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FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE  Canale A-Le (a.a. 2023/2024) -Scienze Biologiche

Le lezioni saranno esclusivamente in presenza. 

Inizio Lezioni Mercoledi 27 Settembre 2024, ore 11.00

Aula 15, Edificio CU035

Le lezioni proseguiranno con la seguente organizzazione:







L'iscrizione sulla piattaforma e-learning moodle 2 è fondamentale per comunicazioni e materiale didattico.


BIOTECNOLOGIE METABOLICHE E MIGLIORAMENTO VEGETALE (a.a. 2023/2024) - Biologia e Tecnologie Cellulari (BTC)

Le lezioni saranno esclusivamente in presenza. 

Inizio Lezioni

Martedì 5 Marzo 2024, ore 9.00

Aula V, Psicologia, RM24, Via dei Marsi

Le lezioni proseguiranno con la seguente organizzazione:





L'iscrizione sulla piattaforma e-learning moodle 2 è fondamentale per comunicazioni e materiale didattico.




Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2023/2024
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2022/2023
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2021/2022
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2020/2021
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2019/2020
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2018/2019
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2017/2018
FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE 1011780 2016/2017

attraverso appuntamento concordato via e-mail

Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie C. Darwin , Piazzale A. Moro 5, Roma

CURRENT POSITION-Associate Professor in Plant Physiology

Upcycling Agroindustrial Wastes in Bioconversions
Enzymatic Saccharification for Biofuel production
Exploitation of agricultural and food wastes
Plant Physiology
Plant-Pathogen interaction
Plant Cell Wall
H-index: 22
No. publications: 31
No. citations: 1998


2017 National Scientific Habilitation for Full Professor Fisiologia Vegetale (BIO/04)
2012 Qualification to practice the profession of Biologist
2008/03/28 PhD in Plant Science
2004/05/24 Laurea degree in Biological Sciences- Speciality: Biotechnology


2019-2022 Tenure-track (RTD-B) associate professor
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie C. Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
2017-2019 Fixed term (RTD-A) Researcher
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie C. Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
2013-2016 Different Post-doc Research Fellows
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie C. Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
2010-2013 Fixed term (RTD-A) Researcher
Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Sapienza University of Rome
2009-2010 Post-doc Research Fellow
Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Sapienza University of Rome
2008 Fellowship for tutoring activity. Theoretical and practical training in Biochimica ed Ecofisiologia vegetale , corso di laurea in Biotecnologie Agroindustriali (Polo Latina), Sapienza University of Rome
2007 Visiting scientist funded by European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO): - L Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - Versailles
2007 Fellowship for tutoring activity. Theoretical and practical training in Botanica e Diversità Vegetale, corso di laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Sapienza University of Rome
2006 Supporting fellowship for 3th EPSO Conference Hungary
2005 Visiting scientist funded by European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Max Planck Institute - Potsdam, Berlino
2004 Research Fellowship
Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Sapienza University of Rome
2002 Fellowship for tutoring activity. Theoretical and practical training in Chimica e Propedeutica Biochimica, corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia della facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Sapienza University of Rome


2023 Member of the managing committee of The Research Center for Applied Sciences to the safeguard of Environment and Cultural Heritage (CIABC
2023 Member of the professor-student joint committee of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences representing the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "C. Darwin"


2022-now Guest Editor in Scientific Report- Nature
Editor of the Collection Plant cell wall ;

2014-now Associate Editor Frontiers in Plant Science
Editor of the Research Topic Plant cell wall in pathogenesis, parasitism and symbiosis . Frontiers in plant science.
e-book ISSN 1664-8714 ISBN 978-2-88919-442-1.
Given the success of the collection, the magazine asked for the second edition currently underway

2012-now Ad hoc Reviewer for different scientific journals (Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, New Phytologist, Scientific Report-Nature, Plant Biotechnology Journal, BMC Plant Biology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Functional Plant Biology, ecc


2017 Science communicator for the exposition DNA. IL GRANDE LIBRO DELLA VITA DA MENDEL ALLA GENOMICA . Palazzo delle Esposizioni -Roma for Società di divulgazione scientifica Coop Culture


2012-now Fisiologia Vegetale- Scienze Biologiche - Sapienza Università di Roma 9CFU
2023 Biotecnologie Metaboliche e Miglioramento Vegetale- Biologia e Biotecnologie Cellulari, , Sapienza Università di Roma, 6 CFU
2019-2021 Ecofisiologia e Proteomica Vegetale - Biotecnologie Genomiche, Industriali ed Ambientali, Sapienza Università di Roma, 6 CFU
2011-2012 Fisiologia Vegetale/Fitochimica - Scienze Farmaceutiche Applicate - Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina, Sapienza Università di Roma, 6CFU

2008-now Supervisor of 10 undergraduate students, 20 graduate (master) students for national Laurea Degrees in Biological Sciences and Biotechnology and 8 PhD students in Cell and Developmental Biology. Department of Plant Biology and Department of Biology and Biotechnology C. Darwin, Sapienza Università di Roma.
Supervisor of an industrial doctorate PON 2021 in collaboration with the Agrolio and Agroenergy, Andria, Bari.
Supervisor of two visiting students for the Master nutrition and Food Safety-University of Marseille -France


2023 Transizione energetica ed economia circolare: materiali, bioenergia, chimica verde, idrogeno verde e combustibili alternativi, comunità energetiche rinnovabili, sistemi energetici isolati e isole minori - Bioenergy and Green Chemistry - Rome Technopole - Progetto Flagship1- 223.000 euro
2022 High-throughput multiscale imaging of fixed and live biological samples Sapienza Università di Roma-Grandi Attrezzature Scientifiche Research group member -669.800
2022 Pectin methylesterase activity modulates plant immune signalling triggered against microbes. Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetti di ricerca- Medi- Principal Investigator- 36.000 euro
2021 The plant cell wall: a regulatory hub in immunity and development - Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetti di ricerca- Grandi- Research group member - 73.781 euro
2021 Utilizzo alternativo degli scarti agroalimentari in un contesto di economia circolare- re-waste- Lazio Innova - Regione Lazio-Lazio Innova - Research group member -40.000 euro
2020 PECTOWARS - Pectin metil esterases to block pathogenic infection in the plant cell wall battleground - Sapienza Università di Roma -- Progetto di ateneo - Ricerche universitarie - Principal Investigator- 12.000 euro
2019 Molecular dynamics underlying PME activity in plant immunity - Sapienza Università di Roma - Progetto di ateneo - Ricerche universitarie Principal Investigator- 14.500 euro
2019 Torno Subito Regione Lazio- Tutor of the recipient Dott. Daniele Coculo Partner: Prof. Gabriella Piro, Università di Lecce
2018 Torno Subito Regione Lazio Tutor of the recipient Dott.ssa Irene Romano. Partner: Dr. Balestrini R. Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante (IPSP)-CNR di Torino.
2018 Research project- tecnologie "green" per una agricoltura sostenibile: protezione da fitopatogeni e fertilizzanti di colture agroalimentari mediante biomolecole ottenute da reflui oleari. abasa agricultural by-products into valuable assets for sustainable agriculture - Regione Lazio-Lazio Innova - Research group member -30.000
2018 SapienzaTerahertz: THz spectroscopic image system for basic and applied sciences - Sapienza Università di Roma - Progetto di ateneo-Acquisizione di medie e grandi attrezzature scientifiche - Research group member 241.000 euro
2018 Pectin integrity regulation in plant immunity: new perspective in plant protection - Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetto di ateneo- Ricerche universitarie - Research group member - 33.000 euro
2017 Research project- Plant cell wall-derived damage-associated molecular patterns: signaling and homeostasis in immunity and development. Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetto di ateneo- Ricerche universitarie - Research group member - 14.000 euro
2016 Research project- Pectin methylesterification in plant immunity: Identification of enzymes (PMEs) and inhibitors (PMEIs) involved in plant resistance against fungal necrotrophs. Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetto di ateneo- Ricerche universitarie - Research group member - 15.000 euro
2013-2015 Research project- Determinanti della parete cellulare per migliorare la resistenza del frumento duro alle fusariosi. MIUR - PRIN - Research group member - 175.000
2015 Research project- Control of pectin methyl esterification during fruit development: Characterization of novel pectin methylesterase inhibitors in Vitis vinifera. Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetto di ateneo- Ricerche universitarie - Research group member - 5.000 euro
2011 Research project- Biosensore (SPR) per analisi di interazioni biomolecolari - Sapienza Università di Roma - Progetto di ateneo-Acquisizione di medie e grandi attrezzature scientifiche - Research group member - 40.000 euro
2010 Research project- Microscopia confocale laser per lo studio a livello tissutale, cellulare, subcellulare e molecolare di processi di segnalazione, regolazione, sviluppo e difesa in sistemi animali e vegetali - Sapienza Università di Roma - Progetto di ateneo-Acquisizione di medie e grandi attrezzature scientifiche - Research group member - 90.000 euro
2010 Research project- Miglioramento della produzione di biocarburanti tramite alterazione della componente pectica della parete cellulare vegetale - Sapienza Università di Roma. Progetto di ateneo- Ricerche universitarie - Research group member - 31.500 euro
2010 Research project- Tailoring the composition of cell wall polymers to improve processing of biomass - British council and MIUR - Research group member 5000 euro
20010-2012 Research project- Fuel path exploiting the saccharification potential of pathogenic microorganisms to improve biofuel production from plants. European Research Council. Advanced grant Prof. F. Cervone. - Research group member - 2.100.000 euro
2007-2009 Research project- Inibitori di enzimi pectici nel controllo delle malattie fungine e virali - MIUR - PRIN - Research group member - 38.600 euro
2002-2004 Research project- Ruolo dell inibitore della pectina metilesterasi nello sviluppo e nella difesa delle piante - MIUR - PRIN - Research group member - 63.300 euro


2018-now Member of the board of the Ph.D. School in Cellular and Developmental Biology, Department of Biology and Biotechnology "C. Darwin" Sapienza University of Rome.
2017 Chairman for the admission test to the Degree Course of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences (- D.R. No. 2198)
2017-now Member of the Italian Society of Plant Biology
2017 Member of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI)


2023 Uso di molecole isolate da batteri presenti nel digestato prodotto da impianti a biogas come immunostimolanti delle risposte di difesa vegetali, Italian Patent Application No. 102023000004800.
2010 Patent. Use of plants with reduced levels of de-esterified homogalacturonan in the cell wall or portion thereof for improving the saccharification of plant biomasses. US20100170008
2008 Cervone F, De Lorenzo G, Bellincampi D, Ferrari S, Lionetti V., Salvi G, Francocci F. Uso di piante con un ridotto livello di omogalatturonano de-esterificato nella parete cellulare o parti di esse per migliorare la saccarificazione di biomasse vegetali. RM2008A000696
2008 Patent. Use of A Protein Inhibitor of Pectin Methylesterase for Reducing Methanol Formation In Grape Must And Marc, And Process Therefor. WO/2008/104555:
2007 Lante A, Zocca F, Spettoli P, Lamolino G, Raiola A, Lionetti V., Bellincampi D, Giovane A, Camardella L. Uso di un inibitore proteico della pectina metilesterasi per la riduzione della formazione di metanolo in mosti di uva e vinacce e processo per la stessa. PD2007A000065. Università di Padova


International peer-reviewed manuscript
1. Coculo D, Del Corpo D, Ozáez Martínez M., Vera P., Piro G, De Caroli M, Lionetti V. Subtilases turn on pectin methylesterase activity for a robust apoplastic immunity. bioRxiv 2022.07.28.501549; doi:
2. Coculo D., Lionetti V. The Plant Invertase/Pectin Methylesterase Inhibitor Superfamily. Front Plant Sci. 2022 Mar 25; 13:863892. If2022=5.753
3. Swaminathan, S.; Reem, N.T.; Lionetti, V.; Zabotina, O.A. Coexpression of Fungal Cell Wall-Modifying Enzymes Reveals Their Additive Impact on Arabidopsis Resistance to the Fungal Pathogen, Botrytis cinerea. Biology (2021), 10, 1070. if2021= 5.079
4. Sciubba F, Chronopoulou L, Pizzichini D, Lionetti V, Fontana C, Aromolo R, Socciarelli S, Gambelli L, Bartolacci B, Finotti E (2020) Olive mill wastes: a source of bioactive molecules for plant growth and protection against pathogens. Biology 9: 450 if2020=3.796
5. Del Corpo D, Fullone MR, Miele R, Lafond M, Pontiggia D, Grisel S, Kieffer Jaquinod S, Giardina T, Bellincampi D, Lionetti V (2020) AtPME17 is a functional Arabidopsis thaliana pectin methylesterase regulated by its PRO region that triggers PME activity in the resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Molecular Plant Pathology 21: 1620 1633 if2=4.326 press release
6. Pogorelko Gv, Juvale Ps, Rutter Wb, Hütten M, Maier Tr, Hewezi T, Paulus J, Van Der Hoorn Ra, Grundler Fm, Siddique S, Lionetti V, Zabotina Oa, Baum Tj (2019). Re-targeting of a plant defense protease by a cyst nematode effector. plant journal jun;98(6):1000-1014. if=5.726
7. Mehari, Z., Malacarne, G., Pilati, S., Sonego, P., Engelen, K., Lionetti, V., Bellincampi, D., Vrhovsek, U., Zottini, M., Baraldi, E. And Moser, C. (2019). The molecular dialogue between grapevine inflorescence/berry and botrytis cinerea during initial, quiescent and egression infection stages. Acta Hortic. 1248, 587-594
8. Giancaspro A*, Lionetti V*, Giove Sl, Zito D, Fabri E, Reem N, Zabotina Oa, De Angelis E, Monaci L, Bellincampi D, Gadaleta A (2018). Cell wall features transferred from common into durum wheat to improve fusarium head blight resistance. Plant Science, may 274:121-128 doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2018.05.016 (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors). if= 3.712;
9. Rigano Mm*, Lionetti V*, Raiola A, Bellincampi D, Barone A. (2018). Pectic enzymes as potential enhancers of ascorbic acid production through the d-galacturonate pathway in solanaceae. Plant Science. jan; 266:55-63. (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors). if= 3.712;
10. Stavolone L, Lionetti V.* (2017). eExtracellular matrix in plants and animals: hooks and locks for viruses. Front Microbiol. sep 12;8:1760. corresponding author. if= 4.019;
11. Lionetti V*, Fabri E, De Caroli M, Hansen AR, Willats Wg, Piro G, Bellincampi D. (2017) Three pectin methylesterase inhibitors protect cell wall integrity for Arabidopsis Immunity to botrytis. Plant Physiol. mar; 173:1844-1863. if= 5.949;
12. Tundo S, Kalunke Rm, Janni M, Volpi C, Lionetti V, Bellincampi D, Favaron F, D'ovidio R. (2016). Pyramiding pvpgip2 and taxi-iii but not pvpgip2 and pmei enhances wheat resistance against fusarium graminearum. MPMI 2016 jul 1. if= 4.192;
13. Reem Nt, Pogorelko G, Lionetti V, Chambers L, Held Ma, Bellincampi D, Zabotina Oa. (2016) Decreased polysaccharide feruloylation compromises plant cell wall integrity and increases susceptibility to necrotrophic fungal pathogens. Front Plant Sci. 2016 may 10;7:630. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00630. if= 4.291;
14. Lionetti V.*, Raiola A, Mattei B, Bellincampi D. (2015) The grapevine vvpmei1 gene encodes a novel functional pectin methylesterase inhibitor associated to grape berry development. Plos One. 10(7):e0133810. if=3.057
15. Lionetti V.* (2015) Pectoplate: the simultaneous phenotyping of pectin methylesterases, pectinases, and oligogalacturonides in plants during biotic stresses. Front Plant Sci. may 13;6:331. corresponding author. if= 4.495
16. Lionetti V:* Giancaspro A, Fabri E, Giove Sl, Reem N, Zabotina Oa, Blanco A, Gadaleta A, Bellincampi D. (2015) Cell wall traits as potential resources to improve resistance of durum wheat against fusarium graminearum. BMC Plant Biol. 19;15:6. if= 3.631; press release (
17. Lionetti V*, Cervone F, De Lorenzo G (2015). A lower content of de-methylesterified homogalacturonan improves enzymatic cell separation and isolation of mesophyll protoplasts in arabidopsis. Phytochemistry 112:188-94. if= 2.779
18. Bellincampi D, Cervone F And Lionetti V* (2014) Plant cell wall dynamics and wall-related susceptibility in plant pathogen interactions. Front. Plant Sci. 5:228. corresponding author if= 3.948
19. Francocci F*, Bastianelli E*, Lionetti V*, Ferrari S, De Lorenzo G, Bellincampi D, Cervone F. (2013) Analysis of pectin mutants and natural accessions of arabidopsis highlights the impact of de-methyl-esterified homogalacturonan on tissue saccharification. Biotechnol Biofuels. 18;6(1):163 (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors) if=6.221
20. Lionetti V*, Raiola A*, Cervone F, Bellincampi D.(2013). Transgenic expression of pectin methylesterase inhibitors limits tobamovirus spread in tobacco and arabidopsis. Mol Plant Pathol. 15(3):265-74. (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors). if= 4.485
21. Pogorelko GV, Lionetti V, Fursova Ov, Sundaram RM, Qi M, Whitham SA, Bogdanove Aj, Bellincampi D, Zabotina Oa (2013). Arabidopsis and Brachipodium transgenic plants exprssing a. nidulans acetylesterase have decreased degree of polysaccharide acetylation and increased resistance to pathogens. Plant Physiology. 162(1):9-23 if=7.394
22. Lionetti V*, Cervone F. And Bellincampi D. (2012) Methyl esterification of pectin plays a role during plant pathogen interactions and affects plant resistance to diseases. Journal of Plant Physiology 169 (16):1623 1630. if=2.699
23. Reca Ib*, Lionetti V*, Camardella L, D'avino R, Giardina T, Cervone F, Bellincampi D. (2012). A functional pectin methylesterase inhibitor protein (solypmei) is expressed during tomato fruit ripening and interacts with pme-1. Plant Molecular Biology 79(4-5):429-42 (* the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors). if =3.403
24. Volpi C, Janni M, Lionetti V, Bellincampi D, Favaron F, D'ovidio R. (2011). The ectopic expression of a pectin methyl esterase inhibitor increases pectin methyl esterification and limits fungal diseases in wheat. MPMI 24(9):1012-1019 if= 4.431
25. Raiola A*, Lionetti V.*, Elmaghraby I, Immerzeel P, Mellerowicz E.J, Salvi G, Cervone F, Bellincampi D (2011). Pectin methylesterase is induced in arabidopsis upon infection and is necessary for a successful colonization by necrotrophic pathogens. MPMI 24 (4):432-40 (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors) if= 4.431
26. Lionetti V.*, Francocci F*, Ferrari S*, Volpi C*, Bellincampi D*, Galletti R, Dovidio R, De Lorenzo G, Cervone F (2010). Engineering the cell wall by reducing de-methyl-esterified homogalacturonan improves saccharification of plant tissues for bioconversion. PNAS, 107; 616-621. (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors). if= 9.771. press release
27. Ferrari S, Galletti R, Pontiggia D, Manfredini C, Lionetti V., Bellincampi D, Cervone F, De Lorenzo G (2008). Transgenic expression of a fungal endo-polygalacturonase increases plant resistance to pathogens and reduces auxin sensitivity. Plant Physiology, 146 (2); 669-681 if=6.110
28. Lionetti V.*, Métraux Jp. Plant cell wall in pathogenesis, parasitism, and symbiosis. Front Plant Sci. 2014 nov 6; 5:612. corresponding author if= 3.948
29. Lionetti V*, Raiola A, Cervone F, Bellincampi D. (2014) how pectin methylesterases and their inhibitors affect the spreading of tobamovirus? Plant Signaling and Behaviors. 2014;9(12):e972863.
30. Pogorelko Gv*, Lionetti V*, Bellincampi D, Zabotina Oa Cell wall integrity: targeted post-synthetic modifications to reveal its role in plant growth and defense against pathogens. Plant Signaling and Behaviours vol 8 (9), 2013 elocation id: e25435 (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors
31. Lionetti V*, Raiola A*, Camardella L, Giovane A, Obel N, Pauly M, Favaron F, Cervone F, Bellincampi D (2007). Overexpression of pectin methylesterase inhibitors in arabidopsis restricts fungal infection by botrytis cinerea. Plant Physiology, 143; 1871-1880 (*the authors contributed equally to this work and are considered co-first authors; if=6.367

Books and Chapters
1. The Ancient Battle Between Plants and Pathogens: Resilience of the Plant Cell Wall and Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) Drive Plant Immunity. In Plant Cell Walls: A Historical Perspective, Molecular and Cellular Biology . 2022 in press.
2. Editore e Autore capitolo libro- La parete cellulare nella fisiologia della pianta. In Fisiologia Vegetale Applicata . Lionetti V. E Daniela B. Piccin ISBN: 978-88-299-3113-2. Settembre 2020
3. Autore capitolo libro- La resistenza ai patogeni: approcci biotecnologici sostenibili per il miglioramento della resistenza alle malattie Lionetti V E Cervone F. BIOTECNOLOGIE SOSTENIBILI. Edagricole New Business Media ISBN 978-88-506-5534-2 Febbraio 2018
4. Editore e Autore capitolo libro- Plant cell wall in pathogenesis, parasitism and symbiosis . Frontiers in plant science. e-book ISSN 1664-8714 ISBN 978-2-88919-442-1.

Oral communications in congresses
1. -Subtilases trigger pectin-related immunity against pathogens. IX Cell Wall Research Conference- 13 - 17 Giugno, 2022. East Lansing, Michigan, USA
2. -The dynamic regulation of PME activity orchestrates Arabidopsis resistance against necrotrophs. XV Cell Wall Meeting, 7-12 Giugno, 2019, Cambridge, Inghilterra.
3. -Pectin methylesterases in plant immunity: activators or susceptibility factors? FISV 2018 Congress 18-21, Settembre, Roma, Italia
4. -PMEI10, PMEI11 and PMEI12 are novel regulators of pectin remodeling in plant immunity. XIV Cell Wall Meeting, 12 - 17 Giugno, 2016, Chania, Creta, Grecia.
5. -Improving exploitation and saccharification of biomass for bioconversion. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting AGI-SIBV-SIGA 19-22 Settembre, 2011. Assisi, Italia.
6. -Pectin methylesterification in plant development and defence against pathogens. 30 Giugno-01 Luglio In: SIFV "II° incontro di Bertinoro". Bertinoro, Italia

1. LIONETTI V. (2012) Engineering plant cell wall to improve exploitation and saccharification of biomass for bioconversion.31 Maggio 2012. Università degli studi del Molise. Pesche, Isernia.
2. LIONETTI V., FRANCOCCI F, FERRARI S, BELLINCAMPI D, VOLPI C, GALLETTI R, DOVIDIO R, DE LORENZO G, CERVONE F (2009). Targeted pectin modification to improve cell wall saccharification for biofuel production. In: Abstract Book. COST 928 3 Annual Meeting -Krakow, 23.-25 9 2009, vol. O3.1

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Rome, 03-04-2023