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Full Professor – Dipartimento di Fisica

Dipartimento di Fisica, Ed. Marconi, stanza n. 241
Università di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 Roma, Italia
Telefono: 0039-06-49914086


Attività di ricerca principali
Experimental photonic quantum information. Generation, detection and characterization of entangled and hyperentangled states and 2-photon cluster states; quantum computation and quantum communication, quantum nonlocality tests; quantum walks, quantum non Markovianity.


Lezioni corso di Fisica 21-22 (II Semestre) - CdF Scienze Naturali

Libro di testo: Fisica (Vol. 1 & 2) di V. Ferrari, C. Luci, C. Mariani, A. Pelissetto - IDELSON GNOCCHI Editore

Link Meet del corso:


Avviso: Il corso comincerà lunedi 28 febbraio alle ore 16.00



Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
FISICA 97597 2021/2022
FISICA I 1015377 2020/2021
FISICA I 1015377 2019/2020
OTTICA E LABORATORIO 1018976 2016/2017

Mercoledi, 15.00 - 16.00, o comunque disponibile previo richiesta di appuntamento via email

Paolo Mataloni insegna Ottica non lineare e quantistica presso il Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Roma Sapienza dove ricopre la carica di Direttore ed è membro del Senato Accademico.
Ha pubblicato circa 180 articoli scientifici su riviste JCR, con oltre 6100 citazioni, h-index 40 su WOS (Google Scholar: 9640, 50).
La sua attività di ricerca ha riguardato lo studio dei fenomeni ottici non lineari in solidi e molecole, degli effetti ottici ultraveloci nella materia; dei fenomeni di emissione spontanea e stimolata e di superradianza all interno di microcavità ottiche planari e in microlaser.
Negli ultimi anni ha condotto numerosi esperimenti nel campo dell informazione quantistica, riguardanti la generazione, rivelazione e caratterizzazione di stati di fotoni entangled, la non località quantistica; l'uso degli stati di fotoni hyperentangled e degli stati cluster a molti qubit e le loro applicazioni alla computazione e alla comunicazione quantistica, la non-Markovianità e lo studio della dinamica di sistemi aperti. Particolarmente degna di nota è la realizzazione di una serie di esperimenti riguardanti l uso dei sistemi fotonici integrati in guida d onda finalizzati alla miniaturizzazione e alla integrazione di sistemi e di protocolli di informazione quantistica, con innovative applicazioni nella computazione e nella simulazione quantistica.
Paolo Mataloni ha tenuto più di 100 seminari e relazioni su invito in numerose università e conferenze nazionali e internazionali.

Pagina web personale:

Highlights scientifici
- Experimental realization of the nonlinear quantum interferometry by frequency hopping (2003).
- First experimental demonstration of an entanglement witness (2003).
- Experimental realization and characterization of Werner states (2004).
- First experimental demonstration of the growing with size quantum nonlocality by using 2-photon hyperentanglement (2006).
- First experimental realization of multiqubit (4- and 6- qubit) 2-photon cluster states for one-way quantum computation (2007 - 2009).
- Experimental realization of multipath entanglement (2009).
- Proposal and experimental realization of a genuine quantum nonlocality test of time-energy entanglement by Bell inequalities (2009 - 2010).
- Experimental realization of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with a 2-photon 6-qubit cluster state (2010).
- First demonstration of a on-chip waveguide integrated device enabling the propagation of polarization photonic qubits (2010).
- First demonstration of a discrete Quantum Walk with 2-photon polarization entanglement (2012).
- Anderson localization in a discrete Quantum Walk (2013).
- First experiments on Boson Sampling with integrated photonics (2013-2015).
- Photonics quantum simulation of entanglement growth in a spin chain by integrated photonics (2017).
- First observation of the quantized exciton-polariton field (2018).
- Challenging local realism with human choices (2018).
- Quantum Darwinism in photonic cluster states (2018).

Precedenti Incarichi
- Membro del Board degli Stakeholders di Photonics21
- Presidente del Consiglio di Area Didattica (CAD), Corso di Laurea in Fisica di Sapienza Università di Roma
- Membro del Quantum Electronics and Optical Division (QEOD) Board della European Physical Society
- Presidente del Consiglio Scientifico del Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia, CNISM
- Membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS).

Organizzazione di Workshops e Conferenze
Chairman della QIPC 2009, International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication , Roma
Responsabile del Comitato Organizzativo della 5th European Quantum Information Processing and Communication , Roma (2007)
Chairman della International Conference Quantum Optics for Quantum Information Processing , Roma (2004)
Direttore della Enrico Fermi 2016 Varenna School on Quantum Simulators.

Progetti coordinati come PI
- PRIN 1998 Emissione laser e generazione di luce quantistica in microcavità operanti con polimeri coniugati , 90380 Euro.
- PRIN 2005 Nuove prospettive nella generazione e manipolazione di stati entangled e hyper-entangled , 171500 Euro.
- PRIN 2009 Circuiti ottici integrati per l Informazione Quantistica , 168356 Euro.
- Chist-Era Project 2009-2011 QUASAR (Quantum State: Analysis and Realizations), 125000 Euro.
- FET Project 2012-2015 QWAD (Quantum Waveguides Application and Devices), 340.000 Euro.

M. A. CIAMPINI, T. TILMA, M. J. EVERITT, W. J. MUNRO, P. MATALONI, K. NEMOTO, M. BARBIERI, ''Wigner function reconstruction of experimental three-qubit GHZ and W states'', [arXiv:1710.02460].
A. GERALDI, A. LANEVE, L. D. BONAVENA, L. SANSONI, J. FERRAZ, A. FRATALOCCHI, F. SCIARRINO, A. CUEVAS, P. MATALONI, ''Experimental investigation of superdiffusion via coherent disordered Quantum Walks'', [arXiv:1907.11446], Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 140501 (2019).
A. CRESPI, F. V. PEPE, P. FACCHI, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, H. NAKAZATO, S. PASCAZIO, R. OSELLAME, ''Experimental investigation of quantum decay at short, intermediate and long times via integrated photonics'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 130401 (2019).
A. CUEVAS, A. GERALDI, C. LIORNI, L. D. BONAVENA, A. DE PASQUALE, F. SCIARRINO, V. GIOVANNETTI, P. MATALONI, ''All-optical implementation of collision-based evolutions of open quantum systems'', Scientific Reports, 9, 3205 (2019).
A. GERALDI, L. D. BONAVENA, C. LIORNI, P. MATALONI, A. CUEVAS, ''A Novel Bulk-Optics Scheme for Quantum Walk with High Phase Stability'', Condens. Matter 4, 14 (2019).
M. A. CIAMPINI, A. GERALDI, V. CIMINI, C. MACCHIAVELLO, J. E. SIPE, M. LISCIDINI, P. MATALONI, ''Stimulated emission tomography: beyond polarization'', Opt. Lett. 44, 41 (2019).
M. A. CIAMPINI, G. PINNA, P. MATALONI, M. PATERNOSTRO, ''Experimental signature of Quantum Darwinism in photonic cluster states'', Phys. Rev. A 98, 020101(R) (2018).
THE BIG BELL TEST COLLABORATION, ''Challenging local realism with human choices'', Nature 557, 212 (2018).
A. CUEVAS, J. C. LOPEZ CARRENO, B. SILVA, M. DE GIORGI, D. G. SUAREZ FORERO, C. SANCHEZ MUNOZ, A. FIERAMOSCA, F. CARDANO, L. MARRUCCI, V. TASCO, G. BIASIOL, E. DEL VALLE, L. DOMINICI, D. BALLARINI, G. GIGLI, P. MATALONI, F. P. LAUSSY, F. SCIARRINO, D. SANVITTO, ''First observation of the quantized exciton-polariton field and effect of interactions on a single polariton'', Science Advances 4, eaao6814 (2018).
S. ATZENI, A. S. RAB, G. CORRIELLI, E. POLINO, M. VALERI, P. MATALONI, N. SPAGNOLO, A. CRESPI, F. SCIARRINO, R. OSELLAME, ''Integrated sources of entangled photons at the telecom wavelength in femtosecond-laser-written circuits'', Optica 5, 311 (2018).
L. MANCINI, M. SBROSCIA, E. ROCCIA, I. GIANANI, F. SOMMA, P. MATALONI, M. PATERNOSTRO, M. BARBIERI, ''The entropic cost of quantum generalized measurements'', npj Quantum Information 4, 20 (2018).
I. PITSIOS, L. BANCHI, A. S. RAB, M. BENTIVEGNA, D. CAPRARA, A. CRESPI, N. SPAGNOLO, S. BOSE, P. MATALONI, R. OSELLAME, F. SCIARRINO, ''Photonic Simulation of Entanglement Growth and Engineering After a Spin Chain Quench'', Nature Communications 8, 1569 (2017).
N. SPAGNOLO, E. MAIORINO, C. VITELLI, M. BENTIVEGNA, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, F. SCIARRINO, ''Learning an unknown transformation via a genetic approach'', Sci. Rep. 7, 14316 (2017).
M. A. CIAMPINI, C. VIGLIAR, V. CIMINI, S. PAESANI, F. SCIARRINO, A. CRESPI, G. CORRIELLI, R. OSELLAME, M. PATERNOSTRO, M. BARBIERI, ''Experimental nonlocality-based network diagnostics of multipartite entangled states'', Sci. Rep. 7, 17122 (2017).
A. CUEVAS, A. DE PASQUALE, A. MARI, A. ORIEUX, S. DURANTI, M. MASSARO, A. DI CARLI, E. ROCCIA, J. FERRAZ, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, V. GIOVANNETTI, ''Amending entanglement-breaking channels via intermediate unitary operations'', Phys. Rev. A 96, 022322 (2017).
A. CUEVAS, A. MARI, A. DE PASQUALE, A. ORIEUX, M. MASSARO, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, V. GIOVANNETTI, ''Cut-and-paste restoration of entanglement-breaking channels'', Phys. Rev. A 96, 012314 (2017).
M. A. CIAMPINI, P. MATALONI, M. PATERNOSTRO, ''Structure of multipartite entanglement in random cluster-like photonic states'', Entropy 19, 473 (2017).
A. CUEVAS, M. PROIETTI, M. A. CIAMPINI, S. DURANTI, P. MATALONI, M. SACCHI, C. MACCHIAVELLO, ''Experimental detection of quantum channel capacities'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 100502 (2017).
M. A. CIAMPINI, L. MANCINO, A. ORIEUX, C. VIGLIAR, P. MATALONI, M. PATERNOSTRO, M. BARBIERI, ''Experimental extractable work-based multipartite separability criteria'', npj Quantum Information 3, 10 (2017).
G. VALLONE, G. DI GIUSEPPE, P. MATALONI, P. VILLORESI, M. LUCAMARINI, "Reply to "Comment on 'Device-independent entanglement-based Bennett 1992 protocol", Phys. Rev. A 93, 066304 (2016).
M. A. CIAMPINI, A. ORIEUX, S. PAESANI, F. SCIARRINO, G. CORRIELLI, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, P. MATALONI, ''Path-polarization hyperentangled and cluster states of photons on a chip'', Light:Science & Applications 5, e16064 (2016).
A. CRESPI, R. OSELLAME, R. RAMPONI, M. BENTIVEGNA, F. FLAMINI, N. SPAGNOLO, N. VIGGIANIELLO, L. INNOCENTI, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, "Suppression law of quantum states in a 3D photonic fast Fourier transform chip'', Nature Communications 7, 10469 (2016).
N.K. BERNARDES, A. CUEVAS, O. ORIEUX, C.H. MONKEN, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, M. F. SANTOS "Experimental observation of weak non-Markovianity'', Sci. Rep. 5, 17520 (2015).
A. ORIEUX, M.A. CIAMPINI, P. MATALONI, D. BRUSS, M. ROSSI, C. MACCHIAVELLO "Experimental generation of entanglement from classical correlations via non-local unitary noise'', Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 160503 (2015).
F. FLAMINI, L. MAGRINI, A.S. RAB, N. SPAGNOLO, V. D'AMBROSIO, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, T. ZANDRINI, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, and R. OSELLAME ''Thermally-Reconfigurable Quantum Photonic Circuits at Telecom Wavelength by Femtosecond Laser Micromachining'', Light: Science & Applications, 4, e354 (2015).
G. CARVACHO, J. CARINE, G. SAAVEDRA, A. CUEVAS, J. FUENDALIZA, F. TOLEDO, M. FIGUEROA, A. CABELLO, J.-A. LARSSON, P. MATALONI, G. LIMA, G.B. XAVIER "Post-Selection Loophole-Free Bell Test over an Installed Optical Fiber Network", Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 030503 (2015).
M. BENTIVEGNA, N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, F. FLAMINI, N. VIGGIANIELLO, L. LATMIRAL, P. MATALONI, D.J. BROD, E.F. GALVAO, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, F. SCIARRINO, ''Experimental scattershot boson sampling'', Science Advances, 1, e1400255 (2015).
A. CRESPI, L. SANSONI, G. DELLA VALLE, A. CIAMEI, R. RAMPONI, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, S. LONGHI, R. OSELLAME, ''Particle Statistics Affects Quantum Decay and Fano Interference'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 090201 (2015).
J. JIN, V. GIOVANNETTI, R. FAZIO, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, A. CRESPI, R. OSELLAME, ''All-optical non-Markovian stroboscopic quantum simulator'', Phys. Rev. A 91, 012122 (2015).
A. ORIEUX, A. D'ARRIGO, G. FERRANTI, R. LO FRANCO, G. BENENTI, E. PALADINO, G. FALCI, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, ''Experimental on-demand recovery of entanglement by local operations within non-Markovian dynamics'', Sci. Rep. 5, 8575 (2015).
M. BENTIVEGNA, N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, D. J. BROD, A. CRESPI, F. FLAMINI, R. RAMPONI, P. MATALONI, R. OSELLAME, E. F. GALVAO, F. SCIARRINO, ''Bayesian approach to Boson sampling validation'', Int. J. Quantum Inform. 12, 1560028 (2014).
A. ORIEUX, J. BOUTARI, M. BARBIERI, M. PATERNOSTRO, P. MATALONI, ''Experimental linear-optics simulation of multipartite non-locality in the ground state of a quantum Ising ring'', Sci. Rep. 4, 7184 (2014).
N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, M. BENTIVEGNA, D. J. BROD, A. CRESPI, F. FLAMINI, S. GIACOMINI, G. MILANI, R. RAMPONI, P. MATALONI, R. OSELLAME, E. F. GALVAO, F. SCIARRINO, ''Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling'', Nature Photonics 8, 615 (2014).
G. CORRIELLI, A. CRESPI, R. GEREMIA, R. RAMPONI, L. SANSONI, A. SANTINELLI, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, R. OSELLAME, ''Rotated waveplates in integrated waveguide optics'', Nature Communications 5, 4249 (2014).
F. DE NICOLA, L. SANSONI, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, V. GIOVANNETTI, R. FAZIO, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, ''Quantum simulation of bosonic-fermionic noninteracting particles in disordered systems via a quantum walk'', Phys. Rev. A 89, 032322 (2014).
G. VALLONE, G. LIMA, E. S. GOMES, G. CANAS, J.-A. LARSSON, P. MATALONI, A. CABELLO, ''Bell scenarios in which nonlocality and entanglement are inversely related'', Phys. Rev. A 89, 012102 (2014).
A. CRESPI, R. OSELLAME, L. SANSONI, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, R. RAMPONI ''Fabrication of Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits by Means of Femtosecond Laser Pulses'', Foundations of Physics 44 (8), 843 (2014).
L. SANSONI, N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, ''Simulating quantum physics by integrated photonic circuits'', Il Nuovo Saggiatore, Vol. 29, N. 5-6, pp. 5-16 (2013).
A. CUEVAS, G. CARVACHO, G. SAAVEDRA, J. CARINE, W. A. T. NOGUEIRA, M. FIGUEROA, A. CABELLO, P. MATALONI, G. LIMA, G. B. XAVIER, ''Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement'', Nature Communications 4, 2871 (2013).
A. ORIEUX, L. SANSONI, M. PERSECHINO, P. MATALONI, M. ROSSI, C. MACCHIAVELLO, ''Experimental Detection of Quantum Channels'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 130503 (2013).
N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, L. SANSONI, E. MAIORINO, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, D. J. BROD, E. F. GALVAO, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, ''General rules for bosonic bunching in multimode interferometers'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 130503 (2013).
A. CRESPI, R. OSELLAME, R. RAMPONI, D. J. BROD, E. F. GALVAO, N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, E. MAIORINO, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, ''Integrated multimode interferometers with arbitrary designs for photonic boson sampling'', Nature Photonics 7, 545 (2013).
F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI ''Quantum simulation with advanced integrated photonics'', SPIE Newsroom (2013), doi:10.1117/2.1201304.004796.
N. SPAGNOLO, C. VITELLI, L. APARO, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, ''Three-photon bosonic coalescence in an integrated tritter'', Nature Communications 4, 1606 (2013).
R. O. VIANNA, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, L. SANSONI, G. MILANI, P. MATALONI, and F. SCIARRINO, ''Variational quantum process tomography of twoqubit maps'', Phys. Rev. A 87, 032304 (2013).
A. CRESPI, R. OSELLAME, R. RAMPONI, V. GIOVANNETTI, R. FAZIO, L. SANSONI, F. DE NICOLA, F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, ''Anderson localization of entangled photons in an integrated quantum walk'', Nature Photonics 7, 322 (2013).
A. CHIURI, C. GREGANTI, M. PATERNOSTRO, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, ''Experimental Quantum Networking Protocols via Four-Qubit Hyperentangled Dicke States'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 173604 (2012).
A. CHIURI, S. GIACOMINI, C. MACCHIAVELLO, P. MATALONI, ''Experimental achievement of the entanglement-assisted capacity for the depolarizing channel'', Phys. Rev. A 87, 022333 (2013).
A. CHIURI, C. GREGANTI, L. MAZZOLA, M. PATERNOSTRO, P. MATALONI, ''Linear Optics Simulation of Quantum Non-Markovian Dynamics'', Sci. Rep. 2, 968 (2012).
F. SCIARRINO, P. MATALONI, Insight on future quantum networks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 20169-20170 109 (50) (2012) doi: 10.1073/pnas.1218531110.
N. SPAGNOLO, L. APARO, C. VITELLI, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, P. MATALONI, F. SCIARRINO, ''Quantum interferometry with three-dimensional geometry'', Sci. Rep. 2, 862 (2012).
M. LUCAMARINI, G. VALLONE, I. GIANANI, G. DI GIUSEPPE, P. MATALONI, ''Device-independent entanglement-based Bennett 1992 protocol'', Phys. Rev. A 86, 032325 (2012).
A. CHIURI, L. MAZZOLA, M. PATERNOSTRO, P. MATALONI, ''Tomographic characterization of correlations in a photonic tripartite state'', New Journal of Physics 14, 085006 (2012).
A. CHIURI, C. GREGANTI, P. MATALONI, ''Engineering a C-Phase quantum gate: optical design and experimental realization'', Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 195 (2012).
L. AOLITA, R. GALLEGO, A. ACIN, A. CHIURI, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, A. CABELLO, ''Fully nonlocal quantum correlations'', Phys. Rev. A, 032107 (2012).
L. SANSONI, F. SCIARRINO, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, ''Two-Particle Bosonic-Fermionic QuantumWalk via Integrated Photonics'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 010502 (2011).
A. CHIURI, V. ROSATI, G. VALLONE, S. PADUA, H. IMAI, S. GIACOMINI, C. MACCHIAVELLO, P.MATALONI, ''Experimental Realization of Optimal Noise Estimation for a General Pauli Channel'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 253602 (2011).
F. SCIARRINO, G. VALLONE, G. MILANI, A. AVELLA, J. GALINIS, R. MACHULKA, A. M. PEREGO, K. Y. SPASIBKO, A. ALLEVI, M. BONDANI, P. MATALONI, ''High degree of entanglement and nonlocality of a two-photon state generated at 532 nm'', Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 199, 111 (2011).
A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, L. SANSONI, I. BONGIOANNI, F. SCIARRINO, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, ''Integrated photonics quantum gates for polarization qubits'', Nat. Commun. 2:566 (2011).
G. VALLONE, I. GIANANI, E. B. INOSTROZA, C. SAAVEDRA, G. LIMA, A. CABELLO, P. MATALONI, ''Testing Hardy nonlocality proof with genuine energy-time entanglement'', Phys. Rev. A 83, 042105 (2011).
G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, Generation and Applications of n-Qubit Hyperentangled Photon States'', Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 60, 291 (2011).
A. CHIURI, G. VALLONE, M. PATERNOSTRO, P. MATALONI, Extremal quantum correlations: experimental study with two-qubit states'', Phys. Rev. A 84, 020304 (2011).
H. WUNDERLICH, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, M. B. PLENIO, Optimal verification of entanglement in a photonic cluster state experiment'', New Journal of Physics 13, 033033 (2011).
F. SCIARRINO, G. VALLONE, A. CABELLO, P. MATALONI, Bell Experiments with Random Destination Sources'', Phys. Rev. A 83, 032112 (2011).
A. CHIURI, G. VALLONE, N. BRUNO, C. MACCHIAVELLO, D. BRUß, P. MATALONI, Hyperentangled mixed phased Dicke states: optical design and detection'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 200503 (2010).
L. SANSONI, F. SCIARRINO, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, A. CRESPI, R. RAMPONI, R. OSELLAME, Polarization entangled state measurement on a chip'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 200503 (2010).
I. BONGIOANNI, L. SANSONI, F. SCIARRINO, G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, Experimental quantum process tomography of non trace-preserving maps'', Phys. Rev. A 82, 042307 (2010).
G. VALLONE, G. DONATI, N. BRUNO, A. CHIURI, P. MATALONI, "Experimental Realization of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm with a Six-Qubit Cluster State", Phys. Rev. A, 81, 050302(R) (2010).
C. BONATO, S. BONORA, A. CHIURI, P. MATALONI, G. MILANI, G. VALLONE, P. VILLORESI, "Phase control of a longitudinal momentum entangled photon state by a deformable membrane mirror", JOSA B, 27, A175 (2010).
G. VALLONE, G. DONATI, R. CECCARELLI, P. MATALONI, "Six-qubit two-photon hyperentangled cluster states: characterization and application to quantum computation", Phys. Rev. A 81, 052301 (2010).
G. LIMA, G. VALLONE, A. CHIURI, A. CABELLO, P. MATALONI, "Experimental Bell inequality violation without the postselection loophole", Phys. Rev. A 81, 040101R (2010).
G. VALLONE, P. MATALONI, A. CABELLO, "Multiparty multilevel energy-time entanglement", Phys. Rev. A 81, 032105 (2010).
G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Quantum Algorithms in One-way Quantum Computation", Optics and Spectroscopy, 108(2), 282 (2010).
G. VALLONE, G. DONATI, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Polarization entanglement with GRaded-INdex lenses", App. Phys. Lett. 95, 181110 (2009).
R. CECCARELLI, G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, A. CABELLO, "Experimental Entanglement and Nonlocality of a Two-Photon Six-Qubit Cluster State", Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 160401 (2009).
R. CECCARELLI, G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "An Optical Scheme for the Generation and Analysis of a Two Photon Six-Qubit Linear Cluster State", Advanced Science Letters 2, 455 (2009).
A. ROSSI, A. CHIURI, G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Multipath entanglement of two photons", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 153902 (2009).
A. ROSSI, G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, L. BUSINARO, G. GRENCI, M. TORMEN, "New perspectives in the generation of entangled qudit states" Journal of Modern Optics 56, 190-195 (2009).
G. VALLONE, R. CECCARELLI, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Hyperentanglement of two photons in three degrees of freedom", Phys. Rev. A 79, 030301(R) (2009).
G. VALLONE, R. CECCARELLI, A. ROSSI, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Towards hyperentangled states of two photons and six qubits", International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) 7, 117 (2009).
A. CABELLO, A. ROSSI, G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Proposed Bell experiment with genuine energy-time entanglement", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 040401 (2009).
G. VALLONE, R. CECCARELLI, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Hyperentanglement witness", Phys. Rev. A 78, 062305 (2008).
G. VALLONE, E. POMARICO, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "One-way quantumcomputation with two-photon multiqubit cluster states", Phys. Rev. A 78, 042335 (2008).
A. ROSSI, G. VALLONE, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI "Generation of time-bin entangled photons without temporal post-selection", Phys. Rev. A 78, 012345 (2008).
G. VALLONE, E. POMARICO, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "Active one-way quantum computation with 2-photon 4-qubit cluster states", Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 160502 (2008).
G. VALLONE, E. POMARICO, F. DE MARTINI, P. MATALONI, "One-way quantum computation via manipulation of polarization and momentum qubits in two-photon cluster states", Laser Phys. Lett. 5, 398 (2008).
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