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Corso di laurea in Tecniche di laboratorio biomedico “B” codice corso 29877
Azienda Ospedaliera S.Camillo-Forlanini - Roma

Insegnamento: Basi di Farmacologia I anno, II Semestre

Il corso è strutturato in 2 parti: nella prima vengono vengono discusse le sezioni di Farmacologia Generale, nella seconda vengono descritte alcune delle tecniche di laboratorio principalmente utilizzate per lo studio di recettori e di farmaci.

Con la presente si comunica a tutti gli studenti interessati che, in relazione alla necessità di erogazione a distanza delle lezioni a causa dell'emergenza coronavirus, è stata creata una classe virtuale utilizzando la piattaforma Google classroom. Tutti gli studenti sono stati già invitati a collegarsi. Per l'Anno Accademico 2020-2021 , le lezioni saranno erogate attraverso la pubblicazione di file mp4 commentati in audio. Le lezioni  saranno pubblicate con cadenza settimanale, nel giorno che era predisposto per la lezione frontale (mercoledì).

 Nella bacheca della classe virtuale è stata comunicata nel dettaglio la procedura necessaria per scaricare e salvare il materiale didattico inviato. La frequenza al corso è obbligatoria.

Le modalità di esame dipenderanno dall'evoluzione della situazione della pandemia. In condizioni normali, l'esame in presenza si svolge attraverso una prova scritta, caratterizzata da domande a risposta multipla e domande aperte. Sono previsti 7 appelli di esami: 1 in giugno, 2 in luglio, 2 in settembre, 1 in gennaio, 1 in febbraio.



Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2022/2023
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2022/2023
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2022/2023
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2021/2022
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2021/2022
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2021/2022
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2020/2021
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2020/2021
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2020/2021
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2019/2020
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2019/2020
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2019/2020
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2018/2019
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2018/2019
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2018/2019
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2017/2018
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2017/2018
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2017/2018
SCIENZE UMANE 1036109 2016/2017
PRIMO SOCCORSO 1036028 2016/2017
BASI FISICHE E CHIMICHE 1036419 2016/2017
SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE 1036287 2016/2017

Su appuntamento


Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Luisa Iacovelli
Address(es) Via Apuania, 16 00162 Rome Italy
Telephone(s) +39 0649912982


Nationality Italian

Date of birth 03/03/1962

Gender Female

Occupational field Bio/14

Work experience

November 2010 up to now

January 1999 to August 2001

April 1993 to January 1999

May 1989 to August 1990

February 1988 to April 1989 Researcher at Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome.

Head of Signal Transduction and Cell Proliferation Unit in the Department of
Molecular Pharmacology and Pathology,
Consorzio Mario Negri Sud.

Research scientist at Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Pathology.

Product Manager at Dompé
Farmaceutici, Milan, Italy

Clinical Research Assistant at Smith Kline
& French, Milan, Italy
Occupation or position held Research Scientist
Main activities and responsibilities Research activity focuses on the regulation of G protein-coupled receptors. In the last few years we have studied the homologous desensitization of the different subtypes of metabotropic glutamate receptors. We have demonstrated that mechanisms of differential regulation of these receptors exist, ensuring selectivity to signal transduction. A molecular approach associated to in vivo studies on animal models have provided informations on the physiology of the metabotropic glutamate receptors and on their involvement in selected pathologies of the Central Nervous System.
Name and address of employer University of Rome Sapienza , Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology V. Erspamer ¬¬¬P.le Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma
Sector Molecular Pharmacology in Neuroscience

Education and training

September 2001 to November 2005 phD Student in the Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome.

Title of qualification awarded phD Degree in Pharmacology
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome.

September 1990 to March 1993

October 1986 to January 1988

February 1986
Post-Doc Fellow in the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Endocrinology at Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Santa Maria Imbaro, Italy

Recipient of a F.O.R.M.E.Z. felloship at Mario Negri Institute, Milan, Italy

Degree in Biological Sciences, summa cum laude, University of Bari
Personal skills and competences Cell culture techniques.
Isolation of mono nuclear leukocytes from human peripheral blood
Cell proliferation assays.
Permanent transfections (calcium phosphate precipitation method).
Transient transfections (using DEAE dextran or calcium phosphate precipitation methods).
In vitro phosphorylation by G coupled receptor kinases (GRK).
Western blot
Northern blot
RNA purification
DNA purification
Subcloning of cDNA in mammalian expression vectors.
Techniques used for the study of receptor mediated MAP kinase activation:
. in vitro kinase assay using myelin basic protein as substrate for ERK1/2 phosphorylation;
. western blot using anti-phospho specific ERK1/2 antibody;
. determination of Rap1 activation (Rap1-GTP), using the pull down assay with GST-RBD;
. determination of B-Raf (or Raf-1) activation in cell lysates, using immunoprecipitation and sequential in vitro phosphorylation of recombinant MEK1 and ERK1/2.
Techniques used for the study of receptor mediated protein kinase A activation:
. determination of cAMP in cells or cell membranes;
. determination of PKA activity in cells;
. activation of pp70S6 kinase using western blot analysis.
Techniques used for the study of receptor mediated phospholipase C activation:
. determination of total 3H -inositol phosphates formation in cells.

Mother tongue(s) Italian

Other language(s) English, French
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good
French Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Additional information Teaching: Pharmacology in the following courses:
cod. 1036287 SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE (Biomedical Sciences)
cod. 1036109 SCIENZE UMANE (Human Sciences)
cod. 1036028 PRIMO SOCCORSO (First Aid)
cod. 1035172 BASI BIOCHIMICHE DELLE SCIENZE DIAGNOSTICHE (Biochemical principles in Diagnostic Sciences)

Annexes List any items attached.
Scientific Publication See Annex 1 at the end of this document

Textbooks (Chapters, etc.) 1. Porcellini A, Iacovelli L, De Blasi A. Viral infection for GPCR expression in
eukaryotic cells. Methods Mol Biol. (2011);746:39-51.

2. Picascia A, Capobianco L, Iacovelli L, De Blasi A. Analysis of differential modulatory activities of GRK2 and GRK4 on Galphaq-coupled receptor signaling. Methods Enzymol (2004), 390, 337-53.

3. Corda D, Valitutti S, Iacovelli L, Di Girolamo M. Increases of Phospholipase A2 activity in the ADP ribosylation of G proteins in K-Ras-transformed thyroid cells.
In: The superfamily of Ras-related genes NATO ASI series Life Sciences (1991), 220, 137-144.

Annex 1: Bibliography

1. Casavola V., Iacovelli L. and Svelto M.
Phorbol ester effect on the hydrosmotic response to vasopressin in frog skin. Pflu Arch Eur J Phy, (1987), 408 (3), 318-320.

2. Corda D., Iacovelli L. and Di Girolamo M.
Coupling of the 1-adrenergic and thyrotropin receptors to second messenger systems in thyroid cells. Role of G-proteins. (1988) In: Maggi M., Johnston C.A. (eds) Horizons in endocrinology. New York: Raven Press; 169-180.

3. Corda D., Valitutti S., Iacovelli L. and Di Girolamo M.
Increases of phospholipase A2 activity and in the ADP ribosylation of G-proteins in K-ras transformed thyroid cells. (1991) In: The superfamily of ras-related genes (Spandidos D. ed.) Plenum press, New York, U.S.A

4. Iacovelli L., Falasca M., Valitutti S., D'Arcangelo D. and Corda D.
Glycerophosphoinositol 4-phosphate, a putative endogenous inhibitor of adenylyl cyclase. J Biol Chem (1993), 268, 20402-20407.

5. Corda D., Falasca M., Iacovelli L., Carvelli A., D'Arcangelo D. and Ramakrishna V.
Novel cellular activities of phosphoinositides metabolites originated by the action of phospholipase A2. (1994) In: "GTPase Controlled Molecular Machines" 79-91.

6. Iacovelli L., Franchetti R., Masini M. and De Blasi A.
GRK2 and ß-arrestin1 as negative regulators of TSH receptor-stimulated response. Mol. Endocrinol. (1996) 10, 1138-1146.

7. Chuang T.T., Iacovelli L., Sallese M. and De Blasi A.
G protein-coupled receptors: heterologous regulation of homologous desensitization and its implications. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. (1996) 17, 416-421.

8. Sallese M., Iacovelli L. and De Blasi A.
Regulation of G protein-coupled receptors by specific receptor kinases and arrestins. Curr. Top. Pharmacol. (1997), 3, 193-205.

9. Iacovelli L., Sallese M., Mariggiò S. and De Blasi A.
Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor kinase subtypes by calcium sensor proteins. FASEB J. (1999), (13)1, 1-8.

10. Iacovelli L., Mariggiò M., Franchetti R. and De Blasi A.
Regulation of Peptidergic G protein-coupled receptors by Receptor Kinases and Arrestins. (1999) In: Peptidergic G protein-coupled receptors: from basic research to clinical applications (Werner Muller-Esterl, D. Regoli, Thue W. Schwartz and P. Geppetti, eds) IOS press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

11. Iacovelli L., Franchetti R., Grisolia D. and De Blasi A.
Selective regulation of G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signalling by GRK2 in FRTL-5 cells: analysis of thyrotropin, 1B adrenergic and A1 adenosine receptor-mediated responses. Mol Pharmacol (1999), 56, 316-324.

12. Trispoux C., Guillou F., Elalouf J., Firsov D., Iacovelli L., De Blasi A., Combarnous Y. and Reiter E.
Involvement of G-protein coupled receptor kinases and arrestins in desensitization to FSH action. Mol Endocrinol (1999) , (9), 1599-614.

13. Sallese M., Mariggiò S., D'Urbano E., Iacovelli L. and De Blasi A.
Selective regulation of Gq signaling by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2: direct interaction of kinase N terminus with activated G q. Mol Pharmacol (2000), 57, 826-831.

14. Sallese M., De Blasi A., Barletta E., Salvatore L. and Iacovelli L.
Calcium sensor proteins as modulators of G protein-coupled receptors signalling. Curr. Top. Pharmacol. (2000), 5, 167-175.

15. Sallese M., Iacovelli L., Cumashi A., Capobianco L., Cuomo L. and De Blasi A.
Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor kinase subtypes by calcium sensor proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta (2000), 1498, 112-121.

16. Sallese M., Iacovelli L., Storto M and De Blasi A.
Receptor specificity of G protein-coupled receptor kinases in target cells. Trends Pharmacol Sci (2001), 22, 168-169.

17. Sallese M., D Urbano E., Iacovelli L., Barletta E. and De Blasi A.
Novel methods for homogenous purification of GRK4 and study of 2-adrenergic receptor homologous desensitization using baculovirus constructs. Analytical Pharmacol (2001), 2, 27-33.

18. Iacovelli L., Capobianco L., Salvatore L., Sallese M., D'Ancona G.M. and De Blasi A.
Thyrotropin activates MAP kinase pathway in FRTL-5 by a cAMP-dependent PKA-independent mechanism. Mol Pharmacol (2001), 60, 924-933.

19. Giorelli M., Livrea P., De Fazio G., Iacovelli L., Capobianco L., Picascia A., Sallese M., Martino D., Aniello M.S., Trojano M. and De Blasi A.
Interferon beta-1a counteracts effects of activation on the expression of G-protein-coupled receptor kinases 2 and 3, beta-arrestin-1, and regulators of G-protein signalling 2 and 16 in human mononuclear leukocytes. Cell Signal (2002), 8, 673-678.

20. Iacovelli L., Capobianco L., D Ancona G.M., Picascia A. and De Blasi A.
Regulation of lysophosphatidic acid receptor-stimulated response by G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 and beta-arrestin1 in FRTL-5 rat thyroid cells. J Endocrinol (2002) 174, 103-110.

21. Iacovelli L., Bruno V., Salvatore L., Melchiorri D., Gradini R., Caricasole A., Barletta E., De Blasi A. and Nicoletti F.
Native group-III metabotropic glutamate receptors are coupled to the mitogen-activated protein kinase/phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathways. J Neurochem (2002), 82, 216-223.

22. Giorelli M., De Blasi A., Defazio G., Avolio C., Iacovelli L., Livrea P., Trojano M.
Differential Regulation of Membrane Bound and Soluble ICAM 1 in Human Endothelium and Blood Mononuclear Cells: Effects of Interferon Beta-1a.
Cell Commun Adhes (2002), 9, 259-72.

23. Iacovelli L., Salvatore L., Capobianco L., Picascia A., Barletta E., Storto M., Mariggio S., Sallese M., Porcellini A., Nicoletti F., De Blasi A.
Role of GRK4 and -arrestin1 in agonist-stimulated metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 internalisation and activation of MAP kinases. J Biol Chem (2003), 278, 12433-42.

24. Caricasole A., Ferraro T., Iacovelli L., Barletta E., Caruso A., Terstappen G.C. and Nicoletti F.
Functional characterization of WNT7A signaling in PC12 cells. J Biol Chem (2003), 278, 37024-31.

25. Caricasole A., Copani A., Caruso A., Caraci F., Iacovelli L, Sortino M.A., Terstappen G.C. and Nicoletti F.
The Wnt pathway, cell-cycle activation and beta-amyloid: novel therapeutic strategies in Alzheimer's disease? Trends Pharmacol Sci (2003), 24, 233-8.

26. De Blasi A., Capobianco L., Iacovelli L., Lenzi P., Ferrucci M., Lazzeri G., Fornai F. and Picascia A.
Presence of beta-arrestin in cellular inclusions in metamphetamine-treated PC12 cells. Neurol Sci. (2003), 24,164-5.

27. Granata F., Potenza R.L., Fiori A., Strom R., Caronti B., Molinari P., Donsante S., Citro G., Iacovelli L., De Blasi A., Ngomba R.T., Palladini G. and Passarelli F.
Expression of OP4 (ORL1, NOP1) receptors in vascular endothelium. Eur J Pharmacol. (2003), 482, 17-23.

28. Iacovelli L., Capobianco L., Iula M., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Picascia A., Blahos J., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F., De Blasi A.
Regulation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling by type-2 G-protein coupled receptor kinase (GRK2). Mol Pharmacol. (2004), 65, 1103-10.

29. Castiglione M., Spinsanti P., Iacovelli L., Lenti L., Martini F., Gradini R., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Caricasole A., Caruso A., De Maria R., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Activation of Fas receptor is required for the increased formation of the disialoganglioside GD3 in cultured cerebellar granule cells committed to apoptotic death. Neuroscience. (2004),126, 889-98.

30. Picascia A, Capobianco L, Iacovelli L, De Blasi A.
Analysis of differential modulatory activities of GRK2 and GRK4 on Galphaq-coupled receptor signaling. Methods Enzymol. (2004), 390, 337-53.

31. Canudas A.M., Di Giorgi-Gerevini V., Iacovelli L., Nano G., D Onofrio M., Arcella A., Giangaspero F., Busceti C., Ricci-Vitiani L., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. and Melchiorri D.
PHCCC, a specific enhancer of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptor, reduces proliferation and promotes differetiation of cerebellar granule cell neuroprecursors. J Neurosci, (2004), 24,10343-52.

32. Di Giorgi-Gerevini V., Melchiorri D., Battaglia G., Ricci-Vitiani L., Ciceroni C., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Iacovelli L., Canudas A.M., Parati E., De Maria R. and Nicoletti F.
Endogenous activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors supports the proliferation and survival of neural progenitor cells. Cell Death Differ, (2005) 12, 1124-33.

33. Caruso A., Motolese M., Iacovelli L., Caraci F., Copani A., Nicoletti F., Terstappen G.C., Gaviraghi G. and Caricasole A.
Inhibition of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway by apolipoprotein E4 in PC12 cells. J Neurochem, (2006) 98, 364-371.

34. Iacovelli L., Fulceri F., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S. and Fornai F.
The neurotoxicity of amphetamines: Bridging drugs of abuse and neurodegenerative disorders. Exp Neurol (2006) 201, 24-31.

35. Iacovelli L., Arcella A., Battaglia G., Pazzaglia S., Aronica E., Spinsanti P., Caruso A., De Smaele E., Saran A., Gulino A., D Onofrio M., Giangaspero F. and Nicoletti F.
Pharmacological activation of mGlu4 metabotropic receptors inhibits the growth of medulloblastomas. J Neurosci (2006) 26, 8388-8397.

36. Nicoletti F., Arcella A., Iacovelli L., Battaglia G., Giangaspero F., Melchiorri D.
Metabotropic glutamate receptors: new targets for the control of tumor growth? Trends Pharmacol Sci, (2007) 28, 206-221.
37. Nicoletti F., Battaglia G., Storto M., Ngomba R.T., Iacovelli L., Arcella A., Gradini R., Sale P., Rampello L., De Vita T., Di Marco R., Melchiorri D., Bruno V.
Metabotropic glutamate receptors: beyond the regulation of synaptic transmission. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2007) 32, Suppl 1 :S40-S45.

38. Matrisciano F, Panaccione I, Zusso M, Giusti P, Tatarelli R, Iacovelli L, Mathé AA, Gruber SH, Nicoletti F, Girardi P.
Group-II metabotropic glutamate receptor ligands as adjunctive drugs in the treatment of depression: a new strategy to shorten the latency of antidepressant medication? Mol Psychiatry. (2007) 12, 704-706.

39. Iacovelli L., Castri P., De Blasi A., Giubilei F., Moretti A., Capone F.T., Nicoletti F., Orzi F.
Reduced insulin-induced phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activation in peripheral of mononuclear leucocytes from patients with Alzheimer's disease. Eur J Neurosci. (2007) 26, 2469-2472.

40. Matrisciano F., Zusso M., Panaccione I., Turriziani B., Caruso A., Iacovelli L., Noviello L., Togna G., Melchiorri D., Debetto P., Tatarelli R., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Giusti P., Girardi P.
Synergism between fluoxetine and the mGlu2/3 receptor agonist, LY379268, in an in vitro model for antidepressant drug-induced neurogenesis. Neuropharmacology. (2008) 54, 428-437.

41. Fornai F., Lenzi P., Capobianco L., Iacovelli L., Scarselli P., Lazzeri G., De Blasi A.
Involvement of dopamine receptors and -arrestin in methamphetamine-induced inclusions formation in PC12 cells. J Neurochem (2008) 105, 1939-1947.

42. Iacovelli L., Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Motolese M., Di Menna L., Alfiero M.,Blahos J., Matrisciano F., Corsi M., Corti C., Bruno V., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F.
Regulation of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors by G protein-coupled receptor kinases: mGlu2 receptors are resistant to homologous desensitization. Mol Pharmacol. (2009) 75, 991-1003.

43. Blasi G, Napolitano F, Ursini G, Taurisano P, Romano R, Caforio G, Fazio L, Gelao B, Di Giorgio A, Iacovelli L, Sinibaldi L, Popolizio T, Usiello A, Bertolino A.
DRD2/AKT1 interaction on D2 cAMP independent signaling, attentional processing, and response to olanzapine treatment in schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2011) 108, 1158-63.

44. Ursini G, Bollati V, Fazio L, Porcelli A, Iacovelli L, Catalani A, Sinibaldi L, Gelao B, Romano R, Rampino A, Taurisano P, Mancini M, Di Giorgio A, Popolizio T, Baccarelli A, De Blasi A, Blasi G, Bertolino A.
Stress-related methylation of the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val 158 allele predicts human prefrontal cognition and activity. J Neurosci. (2011) 31, 6692-6698.

45. Porcellini A, Iacovelli L, De Blasi A.
Viral infection for GPCR expression in eukaryotic cells. Methods Mol Biol. (2011) 746, 39-51.

46. Spampinato SF, Molinaro G, Merlo S, Iacovelli L, Caraci F, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F, Bruno V, Sortino MA.
Estrogen receptors and type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors are interdependent in protecting cortical neurons against
-amyloid toxicity. Mol Pharmacol. (2012) 81, 12-20.

47. Iacovelli L, Nicoletti F, De Blasi A.
Molecular mechanisms that desensitise metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling: an overview. Neuropharmacology. (2013) 66, 24-30.

48. Iacovelli L, Felicioni M, Nisticò R, Nicoletti F, De Blasi A.
Selective regulation of recombinantly expressed mGlu7 metabotropic glutamate receptors by G protein-coupled receptor kinases and arrestins. Neuropharmacology. (2014) 77, 303-312.

49. Fazio F, Lionetto L, Curto M, Iacovelli L, Cavallari M, Zappulla C, Ulivieri M, Napoletano F, Capi M, Corigliano V, Scaccianoce S, Caruso A, Miele J, De Fusco A, Di Menna L, Comparelli A, De Carolis A, Gradini R, Nisticò R, De Blasi A, Girardi P, Bruno V, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F, Simmaco M.
Xanthurenic Acid Activates mGlu2/3 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and is a Potential Trait Marker for Schizophrenia. Sci Rep. (2015) 5:17799.

50. Ursini G, Cavalleri T, Fazio L, Angrisano T, Iacovelli L, Porcelli A, Maddalena G, Punzi G, Mancini M, Gelao B, Romano R, Masellis R, Calabrese F, Rampino A, Taurisano P, Di Giorgio A, Keller S, Tarantini L, Sinibaldi L, Quarto T, Popolizio T, Caforio G, Blasi G, Riva MA, De Blasi A, Chiariotti L, Bollati V, Bertolino A.
BDNF rs6265 methylation and genotype interact on risk for schizophrenia. Epigenetics. (2016) 11, 11-23.

51. Fazio F, Lionetto L, Curto M, Iacovelli L, Copeland CS, Neale SA, Bruno V, Battaglia G, Salt TE, Nicoletti F.
Cinnabarinic acid and xanthurenic acid: Two kynurenine metabolites that interact with metabotropic glutamate receptors. Neuropharmacology. (2016) 3908, 30273-30278.

52. Iacovelli L, Di Menna L, Peterlik D, Stangl C, Orlando R, Molinaro G, De Blasi A, Bruno V, Battaglia G, Flor PJ, Uschold-Schmidt N, Nicoletti F.
Type-7 metabotropic glutamate receptors negatively regulate (1)-adrenergic receptor signalling. Neuropharmacology. (2017) 13(Pt A), 343-353.

53. Panaccione I, Iacovelli L, di Nuzzo L, Nardecchia F, Mauro G, Janiri D, De Blasi A, Sani G, Nicoletti F, Orlando R.
Paradoxical sleep deprivation in rats causes a selective reduction in the expression of type-2 metabotropic glutamate
receptors in the hippocampus. Pharmacol Res. (2017) 117, 46-53.

54. Di Menna L, Joffe ME, Iacovelli L, Orlando R, Lindsley CW, Mairesse J, Gressèns P, Cannella M, Caraci F, Copani A, Bruno V, Battaglia G, Conn PJ, Nicoletti F.
Functional partnership between mGlu3 and mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the central nervous system. Neuropharmacology. (2018) 128, 301-313.

55. Iacovelli L, Orlando R, Rossi A, Spinsanti P, Melchiorri D, Nicoletti F.
Targeting metabotropic glutamate receptors in the treatment of primary brain tumors. Curr Opin Pharmacol. (2018) 8, 38:59-64.

56. Nardecchia F, Orlando R, Iacovelli L, Colamartino M, Fiori E, Leuzzi V, Piccinin S, Nistico R, Puglisi-Allegra S, Di Menna L, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F, Pascucci T. Targeting mGlu5 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors in the Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Phenylketonuria. Front Neurosci. (2018), 12:154.

57. Zuena AR, Iacovelli L, Orlando R, Di Menna L, Casolini P, Alemà GS, Di Cicco G, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F. In Vivo Non-radioactive Assessment of mGlu5 Receptor-Activated Polyphosphoinositide Hydrolysis in Response to Systemic Administration of a Positive Allosteric Modulator. Front Pharmacol. (2018), 9:804.

58. Nicoletti F, Orlando R, Di Menna L, Cannella M, Notartomaso S, Mascio G, Iacovelli L, Matrisciano F, Fazio F, Caraci F, Copani A, Battaglia G, Bruno V. Targeting mGlu Receptors for Optimization of Antipsychotic Activity and Disease-Modifying Effect in Schizophrenia. Front Psychiatry. (2019), 10:49.

59. Ulivieri M, Wiero ska JM, Lionetto L, Martinello K, Cieslik P, Chocyk A, Curto M, Di Menna L, Iacovelli L, Traficante A, Liberatore F, Mascio G, Antenucci N, Giannino G, Vergassola M, Pittaluga A, Bruno V, Battaglia G, Fucile S, Simmaco M, Nicoletti F, Pilc A, Fazio F. The Trace Kynurenine, Cinnabarinic Acid, Displays Potent Antipsychotic-Like Activity in Mice and Its Levels Are Reduced in the Prefrontal Cortex of Individuals Affected by Schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. (2020), 46:1471.

60. Zinni M, Mairesse J, Pansiot J, Fazio F, Iacovelli L, Antenucci N, Orlando R, Nicoletti F, Vaiman D, Baud O. J Neuroinflammation. mGlu3 receptor regulates microglial cell reactivity in neonatal rats. (2021), 18:13.