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Tutte le lezioni e le notizie relative alla didattica sono presenti  sulla piattaforma moodle elearning.uniroma1 o su classroom.


Biologia e Genetica I, Modulo di Biologia - Medicina e chirurgia 'B' Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico

Le lezioni, in questo periodo , sono svolte in modalità "blended" (in presenza e a distanza) in maniera sincrona utilizzando la piattaforma ZOOM come comunicato nel sito e-learning


Basi molecolari delle funzioni cellulari - Biotecnologie Mediche

Le lezioni, in questo periodo , sono svolte in modalità a distanza utilizzando la piattaforma MEET come comunicato nel sito e-learning


Modulo di Biologia - Corso integrato Basi cellulari e molecolari della vita - CDL-TRMIR-B San Camillo

Le lezioni, in questo periodo , sono svolte in modalità a distanza utilizzando la piattaforma MEET come comunicato nel sito classroom



Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
BIOLOGIA E GENETICA 1026208 2022/2023

Expected learning outcomes


The student will acquire the knowledge of the mechanisms regulating cell functions, of how the cell regulates these functions in response to microenvironmental cues and of how these signals are integrated and contribute to the tissue homeostasis. The student will also acquire skills to propose experimental approaches for the analysis of these functions in vitro and in vivo.



Programme e texts


The Course is composed by the following units and topics:

-Molecular mechanisms controlling the G1/S and G2/M transitions, mitosis and cytokinesis. Mitotic and DNA damage checkpoints. Molecular control of cell differentiation. Extrinsic mechanisms regulating cell proliferation, differentiation and quiescence. Methods for the study of cell cycle (6 hours).

-Signal transduction. Specificity of receptors for growth factors. Signal integration and methods for the study of signal transduction. Adhesion molecules. Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions. Transduction of mechanical stimuli (4 hours).

-Molecular mechanisms and functions of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Inducers and molecular mediators. Genetic and epigenetic control of EMT (2 hours).

-Cell senescence. Phenotypic, biochemical and molecular aspects. Mechanisms driving cell senescence. Senescence and tumors. Senescence and aging. Methods for the study of senescence (2 hours).

-Mechanisms and functions of cell death (necrosis-apoptosis-necroptosis-pyroptosis). Phenotypic, biochemical and molecular aspects of the different types of cell death. Physiological and pathological role. Main methodologies for the study of cell death (6 hours).

-Protein degradation processes. General aspects, molecular mechanisms and functions of protein degradation processes. Role of lysosome and proteasome (4 hours).

-Molecular mechanisms and functions of autophagy. Physiological and pathological effects. Methods for the study of autophagy (4 hours).

-Molecular mechanisms and functions of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) and signal transduction pathway called "non-folded protein response (UPR)". Physiological and pathological role. Interactions between ER stress, autophagy and cell death (2 hours).

-Control of cellular functions in the liver tissue. Molecular control of liver physio-pathology (2 hours)

-Mechanisms controlling inter-cellular communication: microvesicles and exosomes. Diagnostic and therapeutic applications for the study of human diseases (2 hours).

-Epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Non-coding RNAs (microRNAs and lncRNAs) and epigenetic mechanisms. Physiological and pathological role. Methods for the study of epigenetic modifications (2 hours)

-Molecular basis of neoplastic transformation. Loss of control mechanisms of the main cellular functions in tumor cells. Analysis of possible molecular therapies (2 hours).


Furthermore, the following activities are planned:

- Analysis of a scientific project with discussion in the classroom (2 hours).

- In-depth seminars on: Proteomics: technologies and applications; regulation of protein function: subcellular localization, protein-protein interactions, post-translational modifications; application of the flow cytofluorimetry to the study of cell cycle and apoptosis





The teaching and didactic material, provided by the teachers, include recent research articles and reviews, published in international journals, and the educational-informatic material utilized during lessons (slides, videos, tutorials).


It is recommended to refer to a basic cell biology textbook such as:

- Alberts et al., “L'essenziale della biologia molecolare della cellula" - Zanichelli ed.

- Hardin, Bertoni - "Becker. il mondo della cellula" - Pearson ed.




BIOLOGIA E GENETICA 1026208 2021/2022
BIOLOGIA E GENETICA 1026208 2020/2021
BIOLOGIA E GENETICA 1026208 2019/2020

Previo appuntamento concordato tramite e-mail:


Nome: Gian Maria Fimia
Data e luogo di nascita: Roma, 17 ottobre 1967.
Incarico professionale: Professore di I fascia, BIO/13 Biologia Applicata
Indirizzo professionale: Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare, Università di Roma Sapienza
Contatti email:

Da Settembre 2019, Professore di I fascia, BIO/13 Biologia Applicata. Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare, Università di Roma Sapienza.
Dal 1 Aprile 2013 ad al 31 Agosto 2019: Professore II Fascia, BIO/06 Anatomia Comparata e Citologia, Università del Salento, Lecce.
Dal 1 Luglio 2013 ad oggi: Principal Investigator presso il laboratorio di Biologia Cellulare e Microscopia Elettronica dell INMI L. Spallanzani IRCCS, Roma;
Dal 1 Gennaio 2008 al 30 Marzo 2013: Dirigente Biologo ex I livello presso l INMI L. Spallanzani IRCCS, Roma (Contratto a tempo determinato).
Dal 2001 al 2007: Ricercatore a contratto presso il laboratorio di Biologia Cellulare e Microscopia Elettronica INMI L. Spallanzani IRCCS.

1996: Dottorato di ricerca in Biologia Umana: Basi Cellulari e Molecolari presso il Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Cellulari ed Ematologia, Università Sapienza, Roma (Relatore Prof. Paolo Amati).
1993: Esame di Stato per l'abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di Biologo.
1991: Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, summa cum laude , Università Sapienza, Roma (Relatore Prof. Paolo Amati).

1996-2000: Post-doc presso l Istituto di Genetica e Biologia Molecolare e Cellulare (IGBMC) di Strasburgo, Francia, nel laboratorio del Prof. Paolo Sassone-Corsi.

2016: MIUR, Progetto PRIN2015 20152CB22L dal titolo Ubiquitin E3 ligases as critical sensors in physiological and pathological conditions ( 89.740).
2015: AIRC, 17404 (Euro 270.000) Evaluating the tumor suppressor role of the proautophagic protein Ambra1 in hepatocellular carcinoma. (Euro 270.000)
2014: Ministero della Salute; Ricerca Finalizzata; RF-2011-02349395 "Role of IP-10 and its truncated form in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis " (Euro 80.000)
2012: AIRC 13529 (Euro 240.000) From steatohepatitis to hepatocarcinoma in Hepatitis C: is the impairment of lipophagy playing a role? (Euro 240.000)
2011: Fondazione Telethon Italia: Exploratory Project GEP12072 (Euro 50.000). Is the limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H a defective autophagy disease?
2010: Ministero della Salute; Ricerca Finalizzata RF-IMI-2010-230199 (Euro 70.000). Autophagy in the immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2009: Ministero della Salute; Ricerca Finalizzata 228/RF-2009-1549885 (Euro 15.000). Multidisciplinary and comprehensive knowledge on bone disorders in HIV infection.
2009: Ministero della Salute; Ricerca Finalizzata RF-IMI-2009-1301561 (Euro 60.000). Interfering with HIV infection by modulating host cell pathways: a phosphoproteomic approach
2007: Ministero della Salute; Ricerca Finalizzata RF-IMI-2007-658048 (Euro 145.000). The role of the autophagic process in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis: from bench to bedside.

29-31 Gennaio 2016, Comitato organizzatore della Black Forest Winter Conference on Autophagic membrane trafficking and dynamics in ageing and disease , Saig, Germania
14-16 Settembre 2014: Organizza ed insegna nel corso teorico " Crosstalk between autophagy and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in Biomedicine", Università di São Paulo, Brazil.
14-15 Giugno 2011: Organizza ed insegna nel corso teorico " Regulation of Autophagy and its application in Biomedicine" Università Federale di São Paulo, Brazil.
18-19 Giugno 2009: Organizza il workshop The Role of Autophagy in Infectious Diseases and Cancer INMI L. Spallanzani, Roma.
28-31 Agosto 2008: Organizza ed insegna nel corso teorico "Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cell Death", Università Federale di São Paulo, Brazil.
6-10 Giugno 2005: Organizza e insegna nel Corso Molecular and Cellular Basis of Programmed Cell Death svoltosi presso il Centro di Immunologia Molecolare dell Havana (Cuba).
13-14 Novembre 2004: Organizza il workshop Proteomics In Translational Research presso l INMI L. Spallanzani, Roma.

Membro dell Editorial Board della rivista Cell Death and Disease e Frontiers in Oncology.

Il Prof. Fimia ha pubblicato 143 articoli su riviste internazionali indicizzate. H-index: 50.
1. Maione R., Fimia G.M. and P. Amati. Inhibition of in vitro myogenic differentiation by a polyomavirus early function. 1992 Oncogene 7:85-93.
2. Maione R., Fimia G.M. and P. Amati. Inhibition of in vitro muscle differentiation by the immortalizing oncogene Py LT-ag. 1992 Symp Soc Exp Biol. 46:53-71.
3. Maione R., Fimia G.M., Holman P., Schaffhausen B. and P. Amati. Retinoblastoma antioncogene is involved in the inhibition of myogenesis by polyomavirus large T antigen. 1994 Cell Growth & Differentiation 5:231-237.
4. Fimia G.M., Ferreira R., Passananti C. and P. Amati. A polyomavirus enhancer mutant confers ubiquitous high transcriptional efficiency to the SV40 late promoter. 1995 Biochem.Biophys.Res.Com. 207:339-347.
5. Fimia G.M., Gottifredi V., Passananti C. and R. Maione. Double-stranded internucleosomal cleavage of apoptotic DNA is dependent on the degree of differentiation in muscle cells. 1996 Journal of Biological Chemistry: 271:15575-15579.
6. Fimia G.M., Gottifredi V., Bellei B., Ricciardi M.R., Tafuri A., Amati P. and R. Maione. The activity of differentiation factors induces apoptosis in polyomavirus largeT-expressing myoblasts. 1998 Molecular Biology of the Cell: 9:1449-1463.
7. Dierich A., Sairam M.R., Monaco L., Fimia G.M., Gansmuller A., LeMeur M. and P. Sassone-Corsi. Targeted disruption of the FSH receptor leads to aberrant gametogenesis and hormonal alterations. 1998 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A : 95:13612-7.
8. Fimia G.M., De Cesare D. and P. Sassone-Corsi. Novel molecular pathways of transcriptional activation by CREB and CREM. 1998 Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 63:631-42.
9. Gottifredi V., Peschiaroli A., Fimia G.M. and R. Maione. p53-independent apoptosis induced by muscle differentiation stimuli in polyomavirus large T-expressing myoblasts. 1999 Journal of Cell Science 112:2397-2407.
10. Fimia G.M., De Cesare D. and P. Sassone-Corsi. CBP-independent activation of CREM and CREB by the LIM-only protein ACT. 1999 Nature 398:165-169.
11. De Cesare D., Fimia G.M., and P. Sassone-Corsi. Signaling routes to CREM and CREB: plasticity in transcriptional activation. 1999 Trends in Biochemical Sciences 24:281-5.
12. Rozman D., Fink M., Fimia G.M., Sassone-Corsi P. and M.R. Waterman. Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate(cAMP)/cAMP-responsive element modulator (CREM)-dependent regulation of cholesterogenic lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (CYP51) in spermatids. 1999 Molecular Endocrinology 13:1951-62.
13. Fimia GM, De Cesare D, Sassone-Corsi P. A family of LIM-only transcriptional coactivators: tissue-specific expression and selective activation of CREB and CREM 2000 Molecular and Cellular Biology 20:8613-8622.
14. De Cesare D, Fimia GM, Sassone-Corsi P. CREM, a master-switch of the transcriptional cascade in male germ cells 2000 Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 9:592-6.
15. Fimia G.M. and P. Sassone-Corsi. Cyclic AMP signalling 2001 Journal of Cell Science 114:1971-2.
16. Fimia GM, Morlon A, Macho B, De Cesare D, Sassone-Corsi P. Transcriptional cascades during spermatogenesis: pivotal role of CREM and ACT 2001 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 179:17-23.
17. Palermo I, Litrico L, Emmanuele G, Giuffrida V, Sassone-Corsi P, De Cesare D, Fimia GM, D'Agata R, Calogero AE, Travali S. Cloning and expression of activator of CREM in testis in human testicular tissue 2001 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 283:406-11.
18. Martianov I, Fimia GM, Dierich A, Parvinen M, Sassone-Corsi P, Davidson I. Late arrest of spermiogenesis and germ cell apoptosis in mice lacking the TBP-like TLF/TRF2 gene 2001 Molecular Cell 7:509-515.
19. Crosio C, Fimia GM, Loury R, Kimura M, Okano Y, Zhou H, Sen S, Allis CD, Sassone-Corsi P. Mitotic phosphorylation of histone H3: spatio-temporal regulation by mammalian Aurora kinases. 2002 Molecular and Cellular Biology 22:874-85.
20. Oppedisano L, Haines G, Hrabchak C, Fimia G, Elliott R, Sassone-Corsi P, Varmuza S. The rate of aneuploidy is altered in spermatids from infertile mice. 2002 Human Reproduction 17:710-7.
21. Macho B, Brancorsini S, Fimia GM, Setou M, Hirokawa N, Sassone-Corsi P. CREM-Dependent Transcription in Male Germ Cells Controlled by a Kinesin. 2002 Science 298:2388-90.
22. Fimia GM, Tripodi M., Alonzi T. Transgenic models for Hepatitis C virus pathogenesis. 2003 Cell Death Differentiation Suppl 1:S16-8.
23. Nardacci R , Lo Iacono O, Ciccosanti F, Falasca L, Addesso M, Amendola A, Antonucci G, Craxi A, Fimia GM, Iadevaia V, Melino G, Ruco L, Tocci G, Piacentini M Transglutaminase type-II plays a protective role in hepatic injury 2003 America Journal of Pathology 162:1293-303.
24. De Cesare D, Fimia GM, Brancorsini S, Parvinen M, Sassone-Corsi P. Transcriptional Control in Male Germ Cells: General Factor TFIIA participates in CREM-dependent Gene Activation. 2003 Mol Endocrinol. 17: 2554-65.
25. Yanagimachi R, Wakayama T, Kishikawa H, Fimia GM, Monaco L, Sassone-Corsi P. Production of fertile offspring from genetically infertile male mice. 2004 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101:1691-5.
26. Goletti D, Carrara S, Vincenti D, Giacomini E, Fattorini L, Garbuglia AR, Capobianchi MR, Alonzi T, Fimia GM, Federico M, Poli G, Coccia E. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Inhibits Human Immunodeficiency Virus Replication In Monocyte-Derived Macrophages. 2004 J Infect Dis. 189:624-33.
27. Rodolfo C, Mormone E, Matarrese P, Ciccosanti F, Farrace MG, Garofano E, Piredda L, Fimia GM, Malorni W, Piacentini M. Tissue transglutaminase is a multifunctional BH3-only protein. 2004 Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279:54783-92.
28. Bordoni V, Alonzi T, Agrati C, Poccia F, Borsellino G, Mancino G, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Fantoni A, Tripodi M. Murine hepatocyte cell lines promote expansion and differentiation of NK cells from stem cell precursors. 2004 Hepatology. 39:1508-16.
29. Fimia GM, Evangelisti C, Alonzi T, Romani M, Fratini F, Paonessa G, Ippolito G, Tripodi M and Piacentini M. Conventional Protein Kinase C Inhibition Prevents Alpha Interferon-Mediated Hepatitis C Virus Replicon Clearance by Impairing STAT Activation. 2004 Journal of Virology 78: 12809-16.
30. Agrati C, Alonzi T, De Santis R, Castelletti C, Abbate I, Capobianchi MR, D Offizi G, Siepi F, Fimia GM, Tripodi M, and Fabrizio Poccia. Activation of V 9V 2 T cells by non-peptidic antigens induces the inhibition of subgenomic HCV replication. 2006 International Immunology 18:11-8.
31. Campostrini N, Marimpietri D, Totolo A, Mancone C, Fimia GM, Ponzoni M and Righetti PG Proteomic analysis of anti-angiogenic effects by a combined treatment with vinblastine and rapamycin in an endothelial cell line. 2006 Proteomics 6:4420-31.
32. Mastroberardino PG, Farrace MG, Viti I, Pavone F, Fimia GM, Melino G, Rodolfo C, Piacentini M. "Tissue" transglutaminase contributes to the formation of disulphide bridges in proteins of mitochondrial respiratory complexes. 2006 Biochim Biophys Acta 1757:1357-65.
33. Battaglia G, Farrace MG, Mastroberardino PG, Viti I, Fimia GM, Van Beeumen J, Devreese B, Melino G, Molinaro G, Busceti CL, Biagioni F, Nicoletti F, Piacentini M. Transglutaminase 2 ablation leads to defective function of mitochondrial respiratory complex I affecting neuronal vulnerability in experimental models of extrapyramidal disorders 2007 J Neurochem. 100:36-49.
34. Mancone C, Amicone L, Fimia GM, Bravo E, Piacentini M, Tripodi M and Alonzi T. Proteomic analysis of human very low-density lipoprotein by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/TOF 2007 Proteomics 7:143-54.
35. Obeid M, Tesniere A, Ghiringhelli F, Fimia GM, Apetoh L, Perfettini JL, Castedo M, Mignot G, Panaretakis T, Casares N, Metivier D, Larochette N, van Endert P, Ciccosanti F, Piacentini M, Zitvogel L, Kroemer G. Calreticulin exposure dictates the immunogenicity of cancer cell death. 2007 Nature Medicine 13:54-61.
36. Corazzari M, Lovat PE, Armstrong JL, Fimia GM, Hill DS, Birch-Machin M, Redfern CP, Piacentini M. Targeting homeostatic mechanisms of endoplasmic reticulum stress to increase susceptibility of cancer cells to fenretinide-induced apoptosis: the role of stress proteins ERdj5 and ERp57. 2007 Br J Cancer. 96:1062-71.
37. Columbano A, Corazzari M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M 14th Euroconference on Apoptosis: 'death or survival? Fate in Sardinia'. 2007 Cell Death Differ. 14:1555-7.
38. Fimia GM, Stoykova A, Romagnoli A, Giunta L, Di Bartolomeo S, Nardacci R, Corazzari M, Fuoco C, Ucar A, Schwartz P, Gruss P, Piacentini M, Chowdhury K, Cecconi F Ambra1 regulates autophagy and development of the nervous system. 2007 Nature 447:1121-5.
39. Cecconi F, Di Bartolomeo S, Nardacci R, Fuoco C, Corazzari M, Giunta L, Romagnoli A, Stoykova A, Chowdhury K, Fimia GM Piacentini M.. A Novel Role for Autophagy in Neurodevelopment 2007 Autophagy 3:506-508.
40. Apetoh L, Obeid M, Tesniere A, Ghiringhelli F, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Kroemer G, Zitvogel L. Immunogenic chemotherapy: discovery of a critical protein through proteomic analyses of tumor cells. 2007 Cancer Genomics Proteomics 4:65-70.
41. Cecconi F, Piacentini M, Fimia GM The involvement of cell death and survival in neural tube defects: a distinct role for apoptosis and autophagy? 2008 Cell Death Differ. 15:1170-7.
42. Fazi B, Bursch W, Fimia GM, Nardacci R, Piacentini M, Di Sano F, Piredda L. Fenretinide induces autophagic cell death in caspase-defective breast cancer cells. 2008 Autophagy 4:435-41.
43. Panaretakis T, Joza N, Modjtahedi N, Tesniere A, Vitale I, Durchschlag M, Fimia GM, Kepp O, Piacentini M, Froehlich KU, van Endert P, Zitvogel L, Madeo F, Kroemer G. The co-translocation of ERp57 and calreticulin determines the immunogenicity of cell death. Cell Death Differ. 2008;15:1499-509
44. Salazar M, Carracedo A, Salanueva IJ, Hernández-Tiedra S, Lorente M, Egia A, Vázquez P, Blázquez C, Torres S, García S, Nowak J, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Cecconi F, Pandolfi PP, González-Feria L, Iovanna JL, Guzmán M, Boya P, Velasco G. Cannabinoid action induces autophagy-mediated cell death through stimulation of ER stress in human glioma cells. J Clin Invest. 2009 119:1359-72.
45. Imperi F, Ciccosanti F, Perdomo AB, Tiburzi F, Mancone C, Alonzi T, Ascenzi P,Piacentini M, Visca P, Fimia GM. Analysis of the periplasmic proteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a metabolically versatile opportunistic pathogen. Proteomics. 2009;9:1901-15. PubMed PMID: 19333994.
46. Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Toward the understanding of autophagy regulation and its interplay with cell death pathways. Cell Death Differ. 2009 Jul;16(7):933-4
47. D'Eletto M, Farrace MG, Falasca L, Reali V, Oliverio S, Melino G, Griffin M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Transglutaminase 2 is involved in autophagosome maturation. Autophagy. 2009 Nov;5(8):1145-54.
48. Mancone C, Conti B, Amicone L, Bordoni V, Cicchini C, Calvo L, Perdomo AB, Fimia GM, Tripodi M, Alonzi T. Proteomic analysis reveals a major role for contact inhibition in the terminal differentiation of hepatocytes. J Hepatol. 2010 Feb;52(2):234-43.
49. Hangen E, De Zio D, Bordi M, Zhu C, Dessen P, Caffin F, Lachkar S, Perfettini JL, Lazar V, Benard J, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Harper F, Pierron G, Vicencio JM, Bénit P, de Andrade A, Höglinger G, Culmsee C, Rustin P, Blomgren K, Cecconi F, Kroemer G, Modjtahedi N. A brain-specific isoform of mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor: AIF2. Cell Death Differ. 2010 17:1155-66.
50. Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Regulation of autophagy in mammals and its interplay with apoptosis. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 67:1581-8..
51. Pedrotti S, Bielli P, Paronetto MP, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Stamm S, Manley JL, Sette C. The splicing regulator Sam68 binds to a novel exonic splicing silencer and functions in SMN2 alternative splicing in spinal muscular atrophy. EMBO J. 2010 Apr 7;29(7):1235-47.
52. Imperi F, Tiburzi F, Fimia GM, Visca P. Transcriptional control of the pvdS iron starvation sigma factor gene by the master regulator of sulfur metabolism CysB in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Environ Microbiol. 2010 Jun;12(6):1630-42.
53. Ciccosanti F, Corazzari M, Soldani F, Matarrese P, Pagliarini V, Iadevaia V, Tinari A, Zaccarelli M, Perfettini JL, Malorni W, Kroemer G, Antinori A, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Proteomic analysis identifies prohibitin down-regulation as a crucial event in the mitochondrial damage observed in HIV-infected patients. Antivir Ther. 2010;15(3):377-90
54. Rodolfo C, Ciccosanti F, Giacomo GD, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Proteomic analysis of mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2010 Aug;7(4):519-42.
55. Kepp O, Gdoura A, Martins I, Panaretakis T, Schlemmer F, Tesniere A, Fimia GM, Ciccosanti F, Burgevin A, Piacentini M, Eggleton P, Young PJ, Zitvogel L, van Endert P, Kroemer G. Lysyl tRNA synthetase is required for the translocation of calreticulin to the cell surface in immunogenic death. Cell Cycle. 2010 Aug 1;9(15):3072-7.
56. Di Bartolomeo S, Corazzari M, Nazio F, Oliverio S, Lisi G, Antonioli M, Pagliarini V, Matteoni S, Fuoco C, Giunta L, D Amelio M, Nardacci R, Romagnoli A, Piacentini M, Cecconi F, and Fimia GM. The dynamic interaction of AMBRA1 with the dynein motor complex regulates mammalian autophagy. Journal of Cell Biology.2010 191:155-68.
57. De Zio D, Bordi M, Tino E, Lanzuolo C, Ferraro E, Mora E, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Orlando V, Cecconi F. The DNA repair complex Ku70/86 modulates Apaf1 expression upon DNA damage. Cell Death Differ. 2011 18:516-27.
58. Fimia GM, Di Bartolomeo S, Piacentini M, Cecconi F. Unleashing the Ambra1-Beclin 1 complex from dynein chains: Ulk1 sets Ambra1 free to induce autophagy. Autophagy. 2011 7:115-7.
59. Armstrong JL, Corazzari M, Martin S, Pagliarini V, Falasca L, Hill DS, Ellis N, Al Sabah S, Redfern CP, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Lovat PE. Oncogenic B-RAF signaling in melanoma impairs the therapeutic advantage of autophagy inhibition. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 17:2216-26.
60. Strappazzon F, Vietri-Rudan M, Campello S, Nazio F, Florenzano F, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Levine B, Cecconi F. Mitochondrial BCL-2 inhibits AMBRA1-induced autophagy. EMBO J. 2011 30:1195-208.
61. Pereira GJ, Hirata H, Fimia GM, do Carmo LG, Bincoletto C, Han SW, Stilhano RS, Ureshino RP, Bloor-Young D, Churchill G, Piacentini M, Patel S, Smaili SS. Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) regulates autophagy in cultured astrocytes. J Biol Chem. 2011 286:27875-81.
62. Séror C, Melki MT, Subra F, Raza SQ, Bras M, Saïdi H, Nardacci R, Voisin L, Paoletti A, Law F, Martins I, Amendola A, Abdul-Sater AA, Ciccosanti F, Delelis O, Niedergang F, Thierry S, Said-Sadier N, Lamaze C, Métivier D, Estaquier J, Fimia GM, Falasca L, Casetti R, Modjtahedi N, Kanellopoulos J, Mouscadet JF, Ojcius DM, Piacentini M, Gougeon ML, Kroemer G, Perfettini JL. Extracellular ATP acts on P2Y2 purinergic receptors to facilitate HIV-1 infection. J Exp Med. 2011 208:1823-34.
63. Basulto Perdomo A, Ciccosanti F, Lo Iacono O, Angeletti C, Corazzari M, Daniele N, Testa A, Pisa R, Ippolito G, Antonucci G, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Liver protein profiling in chronic hepatitis C: Identification of potential predictive markers for interferon therapy outcome. J Proteome Res. 2012, 11:717-27.
64. Vescovo T, Romagnoli A, Perdomo AB, Corazzari M, Ciccosanti F, Alonzi T, Nardacci R, Ippolito G, Tripodi M, Garcia-Monzon C, Lo Iacono O, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Autophagy Protects Cells from HCV-Induced Defects in Lipid Metabolism. Gastroenterology. 2012, 142:644-653.
65. Wirawan E, Lippens S, Vanden Berghe T, Romagnoli A, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Vandenabeele P. Beclin1: A role in membrane dynamics and beyond. Autophagy. 2012, 8:6-17.
66. D Eletto M, Farrace MG, Rossin F, Strappazzon F, Di Giacomo G, Cecconi F, Melino G, Sepe S, Moreno S, Fimia GM, Falasca L, Nardacci R and Piacentini M Type 2 Transglutaminase plays a key role in the autophagy-dependent clearance of ubiquitinated proteins. Cell Death & Diff. 2012, 19:1228-38.
67. Pagliarini V, Wirawan E, Romagnoli A, Ciccosanti F, Lisi G, Lippens S, Cecconi F, Fimia GM, Vandenabeele P, Corazzari M, Piacentini M. Proteolysis of Ambra1 during apoptosis plays a role in the inhibition of the autophagic pro-survival response Cell Death & Diff. 2012, 19:1495-504.
68. Petruccioli E, Romagnoli A, Corazzari M, Coccia E, Butera O, Delogu G, Piacentini M, Girardi E, Fimia GM, Goletti D. Specific T-cells restore the autophagic flux inhibited by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human primary macrophages. J. Infect. Diseases 2012, 205:1425-35.
69. Corazzari M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Dismantling the autophagic arsenal when it is time to die: Concerted AMBRA1 degradation by caspases and calpains. Autophagy. 2012 Aug 1;8(8). [Epub ahead of print]
70. Romagnoli A, Etna MP, Giacomini E, Pardini M, Remoli ME, Corazzari M, Falasca L, Goletti D, Gafa V, Simeone R, Delogu G, Piacentini M, Brosch R, Fimia GM, Coccia EM. ESX-1 dependent impairment of autophagic flux by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human dendritic cells. Autophagy. 2012, 8:1357-70.
71. Klionsky DJ et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy. 2012 Apr;8(4):445-544.
72. Severa M, Giacomini E, Gafa V, Anastasiadou E, Rizzo F, Corazzari M, Romagnoli A, Trivedi P, Fimia GM, Coccia EM. EBV stimulates TLR- and autophagy-dependent pathways and impairs maturation in plasmacytoid dendritic cells: implications for viral immune escape. Eur J Immunol. 2012 Sep 19.. [Epub ahead of print]
73. Senovilla L, Vitale I, Martins I, Tailler M, Pailleret C, Michaud M, Galluzzi L, Adjemian S, Kepp O, Niso-Santano M, Shen S, Mariño G, Criollo A, Boilève A, Job B, Ladoire S, Ghiringhelli F, Sistigu A, Yamazaki T, Rello-Varona S, Locher C, Poirier-Colame V, Talbot M, Valent A, Berardinelli F, Antoccia A, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Fueyo A, Messina NL, Li M, Chan CJ, Sigl V, Pourcher G, Ruckenstuhl C, Carmona-Gutierrez D, Lazar V, Penninger JM, Madeo F, López-Otín C, Smyth MJ, Zitvogel L, Castedo M, Kroemer G. An immunosurveillance mechanism controls cancer cell ploidy. Science. 2012, 337:1678-84.
74. Mancone C, Ciccosanti F, Montaldo C, Perdomo AB, Piacentini M, Alonzi T, Fimia GM, Tripodi M. Applying proteomic technology to clinical virology. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Jan;19(1):23-28.
75. Fimia GM, Corazzari M, Antonioli M, Piacentini M. Ambra1 at the cross road between autophagy and cell death. Oncogene. 2013 Jul 11;32(28):3311-8.
76. Gioacchini G, Dalla Valle L, Benato F, Fimia GM, Nardacci R, Ciccosanti F, Piacentini M, Borini A, Carnevali O. Interplay between autophagy and apoptosis in the development of Danio rerio follicles and the effects of a probiotic. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2013;25(8):1115-25.
77. Fimia GM, Kroemer G, Piacentini M. Molecular mechanisms of selective autophagy. Cell Death Differ. 2013 Jan;20(1):1-2.
78. Benato F, Skobo T, Gioacchini G, Moro I, Ciccosanti F, Piacentini M, Fimia GM, Carnevali O, Dalla Valle L. Ambra1 knockdown in zebrafish leads to incomplete development due to severe defects in organogenesis. Autophagy. 2013 Apr;9(4):476-95.
79. Goletti D, Petruccioli E, Romagnoli A, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Autophagy in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: a passepartout to flush the intruder out? Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2013 Aug;24(4):335-43.
80. Nazio F, Strappazzon F, Antonioli M, Bielli P, Cianfanelli V, Bordi M, Gretzmeier C, Dengjel J, Piacentini M, Fimia GM, Cecconi F. mTOR inhibits autophagy by controlling ULK1 ubiquitylation, self-association and function through AMBRA1 and TRAF6. Nat Cell Biol. 2013 Apr;15(4):406-16.
81. Corazzari M, Fimia GM, Lovat P, Piacentini M. Why is autophagy important for melanoma? Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications. Semin Cancer Biol. 2013 Oct;23(5):337-43.
82. Longo F, Rampioni G, Bondì R, Imperi F, Fimia GM, Visca P, Zennaro E, Leoni L. A new transcriptional repressor of the pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing receptor gene lasR. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 5;8(7):e69554.
83. Cappellari M, Bielli P, Paronetto MP, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Saarikettu J, Silvennoinen O, Sette C. The transcriptional co-activator SND1 is a novel regulator of alternative splicing in prostate cancer cells. Oncogene. 2014 Jul 17;33(29):3794-802.
84. Vakifahmetoglu-Norberg H, Norberg E, Perdomo AB, Olsson M, Ciccosanti F, Orrenius S, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Zhivotovsky B. Caspase-2 promotes cytoskeleton protein degradation during apoptotic cell death. Cell Death Dis. 2013 Dec 5;4:e940.
85. González-Rodríguez A, Mayoral R, Agra N, Valdecantos MP, Pardo V, Miquilena-Colina ME, Vargas-Castrillón J, Lo Iacono O, Corazzari M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Muntané J, Boscá L, García-Monzón C, Martín-Sanz P, Valverde ÁM. Impaired autophagic flux is associated with increased endoplasmic reticulum stress during the development of NAFLD. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Apr 17;5:e1179.
86. Nardacci R, Amendola A, Ciccosanti F, Corazzari M, Esposito V, Vlassi C, Taibi C, Fimia GM, Del Nonno F, Ippolito G, D'Offizi G, Piacentini M. Autophagy plays an important role in the containment of HIV-1 in nonprogressor-infected patients. Autophagy. 2014 Jul;10(7):1167-78.
87. Rossin F, D'Eletto M, Falasca L, Sepe S, Cocco S, Fimia GM, Campanella M, Mastroberardino PG, Farrace MG, Piacentini M. Transglutaminase 2 ablation leads to mitophagy impairment associated with a metabolic shift towards aerobic glycolysis. Cell Death Differ. 2015 Mar;22(3):408-18.
88. Panzarini E, Inguscio V, Fimia GM, Dini L. Rose Bengal acetate photodynamic therapy (RBAc-PDT) induces exposure and release of Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) in human HeLa cells. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 20;9(8):e105778.
89. Vescovo T, Refolo G, Romagnoli A, Ciccosanti F, Corazzari M, Alonzi T, Fimia GM. Autophagy in HCV infection: keeping fat and inflammation at bay. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:265353.
90. Strappazzon F, Nazio F, Corrado M, Cianfanelli V, Romagnoli A, Fimia GM, Campello S, Nardacci R, Piacentini M, Campanella M, Cecconi F. AMBRA1 is able to induce mitophagy via LC3 binding, regardless of PARKIN and p62/SQSTM1. Cell Death Differ. 2015 Mar;22(3):419-32.
91. Galluzzi L et al., Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015. Cell Death Differ. 2015 Jan;22(1):58-73.
92. Corazzari M, Rapino F, Ciccosanti F, Giglio P, Antonioli M, Conti B, Fimia GM, Lovat PE, Piacentini M. Oncogenic BRAF induces chronic ER stress condition resulting in increased basal autophagy and apoptotic resistance of cutaneous melanoma. Cell Death Differ. 2015 Jun;22(6):946-58.
93. Cianfanelli V, Fuoco C, Lorente M, Salazar M, Quondamatteo F, Gherardini PF, De Zio D, Nazio F, Antonioli M, D'Orazio M, Skobo T, Bordi M, Rohde M, Dalla Valle L, Helmer-Citterich M, Gretzmeier C, Dengjel J, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Di Bartolomeo S, Velasco G, Cecconi F. AMBRA1 links autophagy to cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by promoting c-Myc dephosphorylation and degradation. Nat Cell Biol. 2015 Jan;17(1):20-30.
94. Antonioli M, Albiero F, Nazio F, Vescovo T, Perdomo AB, Corazzari M, Marsella C, Piselli P, Gretzmeier C, Dengjel J, Cecconi F, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. AMBRA1 interplay with cullin E3 ubiquitin ligases regulates autophagy dynamics. Dev Cell. 2014 Dec 22;31(6):734-46.
95. Reali V, Mehdawy B, Nardacci R, Filomeni G, Risuglia A, Rossin F, Antonioli M, Marsella C, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Di Sano F. Reticulon protein-1C is a key component of MAMs. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Mar;1853(3):733-45.
96. Pagliarini V, Giglio P, Bernardoni P, De Zio D, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Corazzari M. Downregulation of E2F1 during ER stress is required to induce apoptosis. J Cell Sci. 2015 Mar 15;128(6):1166-79.
97. Antonioli M, Albiero F, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Temporal regulation of autophagy response by the CULLIN 4-AMBRA1-CULLIN 5 axis. Mol Cell Oncol. 2015 Feb 3;3(5):e1008304.
98. Hangen E, Féraud O, Lachkar S, Mou H, Doti N, Fimia GM, Lam NV, Zhu C, Godin I, Muller K, Chatzi A, Nuebel E, Ciccosanti F, Flamant S, Bénit P, Perfettini JL, Sauvat A, Bennaceur-Griscelli A, Ser-Le Roux K, Gonin P, Tokatlidis K, Rustin P, Piacentini M, Ruvo M, Blomgren K, Kroemer G, Modjtahedi N. Interaction between AIF and CHCHD4 Regulates Respiratory Chain Biogenesis. Mol Cell. 2015 Jun 18;58(6):1001-14.
99. De Leo A, Colavita F, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Lieberman PM, Mattia E. Inhibition of autophagy in EBV-positive Burkitt's lymphoma cells enhances EBV lytic genes expression and replication. Cell Death Dis. 2015 Sep 3;6:e1876.
100. Grassi G, Di Caprio G, Santangelo L, Fimia GM, Cozzolino AM, Komatsu M, Ippolito G, Tripodi M, Alonzi T. Autophagy regulates hepatocyte identity and epithelial-to-mesenchymal and mesenchymal-to-epithelial transitions promoting Snail degradation. Cell Death Dis. 2015 Sep 10;6:e1880.
101. Antonioli M, Albiero F, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. AMBRA1-regulated autophagy in vertebrate development. Int J Dev Biol. 2015;59(1-3):109-17.
102. Frustaci A, Ciccosanti F, Chimenti C, Nardacci R, Corazzari M, Verardo R, Ippolito G, Petrosillo N, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Histological and proteomic profile of diabetic versus non-diabetic dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jan 15;203:282-9.
103. Altuntas S, Rossin F, Marsella C, D'Eletto M, Diaz-Hidalgo L, Farrace MG, Campanella M, Antonioli M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. The transglutaminase type 2 and pyruvate kinase isoenzyme M2 interplay in autophagy regulation. Oncotarget. 2015 Dec 29;6(42):44941-54.
104. Klionsky DJ, et al., Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 2016;12(1):1-222.
105. Grassi G, Di Caprio G, Fimia GM, Ippolito G, Tripodi M, Alonzi T. Hepatitis C virus relies on lipoproteins for its life cycle. World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Feb 14;22(6):1953-65.
106. Strappazzon F, Di Rita A, Cianfanelli V, D'Orazio M, Nazio F, Fimia GM, Cecconi F. Prosurvival AMBRA1 turns into a proapoptotic BH3-like protein during mitochondrial apoptosis. Autophagy. 2016 Jun 2;12(6):963-75.
107. Diaz-Hidalgo L, Altuntas S, Rossin F, D'Eletto M, Marsella C, Farrace MG, Falasca L, Antonioli M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Transglutaminase type 2-dependent selective recruitment of proteins into exosomes under stressful cellular conditions. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 Aug;1863(8):2084-92.
108. Pascucci B, D'Errico M, Romagnoli A, De Nuccio C, Savino M, Pietraforte D, Lanzafame M, Calcagnile AS, Fortini P, Baccarini S, Orioli D, Degan P, Visentin S, Stefanini M, Isidoro C, Fimia GM, Dogliotti E. Overexpression of parkin rescues the defective mitochondrial phenotype and the increased apoptosis of Cockayne Syndrome A cells. Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 7;8(61):102852-102867.
109. Giglio P, Fimia GM, Lovat PE, Piacentini M, Corazzari M. Fateful music from a talented orchestra with a wicked conductor: Connection between oncogenic BRAF, ER stress, and autophagy in human melanoma. Mol Cell Oncol. 2015 Jan 26;2(3):e995016.
110. Vescovo T, Refolo G, Vitagliano G, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Molecular mechanisms of hepatitis C virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2016 Oct;22(10):853-861.
111. Antunes F, Corazzari M, Pereira G, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Smaili S. Fasting boosts sensitivity of human skin melanoma to cisplatin-induced cell death. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Mar 25;485(1):16-22.
112. Antonioli M, Di Rienzo M, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Emerging Mechanisms in Initiating and Terminating Autophagy. Trends Biochem Sci. 2017 Jan;42(1):28-41.
113. Miki Y, Tanji K, Mori F, Tatara Y, Utsumi J, Sasaki H, Kakita A, Takahashi H, Fimia GM, Wakabayashi K. AMBRA1, a novel -synuclein-binding protein, is implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple system atrophy. Brain Pathol. 2018 Jan;28(1):28-42.
114. Nazio F, Carinci M, Valacca C, Bielli P, Strappazzon F, Antonioli M, Ciccosanti F, Rodolfo C, Campello S, Fimia GM, Sette C, Bonaldo P, Cecconi F. Fine-tuning of ULK1 mRNA and protein levels is required for autophagy oscillation. J Cell Biol. 2016 Dec 19;215(6):841-856.
115. Pereira GJ, Antonioli M, Hirata H, Ureshino RP, Nascimento AR, Bincoletto C, Vescovo T, Piacentini M, Fimia GM, Smaili SS. Glutamate induces autophagy via the two-pore channels in neural cells. Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 21;8(8):12730-12740.
116. Nardacci R, Ciccosanti F, Marsella C, Ippolito G, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Role of autophagy in HIV infection and pathogenesis. J Intern Med. 2017 May;281(5):422-432.
117. Panzarini E, Mariano S, Vergallo C, Carata E, Fimia GM, Mura F, Rossi M, Vergaro V, Ciccarella G, Corazzari M, Dini L. Glucose capped silver nanoparticles induce cell cycle arrest in HeLa cells. Toxicol In Vitro. 2017 Jun;41:64-74.
118. Antonioli M, Ciccosanti F, Dengjel J, Fimia GM. Methods to Study the BECN1 Interactome in the Course of Autophagic Responses. Methods Enzymol. 2017;587:429-445.
119. Gelmetti V, De Rosa P, Torosantucci L, Marini ES, Romagnoli A, Di Rienzo M, Arena G, Vignone D, Fimia GM, Valente EM. PINK1 and BECN1 relocalize at mitochondria-associated membranes during mitophagy and promote ER-mitochondria tethering and autophagosome formation. Autophagy. 2017 Apr 3;13(4):654-669.
120. Corazzari M, Gagliardi M, Fimia GM, Piacentini M. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Unfolded Protein Response, and Cancer Cell Fate. Front Oncol. 2017 Apr 26;7:78.
121. Galluzzi L et al. Molecular definitions of autophagy and related processes. EMBO J. 2017 Jul 3;36(13):1811-1836.
122. Sacchi A, Tumino N, Turchi F, Refolo G, Fimia G, Ciccosanti F, Montalbano M, Lionetti R, Taibi C, D'Offizi G, Casetti R, Bordoni V, Cimini E, Martini F, Agrati C. Dendritic cells activation is associated with sustained virological response to telaprevir treatment of HCV-infected patients. Clin Immunol. 2017 Oct;183:82-90.
123. Mancone C, Grimaldi A, Refolo G, Abbate I, Rozera G, Benelli D, Fimia GM, Barnaba V, Tripodi M, Piacentini M, Ciccosanti F. Iron overload down-regulates the expression of the HIV-1 Rev cofactor eIF5A in infected T lymphocytes. Proteome Sci. 2017 Aug 4;15:18.
124. Etna MP, Sinigaglia A, Grassi A, Giacomini E, Romagnoli A, Pardini M, Severa M, Cruciani M, Rizzo F, Anastasiadou E, Di Camillo B, Barzon L, Fimia GM, Manganelli R, Coccia EM. Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced miR-155 subverts autophagy by targeting ATG3 in human dendritic cells. PLoS Pathog. 2018 Jan 4;14(1):e1006790.
125. Galluzzi L et al. Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018. Cell Death Differ. 2018 Mar;25(3):486-541.
126. Fusco C, Mandriani B, Di Rienzo M, Micale L, Malerba N, Cocciadiferro D, Sjøttem E, Augello B, Squeo GM, Pellico MT, Jain A, Johansen T, Fimia GM, Merla G. TRIM50 regulates Beclin 1 proautophagic activity. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018 Jun;1865(6):908-919.
127. Rossin F, Villella VR, D'Eletto M, Farrace MG, Esposito S, Ferrari E, Monzani R, Occhigrossi L, Pagliarini V, Sette C, Cozza G, Barlev NA, Falasca L, Fimia GM, Kroemer G, Raia V, Maiuri L, Piacentini M. TG2 regulates the heat-shock response by the post-translational modification of HSF1. EMBO Rep. 2018 Jul;19(7). pii: e45067.
128. Romagnoli A, Petruccioli E, Palucci I, Camassa S, Carata E, Petrone L, Mariano S, Sali M, Dini L, Girardi E, Delogu G, Goletti D, Fimia GM. Clinical isolates of the modern Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage 4 evade host defense in human macrophages through eluding IL-1 -induced autophagy. Cell Death Dis. 2018 May 24;9(6):624.
129. Andrade JM, Custódio L, Romagnoli A, Reis CP, Rodrigues MJ, Garcia C, Petruccioli E, Goletti D, Faustino C, Fimia GM, Rijo P. Antitubercular and anti-inflammatory properties screening of natural products from Plectranthus species. Future Med Chem. 2018 Jul 1;10(14):1677-1691.
130. Becher J, Simula L, Volpe E, Procaccini C, La Rocca C, D'Acunzo P, Cianfanelli V, Strappazzon F, Caruana I, Nazio F, Weber G, Gigantino V, Botti G, Ciccosanti F, Borsellino G, Campello S, Mandolesi G, De Bardi M, Fimia GM, D'Amelio M, Ruffini F, Furlan R, Centonze D, Martino G, Braghetta P, Chrisam M, Bonaldo P, Matarese G, Locatelli F, Battistini L, Cecconi F. AMBRA1 Controls Regulatory T-Cell Differentiation and Homeostasis Upstream of the FOXO3-FOXP3 Axis. Dev Cell. 2018 Dec 3;47(5):592-607.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.11.010. PubMed PMID: 30513302.
131. Refolo G, Ciccosanti F, Di Rienzo M, Basulto Perdomo A, Romani M, Alonzi T, Tripodi M, Ippolito G, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. Negative Regulation of Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling Protein-Mediated Antiviral Signaling by the Mitochondrial Protein LRPPRC During Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Hepatology. 2019 Jan;69(1):34-50. doi: 10.1002/hep.30149. Epub 2018 Dec 18. PubMed PMID: 30070380.
132. Vescovo T, Refolo G, Manuelli MC, Tisone G, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. The Impact of Mevastatin on HCV Replication and Autophagy of Non-Transformed HCV Replicon Hepatocytes Is Influenced by the Extracellular Lipid Uptake. Front Pharmacol. 2019 Jun 26;10:718. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00718. eCollection 2019. PubMed PMID: 31316383; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6611414.
133. Alonzi T, Petruccioli E, Vanini V, Fimia GM, Goletti D. Optimization of the autophagy measurement in a human cell line and primary cells by flow cytometry. Eur J Histochem. 2019 Jun 26;63(2). doi: 10.4081/ejh.2019.3044. PubMed PMID: 31243942; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6610717.
134. Di Rienzo M, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. A TRIM32-AMBRA1-ULK1 complex initiates the autophagy response in atrophic muscle cells. Autophagy. 2019 Sep;15(9):1674-1676. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1635385. Epub 2019 Jun 28. PubMed PMID: 31234693; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6693449.
135. Palucci I, Battah B, Salustri A, De Maio F, Petrone L, Ciccosanti F, Sali M, Bondet V, Duffy D, Fimia GM, Goletti D, Delogu G. IP-10 contributes to the inhibition of mycobacterial growth in an ex vivo whole blood assay. Int J Med Microbiol. 2019 Jul;309(5):299-306. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmm.2019.05.005. Epub 2019 May 22. PubMed PMID: 31147175.
136. Di Rienzo M, Antonioli M, Fusco C, Liu Y, Mari M, Orhon I, Refolo G, Germani F, Corazzari M, Romagnoli A, Ciccosanti F, Mandriani B, Pellico MT, De La Torre R, Ding H, Dentice M, Neri M, Ferlini A, Reggiori F, Kulesz-Martin M, Piacentini M, Merla G, Fimia GM. Autophagy induction in atrophic muscle cells requires ULK1 activation by TRIM32 through unanchored K63-linked polyubiquitin chains. Sci Adv. 2019 May 8;5(5):eaau8857. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau8857. eCollection 2019 May.PubMed PMID: 31123703; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6527439.
137. D'Eletto M, Rossin F, Occhigrossi L, Farrace MG, Faccenda D, Desai R, Marchi S, Refolo G, Falasca L, Antonioli M, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Pinton P, Campanella M, Piacentini M. Transglutaminase Type 2 Regulates ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites by Interacting with GRP75. Cell Rep. 2018 Dec 26;25(13):3573-3581.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.11.094. PubMed PMID: 30590033.
138. Petrone L, Bondet V, Vanini V, Cuzzi G, Palmieri F, Palucci I, Delogu G, Ciccosanti F, Fimia GM, Blauenfeldt T, Ruhwald M, Duffy D, Goletti D. First description of agonist and antagonist IP-10 in urine of patients with active TB. Int J Infect Dis. 2019 Jan;78:15-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2018.09.001. Epub 2018 Sep 7. PubMed PMID: 30201505.
139. Di Rienzo M, Romagnoli A, Antonioli M, Piacentini M, Fimia GM. TRIM proteins in autophagy: selective sensors in cell damage and innate immune responses. Cell Death Differ. 2020 Mar;27(3):887-902. doi: 10.1038/s41418-020-0495-2. Epub 2020 Jan 22. Review. PubMed PMID: 31969691.
140. Palucci I, Maulucci G, De Maio F, Sali M, Romagnoli A, Petrone L, Fimia GM, Sanguinetti M, Goletti D, De Spirito M, Piacentini M, Delogu G. Inhibition of Transglutaminase 2 as a Potential Host-Directed Therapy Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Front Immunol. 2020 Jan 24;10:3042. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.03042. eCollection 2019. PubMed PMID: 32038614; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6992558.
141. Refolo G, Vescovo T, Piacentini M, Fimia GM, Ciccosanti F. Mitochondrial Interactome: A Focus on Antiviral Signaling Pathways. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Feb 14;8:8. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00008. eCollection 2020. Review. PubMed PMID: 32117959; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7033419.
142. Antunes F, Pereira GJS, Saito RF, Buri MV, Gagliardi M, Bincoletto C, Chammas R, Fimia GM, Piacentini M, Corazzari M, Smaili SS. Effective Synergy of Sorafenib and Nutrient Shortage in Inducing Melanoma Cell Death through Energy Stress. Cells. 2020 Mar 6;9(3). pii: E640. doi: 10.3390/cells9030640. PubMed PMID: 32155825; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7140454.
143. Vescovo T, Pagni B, Piacentini M, Fimia GM, Antonioli M. Regulation of Autophagy in Cells Infected With Oncogenic Human Viruses and Its Impact on Cancer Development. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Feb 28;8:47. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00047. eCollection 2020. Review. PubMed PMID: 32181249; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7059124.

Il Prof. Fimia svolge attualmente la sua attività di ricerca presso il laboratorio di Biologia Cellulare e Microscopia Elettronica dell Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS, Roma.
Le principali linea di cui il Prof. Fimia è responsabile riguardano il ruolo dell autofagia nel controllo del differenziamento, del metabolismo cellulare e della risposta immune ad agenti patogeni:
1) Regolazione dell autofagia e crosstalk tra l autofagia e il sistema ubiquitina proeasoma.
Il progetto è focalizzato sulla caratterizzazione del ruolo della proteina Ambra1 nella regolazione del processo autofagico. Iniziali studi condotti dal Prof. Fimia hanno evidenziato come Ambra1 sia in grado di regolare positivamente il processo autofagico stimolando l attività dei complessi autofagici Beclin1 e ULK1. Recenti studi coordinati dal Prof. Fimia hanno dimostrato come Ambra1 interagisca con diverse famiglie di E3 ubiquitina ligasi (Culline, HECT, TRIM), e questa interazione è importante per la regolazione della risposta autofagica.
2) Ruolo del processo autofagico nella risposta immune all infezione da Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB).
Il progetto mira a comprendere come MTB sia in grado di stabilire una infezione cronica nei macrofagi eludendo la risposta autoifagica. Recenti studi coordinati dal Prof. Fimia hanno dimostrato come il processo autofagico sia inibito da MTB tramite il sistema di secrezione ESX1, uno dei fattori di virulenza del batterio. Inoltre è stato dimostrato come tale inibizione viene rimossa quando i macrofagi vengono coltivati in presenza di linfociti T specifici. Questi studi hanno quindi fornito nuove evidenze sperimentali di come MTB possa sopravvivere all interno delle cellule infettate, aprendo la possibilità di identificare nuove vie regolative per stimolare l autofagia e eliminare l infezione cronica,
3) Ruolo dell autofagia nel metabolismo del colesterolo in epatociti umani.
Il progetto in corso si prefigge di caratterizzare il possibile ruolo di un deficit del processo autofagico nell insorgenza della steatosi indotta dall infezione da HCV. Esperimenti effettuati su epatociti in vitro hanno mostrato come cellule infettate con HCV presentino alti livelli di autofagia e il blocco farmacologico del processo autofagico porti ad un notevole aumento dei livelli di lipidi intracellulari. Alla luce di questi dati sono stati analizzati i livelli di autofagia in pazienti HCV con diversi gradi di steatosi ed è stata evidenziata una correlazione inversa tra i livelli del marcatore autofagico LC3II e i livelli di microsteatosi. Questi studi dimostrano come l autofagia svolga un importante ruolo nel prevenire un eccessivo accumulo di lipidi nelle cellule infettate da HCV.
Inoltre il Prof. Fimia gestisce progetti dedicati allo studio dell interazioni tra la cellula ospite e diversi agenti patogeni tramite l utilizzo di metodiche di proteomica.

Parallelamente a questi studi il Dott. Fimia svolge diversi lavori sperimentali in collaborazione con altri laboratori a livello nazionale ed internazionale:
- Prof. Guido Kroemer dell Istituto Gustave Roussy di Parigi per studiare i meccanismi molecolari alla base della immunogenicità di cellule tumorali apoptotiche, evidenziando come l esposizione della Calreticulina sulla membrana plasmatica delle cellule apoptotiche sia un passaggio fondamentale per il riconoscimento di queste cellule da parte del sistema immunitario
- Prof.ssa Penny E. Lovat del Northern Institute for Cancer Research dell Università di Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK), per uno studio mirato a caratterizzare il ruolo dell autofagia nel tumore del melanoma,
- Prof. Guillermo Velasco dell Università Complutense di Madrid (Spagna) per uno studio mirato al ruolo dell autofagia nella morte cellulare indotta dai cannabinoidi in cellule tumorali di glioblastoma.
- Prof. Joern Dengjel dell Università di Friburg (Svizzera) per uno studio mirato alla caratterizzazione delle modificazioni dell interattoma e delle modificazioni post-traduzionali delle proteine autofagiche in condizioni di stress.