
Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the forces between charges, of electromagnetic interactions, and formal field processing and their reciprocal induction. Study the electrical and magnetic nature of the matter. Knowledge of the electromagnetic nature of light and the basic treatment of physical optics





ELECTROSTATIC IN VACUUM: Electric charge and Coulomb's Law. Electric field and potential. Electric dipole. .presents the concept of electric field starting from Coulomb's force and arriving to the electrostatic potential. It allows to test the capability to apply vector and infinitesimal calculus.
Duration: 15 h

THE ELECTROSTATIC FIELD IN PRESENCE OF CONDUCTORS IN EQUILIBRIUM AND DIELECTRIC. Conductors and capacitance. Electrostatic energy. Introduction to electric polarization: develops the ability to deal with abstract quantities, boosting the analyzing skill of the student.
Duration 20 h

STATIONARY ELECTRICAL CURRENT. Current and Ohm's Law. Electric circuits in steady state condition. Introduces the basics of electrical engineering and electronics, with focus on the concepts of energy and power. Furthermore the logical and critical capabilities of the student are applied to the resolution of simple electrical circuits.
Duration 15 h

MAGNETOSTATICS IN THE VOID AND IN THE MATTER. Lorentz force and magnetic field. Magnetic fields induced by costant current. Ampere's Law. Magnetism and matter effects. Permanent magnet. These topics, carried out largely by analogy with the electrostatic field, allow a re-examination of the electrostatics and provides deeper view of the vector and the infinitesimal calculus.
Duration 20 h

ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS VARIABLE OVER TIME. Faraday's Law. Self and mutual induction. Electric circuits with time varing current. Magnetic energy. Displacement current. The study of the phenomena generated by the variable fields enhances the ability to deal with the same issue but from a different point of view. The starting point is a purely theoretical approach that examine the generation of non-conservative electric field due to the presence of variable magnetic fields. The final target is the analysis of more applicative aspects such as the operating principle of electric motors or transformers.
Duration 10 h

MAXWELL EQUATIONS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. Maxwell's equation's. Electromagnetic wave equation. Poynting's vector . Refraction and riflection law. .
At this point of the course the student is able to easily handle the concept of field. The synthesis obtainable with the differential operators allows to further develop the logical and abstraction capacities. The use of the Poynting vector is a verification of the ability to understand and apply the concepts of energy, power and their transport
Duration 10 h

Adopted texts

Mencuccini-Silvestrini : FISICA 2


Notions of vector. Notion of change of reference system. Knowledge of the analysis of the functions. Knowledge of the notions of series, derivatives, intergrals. Knowledge of the laws of dynamics and statics. Conservation of energy, linear momentum, angular momentum. Cardinal equations of mechanics

Study modes

each week of the course is made of four lessons in which the discussion of the physical principles of electromagnetism are presented together some technological applications and tipical problems/exercises. An support lesson is mainly focused on the methodologies for solving problems/exercises

Frequency modes

The course lessons are given contemporaneously face-to-face and online

Exam modes

students after the exam will have a basic knowledge of electromagnetism. This knowledge starts from the concept of electric and magnetic field in the static case and touches the simple cases of electromagnetic wave propagation. Relevant part of the acquired knowledge concerns the energetic and electromagnetic behaviour of simple circuit components (capacitors, inductances, resistors, generators), both in the stationary and in a time dependent situation

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
05/11/2021 13/01/2022 14/01/2022
05/11/2021 13/02/2022 18/02/2022
23/02/2022 28/03/2022 02/04/2022
05/03/2022 08/06/2022 10/06/2022
05/06/2022 09/07/2022 15/07/2022
15/07/2022 09/09/2022 13/09/2022
15/07/2022 10/10/2022 13/10/2022
Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2021/2022
  • Curriculum: Ingegneria Clinica (percorso formativo valido anche ai fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-venezuelano)
  • Year: Second year
  • Semester: First semester
  • SSD: FIS/01
  • CFU: 9
  • Attività formative di base
  • Ambito disciplinare: Fisica e chimica
  • Lecture (Hours): 90
  • CFU: 9.00
  • SSD: FIS/01