
The course proposition is to introduce students to regulatory and economics aspect of the healthcare sector in order to enable them to work in two dynamic areas of the pharmaceutical field: the market access (pre-athorization’s activities) and marketing (post authorization activities).
The topics concern: different classes of drugs that can be marketed,(original, equivalent, bioequivalent, life style), development and patent normative. Key point of health economics will give the bases of macro and microeconomics: Health Market evolution, supply and demand chain, price formulation, and price elasticity, successes and market failures cases.
As part of the health policy lessons, the various health systems will be compared for a greater understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the same; it will also deal with pharmaceutical policy, implementation tools, AIFA, the price of the drug.
Marketing area: students will learn about strategic marketing, pharmaceutical, co-marketing and co-promotion, marketing processes, SWOT analysis, MARKET identification, segmentation and targeting, product analysis, strengths and weaknesses.
Market analysis session: Quantitative, Qualitative, Buying process, Customer portrait situational, analysis and definition of strategic objectives, identification of strategic areas, positioning, benchmarking, selection and targeting.
Tactical marketing, medical examination. Pharmacoeconomics, Lobbying and Market Acces, Communication and techniques. A specific section will be dedicated to the digital marketing in order to provide the essential bases for expanding student skills.
At the end of course, the student has the knowledge of marketing and access techniques to the pharmaceutical market that will allow him to operate in this sector, both in private companies and in pharmacy, at the level of Rep but also product manager, access manager, research manager, or digital manager
The course includes a simulation of a job interview and the preparation of a CV suitable for the market.


A - D



The course aims to make the student understand a wide level of knowledge in strategic and operational marketing based on lectures, discussion of business and product cases and on the strengths and weaknesses of the Healthcare sector of the Drug Companies, whether they are Ethics Sop OTC supplements Food or Surgical Medical Devices.

COURSE INRODUCTION - What is a drug? (4 hours):
In this first part we discuss the aspect related to how a drug is born, how it is registered and how a pharmaceutical product is classified. In this part we stress the importance of research and the time of realization of a molecule. Focus on clinical trials and Regulatory Aspects and the necessary leadtime for a product to be marketable in the pharmaceutical market. Then we highlight the company's strategic choices of prescription or not and the benefits for patients.

We are faced with various issues such as the patenting of a drug, aspects related to the analysis of the life cycle of a product. The main differences that exist between Marketing, Sales, Promotion and Communication Operations. All this happens as well as through the frontal lesson also through an active participation of the student who must provide the teacher with his comments and/or knowledge, to reset them with those that are then carried out within the study program and with those that then really take place in companies

In this session the student learns about the terminology and the main topics related to the economic principles. The Italian economic analysis related to the Europe and the World System are highlighted to track the socio-economic and cultural differences. The focus shifts to the pure and peculiar aspects of Health Economics, tracing the analysis on the aging of the population and the related increase in the consumption of drugs.

In this session the Business Strategy points are discussed and explaining the organizational models for the Product, Therapeutic Area, or the most current for the patient. The specific strategy of the Mature Brands is taken as a specific analysis which often occupies about 50% of all companies portfolio. The turnover of this product must be studied during the corse with due attention, both to avoid overspending, and to optimize these important resources in order to invest in other more innovative areas.

The student learns in this lesson the adequately positioning of a pharmaceutical product, creating an awareness in the Scientific Information Network of the Drug, in order to be able to transmit it to clients, whether they are doctors and/or specialists and/or retail or hospital pharmacists. We then focus on the analysis of BencMarking and Targeting and Profiling and related techniques to carry out a Positioning Plan in the market

MARKETING MIX: (4 hours) Through the analysis of the marketing mix we study all the marketing levers useful for a launch, or for the maintenance and / or revitalization of a product. Therefore we pay attention to the following parameters and with theoretical and practical examples: Product is defined the value of the product if blockbuster, or mee too. In this session the student learns the rules of brand enhancement both based on tangibility and/or intangibility data. These aspects are evaluated and compared between drug and consumer goods. Price: To define and manage a price analysis that is comparable to the market and/or differentiating from the therapeutic category and/or class. Place: The student learns the differences existing within the distribution chain in a general and in a strictly specific sector. In this session the student also learns the aspects of the final distribution that for pharmaceuticals, supplements, medical surgical devices, principals and veterinary products, depending on the system of prescription can cover the retail pharmacies, hospitals, Parapharmacies, GDO corners (Large Organized Distribution). Promotion: In this session the student learns the main forms of promotion with particular reference to the Scientific Information of the drug. Packaging: In this phase, the student learns the essential elements of a pharmaceutical packaging such as Positioning of the brand and written (indications, posology, expiry date and lot) on the reference artwork, service areas where it is possible to personalize the therapy. Positioning of the package leaflet and methods of machinability of the products (filling the packs, etc.) The student then becomes aware of certain elements, such as calendar blisters, electronic tools and/or special packaging containing CDs and/or QRCs that allow forms of communication directly with patients both on the management of diseases, and on the use of therapies and on models of therapeutic continuity

This session presents the strategic matrices typical for creating a business plan. Particular attention is given to the SWOT analysis which highlights the weaknesses and the opportunities that a company and/or a product can have or improve in the market, or towards a competitor.
The BCG Boston Consulting Group matrix that analyzes the value of the product and clarifies the student how to approach the portfolio of company products.

The student in this session becomes familiar with the methods of using and reading market research. Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative, CATI, Web, facebook twitter model etc. are presented as different decisional approaches to know the attitude of the market and of patients/customers with less margin of error.

The student learns in this section the essential aspects of the evolution of the ISF. In particular, traditional ISF communication models are learned. GP’s - Specialist - Hospital pharmacist or Agent / Pharmacist.
In this session examples and direct testimonies of activities carried out and communication techniques are reported with the presence also of testimonials of the working world.

the student learns the targetting models through examples such as the characterization of client clusters and through analysis models, specifying how the positioning in the product interview must produce an effectiveness in terms of results based on the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) model. The profiling of the customers arguments is a further technique learned by the student. Particular attention is then dedicated to the use of e-learning in the training process of the Scientific Information network and to coaching models.

The student learns the essential elements of public realizations and how to carry them out at Medical, Institutional and Patient Associations, as well as lobbing operations to make a product available or to make Public Opinion aware of a pathology.

PHARMACOECONOMICS (6 hours): The student learns in this session the basic elements of drug economy with particular reference to the cost benefit. In this session we also analyze the processes of lean management to make the processes fluid and develop lean PM (Project management) in the company structures

The last part is devoted to the harmonization of the processes carried out during the course to outline the figure of the Access Manager and the additional figures such as Product manager, Regulatory Manager, Medical liason and ISF.
The student will simulate a Marketing plan, a Communication plan, an action plan, a coaching plan. Furthermore, single models of Tests of job interviews and models of CV preparation are simulated with the students, which are commented in common with the remaining students.

Adopted texts

 “Economia del Settore Farmaceutico” F. Gianfrate - Ed. Il Mulino
 “Economics for Health Care Management” A. Clewer, D. Perkins - Prentice Hall
 “Manuale di Economia Sanitaria per non economisti” Ed. Franco Angeli
 «Marketing per la Sanità» P. Kotler - McGrawHill
 “Il Marketing secondo Kotler” P. Kotler - Ed. Il Sole24ore
 “Brand Planning for the pharmaceutical industry” J. MacLennan - Gower Publishing Limited
 “La Strategia Competitiva: analisi per le decisioni” M. Porter - Ed. della Tipografia Compositori
 “Valutazioni economiche e management in sanità” R. Tarricone - Mc Graw Hill
 “Metodi per la Valutazione Economica dei Programmi Sanitari» M.F.Drummond – Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
 “Fare Lobby” A. Cattaneo - Ed. ETAS
 «Introduzione alle relazioni istituzionali: La cassetta degli attrezzi del lobbista» F. Spicciariello - Luiss University Press


For an adequate and satisfactory learning, it is essential that at the beginning of the course the student possesses sufficient elements of knowledge of the following area: regulatory aspects, life cycle and development of a drug, basic elements of clinical trials, the basic elements of the international national health system. It is fundamental for the student to recognize both the retail and the hospital market, as well as the free sale and/or consumer market. The breadth and differentiation and size of the markets are essential for the development potential of a sector. The ability to distinguish market analysis between qualitative and quantitative and sentiment model have also to be associated.

Exam modes

The assessment method for the exam is written. For evaluation purposes, some closed questions are indicated and some open on the exam program of the current year provided by the teacher and published in e-learning. The focus of the exam is to ascertain that the student has acquired the fundamentals of the Marketing action from a general and practical point of view as reported in the program.

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
05/02/2020 25/02/2020 26/02/2020
05/02/2020 25/02/2020 26/02/2020
05/02/2020 25/02/2020 26/02/2020
13/05/2020 14/05/2020 15/05/2020
28/05/2020 10/06/2020 23/06/2020
28/05/2020 10/06/2020 23/06/2020
28/05/2020 10/06/2020 23/06/2020
01/07/2020 08/07/2020 23/07/2020
01/07/2020 08/07/2020 23/07/2020
01/07/2020 08/07/2020 23/07/2020
05/09/2020 22/09/2020 25/09/2020
05/09/2020 22/09/2020 25/09/2020
05/09/2020 22/09/2020 25/09/2020
09/11/2020 19/11/2020 24/11/2020

E - O



Introduction to the course -
Explanations on the study model (e-learning portal, article texts)
explanation explanation
What is a drug
Life cycle of a drug
The pharmaceutical patent
Introduction to Marketing and Scientific Information Techniques of
Exercise of Sales Techniques
Outline of Health Economics
Health and drug policy
Drug economy
Pharmacoeconomics - Examples of Pharmacoeconomic Models
Strategic and operational analysis
The marketing Mix
the BSC matrices - and the SWOT Analysis
How to structure a Marketing Plan first
How to structure a second part marketing plan
Targetting and Profiling (Doctors, Retail Pharmacy & Hospital
Market research
Medical examination - Scientific communication - Direct to Consumer
Communication in scientific information
Direct To Market, e-marketing
How to Sell in Pharmacy in light of the advent of Capital
Differences between on and off line
Social Marketing and Digital Marketing in the Pharma sector
Diversified Presentations of testimonials from the Pharmaceutical and Herbal sector and Exponents of Health Care
Ethics and Lobbing Management
From Lobbing to Market Access
Marketing yourself
Simulation of job interviews
The figures of the Market Access manager, Regional Affairs Manager,
Medical liason, Regulatory Affairs, Pubblic Relation Manager. Product
Manager, Medical Product
Market Access in the pharmaceutical sector
How to make it operational
How to combine Marketing and sales techniques in the Lifescience
Recovery of essential parts of the entire course
Exam simulation

Adopted texts

Texts and Reference
 "Economics of the Pharmaceutical Sector" F. Gianfrate - Ed. Il Mulino
 "Economics for Health Care Management" A. Clewer, D. Perkins - Prentice Hall
 "Manual of Health Economics for non-economists" Ed Franco Angeli
 "Marketing for Health" P. Kotler - McGrawHill
 "Marketing according to Kotler" P. Kotler - Ed. Il Sole24ore
 "Brand Planning for the pharmaceutical industry" J. MacLennan - Gower Publishing Limited
 "The Competitive Strategy: analysis for decisions" M. Porter - Ed of the Typography Composers
 "Economic evaluation and management in healthcare" R. Tarricone - Mc Graw Hill
 "Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Programs" M.F. Drummond - The Scientific Thought Publisher
Fare "Fare Lobby" A. Cattaneo - Ed. ETAS
 "Introduction to institutional relations: The lobbyist's toolbox" F. Spicciariello - Luiss University Press
 https://pixelbook.tecnichenuove.com/newsstand/ncf/viewer/guest/com.tecnichenuove.ncf.ncf.2019.001/?__hstc=91787141.6e38c9ec97aec6aebbe116626c036ba1.1551611355047.1551611355047.1551611355047.1&__hssc=91787141.6.1551611355048&__hsfp=3608961603
 https://www.aboutpharma.com
 http://streamer.adnkronos.com/Salute/Newsletter/data/?hid=oLClJFxsOKRAru1FXSR4cw==

Editorial articles Roberto Adrower
Pharmacy of the Future some ideas - Media4Health

Marketing for the pharmacy business: Articles published on Tema Pharmacy
Market access and supply chain nothing will be the same as before
Streamline processes with the Balanced Scorecard
The management of mature products
From products to people how marketing changes
New formats and communication models
Degree in pharmacy and career opportunities
Off Line and On Line, cohabitation tests
Try Coaching
The Pharmacy at the time of the Blockchain
Looking for a competitive model

Frequency modes

Written test and aptitude test on the acquired knowledge

Exam modes

Written test and aptitude test
on the acquired knowledge

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
01/02/2020 23/02/2020 26/02/2020
01/02/2020 23/02/2020 26/02/2020
25/05/2020 10/06/2020 23/06/2020
25/05/2020 10/06/2020 23/06/2020
29/06/2020 16/07/2020 23/07/2020
29/06/2020 16/07/2020 23/07/2020
31/08/2020 16/09/2020 25/09/2020
21/12/2020 22/01/2021 25/01/2021

P - Z



The course aims to make the student understand a wide level of knowledge in strategic and operational marketing based on lectures, discussion of business and product cases and on the strengths and weaknesses of the Healthcare sector of the Drug Companies, whether they are Ethics Sop OTC supplements Food or Surgical Medical Devices.

COURSE INRODUCTION - What is a drug? (4 hours):
In this first part we discuss the aspect related to how a drug is born, how it is registered and how a pharmaceutical product is classified. In this part we stress the importance of research and the time of realization of a molecule. Focus on clinical trials and Regulatory Aspects and the necessary leadtime for a product to be marketable in the pharmaceutical market. Then we highlight the company's strategic choices of prescription or not and the benefits for patients.

We are faced with various issues such as the patenting of a drug, aspects related to the analysis of the life cycle of a product. The main differences that exist between Marketing, Sales, Promotion and Communication Operations. All this happens as well as through the frontal lesson also through an active participation of the student who must provide the teacher with his comments and/or knowledge, to reset them with those that are then carried out within the study program and with those that then really take place in companies

In this session the student learns about the terminology and the main topics related to the economic principles. The Italian economic analysis related to the Europe and the World System are highlighted to track the socio-economic and cultural differences. The focus shifts to the pure and peculiar aspects of Health Economics, tracing the analysis on the aging of the population and the related increase in the consumption of drugs.

In this session the Business Strategy points are discussed and explaining the organizational models for the Product, Therapeutic Area, or the most current for the patient. The specific strategy of the Mature Brands is taken as a specific analysis which often occupies about 50% of all companies portfolio. The turnover of this product must be studied during the corse with due attention, both to avoid overspending, and to optimize these important resources in order to invest in other more innovative areas.

The student learns in this lesson the adequately positioning of a pharmaceutical product, creating an awareness in the Scientific Information Network of the Drug, in order to be able to transmit it to clients, whether they are doctors and/or specialists and/or retail or hospital pharmacists. We then focus on the analysis of BencMarking and Targeting and Profiling and related techniques to carry out a Positioning Plan in the market

MARKETING MIX: (4 hours) Through the analysis of the marketing mix we study all the marketing levers useful for a launch, or for the maintenance and / or revitalization of a product. Therefore we pay attention to the following parameters and with theoretical and practical examples: Product is defined the value of the product if blockbuster, or mee too. In this session the student learns the rules of brand enhancement both based on tangibility and/or intangibility data. These aspects are evaluated and compared between drug and consumer goods. Price: To define and manage a price analysis that is comparable to the market and/or differentiating from the therapeutic category and/or class. Place: The student learns the differences existing within the distribution chain in a general and in a strictly specific sector. In this session the student also learns the aspects of the final distribution that for pharmaceuticals, supplements, medical surgical devices, principals and veterinary products, depending on the system of prescription can cover the retail pharmacies, hospitals, Parapharmacies, GDO corners (Large Organized Distribution). Promotion: In this session the student learns the main forms of promotion with particular reference to the Scientific Information of the drug. Packaging: In this phase, the student learns the essential elements of a pharmaceutical packaging such as Positioning of the brand and written (indications, posology, expiry date and lot) on the reference artwork, service areas where it is possible to personalize the therapy. Positioning of the package leaflet and methods of machinability of the products (filling the packs, etc.) The student then becomes aware of certain elements, such as calendar blisters, electronic tools and/or special packaging containing CDs and/or QRCs that allow forms of communication directly with patients both on the management of diseases, and on the use of therapies and on models of therapeutic continuity

This session presents the strategic matrices typical for creating a business plan. Particular attention is given to the SWOT analysis which highlights the weaknesses and the opportunities that a company and/or a product can have or improve in the market, or towards a competitor.
The BCG Boston Consulting Group matrix that analyzes the value of the product and clarifies the student how to approach the portfolio of company products.

The student in this session becomes familiar with the methods of using and reading market research. Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative, CATI, Web, facebook twitter model etc. are presented as different decisional approaches to know the attitude of the market and of patients/customers with less margin of error.

The student learns in this section the essential aspects of the evolution of the ISF. In particular, traditional ISF communication models are learned. GP’s - Specialist - Hospital pharmacist or Agent / Pharmacist.
In this session examples and direct testimonies of activities carried out and communication techniques are reported with the presence also of testimonials of the working world.

the student learns the targetting models through examples such as the characterization of client clusters and through analysis models, specifying how the positioning in the product interview must produce an effectiveness in terms of results based on the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) model. The profiling of the customers arguments is a further technique learned by the student. Particular attention is then dedicated to the use of e-learning in the training process of the Scientific Information network and to coaching models.

The student learns the essential elements of public realizations and how to carry them out at Medical, Institutional and Patient Associations, as well as lobbing operations to make a product available or to make Public Opinion aware of a pathology.

PHARMACOECONOMICS (6 hours): The student learns in this session the basic elements of drug economy with particular reference to the cost benefit. In this session we also analyze the processes of lean management to make the processes fluid and develop lean PM (Project management) in the company structures

The last part is devoted to the harmonization of the processes carried out during the course to outline the figure of the Access Manager and the additional figures such as Product manager, Regulatory Manager, Medical liason and ISF.
The student will simulate a Marketing plan, a Communication plan, an action plan, a coaching plan. Furthermore, single models of Tests of job interviews and models of CV preparation are simulated with the students, which are commented in common with the remaining students.

Adopted texts

 “Economia del Settore Farmaceutico” F. Gianfrate - Ed. Il Mulino
 “Economics for Health Care Management” A. Clewer, D. Perkins - Prentice Hall
 “Manuale di Economia Sanitaria per non economisti” Ed. Franco Angeli
 «Marketing per la Sanità» P. Kotler - McGrawHill
 “Il Marketing secondo Kotler” P. Kotler - Ed. Il Sole24ore
 “Brand Planning for the pharmaceutical industry” J. MacLennan - Gower Publishing Limited
 “La Strategia Competitiva: analisi per le decisioni” M. Porter - Ed. della Tipografia Compositori
 “Valutazioni economiche e management in sanità” R. Tarricone - Mc Graw Hill
 “Metodi per la Valutazione Economica dei Programmi Sanitari» M.F.Drummond – Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
 “Fare Lobby” A. Cattaneo - Ed. ETAS
 «Introduzione alle relazioni istituzionali: La cassetta degli attrezzi del lobbista» F. Spicciariello - Luiss University Press


For an adequate and satisfactory learning, it is essential that at the beginning of the course the student possesses sufficient elements of knowledge of the following area: regulatory aspects, life cycle and development of a drug, basic elements of clinical trials, the basic elements of the international national health system. It is fundamental for the student to recognize both the retail and the hospital market, as well as the free sale and/or consumer market. The breadth and differentiation and size of the markets are essential for the development potential of a sector. The ability to distinguish market analysis between qualitative and quantitative and sentiment model have also to be associated.

Exam modes

The assessment method for the exam is written. For evaluation purposes, some closed questions are indicated and some open on the exam program of the current year provided by the teacher and published in e-learning. The focus of the exam is to ascertain that the student has acquired the fundamentals of the Marketing action from a general and practical point of view as reported in the program.

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
15/01/2020 19/01/2020 20/01/2020
01/06/2020 08/06/2020 23/06/2020
20/06/2020 09/07/2020 23/07/2020
01/09/2020 18/09/2020 25/09/2020
01/01/2021 17/01/2021 25/01/2021
Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2019/2020
  • Year: First year
  • Semester: Second semester
  • SSD: CHIM/08
  • CFU: 6
  • Attività formative caratterizzanti
  • Ambito disciplinare: Discipline Farmaceutiche e Tecnologiche
  • Lecture (Hours): 48
  • CFU: 6.00
  • SSD: CHIM/08