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Associated Professor - Dipartimento di Fisica (


Contact details

Dipartimento di Fisica, Building Marconi, 3th Floor, Room 324

Università di Roma

Piazzale Aldo Moro 2

00185 Roma, Italy

Telephone: 0039-06-49914416


Brief profile

Franco Meddi is an experimental physicist, associate professor at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He is active in nuclear and elementary particle physics experiments at LHC at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) and at Jefferson Laboratory (Virginia, USA), contributing to the development and implementation of silicon detectors. At CERN, he firstly worked on an annular geometry segmented silicon detector (Ring Counter), developing the multiplicity trigger for the selection of events with specific values of centrality in the collisions between ultrarelativistic nuclei (experiments NA34 - Helios and NA57). He then worked for the internal tracker (ITS) of the experiment ALICE. In particular, he was involved in all the aspects, including the research and development phases, of the construction of the pixel and drift detectors that were part of ALICE ITS. Currently, he is developing silicon microstrips detectors for the JLAB Hall A SBS spectrometer and is collaborating also with a group of astrophysics realizing a silicon fast photometer (SiFAP) based on a silicon photomultiplier detectors (SiPM), devoted to measure pulsar signals.





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Giovedì       12:00 - 14:00        da 25/02/21 a 31/03/21

Venerdì       14:00 - 16:00        da 26/02/21 a 11/06/21

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Curriculum Vitae of the prof. FRANCO MEDDI
Graduated in Physics in 1974. Associate Professor since 1992 at the Physics Department of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
In the same University: 1975/1980 holder of Scientific and Educational Training Grant of the Ministry of Education; 1980/1992 Confirmed University Researcher. On leave from the University I worked at CERN as "Scientific Associate" (2000-2001). Since 1977 Associated with the Rome Section of the INFN with Assignment of Research.
From 2002 to 2013 I was the head of the ALICE group within the INFN - Section of Rome.
I have carried out and I continue to carry out my scientific activity in the fields of nuclear physics and elementary particles in numerous International Collaborations (NA19, WA71, WA75, NA34-HELIOS, EMU09, NA34-2, NA34-3, WA97, NA57, WA95- CHORUS, ALICE, JLAB12), working not only at the Physics Department of Rome but also at various International Research Laboratories: in Europe (CERN, Geneva), in the United States (Berkeley, Brookhaven, Jefferson Laboratory). The research topics in physics were: properties of particles made up of heavy quarks (Charm and Beauty), neutrino oscillations, hadronic matter in extreme conditions (Quark Gluon Plasma) through collisions of ultra-relativistic heavy nuclei.
I contributed to the development and implementation of silicon detectors for the internal tracer (ITS) of the ALICE experiment at LHC-CERN. In particular, I worked on PIXEL detectors and silicon drift detectors. This activity also involved the research and development phase (RD19-CERN). In this way I was able to acquire a remarkable experimental experience, maturing excellent relations of scientific collaboration with both Italian and foreign researchers. In the last few years I'm working in the upgrading of the SBS spectrometer at the Jefferson Laboratory (Virginia-USA) for the new 12 GeV electron beam with the construction of two levels of high-resolution silicon detectors with microstrip segmentation (with pitch 50 micron) to be combined with detection plans based on GEM technology.
Starting in 2005 I started to collaborate in various R & D programs of single photon detectors based on SiPM technology and their applications in medical physics and astrophysics. In particular, in the field of medical physics I have studied new solutions for PET based precisely on SiPM silicon detectors (projects: AXPET-CERN and TOPEM-INFN).
Since 2009 I collaborate with a group of astrophysicists of the Physics Department of Rome "La Sapienza" to develop the instrumentation necessary for the study of PULSAR. It is an original multi-channel fast photometer based on SiPM technologies, and on signal processing electronics imported from the high-energy field to astrophysics.
- From 1993 to 2002 I was a professor of "Physics Laboratory" for the Degree Course Council in Biology and "Applied Cybernetics" for the Degree Course Council in Physics.
- From 2003 to 2009 I was professor of "Digital Electronics" and "Laboratory of Electronics and Robotics" for the Council of the first three-year Bachelor in Physics, of "Digital Electronics 2" for the Master Degree in Physics.
- From 2009 to 2010 I was professor of "Digital Electronics 2" for the Master Degree in Physics and "Laboratory of Measurements and Data Analysis" for the Master's Degree in Technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Until 2015, I was a lecturer in the course "Measurement and Data Analysis Laboratory" for the Specialized Degree in Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage and Diagnostics for their Conservation.
- From 2010 to today I am one of the four teachers in the Mechanics Laboratory course for students of the Three-year Degree in Physics and teacher of the course of "Digital Electronics" for the Master's Degree in Physics
- I was a supervisor of more than 20 Degree Theses in Physics both of the old four-year system and of the new Specialized Degree. I was also a speaker of numerous triennial dissertations in Physics. Lastly, I was a supervisor of a Master's Degree in Information Science and a Master's Degree Thesis in Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage and Diagnostics for their Conservation. Finally, I was a supervisor of two PhD Thesis, the first one in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science (cycle XXIX), the second one in Experimental Physics (cycle XXX).
- A more detailed description of my scientific research activity can be verified from more than 250 scientific publications (see High-Energy Physics Literature Database).
My research activity has been supported both by the INFN funding for the ALICE and JLAB12 experiments, and by the funding of the following University projects:
In 2009: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26A0985EA) entitled: "Processing of biomedical signals and images: methodological, acquisition and application problems" (Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Serenella Salinari).
In 2009: Co-Investigator in the Research Project ATENEO FEDERATO (C26F08YMET) entitled: "Variability and energy distribution of high energy cosmic sources" (PI: Prof. Roberto Nesci).
In 2010: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26A10W9XM) entitled: "Processing of biomedical signals and images: methodological, acquisition and application problems" (PI: Prof. Serenella Salinari).
In 2011: Ci-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26A11EYTL) entitled: "Spectral properties and variability of high energy cosmic sources" (PI: Prof. Roberto Nesci).
In 2011: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26G11LNM9) entitled: "Integrated instrumentation Orbitrap mass spectrometer / ultra-performing liquid chromatograph (orbitrap-MSn / UHPLC)" High-efficiency "multi-omics" studies of complex biological systems " (PI: Prof. Francesco Gasparrini).
In 2012: PI of the University Research Project (C26A12PCSA) entitled: "Development of instrumentation for rapid photometry with solid state detectors".
In 2012: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26G12TW3P) entitled: "Photons, neutrinos and gravitational waves: a multi-messenger search of high-energy astrophysical sources: a fully automated, remotely controlled, wide field telescope for optical follow-up observation of neutrino and gravitational wave alerts. " (PI: Prof. Antonio Capone).
In 2013: PI of the University Research Project (C26A13MHHJ) entitled: "Development of instrumentation based on solid-state technology and data analysis codes for photometry of astrophysical phenomena rapidly changing ".
In 2013: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26G13R7J3) entitled: "Acquisition of instrumentation for space measurements of precision on large surfaces for the characterization of radiation detectors." (PI: Prof. Cesare Bini).
In 2014: PI of the University Research Project (C26A144HBJ) entitled: "Development of instrumentation for photometry with temporal labeling of the single photon, dedicated to the study, in the optical band, of rapidly variable astrophysical phenomena. "
In 2014: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (C26A15YCJ4) entitled: "Development of a GPU-based system for fast analysis of real time data streams". (PI: Prof. Antonio Capone).
In 2016: PI of the University Research Project (RP116154BF706C41) entitled: "Study of periodic astronomical phenomena and transients in optical band by rapid photometry".
In 2017: Co-Investigator in the University Research Project (RM11715C7D2B14C5) entitled: "Development of a novel radio-guided endoscopy exploiting beta-decay". (PI: Prof. Riccardo Faccini).
Finally, in the years 2016 and 2017 my research activity was supported by funds provided by the Regione Lazio (FILAS) for a Research Project, entitled "Test Facility and Development of Advanced Technologies for Space Environment" (acronym: FATA) lasting 24 months. (PI: Prof. Paolo De Bernardis).