This exam is present in the following Optional Group


The course aims to provide students with the understanding, as well as the fundamental knowledge of the phenomenon of international organizations (at universal and regional level) both as regards the institutional aspects of the phenomenon (bodies, functions, powers, membership within them, etc.) and as regards their role in the international legal system. Particular attention will also be paid to United Nations law, with the stress on the collective security system and the phenomenon of peace operations.


A - L



The first part of the course is dedicated to the examination of the law of international organizations (onusian model and pluralism in the phenomenon of international organization, modalities of constitution, organic structure, functions, acts, internal legal order, legal personality, privileges and immunities, external relations).
The second part deals with United Nations law (origins and phases of creation of the UN, purposes and principles of the UN, membership of the UN states, organs, etc.), with particular reference to the system of collective security and the phenomenon of peace operations. Specialized institutes and regional organizations will also be studied.

Adopted texts

C. ZANGHI, Diritto delle Organizzazioni internazionali, Torino, 2013
- S. MARCHISIO, L'ONU. Il diritto delle Nazioni Unite, Bologna, 2012


Knowledge of the fundamental notions of international law.

Study modes

The course will be characterized by the use of teaching methodologies aimed at developing the active participation of students and their ability to use the knowledge acquired to solve emerging legal issues in the field of international organizations law. This objective will be achieved through the combination of different teaching models (lectures, case studies, practical exercises and role-playing games). Specifically, attending students will be able to choose an international organization at the beginning of the Course that they will "represent" actively in carrying out the lessons through interventions aimed at emphasizing the legal / institutional particularities of the chosen entity. The role play will end at the end of the first part of the course with a methodologically accurate presentation of the organization * In the event that the course should take place online only, the teaching procedures must necessarily be reviewed.

Frequency modes

* optional attendance The attendance of the course is optional and not compulsory, but it is required to be considered attending (for this purpose the signatures of the participants in the lessons will be collected). Of course, only those attending (those who attended in person the 2/3 of the lessons) can participate in the various activities just mentioned and fully achieve the different expected learning outcomes of the Course.

Exam modes

* For students not attending:
oral exam (20-30 minutes) articulated in 3/4 questions on the knowledge acquired through the study of the exam texts.

• For attending students:
The assessment of attending students takes place within an ongoing path divided into two evaluation moments aimed at verifying the full achievement of the educational objectives:
- at the end of the first part of the course, dedicated to the study of the law of international organizations, attending students will make a presentation of the international organization that they “represented” during the lessons. This presentation, in oral form (maximum 8 minutes), may be accompanied by a power point;
- at the end of the second part of the course, dedicated to the study of the law of the United Nations, with particular reference to the collective security system, there will be an oral exam (10/15 minutes) articulated into 2 questions on the knowledge acquired during the lessons on the United Nations.

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
21/04/2024 21/04/2024 13/05/2024
08/05/2024 10/06/2024 14/06/2024
11/06/2024 18/06/2024 24/06/2024
19/06/2024 02/07/2024 08/07/2024
19/08/2024 03/09/2024 09/09/2024
21/10/2024 05/11/2024 11/11/2024
16/12/2024 07/01/2025 13/01/2025

M - Z



The first part of the Course is dedicated to the examination of the law of international organizations dealing with the modalities of constitution, their structure, functions, acts, internal legal order, legal personality, privileges and immunities and their international responsibility.
The second part of the Course will deal with the United Nations law with particular reference to the origins and phases of creation of the UN, to the organs and functions, to the powers and action in the field of the maintenance of international peace and to the role and functions of specialized institutes.

Adopted texts

- C. ZANGHI, Diritto delle Organizzazioni internazionali, Torino, 2013
- S. MARCHISIO, L'ONU. Il diritto delle Nazioni Unite, Bologna, 2012


Knowledge of the fundamental notions of international law

Study modes

The Course will be based on lectures and on in-depth analysis of case studies with the aim to develop the active participation of the students and their skill to use the acquired knowledge in order to solve emerging legal issues in the field of international organizations law. Moreover, attending students can choose an international organization that they will present (individually or in group) at the end of the Course analysing the features and the relationship with the UN.

Frequency modes

The attendance of the course is optional and not compulsory, but it is required in order to be considered attending (for this purpose the signatures of the participants in the lessons will be collected). Of course, only those attending (those who attended 2/3 of the lessons) can participate in the various activities just mentioned and fully achieve the different expected learning outcomes of the Course.

Exam modes

For attending students: The assessment of attending students takes place within an ongoing path divided into two evaluation moments aimed at verifying the full achievement of the educational outcomes:
- at the end of the first part of the course, dedicated to the study of the law of international organizations, attending students will take a written exam based on twenty multiple questions and one open close question concerning the topics covered in the course up to that moment;
- at the end of the course attending students will sit an oral exam based either on the presentation of the chosen international organization and a question concerning the United Nations system or on two questions concerning the United Nations system.

For students not attending: oral exam (20-30 minutes) articulated in 3/4 questions on the knowledge acquired through the study of the exam books.

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
18/12/2023 10/01/2024 16/01/2024
11/01/2024 24/01/2024 30/01/2024
25/01/2024 14/02/2024 20/02/2024
22/04/2024 08/05/2024 14/05/2024
09/05/2024 05/06/2024 11/06/2024
06/06/2024 19/06/2024 25/06/2024
20/06/2024 03/07/2024 09/07/2024
19/08/2024 04/09/2024 10/09/2024
21/10/2024 05/11/2024 11/11/2024
16/12/2024 08/01/2025 14/01/2025
Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2023/2024
  • Curriculum: Scienze politiche e relazioni internazionali (percorso valido per la partecipazione al percorso internazionale italo-francese, che prevede il conseguimento della laurea e del Certificat d'Etudes Politiques francese)
  • Year: Third year
  • Semester: First semester
  • SSD: IUS/13
  • CFU: 9
  • Attività formative caratterizzanti
  • Ambito disciplinare: discipline giuridiche
  • Lecture (Hours): 72
  • CFU: 9
  • SSD: IUS/13