letizia.dibella@uniroma1.it's picture

Il corso di Paleontologia canale 1 (A-L) (Laurea Triennale in Scienze Naturali - 9 cfu) secondo semestre dell'anno accademico 2023-2024 avrà i seguenti orari:


Lezioni frontali: lunedì, 14-16 (Aula 16), martedì 9-11 e giovedì 14-16 (Aula 8, edificio di Geochimica) con inizio il 26 Febbraio 2023 alle ore 14 in aula 16. 


Esercitazioni: lunedì 11-13 (aula 9 edificio di Geologia) con inizio il giorno 8 Aprile 2024.


L'insegnamento ha pagine in moodle-elearning Sapienza: https://elearning.uniroma1.it/course/view.php?id=5698


Il corso di Micropaleontologia applicata alle ricostruzioni paleambientali e paleoecologiche (6 cfu) secondo semestre dell'anno accademico 2023-2024 avrà i seguenti orari:

martedì 11-13 e giovedì 16-18 in aula 10 (edificio di geochimica) con inizio il 27 febbraio alle ore 11 in aula 10.

Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2023/2024
MICROPALEONTOLOGIA 1038346 2022/2023
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2022/2023
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2021/2022
MICROPALEONTOLOGIA 1038346 2021/2022
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2020/2021
MICROPALEONTOLOGIA 1038346 2020/2021
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2019/2020
MICROPALEONTOLOGIA 1038346 2019/2020
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2018/2019
MICROPALEONTOLOGIA 1038346 2018/2019
MICROPALEONTOLOGIA 1038346 2017/2018
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2017/2018
PALEONTOLOGIA 1016311 2016/2017

martedì 11-13
giovedì 9-11

Letizia Di Bella is an Associate Professor in Paleontology and Paleoecology (scientific sectors GEO/01) at Sapienza University of Rome. She graduated in Geological Science (1990), PhD in Paleontology (1995) Postdoctoral fellowship at Sapienza University of Rome (1996-1998), three research collaboration fellowships (2000-2006). Since 1994 she is a member of the Italian Paleontological Society and of the Italian Geological Society. Since 1993 she engages in numerous research projects; as a specialist in Neogene and Quaternary biostratigraphy of the Mediterranean basin, she performs many conferences during the courses of Micropaleontology and Paleontology. She is a specialist in Micropaleontology studying mainly foraminifera. In recent years she studied also the environmental responses of the micro-meiobenthos community to climate changes and to anthropogenic impact.
Main scientific interests: biostratigraphy of Neogene-Quaternary marine succession Mediterranean basin through the study of foraminiferal assemblages; taxonomy, ecology and paleoecology of Caenozoic foraminifera finalised to paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction. Studies on recent foraminiferal assemblages as biomarkers in stressed environmental areas.
She belongs to the editorial staff of the Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences (JMES).
She reviewed many articles for many international journals like Marine Environmental Research, Deep Sea Research, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, Continental Shelf Research, Quaternary Research, Revue de Micropaleontologie, Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Pubblications of the last ten years (2013-2023)

1. Di Bella L., S. Casieri (2013). The Late Glacial - Holocene record from Central Adriatic Sea: paleoenvironmental reconstruction by mean benthic foraminiferal assemblages. GEOBIOS (ISSN:0016-6995) , 46 (2013), 473 489.
2. Chiocci F.L., C. Romagnoli, D. Casalbore, A. Sposato, E. Martorelli, B. Alonso, A.M. Conte, L. Di Bella, G. Ercilla, F. Estrada, F. Falese, M. Farran, V. Forleo, V. Frezza, A. Hipolito, A. Lebani, F. Maisto, J. Pacheco, A. Pimentel, R. Quartau, C. Roque, I. Sampaio, P.C. Santoro, F. Tempera (2013). The bathy-morphological setting of Terceira Island (Azores) after the FAIVI cruise. JOURNAL OF MAPS (ISSN:1744-5647).
3. K. Ferrari, P.L. Dall'Aglio, P. Bellotti, L. Davoli, L. Di Bella, D. Esu, P. Torri, M. Bandini Mazzanti (2013). Holocene landscape evolution at the Garigliano river mouth. ANNALI DI BOTANICA (ISSN:0365-0812), 191- 198, 3.
4. L. Di Bella, P. Bellotti, S. Milli (2013). The role of foraminifera as indicators of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene palaeoclimatic fluctuations on the deltaic environment: the example of Tiber delta succession (Tyrrhenian margin, Italy). QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 303 (ISSN:1040-6182), 191- 209.
5. S. Milli, C. D'Ambrogi, P. Bellotti, G. Calderoni, M. G. Carboni, A.Celant, Di Bella L., F. Di Rita, V. Frezza, D. Magri, R. M. Pichezzi, V. Ricci (2013). The transition from wave-dominated estuary to wave-dominated delta: The Late Quaternary stratigraphic architecture of Tiber River deltaic succession (Italy). SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, 284 285, 159 180.
6. C. D Amico, G. Aiello, D. Barra A, V. Bracone, L. Di Bella, D. Esu, Virgilio Frezza & C. M. Rrosskopf (2013). Late Quaternary foraminiferal, molluscan and ostracod assemblages from a core succession in the Trigno River mouth area (Central Adriatic Sea, Italy). BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ PALEONTOLOGICA ITALIANA, 52 (3),197-205.
7. Di Bella L., V. Frezza, L. Bergamin, M.G. Carboni, F. Falese, E. Martorelli, C. Tarragoni, F.L. Chiocci (2014). Foraminiferal record and high-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Late Holocene succession of the submerged Ombrone River delta (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 328-329 (2014), 287-300.
8. Di Bella L., Frezza V., Conte A. M., Chiocci F.L. (2015). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in active volcanic area of the Azores Islands (North Atlantic Ocean). Ital. J. Geosci., vol. 134 (1): 50-59.
9. Faugno A., Alivernini M., Di Bella L. (2015). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages as a tools as environmental characterization: an example from the Gulf of gaeta (Tyrrhenian Sea Italy). N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 275/2: 219-232.
10. Frezza V., Di Bella L. (2015). Distribution of recent ostracods near the Ombrone River mouth (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Micropaleontology, 61: 101-114.
11. Ingrassia M., Di Bella L., Chiocci F.L., Martorelli E. Influence of fluid emissions on shallow-water benthic habitats of the Pontine Archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). (2016). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 28 (2), 2015, 99 110.
12. Frezza V., Ingrassia M., Martorelli E., Chiocci F. L., Matteucci R., Di Bella L. Benthic foraminifers and siliceous sponge spicules assemblages in the Quaternary rhodolith rich sediments from Pontine Archipelago shelf. (2016). Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 8, 89-103.
13. Di Bella L., Ingrassia M., Frezza V., Chiocci F.L., Martorelli E. (2016). The response of benthic meiofauna to hydrothermal emissions in the Pontine Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean Basin). Journal of Marine Systems 164: 53 66.
14. Bellotti P., Calderoni G., Dall Aglio P.L., D Amico C., Davoli L., Di Bella L., D Orefice M., Esu D., Ferrari K., Bandini Mazzanti M., Mercuri A.M., Tarragoni C. and Torri P. (2016). Middle-to late-Holocene environmental changes in the Garigliano delta plain (Central Italy): which landscape witnessed the development of the Minturnae Roman colony? (2016). The Holocene, vol. 26(9): 1457 147.
15. Cornacchia I., Andersson P., Agostini S., Brandano M., Di Bella L. (2017). Strontium stratigraphy of the upper Miocene Lithothamnion Limestone in the Majella Mountain, central Italy, and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Lethaia: doi 10.1111/let.12213.
16. Di Bella L., Pierdomenico M., Porretta R., Chiocci F.L., Martorelli E. (2017). Living and dead foraminiferal assemblages from an active submarine canyon and surrounding sectors: the Gioia Canyon system (Tyrrhenian Sea, Southern Italy). Deep-Sea Research Part I: 129-146.
17. Di Bella L., Ingrassia M., Frezza V., Chiocci F.L., Pecci R., Bedini R., Martorelli E. Spiculosiphon oceana (Foraminifera) a new bio-indicator of acidic environments related to fluid emissions of the Zannone Hydrothermal Field (central Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine Environmental Researc., 136: 89-98. doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.02.015.
18. Frontalini F., Greco M., Di Bella L., Lejzerowicz F., Reo E., Caruso A., Cosentino C., Maccotta A., Scopelliti G., Nardelli M.P., Losada M. T., Armynot du Châtelet E., Coccioni R., Pawlowski J. Assessing the effect of mercury pollution on cultured benthic foraminifera community using morphological and eDNA metabarcoding approaches. Marine Pollution Bullettin, 129: 512-524.
19. Frontalini F., Semprucci F., Di Bella L., Caruso A., Cosentino C., Maccotta A., Scopelliti G., Sbrocca C., Bucci C., Balsamo M., Martins V., Armynot du Châtelet E., Coccioni R. (2018). The Response of Cultured Meiofaunal and Benthic Foraminiferal Communities to Lead Exposure: Results from Mesocosm Experiments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37 (9): 2439 2447.
20. Bergamin L., Di Bella L., Ferraro L., Frezza V., Pierfranceschi G., Romano E. (2019). Benthic foraminifera in a coastal marine area of the eastern Ligurian Sea (Italy): Response to environmental stress. Ecological Indicators, 96: 16-31.
21. Di Bella L., Sabbatini A., Carugati L., Lo Martire M., Luna G.M., Pierdomenico M., Danovaro R., Negri A. (2019). Living foraminiferal assemblages in two submarine canyons (Polcevera and Bisagno) of the Ligurian basin (Mediterranean Sea). Progress in Oceanography, 173: 114-133.
22. Louvari M. A., Drinia H., Kontakiotis G., Di Bella L., Antonarakou A., Anastasakis G. (2019). Impact of latest-glacial to Holocene sea-level oscillations on central Aegean shelf ecosystems: A benthic foraminiferal palaeoenvironmental assessment of South Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Journal of Marine Systems. https: //doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2019.05.007.
23. Louvari M. A., Drinia H., Kontakiotis G., Di Bella L., Antonarakou A., Anastasakis G. (2019). Quantitative data on latest-Quaternary benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the South Evoikos Gulf semi-enclosed basin (central Aegean, Greece). Data in Brief, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104539.
24. Brandano M., Ronca S., Di Bella L. (2020). Erosion of Tortonian phosphatic intervals in upwelling zones: The role of internal waves. Palaegeog., Palaeclim., Palaecol., 537.
25. Conte A.M., Di Bella L., Ingrassia M., Perinelli C., Martorelli E. (2020). Alteration and Mineralization Products of the Zannone Giant Pockmark (Zannone Hydrothermal Field, Central Tyrrhenian Sea). Minerals, 10, 581; doi:10.3390/min10070581
26. D Orefice M, Bellotti P, Bertini A, Calderoni G, Censi Neri P, Di Bella L, Fiorenza D, Foresi LM, Louvari MA, Rainone L, Vittori C, Goiran J-P, Schmitt L, Carbonel P, Preusser F, Oberlin C, Sangiorgi F, Davoli L. Holocene Evolution of the Burano Paleo-Lagoon (Southern Tuscany, Italy). Water. 2020; 12(4):1007. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12041007
27. Romano E., Bergamin L., Di Bella L., Frezza V., Pierfranceschi G., Marassich A., Provenzani C., (2021). Benthic foraminifera as environmental indicators in extreme environments: The marine cave of Bue Marino (Sardinia, Italy). Ecological Indicators, 120,106977. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106977
28. Martorelli E., Bosman A., Casalbore D., Chiocci F.L., Conte A.M., Di Bella L., Ercilla G.,Falcini F., Falco P., Frezza V., Gaglianone G., Giaccio B., Mancini M. (2020). Mid-to-late Holocene upper slope contourite deposits off Capo Vaticano (Mediterranean Sea): High-resolution record of contourite cyclicity, bottom current variability and sandy facies. Marine Geology (in press).
29. Di Bella L., Raffi R., Alivernini M., Baldassarre M. A., Barbieri M., Bellotti P., Biancone M., Calise G., D Orefice M., Frenzel P., Frezza V., Tarragoni C., Davoli L. Coastal morphodynamics and environmental assessment of the Special Protection Site of Palude di Torre Flavia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences (2020) 79:514 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-09257-z
30. Bouchet V. M.P., Frontalini F., Francescangeli F., Sauriau P.G., Geslin E., Alves Martins M.V., Almogi-Labin A., Avnaim-Katav S, Di Bella L., Cearreta A., Coccioni R., Costelloe A., Dimiza M. D., Ferraro L., Haynert K., Marti nez -Colo n M., Melis R., Schweizer M., Triantaphyllou m.V., Tsujimoto A., Wilson B., Armynot du Cha telet E. (2021). Indicative value of benthic foraminifera for biomonitoring: Assignment to ecological groups of sensitivity to total organic carbon of species from European intertidal areas and transitional waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 164 (2021) 112071 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112071
31. Ingrassia, M.; Di Bella, L.D. Black Coral Distribution in the Italian Seas: A Review. Diversity 2021, 13, 334. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/d13070334
32. L. Fabrizi, F. Cappella, F. Spagnoli, L. Nigro, A.M. Niveau-De-Villedary, N. Lo pez Sa nchez, L. Di Bella, C. De Vito, Mineralogy and microfossils as key drivers for the characterization of the Phoenician Red Slip Ware from Ca diz (Andalusia, Spain), Microchemical Journal (2021), https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.microc.2021.107054
33. Di Bella, L.; Pierdomenico, M.; Bove, C.; Casalbore, D.; Ridente, D. Benthic Foraminiferal Response to Sedimentary Processes in a Prodeltaic Environment: The Gulf of Patti Case Study (Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea). Geosciences 2021, 11, 220. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11 050220
34. Frezza, V.; Argenti, L.; Bonifazi, A.; Chiocci, F.L.; Di Bella, L.; Ingrassia, M.; Martorelli, E. Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Rhodolith Facies Evolution in Post-LGM Sediments from the Pontine Archipelago Shelf (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Geosciences 2021, 11, 179. https://doi.org/10.3390/ geosciences11040179
35. Birarda, G., Buosi, C., Caridi, F., Casu, M. A., De Giudici, G., Di Bella, L., ... & Vaccari, L. (2021). Plastics, (bio) polymers and their apparent biogeochemical cycle: An infrared spectroscopy study on foraminifera. Environmental Pollution, 279, 116912.
36. Martorelli, E., Bosman, A., Casalbore, D., Chiocci, F., Conte, A. M., Di Bella, L., ... & Mancini, M. (2021). Mid-to-late Holocene upper slope contourite deposits off Capo Vaticano (Mediterranean Sea): High-resolution record of contourite cyclicity, bottom current variability and sandy facies. Marine Geology, 431, 106372.
37. Romano, E., Bergamin, L., Di Bella, L., Frezza, V., Pierfranceschi, G., Marassich, A., & Provenzani, C. (2021). Benthic foraminifera as environmental indicators in extreme environments: The marine cave of Bue Marino (Sardinia, Italy). Ecological Indicators, 120, 106977.
38. Brandano, M., Tomassetti, L., Di Bella, L., Barberio, D. M., Barbieri, M., & Ferrini, A. (2022). Late Burdigalian to early Messinian environmental and climatic evolution of the central paleo Adriatic domain from the shallow water sedimentary record (Bolognano Fm, Eastern Majella, Central Apennines). Sedimentary Geology, 440, 106235.
39. Di Bella, L.; Conte, A.M.; Conti, A.; Esposito, V.; Gaglioti, M.; Ingrassia, M.; De Vittor, C.; Bigi, S. Potential Resilience to Ocean Acidification of Benthic Foraminifers living in Posidonia oceanica Meadows: The case of the shallow venting site of Panarea. Geosciences 2022, 12, 184. https://doi.org/10.3390/ geosciences12050184
40. Lucchesi, V.; Grimaldi, L.; Mastrantonio, V.; Porretta, D.; Di Bella, L.; Ruspandini, T.; Di Salvo, M.L.; Vontas, J.; Bellini, R.; Negri, A.; et al. Cuticle modifications and over-expression of the chitin- synthase gene in diflubenzuron resistant phenotype. Insects 2022, 13, 1109. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/insects13121109
41. D Orefice, M.; Bellotti, P.; Bellotti, T.; Davoli, L.; Di Bella, L. Natural and Cultural Lost Landscape During the Holocene along the Central Tyrrhenian Coast (Italy). Land 2022, 11, 344. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11030344
42. Palmiotto, C., Braga, R., Corda, L., Di Bella, L., Ferrante, V., Loreto, M. F., & Muccini, F. (2022). New insights on the fossil arc of the Tyrrhenian Back-Arc Basin (Mediterranean Sea). Tectonophysics, 845, 229640.
43. Pierdomenico, M., Ridente, D., Casalbore, D., Di Bella, L., Milli, S., & Chiocci, F. L. (2022). Plastic burial by flash-flood deposits in a prodelta environment (Gulf of Patti, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 181, 113819.
44. Brandano M., Cornacchia I., Di Bella L. & Marianelli D. (2023) - The Bolognano Fm in the south-eastern sectors of Majella and correlation with the north-western domain. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 59, 112-118, https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.18.
45. Romano, E., Bergamin, L., Di Bella, L., Baini, M., Berto, D., D'Ambrosi, A., ... & Fossi, M. C. (2023). First record of microplastic in the environmental matrices of a Mediterranean marine cave (Bue Marino, Sardinia, Italy). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 186, 114452.