pietro.vannicelli@uniroma1.it's picture

Il modulo di Storia greca del secondo semestre inizierà martedì 27 febbraio 2024. L'orario previsto è il seguente: martedì h. 10.00-12.00 (aula Partenone) e giovedì h. 10.00 - 12.00 (aula Partenone).

Gli studenti interessati a seguire le lezioni sono invitati a iscriversi alla classe virtuale Google Classroom (Storia greca III 2023/24) con il codice hx7gbef: in questo modo potranno ricevere volta per volta testi e altro materiale utile alla frequenza del corso.


Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
Fonti e problemi della storia greca e romana 10604133 2023/2024
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2023/2024

The course is divided in two parts:
 A.    Introduction to Greek history
 B.    Aspects of Greek political thought
Part A
General introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.
 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

Part B
The course aims at illustrating some aspects of Greek political thought in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, with particular attention to the ancient historiographical debate on the main constitutional forms.

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.



Part A
- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- D. Musti, Storia greca. Linee di sviluppo dall’età micenea all’età romana, Roma-Bari 2006.

Part B
- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
 - D. Musti, Demokratìa. Origini di un'idea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1995 (three chapters).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation), and, as regards Part B, will read D. Musti, Demokratìa. Origini di un'idea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1995 in its entirety.

STORIA GRECA 1025383 2023/2024

This is a general introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.

 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.


- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- A university textbook -e.g., Cinzia Bearzot's published by Mulino- to be supplemented with at least two chapters of one's choice from Musti, Storia greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 and subsequent reprints (e.g., but not necessarily, chapters V and VII).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation).

STORIA GRECA 1025383 2023/2024

This is a general introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.

 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.


- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- A university textbook -e.g., Cinzia Bearzot's published by Mulino- to be supplemented with at least two chapters of one's choice from Musti, Storia greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 and subsequent reprints (e.g., but not necessarily, chapters V and VII).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation).

STORIA GRECA 1025383 2023/2024

This is a general introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.

 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.


- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- A university textbook -e.g., Cinzia Bearzot's published by Mulino- to be supplemented with at least two chapters of one's choice from Musti, Storia greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 and subsequent reprints (e.g., but not necessarily, chapters V and VII).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation).

STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2023/2024
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2023/2024
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2022/2023
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2022/2023
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2022/2023

This is a general introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.

 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.


- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- A university textbook -e.g., Cinzia Bearzot's published by Mulino- to be supplemented with at least two chapters of one's choice from Musti, Storia greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 and subsequent reprints (e.g., but not necessarily, chapters V and VII).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation).

STORIA GRECA 1025383 2022/2023
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2022/2023
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2022/2023

This is a general introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.

 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.


- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- A university textbook -e.g., Cinzia Bearzot's published by Mulino- to be supplemented with at least two chapters of one's choice from Musti, Storia greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 and subsequent reprints (e.g., but not necessarily, chapters V and VII).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation).

Epigrafia e antichità greche SP1030712 2021/2022
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2021/2022
Fonti e problemi della storia greca e romana 10604133 2021/2022
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2021/2022
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2021/2022
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2021/2022
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2021/2022

This is a general introduction to Greek history from the Mycenaean to the Roman period. Attention will be paid to the political and institutional history, as well as to economic, social and cultural aspects.

 Topics are tentatively arranged according to the following syllabus:
 - introduction to the main sources, to aspects of modern historiography and to the periodization
 - the Mycenaean and the early archaic periods
 - Colonization, tyranny and earliest lawgives
 - the VI century BC
 - the Persian Wars and the Pentecontetia
 - the Peloponnesian War
 - the IV century BC
 - Alexander the Great and the origins of the Hellenistic period
 - Hellenism down to the Roman conquest

 The lectures may be supplemented by complementary teaching activities, both off-campus (visits to Museum, exhibits, archaeological sites in Rome and nearby) and lectures and seminars held by invited speakers.


- Lectures’ notes and didactic materials distributed by the instructor or uploaded in his personal webpage;
- A university textbook -e.g., Cinzia Bearzot's published by Mulino- to be supplemented with at least two chapters of one's choice from Musti, Storia greca, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006 and subsequent reprints (e.g., but not necessarily, chapters V and VII).
Additional bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Students who will not be able to attend the course will substitute the literary and documentary texts distributed by the instructor with Thucydides' Book 1 (in translation).

STORIA GRECA 1025383 2021/2022
Storia greca SP1034638 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2020/2021
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2019/2020
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2019/2020
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2019/2020
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2019/2020
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2019/2020
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2018/2019
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2018/2019
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2018/2019
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2018/2019
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2018/2019
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2017/2018
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2017/2018
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2017/2018
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2017/2018
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2017/2018
STORIA GRECA 1025384 2016/2017
STORIA GRECA 1025383 2016/2017
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2016/2017
STORIA GRECA II 1031456 2016/2017
STORIA GRECA AVANZATO I 1038385 2016/2017

Il ricevimento ha luogo di norma martedì alle ore 12.00 presso lo studio del docente, oppure previo appuntamento.