1/2021 Ingravalle Serena, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Integrazione multiscala di metodiche di telerilevamento per la mappatura e l'identificazione degli habitat marini costieri Dott.ssa Emiliana Valentini, CNR
1/2021 Izzo Marta, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Valutazione della diffusione delle plastiche nelle praterie costiere e nei rifiuti spiaggiati di Posidonia oceanica Dott.ssa Patrizia Menegoni, ENEA
12/2021 Napolitano Riccardo, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Individuazione di aree marine idonee per la mitilicoltura: bilancio ambientale di azoto e fosforo e capacità produttiva di un area di studio nelle acque marino costiere laziali Dott.ssa Giovanna Marino, ISPRA
12/2021 Scipioni Alessio, Ecobiologia [lm - ordin. 2019] Approccio all ecologia trofica degli Sparidi nel Mediterraneo attraverso morfometria geometrica 3D e fotogrammetria a basso costo Dott. Paolo Colangelo, CNR
3/2020 Marta Tosetto, Monitoraggio e riqualificazione ambientale [lm - ordin. 2019] Utilizzo di immagini RGB ad alta risoluzione spaziale derivanti da aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) per la caratterizzazione e monitoraggio dei tratti costieri affetti da macro-rifiuti di origine antropica.

Part IV-C: Co-supervisor in master's degrees and PhD thesis

Year Student/Course Title
3/2022 Sara Fratangeli, [lm - ordin. 2019] Risposte strutturali, funzionale e morfologiche di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1013 in funzione di differenti substrati di trapianto
1/2024 Tommaso Valente, Dottorato 36° ciclo-curriculum scienze ecologiche Understanding pathways of microplastics through marine food webs: Developing a system perspective to achieve a reliable monitoring strategy

Part V Academic achievements

Part V-A: Society memberships and affiliation

Year Title
2024 Member of the Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE)
2017/present Member of the Società Italiana di Biologia Marina (S.I.B.M.)
2017/present Affiliation to the National Inter-university Consortium for Marine Sciences (CoNISMa), Piazzale Flaminio, 00196 Rome. (Prot. 592/FMF/PC/2017)

Part V-B: Awards, Honors and Recognitions

Year Title
2023/2034 Achievement of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for the functions of Associate Professor (II Fascia) for the sector 05/C1 - ECOLOGY.

9/2022 First Prize Winner at the RAC/SPA "International Marine key habitats & NIS. symposia" for best oral presentation entitled: "Three-dimensional mapping for fine-scale cartography of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow limits using underwater structure from motion photogrammetry". Amount 350 Euro.

5/2022 Rewarded by Fondo Sociale Europeo Plus (FSE+) 2021-2027 as an eligible researcher according to the call n. G0541, entitled: "Contributions for researchers and research fellows to strengthen their professional condition and strengthen the research system of Lazio". Amount 2,000 Euro

2021/present Chair-invited Member ICES Working Group: "Value of Coastal Habitats for Exploited Species (WGVHES)"

6/2018 First place in the photography competition and second place in the poster section of the "Seventh International Symposium - Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques" organized by CNR-IBIMET (Livorno 19-21 June 2018). Proceedings and reports IBIMET, ISSN 2704-601X (print) - ISSN 2704-5846 (online).

Part VI - Funding Information

Part VI-A: as P.I. (principal investigator)

Year Title Program Amount
2022/2024 Three-dimensional reconstruction for sea conservation" (3DR-4-SeaC). ERC sectors: LS8_1; LS8_2; PE10_14 Pure Ocean Foundation, Marseille, France. Ocean Challenges program. 48,000
2022/2023 Fixing the baseline: the use of underwater photomosaics for identifying and characterizing pristine coralligenous reefs. Grant number: RP122181685FA098. ERC sectors: LS8_1; LS8_2 Sapienza University of Rome. Small research grant 3,000
2020/2021 Drones for grasslands: flying low for monitoring habitats of high conservation. Grant number: RM11916B88C37F03. ERC sectors: LS8_1; LS8_2; PE10_14 Sapienza University of Rome. Medium research grant 15,000
2018/2020 Eyes in the sky for fish: drone shooting as a new tool in the fight against plastic. Grant number: EC-173R-18. ERC sectors: LS8_1; LS8_2; PE10_14 National Geographic Society, Washington, US. Early Career grant program. $7,300

Description of the main activities carried out in each funded research project mentioned above:

1) "3DR-4-SeaC": Application at large scale of SfM photogrammetry for ultra-fine scale 3D mapping of Mediterranean key habitats (Posidonia oceanica meadows, biogenic reef formations) to produce interactive textured mesh models to be shared among the scientific community and public audience through a specific web platform.

2) "Fixing the baseline": Use of underwater high-resolution photographs for accurate surface mapping of pristine coralligenous reef among Central Tyrrhenian Sea.

3) "Drones for grasslands": Use of Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry and RGB imagery based on low altitude drone data for fine-scale mapping to analyze the structural and compositional changes occurring in semi-natural grassland habitats along Central Appennines.

4) "Eyes in the sky for fish": Application of emerging drone technologies for high spatial resolution coastal mapping aimed at identifying anthropogenic plastic debris to quantify the amount of beached material after storm events and possible effects in juvenile fish among nurseries areas in Giglio Island.

Part VI-B: as unit manager

Year Title Program Amount
2024 Sharing ocean science for responsible business (SOS). Grant number: 2023-1-FR01-KA210-ADU-000151719. P.I.: G. Lechat Erasmus + 60,000
2022/2026 LAGO-ON: opticaL wireless undewAter positioninG for marine mOnitOriNg. C.U.P.: F53D23000480006. P.I: A.M. Vegni Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) 2022 290,000

Description of the main activities carried out in each funded research project mentioned above:

1) The main aim of the "SOS" project will be to create a network between various stakeholders in the field of marine biology to disseminate best practices to non-scientific audiences to promote their knowledge and make available to a broad audience the importance of correct attitudes towards marine resource management and the consequences of the impacts of human activities on the ocean.
2) "LAGO-ON": the project aims to use optical wireless technology in the range of visible light for an accurate and eco-compatible underwater positioning system for moving platforms like Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and divers.

Part VI C: as I-investigator

Year Title Program Amount
2021/2022 Using uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) for 3D high-resolution mapping of honeycomb worms Sabellaria alveolata (Annelida: Sabellariidae) reefs and assessment of the associated fish assemblages. Grant number: RP12117A53202425. P.I.: Dott. E. Casoli Sapienza University of Rome. Small research grant 3,000
2020/2021 Plant invasions on small Italian islands: monitoring emerging species. Grant number: RM120172ACFB2886. P.I.: Prof.ssa L. Celesti Sapienza University of Rome. Medium research grant. 10,000
2020/2021 Presenza e distribuzione del tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) in relazione agli habitat costieri prioritari e interazione con le attività di pesca nell area della foce del Tevere (inclusa l Area Marina Protetta Secche di Tor Paterno) e delle isole di Ponza, Palmarola e Zannone (arcipelago Pontino) (DelPHEos). Grant number: SIPA: 8/RBC/19/LA. P.I.: Dott.ssa: E. Papale PO FEAMP 2014/2020 42,735
2018/2020 Fotogrammetria subacquea e da Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto (APR) basata su tecniche di Structure from Motion (SfM) per la identificazione e il monitoraggio dei reef a Sabellaria alveolata (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) delle coste laziali (Mar Tirreno Centrale). Grant number: RP118164279E2BE6. P.I.: Dott. M. Seminara Sapienza University of Rome. Small research grant 3,500

Part VII Research Activities

Keywords Brief Description
Marine Ecology My field of expertise includes but is not limited to applicative/experimental research activities aimed at understanding the biological and ecological processes that govern coastal marine ecosystems, considering the evaluation of the effects of human disturbance, including plastic pollution and climate change. My main activities are focused on the biology and ecology of the nekton, encompassing the distribution and habitat use of coastal fish concerning the exploitation and management of marine biological resources. My skills in the use of advanced sampling techniques based on remote sensing tools, including autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and data integration using geographic information systems (GIS) allowed me to analyze fine-scale effects acting on both natural and restored marine habitats. Modern imagery-based 3D reconstruction techniques (SfM photogrammetry) provided a new perspective for efficient and low-cost tools for marine mapping and data integration for accurate ecological monitoring and to asses ecological requirements and interaction from species to community levels.
Population dynamics
Stock assessment
Management of marine resources
Restoration ecology
Remote sensing
Climate change
Feeding habits
3D modelling

Part VIII Participation in the activities of research groups characterized by collaborations at a national or international level

Institution Activity Results Reference
IFREMER, Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la mer, Plouzané, France Photogrammetric mapping of biogenic reefs made by tube worm Sabellaria alveolata Research article: Ventura, D., Dubois, S. F., Bonifazi, A., Jona Lasinio, G., Seminara, M., Gravina, M. F., & Ardizzone, G. (2021). Integration of close range underwater photogrammetry with inspection and mesh processing software: a novel approach for quantifying ecological dynamics of temperate biogenic reefs. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 7(2), 169- 186. https://doi.org/10.1002/rse2.178. Prof. S.L Dubois
CBAE, Centre de Bio-Archéologie et d'Ecologie, Montpellier, France Participation in the development phases of the "Momocs" R package (https://momx.github.io/Momocs/). Research article: Ventura D., Bonhomme V., Colangelo P., Bonifazi A., Jona Lasinio G., Ardizzone G. (2017). Does morphology predict trophic niche differentiation? Relationship between feeding habits and body shape in four co-occurring juvenile species (Pisces, Perciformes, Sparidae). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 1918 84 95. doi8 10.10136/j.ecss.20137.04.014 Dott. V. Bonhomme
Sheep Reserach Institute, Band rma, Bal kesir, Turkey Study of parasitosis events on deep shark of the genus Oxynotus from Turkish waters Research article: Öktener, A., Ventura, D., & Sirin, M. (2020). Occurrence of Pandarus bicolor (Siphonostomatoida: Pandaridae) on vulnerable shark species: Oxynotus centrina and Squalus acanthias from Turkish marine waters. Vie et Milieu, (1). ISSN 0240-8759 Prof. A. Öktener
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Participation as Co-Coordinator in the activities of the research group for CRIMAC call for projects Proposal: "Experimental 360° stereo-LTRUVS (Long Term Remote Underwater Video Station): a new visual census tool for visual assessment of wild fish populations". Not funded. Dott. F. Colloca
CNR, Mazara Del Vallo, Italy Participation in field activities of the research group for the project entitled: "Presence and distribution of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in relation to priority coastal habitats and interaction with fishing activities in the area of the mouth of the Tiber (including the Secche di Tor Paterno) and the islands of Ponza, Palmarola and Zannone (Pontine archipelago) (DelPHEos)". Installation of hydrophones for data collection, census campaigns for the quantification of fishing effort, aerial and underwater filming Dott.ssa E. Papale, D.S. Pace
ENEA, Casaccia Research Center, Rome, Italy Participation in field activities for microplastic data collection in marine coastal areas and Posidonia meadows Master's degree thesis in Ecobiology entitled: "Evaluation of the diffusion of plastics in coastal prairies and in the beached residues of Posidonia oceanica" discussed by the candidate Marta Izzo who obtained a score of 110/110 with honours. Dott.ssa P. Menegoni
Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil Study of fish cleaning behaviour in coastal fish species. Research article: Ventura, D.; Machado, L. F.; Bonifazi, A.; Gravina, M. F.; Ardizzone, G. Cleaning interactions between the cleaner wrasse Symphodus melanocercus (Osteichthyes: Labridae) and brown meagre Sciaena umbra (Osteichthyes: Sciaenidae). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom 2018, 98, 829-831,doi:10.1017/S0025315417000029. Dott. L. F. Machado

Part IX Organization or participation at scientific conferences, congress, and workshops

Start End Event/Institution Description
15/04/2024 Rome 17/04/2024 Pure Ocean Foundation / Erasmus + program Organization of the workshop of the project: "Sharing Ocean Science for Responsible Business (SOS)"
19/01/2024 19/01/2024 University of Cagliari Invited speaker to the conclusive workshop of the MAHRES project (PRIN 2017) with the contribute entitled: Il restauro ambientale dei fondali dell Isola del Giglio interessati dal naufragio Costa Concordia
14/05/2023 Station Biologique de Roscoff / France 18/05/2023 7th European Conference on Scientific Diving (ECSD7) Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Integrating Diver Propulsion Vehicles (DPVs) with Structure from Motion Photogrammetry: a low-cost tool for effective reconstruction of the underwater environments."
25/10/2022 Rome 25/10/2022 SIBM (Società Italiana di Biologia Marina) Invited speaker for the Benthos seminar with the contribute entitled: Mappatura degli habitat marini bentonici: tecniche emergenti e nuove frontiere
19/09/2022 Genova 23/09/2022 Symposia on Marine key habitats (marine vegetation, coralligenous and calcareous bio-concretions and dark habitats) and Non-Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean / especially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) / ISPRA / Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Life Sciences of the university di Genova. Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "3-Dimensional mapping for fine-scale cartography of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow limits with underwater Structure from Motion photogrammetry"
24/06/2019 Rome 28/06/2019 ICES Workshop on the Value of Coastal Habitats for Exploited Species (WGVHES) Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Drones imagery for mapping coastal nursery habitats".
10/06/2019 Livorno 14/06/2019 50° SIBM (Società Italiana di Biologia Marina) congress Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "RTK-GPS survey and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry for the assessment of the effects after a major storm in a rocky cove of Giglio Island (Tuscany, Italy)"
19/06/2018 Livorno 21/06/2018 Seventh International Symposium - Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques" / CNR-IBIMET Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Very high spatial resolution orthophotos using small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): a new tool for coastal marine habitats mapping."
10/05/2017 Rome 11/05/2017 ESRI Conference Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Use of small UAVs for the monitoring of coastal habitats."
17/01/2017 Rome 17/01/2017 Congress: Cambiamento e crisi nel Mediterraneo - XXXV Giornata dell ambiente / Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "UAV-based remote sensing for the characterization of two coastal marine habitats: nursery areas of juvenile fish of the genus Diplodus spp. and Sabellaria alveolata reefs."
20/04/2016 Rome 21/04/2016 ESRI Conference GeObservatory Oral presentation of the poster entitled: "Aerial photo acquisition for the identification of coastal nursery areas."
17/09/2015 Rome 19/09/2015 XI Meeting of Doctoral Students in Ecology and Aquatic Systems Sciences organized by the Italian Society of Ecology (S.It.E) and the Italian Association of Oceanography and Limnology (AIOL) Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Cleaning behaviour in juvenile sparid fishes of the genus Diplodus: evidence from gut content analysis and hd-video sequences."
10/06/2015 Rome 12/06/2015 XLVI SIBM (Società Italiana di Biologia Marina) congress Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Intraspecific cleaning behaviour in juveniles of two Diplodus species (teleostea, sparidae): casualty or symbiosis."
16/06/2014 Rome 20/06/2014 Workshop: "Studying evolution in animals and plants through Geometric Morphometrics" / Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome / Faculty of Life Sciences-The University of Manchester. Oral presentation with the contribution entitled: "Preliminary analyses relating to applications of geometric morphometry using landmarks on Sparid fish."

Part X Dissemination activities (Third mission)

Start End Event/Institution Description
19/04/2023 Santa Marinella 19/04/2023 Comune di Santa Marinella / FreewaterH20 a.s.d Teaching day at elementary school for increasing awareness of plastic pollution and its effects on marine biota.
10/05/2019 Giglio Castello 11/05/2019 Comune Isola del Giglio /Coop. Laudato Sì The organizer of the meeting with the local population of Giglio Island to raise young people's awareness of the problem relating to plastic waste dispersed at sea and to disseminate with local institutions the preliminary results obtained during the implementation of the EC-173R-18 grant financed by National Geographic Society, whose research activities were conducted along the Giglio coast.

Part XI Formation courses, technical qualifications, licenses

Date Institution Description
11/2/2020 Elite Consulting S.r.l ENAC Remotely Piloted Aircraft (APR) pilot license with CRO qualification (Operations on Critical Scenarios) with multirotor drones 5/10/2020 ENAC / Union European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Update of the ENAC APR CRO Pilot qualification according to the new regulations of the Union European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Pilot identification number: IT-STS-000314.
5/7/2019 Ministero delle Infrastrutture e trasporti Boat license within 12 miles
3/12/2019 AIOSS (Italian Association of Scientific Scuba Operators) Advanced European Scientific Diver Certificate (AESD)
10/02/2017 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) / Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) and Protected Species Observer (PSO) certifications according to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) standard
26/11/2016 AreoVision S.r.l ENAC certification of Remotely Piloted Aircraft pilot. V.L./Mc Basic (for multirotor drones 1/1/2014 Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) /FIPSAS Advanced PADI Deep, PADI rescue, FIPSAS NITROX base) e gestione delle emergenze in mare (BLS DAN Oxygen Provider, First AID)
04/11/2013 General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Training course "Improving the analysis of fisheries data: an introduction to R and the fisheries libraries in R (FLR)"
2013 Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva e Attività Subacquee (FIPSAS) e Apnea National School (ANS) Freediving and spearfishing instructor. Level 1-3.

Part XII Summary of the scientific production

Product type Number Source Start End
Papers published in peer-reviewed international journals 44 Scopus 2015 Present
Book chapter 1 CrossRef 2017 2017
Poster 7 2016 Present
Invited speaker 2 2016 2023

Bibliometric indicators calculated from SCOPUS (last access: 09/02/2024)

Number of Products 44
Hirsch (H) index 13
Normalized H index* 1.44
Total Citations 640
Average Citations per Product 14.55
Total Impact Factor 164.367
Average Impact Factor per Product 3.74

*H index divided by the academic seniority.

- Scopus Author ID: 57089963000
- Web of Science ResearcherID: E-7871-2018

Part XII A: Editorial activity (participation in the editorial board of scientific journals; peer-review activity of journals with Impact Factor)

Certified peer review 41 WOS/Loop/Orcid 2017 Present
Participation in editorial board 1 Review Editor in Frontiers of Marine Science 2022 Present

Part XIII Publications

Part XIII A: List of selected publications in peer-reviewed international journals

List of the 12 selected publications: Journal Impact Factor (JIF), Quartile ranking calculated at the time of publication, author position and number of citations are reported (last access: 09/02/2024).

1. Ventura, D.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Ardizzone, G. Temporal partitioning of microhabitat use among four juvenile fish species of the genus Diplodus (Pisces: Perciformes, Sparidae). Mar. Ecol. 2015, 36, 1013 1032, doi:10.1111/maec.12198. IF: 1.13, Q2. First and corresponding author. Cited 27 times.

2. Ventura, D.; Bruno, M.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. A low-cost drone-based application for identifying and mapping of coastal fish nursery grounds. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2016, 171, 85 98, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.030. IF: 2.17, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 117 times.

3. Ventura, D.; Bonhomme, V.; Colangelo, P.; Bonifazi, A.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Ardizzone, G. Does morphology predict trophic niche differentiation? Relationship between feeding habits and body shape in four co-occurring juvenile species (Pisces: Perciformes, Sparidae). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2017, 191, 84 95, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2017.04.014. IF: 2.41, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 11 times.

4. Ventura, D.; Bonifazi, A.; Lasinio, G. J.; Gravina, M. F.; Mancini, E.; Ardizzone, G. Can microscale habitat-related differences influence the abundance of ectoparasites ? Multiple evidences from two juvenile coastal fish (Perciformes: Sparidae). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2018, 209, 110 122, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.05.020. IF: 2.61, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 2 times.

5. Ventura, D.; Bonifazi, A.; Gravina, M. F.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. Mapping and classification of ecologically sensitive marine habitats using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). Remote Sens. 2018, 10, doi:10.3390/rs10091331. IF: 4.11, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 143 times.

6. Ventura, D.; Colloca, F.; Ardizzone, G. Settlement evidence of the Mediterranean parrotfish Sparisoma cretense (Teleostei: Scaridae) in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea (Giglio Island, Italy). BioInvasions Rec. 2019, 8, 413 418, doi:10.3391/bir.2019.8.2.23. IF: 1.5, Q2. First and corresponding author. Cited 3 times.

7. Ventura, D.; Dubois, S. F. S. F.; Bonifazi, A.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Seminara, M.; Gravina, M. F. M. F. M. F.; Ardizzone, G. Integration of close-range underwater photogrammetry with inspection and mesh processing software: a novel approach for quantifying ecological dynamics of temperate biogenic reefs. Remote Sens. Ecol. Conserv. 2020, 7, 169 186, doi:10.1002/rse2.178. IF: 5.8, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 24 times.

8. Ventura, D.; Napoleone, F.; Cannucci, S.; Alleaume, S.; Valentini, E.; Casoli, E.; Burrascano, S. Integrating low-altitude drone based-imagery and OBIA for mapping and manage semi natural grassland habitats. J. Environ. Manage. 2022, 321, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115723. IF: 8.7, Q1. First author. Cited 2 times.

9. Ventura, D.; Mancini, G.; Casoli, E.; Pace, D. S. D. S.; Lasinio, G. J. G. J. G. J.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. Seagrass restoration monitoring and shallow-water benthic habitat mapping through a photogrammetry-based protocol. J. Environ. Manage. 2022, 304, 114262, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114262. IF: 8.7, Q1. First author. Cited 19 times.

10. Bonifazi, A.; Galli, S.; Gravina, M. F.; Ventura, D. Macrozoobenthos Structure and Dynamics in a Mediterranean Hypersaline Ecosystem with Implications for Wetland Conservation. Water (Switzerland) 2023, 15, doi:10.3390/w15071411. IF: 3.4, Q1. Last author. Cited 2 times.

11. Ventura, D.; Grosso, L.; Pensa, D.; Casoli, E.; Mancini, G.; Valente, T.; Scardi, M.; Rakaj, A. Coastal benthic habitat mapping and monitoring by integrating aerial and water surface low-cost drones. Front. Mar. Sci. 2023, 9, 1 15, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.1096594. IF: 3.7, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 7 times.

12. Mancini, G.; Mastrantonio, G.; Pollice, A.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Belluscio, A.; Casoli, E.; Silvia Pace, D.; Ardizzone, G.; Ventura, D. Detecting trends in seagrass cover through aerial imagery interpretation: Historical dynamics of a Posidonia oceanica meadow subjected to anthropogenic disturbance. Ecol. Indic. 2023, 150, 110209, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110209. IF: 6.9, Q1. Last author. Cited 1 time.

Part XIII B: Complete list of publications in peer-reviewed international journals

1. Ventura, D.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Ardizzone, G. Temporal partitioning of microhabitat use among four juvenile fish species of the genus Diplodus (Pisces: Perciformes, Sparidae). Mar. Ecol. 2015, 36, 1013 1032, doi:10.1111/maec.12198. IF: 1.13, Q2. First and corresponding author. Cited 27 times.
2. Ventura, D.; Bruno, M.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. A low-cost drone-based application for identifying and mapping of coastal fish nursery grounds. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2016, 171, 85 98, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.030. IF: 2.17, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 116 times.
3. Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Modica, M. V.; Belluscio, A.; Capello, M.; Oliverio, M.; Ardizzone, G. D. A massive ingression of the alien species Mytilus edulis L. (Bivalvia: Mollusca) into the Mediterranean Sea following the Costa Concordia cruise-ship disaster. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. 2016, 17, 404 416, doi:10.12681/mms.1619. IF: 1.68, Q1. Co-author. Cited 21 times.
4. Hassan Ali', M. K.; Belluscio, A.; Ventura, D.; Ardizzone, G. Feeding ecology of some fish species occurring in artisanal fishery of Socotra Island (Yemen). Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2016, 105, 613 628, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.01.051. IF: 3.14, Q1. Co-author. Cited 8 times.
5. Bonifazi, A.; Ventura, D.; Gravina, M. F. New records of old species: some pelagic polychaetes along the Italian coast. Ital. J. Zool. 2016, 83, 364 371, doi:10.1080/11250003.2016.1186235. IF: 0.92, Co-author. Cited 5 times.
6. Jona Lasinio, G.; Tullio, M. A.; Ventura, D.; Ardizzone, G.; Abdelahad, N. Statistical analysis of the distribution of infralittoral Cystoseira populations on pristine coasts of four Tyrrhenian islands: Proposed adjustment to the CARLIT index. Ecol. Indic. 2017, 73, 293 301, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.09.038. IF: 3.98, Q1, Co-author. Cited 16 times.
7. Bonifazi, A.; Ventura, D.; Gravina, M. F.; Lasinio, G. J.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. D. Unusual algal turfs associated with the rhodophyta Phyllophora crispa: Benthic assemblages along a depth gradient in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2017, 185, 77 93, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.12.013. IF: 2.41, Q1, Co-author. Cited 18 times.
8. Ventura, D.; Bonhomme, V.; Colangelo, P.; Bonifazi, A.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Ardizzone, G. Does morphology predict trophic niche differentiation? Relationship between feeding habits and body shape in four co-occurring juvenile species (Pisces: Perciformes, Sparidae). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2017, 191, 84 95, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2017.04.014. IF: 2.41, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 11 times.
9. Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Cutroneo, L.; Capello, M.; Jona-Lasinio, G.; Rinaldi, R.; Criscoli, A.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. D. Assessment of the impact of salvaging the Costa Concordia wreck on the deep coralligenous habitats. Ecol. Indic. 2017, 80, 124 134, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.04.058. IF: 3.98, Q1, Co-author. Cited 18 times.
10. Bonifazi, A.; Ventura, D.; Mancini, E. Sabellaria reefs as reservoirs of preferential species: The case of Eulalia ornata Saint-Joseph, 1888 (Annelida: Phyllodocidae). Mar. Freshw. Res. 2018, 69, 1635 1640, doi:10.1071/MF17339. IF: 1.85, Q2, Co-author. Cited 4 times.
11. Toniolo, C.; Di Sotto, A.; Di Giacomo, S.; Ventura, D.; Casoli, E.; Belluscio, A.; Nicoletti, M.; Ardizzone, G. Seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile as a marine biomarker: A metabolomic and toxicological analysis. Ecosphere 2018, 9, doi:10.1002/ecs2.2054. IF: 2.74, Q1, Co-author. Cited 10 times.
12. Bonifazi, A.; Mancini, E.; Ventura, D. First record of the invasive and cryptogenic species Jassa slatteryiConlan, 1990 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Italian coastal waters. J. Sea Res. 2018, 136, 37 41, doi:10.1016/j.seares.2018.03.005. IF: 1.7, Q1, Last author. Cited 9 times.
13. Ventura, D.; Machado, L. F.; Bonifazi, A.; Gravina, M. F.; Ardizzone, G. Cleaning interactions between the cleaner wrasse Symphodus melanocercus (Osteichthyes: Labridae) and brown meagre Sciaena umbra (Osteichthyes: Sciaenidae). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom 2018, 98, 829 831, doi:10.1017/S0025315417000029. IF: 1.57, Q2, First and corresponding author. Cited 0 times.
14. Ventura, D.; Bonifazi, A.; Gravina, M. F.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. Mapping and classification of ecologically sensitive marine habitats using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1 23, doi:10.3390/rs10091331. IF: 4.11, Q1, First and corresponding author. Cited 143 times.
15. Ventura, D.; Bonifazi, A.; Lasinio, G. J.; Gravina, M. F.; Mancini, E.; Ardizzone, G. Can microscale habitat-related differences influence the abundance of ectoparasites? Multiple evidences from two juvenile coastal fish (Perciformes: Sparidae). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2018, 209, 110 122, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.05.020. IF: 2.61, Q1, First and corresponding author. Cited 2 times.
16. Mancini, E.; Tiralongo, F.; Ventura, D.; Bonifazi, A. Ophelia roscoffensis augener, 1910: A new polychaete record in italian waters. Check List 2019, 15, 489 495, doi:10.15560/15.3.489. IF: 0.53, Q3, Co-author. Cited 1 time.
17. Mancini, E.; Tiralongo, F.; Ventura, D.; Bonifazi, A. Goniadella bobrezkii (Annenkova, 1929) (Annelida, Polychaeta): First record in the Italian waters. Check List 2019, 15, 125 130, doi:10.15560/15.1.125. IF: 0.53, Q3, Co-author. Cited 2 times.
18. Bonifazi, A.; Lezzi, M.; Ventura, D.; Lisco, S.; Cardone, F.; Gravina, M. F. Macrofaunal biodiversity associated with different developmental phases of a threatened Mediterranean Sabellaria alveolata (Linnaeus, 1767) reef. Mar. Environ. Res. 2019, 145, 97 111, doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.02.009. IF: 2.72, Q1, Co-author. Cited 25 times.
19. Colangelo, P.; Ventura, D.; Piras, P.; Pagani Guazzugli Bonaiuti, J.; Ardizzone, G. Are developmental shifts the main driver of phenotypic evolution in Diplodus spp. (Perciformes: Sparidae)? B.M.C. Evol. Biol. 2019, 19, doi:10.1186/s12862-019-1424-1. IF: 3.05, Q1, Co-author. Cited 8 times.
20. Ventura, D.; Colloca, F.; Ardizzone, G. Settlement evidence of the mediterranean parrotfish sparisoma cretense (Teleostei: Scaridae) in the central tyrrhenian sea (Giglio Island, Italy). BioInvasions Rec. 2019, 8, 413 418, doi:10.3391/bir.2019.8.2.23. IF: 1.5, Q2, First and corresponding author. Cited 3 times.
21. Bonifazi, A.; Fratini, F.; Ventura, D. Unusual Massive Beaching of Dalophis imberbis (Delaroche, 1809) (Anguilliformes, Ophichtidae) from the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Thalassas 2019, 35, 573 576, doi:10.1007/s41208-019-00148-0. IF: 1.5, Q2, First and corresponding author. Cited 3 times.
22. Mancini, G.; Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Jona-Lasinio, G.; Criscoli, A.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. D. Impact of the Costa Concordia shipwreck on a Posidonia oceanica meadow: a multi-scale assessment from a population to a landscape level. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2019, 148, 168 181, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.07.044. IF: 4, Q1, Co-author. Cited 10 times.
23. Gravina, M. F.; Bonifazi, A.; Del Pasqua, M.; Giampaoletti, J.; Lezzi, M.; Ventura, D.; Giangrande, A. Perception of changes in marine benthic habitats: The relevance of taxonomic and ecological memory. Diversity 2020, 12, 1 14, doi:10.3390/d12120480. IF: 2.46, Q1, Co-author. Cited 14 times.
24. Casoli, E.; Mancini, G.; Ventura, D.; Pace, D. S.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. D. Reteporella spp. success in the re-colonization of bare coralligenous reefs impacted by Costa Concordia shipwreck: The pioneer species you did not expect. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2020, 161, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111808. IF: 5.5, Q1, Co-auth. Cited 13 times.
25. Tiralongo, F.; Mancini, E.; Ventura, D.; Malherbe, S. D. E.; Mendoza, F. P. D. E.; Sardone, M.; Arciprete, R.; Massi, D.; Marcelli, M.; Fiorentino, F.; Minervini, R. Commercial Catches And Discards Composition In The Central Tyrrhenian Sea: A Multispecies Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis From Shallow And Deep Bottom Trawling. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. 2021, 22, 521 531, doi:10.12681/mms.25753. IF: 3, Q1, Co-author. Cited 12 times.
26. Pace, D. S.; Di Marco, C.; Giacomini, G.; Ferri, S.; Silvestri, M.; Papale, E.; Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Mingione, M.; Di Loro, P. A.; Lasinio, G. J.; Ardizzone, G. Capitoline dolphins: Residency patterns and abundance estimate of tursiops truncatus at the tiber river estuary (mediterranean sea). Biology (Basel). 2021, 10, doi:10.3390/biology10040275. IF: 5.1, Q1, Co-author. Cited 18 times.
27. Casoli, E.; Mancini, G.; Ventura, D.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. Double trouble: Synergy between habitat loss and the spread of the alien species caulerpa cylindracea (sonder) in three mediterranean habitats. Water (Switzerland) 2021, 13, 1342, doi:10.3390/w13101342. IF: 3.53, Q1, Co-author. Cited 6 times.
28. Ventura, D.; Dubois, S. F.; Bonifazi, A.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Seminara, M.; Gravina, M. F.; Ardizzone, G. Integration of close-range underwater photogrammetry with inspection and mesh processing software: a novel approach for quantifying ecological dynamics of temperate biogenic reefs. Remote Sens. Ecol. Conserv. 2021, 7, 169 186, doi:10.1002/rse2.178. IF: 5.78, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 24 times.
29. Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Mancini, G.; Pace, D. S.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. High spatial resolution photo mosaicking for the monitoring of coralligenous reefs. Coral Reefs 2021, 40, 1267 1280, doi:10.1007/s00338-021-02136-4. IF: 4.64, Q1. Co-author. Cited 6 times.
30. Martino, S.; Pace, D. S.; Moro, S.; Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Frachea, A.; Silvestri, M.; Arcangeli, A.; Giacomini, G.; Ardizzone, G.; Jona Lasinio, G. Integration of presence-only data from several sources: a case study on dolphins' spatial distribution. Ecography (Cop.). 2021, 44, 1533 1543, doi:10.1111/ecog.05843. IF: 6.8, Q1. Co-author. Cited 11 times.
31. Mancini, G.; Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. D. An experimental investigation aimed at validating a seagrass restoration protocol based on transplantation. Biol. Conserv. 2021, 264, doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109397. IF: 7.5, Q1. Co-author. Cited 5 times.
32. Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Mancini, G.; Cardone, S.; Farina, F.; Donnini, L.; Pace, D. S.; Shaul, R.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. Rehabilitation of Mediterranean animal forests using gorgonians from fisheries by-catch. Restor. Ecol. 2022, 30, doi:10.1111/rec.13465. IF: 3.2, Q1. Co-author. Cited 10 times.
33. Ventura, D.; Castoro, L.; Mancini, G.; Casoli, E.; Pace, D. S.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. High spatial resolution underwater data for mapping seagrass transplantation: A powerful tool for visualization and analysis. Data Br. 2022, 40, doi:10.1016/j.dib.2021.107735. IF: 1.2, Q2. First and corresponding author. Cited 2 times.
34. Ventura, D.; Mancini, G.; Casoli, E.; Pace, D. S.; Lasinio, G. J.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. Seagrass restoration monitoring and shallow-water benthic habitat mapping through a photogrammetry-based protocol. J. Environ. Manage. 2022, 304, 114262, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114262. IF: 8.7, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 19 times.
35. Casoli, E.; Ventura, D.; Mancini, G.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. When Scientists and Industry Technologies Mitigate Habitat Loss: The First Bioconstruction Relocation in the Mediterranean Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 2022, 9, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.877325. IF: 3.7, Q1. Co-author. Cited 2 times.
36. Mancini, G.; Ventura, D.; Casoli, E.; Belluscio, A.; Ardizzone, G. D. Transplantation on a Posidonia oceanica meadow to facilitate its recovery after the Concordia shipwrecking. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2022, 179, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113683. IF: 5.8, Q1. Co-author. Cited 3 times.
37. Pace, D. S.; Ferri, S.; Giacomini, G.; Di Marco, C.; Papale, E.; Silvestri, M.; Pedrazzi, G.; Ventura, D.; Casoli, E.; Ardizzone, G. Resources and population traits modulate the association patterns in the common bottlenose dolphin living nearby the Tiber River estuary (Mediterranean Sea). Front. Mar. Sci. 2022, 9, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.935235. IF: 3.7, Q1. Co-author. Cited 3 times.
38. Valente, T.; Pelamatti, T.; Avio, C. G.; Camedda, A.; Costantini, M. L.; de Lucia, G. A.; Jacomini, C.; Piermarini, R.; Regoli, F.; Sbrana, A.; Ventura, D.; Silvestri, C.; Matiddi, M. One is not enough: Monitoring microplastic ingestion by fish needs a multispecies approach. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2022, 184, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114133. IF: 5.8, Q1. Co-author. Cited 9 times.
39. Ventura, D.; Napoleone, F.; Cannucci, S.; Alleaume, S.; Valentini, E.; Casoli, E.; Burrascano, S. Integrating low-altitude drone based-imagery and OBIA for mapping and manage semi natural grassland habitats. J. Environ. Manage. 2022, 321, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115723. IF: 8.7, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 2 times.
40. Valente, T.; Ventura, D.; Matiddi, M.; Sbrana, A.; Silvestri, C.; Piermarini, R.; Jacomini, C.; Costantini, M. L. Image processing tools in the study of environmental contamination by microplastics: reliability and perspectives. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2023, 30, 298 309, doi:10.1007/s11356-022-22128-3. IF: 5.8, Q1. Co-author. Cited 4 times.
41. Ventura, D.; Grosso, L.; Pensa, D.; Casoli, E.; Mancini, G.; Valente, T.; Scardi, M.; Rakaj, A. Coastal benthic habitat mapping and monitoring by integrating aerial and water surface low-cost drones. Front. Mar. Sci. 2023, 9, 1 15, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.1096594. IF: 3.7, Q1. First and corresponding author. Cited 7 times.
42. Bonifazi, A.; Galli, S.; Gravina, M. F.; Ventura, D. Macrozoobenthos Structure and Dynamics in a Mediterranean Hypersaline Ecosystem with Implications for Wetland Conservation. Water (Switzerland) 2023, 15, doi:10.3390/w15071411. IF: 3.4, Q1. Last corresponding author. Cited 4 times.
43. Mancini, G.; Mastrantonio, G.; Pollice, A.; Jona Lasinio, G.; Belluscio, A.; Casoli, E.; Silvia Pace, D.; Ardizzone, G.; Ventura, D. Detecting trends in seagrass cover through aerial imagery interpretation: Historical dynamics of a Posidonia oceanica meadow subjected to anthropogenic disturbance. Ecol. Indic. 2023, 150, 110209, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110209. IF: 6.9, Q1. Last author. Cited 1 time.
44. Valente, T.; Costantini, M. L.; Careddu, G.; Berto, D.; Piermarini, R.; Rampazzo, F.; Sbrana, A.; Silvestri, C.; Ventura, D.; Matiddi, M. Tracing the route: Using stable isotope analysis to understand microplastic pathways through the pelagic-neritic food web of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean). Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 885, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163875. IF: 9.8, Q1. Co-author. Cited 0 times.

Part XIII C: Book chapter

1) Ventura, D., Bonifazi, A., Gravina, M. F., & Ardizzone, G. D. (2017). Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) for Environmental Monitoring: A Review with Applications in Coastal Habitats. InTech. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.69598. ISBN-13: 9789535134633

Part XIII D: Posters and presentations

1. Ventura, D., Bonifazi, A., Gravina, M.F., Lasinio, G. J., Ardizzone, G. (2015). Comportamento di pulizia intraspecifica in giovanili di due specie di Diplodus (Teleostea, Sparidae): casualità o simbiosi? 46th SIBM Conference. Rome 10-12 June 2015.
2. Casoli E., Nicoletti L., Ventura, D., Belluscio A., Giandomenico G.D. (2017). Photography in the study of bryozoan assemblages in coralligenous habitats; how different growth forms contribute to the development of the framework. 52nd European Marine Biology Symposium, Piran 25-29 September 2017.
3. Ventura, D., Belluscio A., Ardizzone G.D., Bonifazi A., Gravina M.F. (2017). UAV-based remote sensing for the characterization of two coastal marine habitats: nursery areas of juvenile fish of the genus Diplodus spp. and Sabellaria alveolata reefs. XXXV giornata dell ambiente, Convegno Cambiamenti e crisi nel Mediterraneo . Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 17 October 2017.
4. Ventura, D., Bonifazi A., Ardizzone, G. (2018). Orthophotography at very high spatial resolution using small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV): a new tool for mapping coastal marine habitats. IBIMET Symposium: Coastal monitoring: problems and measurement techniques. Livorno 19-21 June 2018.
5. Casoli E., Ventura, D., Mancini G., Belluscio A., Ardizzone G.D. (2019). Un nuovo strumento per lo studio e il monitoraggio dei reefs a coralligeno. 50° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Livorno 10-14 June 2019.
6. Ventura, D., Bonifazi A., Gravina M.F., Casoli E., Mancini G., Belluscio A., Ardizzone G.D. (2019). Rilievo GPS-RTK e fotogrammetria con drone per la valutazione degli effetti di un evento estremo di mareggiata in una baia rocciosa dell Isola del Giglio. 50° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Livorno 10-14 June 2019.
7. Casoli E., Ventura, D., Mancini G., Belluscio A., Ardizzone G.D. (2022). Recupero e restauro di ecosistemi marini in Mediterraneo: il caso dell'Isola del Giglio. 51° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, 14-17 June 2022.
8. Ventura, D., Casoli E. (2022). Mappatura degli habitat marini bentonici, tecniche emergenti e nuove frontiere. Webinar organizzato dal Comitato Benthos della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina (SIBM), 24 October 2022.
9. Ventura, D., Casoli E., Mancini G., Belluscio A., Ardizzone G.D. (2022). 3-Dimensional mapping for fine-scale cartography of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow limits with underwater Structure from Motion photogrammetry. 7th Symposia on Marine key habitats (marine vegetation, coralligenous and calcareous bio-concretions and dark habitats) and Non-Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean / specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC). 19-23 September 2022, Genova.
10. Rauseo J., Spataro F., Casoli E., Barra Caracciolo A., Ventura, D., Mancini G., Grenni P., Visca A., Pescatore T., Mariani L., Garbini G.L., Rolando L., Patrolecco L. (2023). Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phenolic endocrine disrupting compounds in seawater, sediment and Posidonia oceanica in Giglio Island (Arcipelago Toscano National Park, Italy). SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 30 April 4 May 2023.
11. Casoli E., Pierdomenico M., Pandolfi F., Mancini G., Ventura, D., Belluscio A., Jona-Lasinio G., Ardizzone G.D. (2023). Factors determining the formations of animal forests in Mediterranean coastal habitats. 52° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Roma, 12-15 June 2023.
12. Ventura, D., Casoli E., Mancini G., Belluscio A., Ardizzone G.D. (2023). Integrating Diver Propulsion Vehicles (D.P.V.s) with Structure from Motion photogrammetry: a low-cost tool for effective reconstruction of the underwater environments. ECSD7: 7th European Conference on Scientific Diving. 14-18 May 2023, Station Biologique de Roscoff.