
The aim of the course is to provide students with the appropriate tools to learn about the fundamental processes of newsmaking in the field of international journalism in a comparative perspective and of international political communication in contemporary reality.
Knowledge and understanding: first objective of the course is to strengthen the knowledge and skills related to international journalism and political communication acquired during the three-year degree, with specific reference to the dynamics in the international environment and to the media diplomacy and to the dimension of the sacred in the journalistic field.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the course's second objective is to transmit the practical skills to set up and carry out surveys that extend to the contexts of international journalism and of international political communication in order to monitor and understand the dynamics of newsmaking in a comparative perspective referring to different political and social contexts, of spin doctoring and the construction of strategic narratives by of the states
Autonomy of judgment: Another specific objective of the course is the ability to analyze and reflect independently on the contents of the texts and on the topics discussed in class to be submitted to the common reflection of the class.
Communication skills: Alongside all the objectives, the course aims to develop communication skills on the research paths on the journalistic representation of social and political issues of global relevance, on relational and communicative dynamics among state and non-state actors operating in the contemporary international relations system.
Learning skills: lectures and practical exercises aim to convey the ability of students to study, deepen and re-elaborate the study materials in an autonomous way.
Expected results: It is hoped that the student at the end of the course will be able to independently identify the main online and offline communication and journalistic dynamics present at international level as well as to work in monitoring and collecting data and information on issues that may be newsworthy on an international level, as well as specific spin doctoring campaigns, creation of fake news and public diplomacy.




Course is divided in four modules based on specific issues:
a) Basic in International political communication: introduction to approach and theories on media diplomacy (Vietnam syndrome, CNN effect and later effects). 16 ore
b) International political communication in the Internet era: analysis of information and counter-information online strategies and the effects of state policy related to SNS. This section will also analyze the consequences deriving from the use of fake news in international relations 12 ore
c) Spin doctoring and warfare communication. Communication management during warfare periods will be examined in this section. 32 ore
d) The construction of strategic narratives and media diplomacy by the states as a backbone of contemporary international political communication and as a privileged form of soft power and public diplomacy. 12 ore

Course maintains a close connection with adopted texts

Adopted texts


Waugh E., Scoop, in qualsiasi edizione, meglio se nella versione originale;
Lepri S., Manuale di linguaggio e di stile per l’informazione scritta e parlata, Rizzoli, Milano, 2011 o edizioni successive;
Hallin D.C., Mancini P., Modelli di giornalismo. Mass media e politica nelle democrazie occidentali, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004 o edizioni successive (i capitoli che saranno oggetto di prova d’esame saranno comunicati nel corso delle lezioni).
Waugh E., Scoop, in qualsiasi edizione, meglio se nella versione originale;
Lepri S., Manuale di linguaggio e di stile per l’informazione scritta e parlata, Rizzoli, Milano, 2011 o edizioni successive;
Hallin D.C., Mancini P., Modelli di giornalismo. Mass media e politica nelle democrazie occidentali, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004 o edizioni successive.


Elaborazione e discussione di una tesina o altro prodotto da concordare con il docente
Pintak L. e Franklin S. (eds.), 2013, Islam for Journalists, Pullman (WA), Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University (Contrariamente a quanto inizialmente indicato, si chiede agli studenti di fare riferimento all’intero testo: l’impaginazione dello stesso è tale che, pur apparentemente di molte pagine, equivale in lunghezza a poco più di un articolo)
Gritti R., 2009, “Oriente/Occidente: mappe cognitive” in Gritti R., Bruno M. e Laurano P. (a cura di), Oltre l’Orientalismo e l’Occidentalismo, Milano, Guerini, pp. 23-53 (il testo sarà a breve reso disponibile agli studenti attraverso la Classroom o altri canali)
Pace E., 2013, “Le religioni in rete: come comunicano e come studiarle” in Sociologia Italiana, n. 1, pp. 9-27

Pace E., 2010, “Sociologia delle religioni” in Melloni A. (a cura di), Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento, Bologna, Il mulino, 2010, pp. 1393-1412: scaricabile al sito https://tinyurl.com/yylkzkqu
Pintak L. e Franklin S. (eds.), 2013, Islam for Journalists, Pullman (WA), Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University (limitatamente ad alcuni capitoli che saranno prossimamente indicati dal docente)
Gritti R., 2009, “Oriente/Occidente: mappe cognitive” in Gritti R., Bruno M. e Laurano P. (a cura di), Oltre l’Orientalismo e l’Occidentalismo, Milano, Guerini, pp. 23-53 (il testo sarà a breve reso disponibile agli studenti attraverso la Classroom o altri canali)
Pace E., 2013, “Le religioni in rete: come comunicano e come studiarle” in Sociologia Italiana, n. 1, pp. 9-27


No preconditions required

Exam modes

The exam is oral and aims to evaluate an adequate mastery and awareness of the areas of study, vocabulary and the main qualitative research strategies.
The exam has the function of evaluating: 1. level of learning of the basic concepts of the discipline; 2. ability to orientate themselves with respect to possible research drawings in relation to the stipulated objectives; 3. Critical skills and connection between the texts studied.
The oral examination will also evaluate the analytical and reflection skills in autonomy and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a competent way to problems concerning the main issues of the present international relations system.



In the 2021/22 academic year, after a brief look at the history of the media, from its beginnings to the present day, and at how news and/or services are produced, the aim pf the course is to offer an overview and comparison of the main characteristics, as well as the common elements, of the major Italian/European, American, Asian and African journalisms, with a mention of the oceanic one, analyzed in their various characterizations and components, traditional media, including press agencies, radio and TV, and new media.
Always focusing with particular attention on international current events, starting with the German political elections, passing through the G20 under the Italian presidency and other events that from time to time will characterize the time of the course, the attention will focus on moments and particularly significant figures in international journalism, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, the Panama Papers - with the development of the Pandora Papers -, the role of Wikileaks, male and female protagonists of the last century.
Special attention will be given to the identification of fake news.
In the second part of the course, if the conditions are right, students will be asked to prepare a sort of weekly review of international news, using as sources the media from all over the world, divided into regional areas (EU, North America with BRG, CND, AUS and NZL, Russia and former Soviet republics, China with CND and Vietnam, Far East and Southeast Asia, Indian sub-continent, Middle East and the Arab and Islamic world, Africa, Latin America).

Adopted texts

Adopted texts and reference bibliography


1. Waugh E., Scoop, in any edition, preferably the original version;
2. Polli S., Protettì C., E’ l’agenzia Bellezza, Istimedia;
3. Hallin D.C., Mancini P., Modelli di giornalismo. Mass media e politica nelle democrazie occidentali, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004 or later editions (only the chapters that will be specified in class).
1. Waugh E., Scoop, in any edition, preferably the original version;
2. Polli S., Protettì C., E’ l’agenzia Bellezza, Istimedia;
3. Hallin D.C., Mancini P., Modelli di giornalismo. Mass media e politica nelle democrazie occidentali, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004 or later editions.


1. Elaboration and discussion of a thesis or other product to be agreed upon with the teacher
2. Pintak L. e Franklin S. (eds.), 2013, Islam for Journalists, Pullman (WA), Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University (limited to a few chapters to be indicated shortly by the lecturer)
2 Gritti R., 2009, “Oriente/Occidente: mappe cognitive” in Gritti R., Bruno M. e Laurano P. (a cura di), Oltre l’Orientalismo e l’Occidentalismo, Milano, Guerini, pp. 23-53 (the text will soon be made available to students through the Classroom or other channels)
3. Pace E., 2013, “Le religioni in rete: come comunicano e come studiarle” in Sociologia Italiana, n. 1, pp. 9-27
4. https://sociologiaitaliana.egeaonline.it/it/21/archivio-rivista/rivista/3342757/articolo/3342760
1. Pace E., 2010, “Sociologia delle religioni” in Melloni A. (a cura di), Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento, Bologna, Il mulino, 2010, pp.: available at https://tinyurl.com/yylkzkqu
2. Pintak L. and Franklin S. (eds.), 2013, Islam for Journalists, Pullman (WA), Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University (limited to some chapters that will be soon indicated by the teacher)

2. Gritti R., 2009, “Oriente/Occidente: mappe cognitive” in Gritti R., Bruno M. e Laurano P. (a cura di), Oltre l’Orientalismo e l’Occidentalismo, Milano, Guerini, pp. 23-53 (the text will soon be made available to students through the Classroom or other channels)
3. Pace E., 2013, “Le religioni in rete: come comunicano e come studiarle” in Sociologia Italiana, n. 1, pp. 9-27
4. https://sociologiaitaliana.egeaonline.it/it/21/archivio-rivista/rivista/3342757/articolo/3342760


Below are some further readings and a filmography, suggested for students who would like to explore the topic in more depth. • Savio R., 2011, I giornalisti che ribaltarono il Mondo, Torino, Nuovi Mondi • Nanni M., 2018, Il curioso giornalista: come vestire le notizie, Media&Books • Bruno M., 2008, L’islam immaginato. Rappresentazioni e stereotipi nei media italiani, Milano, Guerini e Associati • Gritti R., Bruno M. e Laurano P. (eds.), 2009, Oltre l’Orientalismo e l’Occidentalismo, Milano, Guerini e Associati • Pace E., 2008, Raccontare Dio. La religione come comunicazione, Bologna, il Mulino - Peace E., 2008, Telling God. Religion as communication, Bologna, il Mulino - Pintak L. and Franklin S. (eds.), 2013, Islam for Journalists, Pullman (WA), Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University - Said E., (1981) tr. it. 2017, Covering Islam. How the media and experts determine our view of the rest of the world, Transeuropa, Mass. Recommended Films • Newsroom (TV Series, seasons 1-3 2012-2014) • The West Wing (TV Series, season 1, 1999) • Citizen Kane (1941), written and directed by Orson Welles • Ace in the Hole (1951), directed by Billy Wilder • All the President's Men (1976), directed by Alan J. Pakula • Good Night and Good Luck (2005), directed by George Clooney • Spotlight (2015), directed by Tom McCarthy • Truth (2015), directed by Robert Redford • The Post (2017), directed by Steven Spielberg • J'accuse (2019), directed by Roman Polański • I cento passi (2000), directed by Marco Tullio Giordana • Fortapasc (2009), directed by Marco Risi • Bangla (2019), diretto da Phaim Bhuiyan • Razzia (2017), diretto da Nabil Ayouch • Taxi Teheran (2015), diretto Jafar Panahi. • Napolislam (2015), diretto da Ernesto Pagano • Timbuktu (2014), diretto da Abderrahmane Sissako • Il fondamentalista riluttante (2012), diretto da Mira Nair • Les Chevaux de Dieu (2012), diretto da Nabil Ayouch • La bicicletta verde (2012), diretto da Haifaa Al-Mansour. • Il cerchio (2000), diretto da Jafar Panahi • Il leone del deserto (1981), diretto da Mustafa Akkad • La battaglia di Algeri (1966), diretto da Gillo Pontecorvo

Exam modes

The exam will be oral for both students and non-attendees, who can, however, produce a paper agreed with the teacher, to reduce the gap of exercises compared to those attending.
For those who attend, the assiduity to the lessons and the performance of the exercises assigned from time to time, individual and / or group, are essential elements of assessment. The exam will discuss the books they have read among those recommended and the documents - films or series - they have seen among those recommended, verifying the ability to consult the international media acquired and the critical spirit developed towards the media in general and the international media in particular. The verification of profit also takes into consideration the results of the moments of public discussion organized during the course, aimed at implementing the ability to communicate/transmit information and evaluations on international news and to verify the acquisition of critical judgment skills.
Some other relevant elements in the evaluation are the logic followed by the student in his speeches, the use of correct and appropriate language, the ability to contextualize and apply the acquired skills.
For non-attending students, it is required to study, and not just read, at least two of the recommended books and view at least four of the proposed documents, as well as viewing the slides posted on Classroom. The paper will serve to partially reduce the gap in practical work compared to those attending.

Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2021/2022
  • Curriculum: Giornalismo
  • Year: Second year
  • Semester: First semester
  • SSD: SPS/11
  • CFU: 9
  • Attività formative affini ed integrative
  • Ambito disciplinare: Attività formative affini o integrative
  • Lecture (Hours): 72
  • CFU: 9
  • SSD: SPS/11