This exam is present in the following Optional Group


Studying and promoting the knowledge and protection of new generation human rights resulting from the advent of new technologies. Students who have passed the exam must have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to identify the most appropriate legal solutions to the stresses emerging from the bioethical, bioeconomic and biopolitical debate and, if necessary, the ability to propose coherent operational and organizational tools with the solutions identified.





General Issues: International and EU legal system of human rights protection.
Special Issues: International and european legal instruments of protection of new generation of human rights, with particular regards to the application of biotechnologies, new technologies and biotechnologies.

Adopted texts

Testi d'esame:
- L. Marini, Diritto internazionale e comunitario della bioetica, Giappichelli, 2012.
During the course, parts of the following volumes will be analyzed:
- L. Marini-F. Benozzo, Covid. Prove tecniche di totalitarismo, La Vela, 2021;
- F. Benozzo, Memorie di un filologo complottista, La Vela, 2021;
- I. Illich, Nemesi medica. L'espropriazione della salute, edizione a piacere dello studente.

Exam modes

Oral exam. During the Coronavirus emergency, written test by submitting a paper.

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
25/09/2020 12/01/2022 19/01/2022
25/09/2020 26/01/2022 02/02/2022
25/09/2020 05/02/2022 12/02/2022
25/09/2020 13/04/2022 20/04/2022
25/09/2020 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
25/09/2020 15/06/2022 22/06/2022
25/09/2020 30/06/2022 06/07/2022
25/09/2020 07/09/2022 14/09/2022
25/09/2020 12/10/2022 19/10/2022
25/09/2020 04/01/2023 11/01/2023
26/10/2022 17/01/2023 25/01/2023
Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2021/2022
  • Curriculum: Socio-politico-economico (Percorso valido anche fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-colombiano)
  • Year: First year
  • Semester: First semester
  • SSD: IUS/13
  • CFU: 9
  • Attività formative caratterizzanti
  • Ambito disciplinare: discipline giuridiche
  • Lecture (Hours): 72
  • CFU: 9.00
  • SSD: IUS/13