
Objectives information not yet available.




General aim of the course is to understand how the increasing availability of data related to education can be used for the improvement of an education system. Data from both periodic international surveys and those relating to the constant updating of the OECD indicators system of education will be examined. The macro level will be considered (how policymakers act on the system, for example with the EU 2020 strategy), and also the local level (through the RAV tool, the Self-Assessment Report of the schools).
The processes of use and implementation of indicators for system actions have two critical aspects: the quality of the data on the basis of which the indicators are defined; a national evaluation system that is valid, reliable and as timely as possible, also in order not to disperse the resources invested by each country in the field of education and training.
Starting from the main international and national indicators and the results of the most recent international surveys on achievement and skills, the critical aspects mentioned will be examined in depth.
The activities will be carried out with in-depth analysis, individual and in pairs, on individual indicators, on specific national situations, on case studies related to the use of indicators to make decisions in the educational field. These in-depth analysis will be presented and discussed in the course, also through discussions with experts in special meetings during lessons and in external contexts (seminars, conferences).

Adopted texts

- Asquini, G., Primi risultati del Problem Solving Collaborativo in PISA 2015 , in “Lifelong, Lifewide, Learning (LLL)”, V. 13 N. 30 2017. (Disponibile in file pdf o sul sito della rivista)
- Asquini, G., PISA 2015: la lenta evoluzione dei quindicenni italiani, in Notti, A (a cura di) La funzione educativa della valutazione , Pensa Multimedia 2017 (Disponibile in file pdf)
- Asquini, G., Qualcosa si muove, ma non basta. Primi risultati dell’indagine OCSE-PISA 2015, in «Education 2.0», Dicembre 2016 (Disponibile in file pdf)
- INVALSI, Rapporto nazionale Pisa 2015, Invalsi, Frascati, 2016 (Disponibile in file pdf o reperibile sul sito www.invalsi.it)
- INVALSI, Rilevazioni nazionali degli apprendimenti 2017-18. Rapporto risultati. Invalsi, Frascati, (in stampa) (Disponibile in file pdf o reperibile sul sito www.invalsi.it ).
- OECD, Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2018 , OECD, OECD Publishing, (in press) (Disponibile in file pdf o reperibile sul sito www.oecd.org)
- OECD, What Makes School Systems Perform? OECD, OECD Publishing, 2004 (Disponibile in file pdf o reperibile sul sito www.oecd.org)
- OECD, Pisa 2015 Results in Focus , OECD, OECD Publishing, 2016 (Disponibile in file pdf o reperibile sul sito www.oecd.org)
During the lessons will be provided further reading, including multimedia, on the topics of the course.


Instrumental and research skills. Study planning skills. Most of the texts used are in the original language, therefore a good knowledge of English is required (or French, OECD official language).

Frequency modes

Attendance during the course activities will be counted. A small number of absences is allowed. In case of problems for attendance, the teacher must be contacted for a meeting in which specific program and study materials will be provided.

Exam modes

Formative assessment (production of reports on monographic topics);
Checks using the Moodle platform;
Oral examination.

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
10/01/2019 31/01/2019 05/02/2019
05/02/2019 20/02/2019 27/02/2019
01/05/2019 29/05/2019 04/06/2019
04/06/2019 20/06/2019 26/06/2019
26/06/2019 11/07/2019 17/07/2019
18/07/2019 28/08/2019 03/09/2019
03/09/2019 19/09/2019 25/09/2019
Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2018/2019
  • Curriculum: Pedagogia e scienze dell'educazione e della formazione (percorso valido anche ai fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-russo)
  • Year: First year
  • Semester: First semester
  • SSD: M-PED/04
  • CFU: 6
  • Attività formative caratterizzanti
  • Ambito disciplinare: Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
  • Lecture (Hours): 48
  • CFU: 6.00
  • SSD: M-PED/04