Ritratto di mariacristina.sciannamblo@uniroma1.it

Servizio di tutorato e di supporto alla didattica DSA e disabilità

Le studentesse e gli studenti iscritti al servizio DSA e disabilità possono rivolgersi alla referente didattica del Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale, prof.ssa Lucia D’Ambrosi, email dsa.coris@uniroma1.it, per i servizi di tutorato specializzato e di supporto alla didattica. I servizi si svolgono d’intesa con la Commissione Orientamento, Tutorato e Placement del Dipartimento Coris.


Le richieste di ausili e supporti specifici per sostenere gli esami devono essere inoltrate almeno dieci giorni prima della prova al Servizio disabilità e al Servizio DSA ai seguenti indirizzi email:

servizio.disabilita@uniroma1.it per i servizi disabilità; servizio.dsa@uniroma1.it per i servizi DSA 

inserendo l'indirizzo email della Referente (dsa.coris@uniroma1.it) in copia conoscenza.


Per tutte le informazioni



Insegnamenti anno accademico 2023/2024


Teorie della comunicazione e dei media digitali (canale A-L)

Il corso si tiene nel secondo semestre, il mercoledì ore 18-20 (aula BLU1) e il giovedì ore 16-20 (aula 201).

Codice del corso su Classroom: 6umc3w4


Sociologia dei media digitali - Laboratorio su piattaforme digitali e contrasto all'online violence 

Il corso si tiene nel secondo semestre, il martedì dalle 16 alle 19 in Aula B10 e il giovedì dalle 11 alle 14 in Aula B9 (via Salaria 113)

Codice del corso su Classroom: vaco53z



Insegnamenti anno accademico 2022/2023


Teorie della comunicazione e dei media digitali (canale A-L)




CdS in Comunicazione pubblica e d'impresa


Il corso si tiene nel secondo semestre, il martedì ore 16-18 (aula P1), il mercoledì ore 16-18 (aula Blu1), il venerdì ore 14-16 (aula Blu1)


Codice corso: 

Link diretto Classroom: 


Programma d'esame Teorie della comunicazione e dei media digitali

I testi previsti per la prova di esame sono i seguenti:
1. José van Dijck, Thomas Poell, and Martijn de Waal, 2018, Platform Society. Valori pubblici e società connessa, Guerini, Milano 2019 (a cura di A. Marinelli e G. Boccia Artieri) esclusi i capitoli 5 e 6.
2. Andrea Miconi, 2018, Teorie e pratiche del web, il Mulino
3. T.L. Tuten, M.R. Solomon, Social media marketing, Pearson, Milano, 2020


Studenti e studentesse non frequentanti devono integrare il programma con il seguente volume:

 A. Marinelli, Television (s). Come cambia l’esperienza televisiva tra tecnologie convergenti e pratiche social (edizione breve), Guerini, Milano, 2018.




Internet e social media studies (canale F-O)


Codice corso: qhobt3f

Link diretto Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NTQyNjk4ODMwNzc0


Programma d'esame – Studenti/esse frequentanti

  • Presentazione e discussione del project work di gruppo 

  • Esercitazioni in itinere

  • Materiali a supporto della realizzazione del project work e della relativa discussione

    • Kotler P., Hollensen S., Opresnik M. O., Social Media Marketing: Marketer nella rivoluzione digitale, Hoepli, Milano 2019

    • Dispense del corso


Programma d'esame – Studenti/esse NON frequentanti

1. Kotler P., Hollensen S., Opresnik M. O., «Social Media Marketing: Marketer nella rivoluzione digitale», Hoepli, Milano 2019

2. Cosenza V., Marketing aumentato, Apogeo, 2021

3. Un volume a scelta dello studente, selezionato tra i seguenti:
- Veronica Barassi, "I figli dell'algoritmo", Luiss University Press, 2021
- Kate Crawford, "Né intelligente né artificiale. Il lato oscuro dell'IA", il Mulino, 2021
- Simone Mulargia, "Videogiochi. Effetti sociali speciali", Guerini, 2016

- Claudia Di Fabio, "Piccolo manuale per influencer", Maggioli, 2022

4. Dispense del corso e materiale didattico (pubblicati su Classroom)


La Classroom sarà il principale punto di riferimento per informazioni, aggiornamenti, materiali didattici del corso: tutti gli studenti e le studentesse (anche eventuali non frequentanti) sono pertanto invitati/e a iscriversi quanto prima. Ricordo che per accedere alle Classroom Sapienza è necessario connettersi con un indirizzo email istituzionale (@studenti.uniroma1.it).


Le lezioni si terranno come da calendario pubblicato sul sito Coris: 


Canale F-O

Lunedi, 10.00-12.00, aula Blu 4

Martedì, 8.00-10.00, aula Blu 5

Giovedì, 16.00-18.00, aula Blu 5


Le indicazioni relative agli appelli d'esame sono inviate via email agli studenti prenotati.


Il ricevimento studenti della prof.ssa Sciannamblo si tiene online di norma il venerdì tra le 16.30 e le 18.30 (salvo modifiche).

Le studentesse e gli studenti che desiderassero partecipare al ricevimento sono pregati di inviare una email alla docente per fissare un appuntamento.

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca

Giovedì, dalle 16.30, al momento online su appuntamento.

Science and Technology Studies; Feminist Technoscience Studies; Participatory Design; Digital Media and Communication

2021 | Research Fellow at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Communication and Social Research. Title of the research project: Gender codes: the role of women in the construction of computer science in Italy .
2020 2021 | Adjunct professor in Theories of communication and digital media, Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome.
2020 2021 | Research Fellow at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Communication and Social Research. Title of the research project: Valuing social cooperation through digital media: the Commonfare, between platforms and infrastructures .

2019 2020 | Research and Communication Consultant at AMARC Europe (World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters) within the H2020 project Grassroot Wavelenghts (Grant Agreement No 780890).

2016 - 2019 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Participatory Design and Public Engagement within the H2020 Research Project PIE News/Commonfare (Grant Agreement No 687922), Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal.

November 2020 | National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor (approved unanimously).

2012-2016 | PhD in Sociology and Applied Social Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome.

2008-2010 | Master degree in Economic, Institutional and Political Communication, Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome.

2007 | Bachelor degree in Liberal Studies in Communication, University of Milan.

June 2019 December 2019 | University of Naples Federico II , Department of Political Science.

February 2018 April 2018 | IT University of Copenhagen, Technology in Practice research group.

August 2014 January 2015 | Cornell University, Department of Information Science and Computer Science/Department of Science and Technology Studies.

2009-2010 | Erasmus Exchange Fellow, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.


Sciannamblo, M. 2017. La rivincita delle nerd. Storie di donne, computer e sfida agli stereotipi. Milano: Mimesis.

Special issues and books edited
Sciannamblo, M., Viteritti, A. (Eds.) 2021. Fare la differenza. Stereotipi di genere e nuove pratiche di affermazione nei campi scientifici. Sapienza Università Editrice.

Sciannamblo, M., Teli, M., Lyle, P., Csíkszentmihályi, C. (Eds.) 2020. Infrastructuring the Commons Today, when STS meets ICT. Journal of Peer Production, 14. http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-14-infrastructuring-the-commons-t...

Peer-reviewed articles
Sciannamblo, M., Cohn, M., Lyle, P., Teli, M. 2021. Caring and Commoning as Cooperative Work: a Case Study in Europe. Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, Article 126 (26 pages).

Cibin, R., Robinson, S., Scott, K. M., Sousa, D., i t, P., Maye, L., Sciannamblo, M., Ashby, S., Csi kszentmiha lyi, C., Pantidi, N., Teli, M. 2020. Co-designing convivial tools to support participation in community radio. Radio journal: international studies in broadcast & audio media, 18(1), 43-61.

Teli, M., Foth, M., Sciannamblo, M., Anastasiu Cioaca, I., Lyle, P. 2020. Tales of Institutioning and Commoning: Participatory Design Processes with a Strategic and Tactical Perspective. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2020), Volume 1, pp. 159 171 ACM.

Sciannamblo, M. 2019. In other words: writing research as ethico-onto-epistemic practice. TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 10(2), 79 98.

Sciannamblo, M., Cibin, R., i t, P., Csíkszentmíhalyi, C., Teli, M. 2019. Co-designing collaborative care work through ethnography. In Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies Conference Proceedings. ISBN 978-1-912669-11-0. Available at http://sharingandcaring.eu/news/conference-proceedings-published

Bassetti, C., Sciannamblo, M., Lyle, P., Teli, M., De Paoli, S., De Angeli, A. 2019. Co-designing for common values: creating hybrid spaces to nurture autonomous cooperation. CoDesign. International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 15(3), 256 271.

Lyle, P., Sciannamblo M., Silva, C., Teli M. 2018. Communication in Infrastructuring, or Tales from a Collaborative Project. Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2018, ACM.

Teli, M., Lyle, P., Sciannamblo, M. 2018. Institutioning the common. The case of Commonfare. Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Full Papers-Volume 1 (p. 6), ACM.

Sciannamblo M., Lyle, P., & Teli, M. 2018. Fostering Commonfare. Entanglements between Participatory Design and Feminism. Proceedings of DRS Design Research Society Conference: Full Papers-Volume 2 (pp. 458-471).

Lyle, P., Sciannamblo M., Teli M. 2018. Fostering Commonfare. Infrastructuring Autonomous Social Collaboration. CHI '18 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System.

Gandolfi, E., Sciannamblo M. 2018. Unfolding female Quiet in wargames. Gender bias in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain from representation to gameplay. Feminist Media Studies, 19 (3).

Lyle, P., Sciannamblo M., Teli M. 2017. Fostering Commonfare. Strategies and Tactics in a Collaborative Project. Proceedings of the 29th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, ACM.

Sciannamblo, M. 2017. The hard hat problem : women traveling the world of computing. Proceedings of the 6th STS Italia Conference Sociotechnical Environments , pp. 249-262. Trento, November 24 26, 2016.

Pozzi A., Sciannamblo M., Viteritti A. 2017. Trajectories of Women in Mathematics and Computer Science: Mobility, Positioning and Hybridization. Polis, 31(1), pp. 73-96.

De Vita L., Sciannamblo M., Viteritti A. 2016. Re-thinking intersectionality through Science and Technology Studies: trajectories of Women in technoscientific fields. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 3, 2016.

Sciannamblo, M. 2016. Binary codes. A gender-informed discussion on professionalism in nascent digital computing. About Gender. International Journal of Gender Studies, 5(9), pp. 103-122.

Non peer-reviewed publications
Parisi, S., Sciannamblo, M. 2022. Costruire «un immaginario di forza e di possibilità». Intervista con le attiviste del gruppo comunicazione di Lucha y Siesta. Mediascapes journal, 91-102.

PhD dissertation
Sciannamblo, M. 2016. Troubling Binary Codes. Studying Information Technology at the Intersection of Science and Technology Studies and Feminist Technoscience Studies. PhD dissertation. Sapienza University of Rome. Available at https://iris.uniroma1.it/handle/11573/926386#.Ww6nb1Pt5R0

Book chapters
Sciannamblo, M. 2021. Fare la differenza: l'esperienza delle donne nell'informatica . In M. Sciannamblo, A. Viteritti (Eds.), Fare la differenza. Stereotipi di genere e nuove pratiche di affermazione nei campi scientifici. Sapienza Università Editrice.

Sciannamblo, M., Viteritti, A. 2021. Pratiche di affermazione tra contesti e saperi tecnoscientifici . In M. Sciannamblo, A. Viteritti (Eds.), Fare la differenza. Stereotipi di genere e nuove pratiche di affermazione nei campi scientifici. Sapienza Università Editrice.

Sciannamblo, M. 2020. Mano, cervello, e cuore: uno sguardo di genere e femminista sul sapere scientifico . In V. Moretti, B. Morsello (Eds.), Interferenze digitali. Prospettive sociologiche su tecnologie, biomedicina e identità di genere. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Sciannamblo, M. 2014. The Internet between politics and the political: the birth of the Pirate Party . In M. Fredriksson, J. Arvanitakis (Eds.), Piracy: Leakages from Modernity. Los Angeles: Litwin Books LLC, 2014, pp. 177-194.

De Blasio, E., Pili, E., Sciannamblo, M., Trino, N. 2013. La rappresentanza politica femminile nell'Unione Europea . In E. De Blasio, F. Gentile (Eds.), Cose da donne? La leadership di gender raccontata ai media. Roma: CMCS Working Papers, 2013, pp. 45-69.

De Blasio, E., Pili, E., Sciannamblo, M., Trino, N. 2013. La presenza delle donne in politica in Italia . In E. De Blasio, F. Gentile (Eds.), Cose da donne? La leadership di gender raccontata ai media. Roma: CMCS Working Papers, 2013, pp. 73-81.

Sciannamblo, M. 2013. Casi di studio: Stefania Prestigiacomo . In E. De Blasio, F. Gentile (Eds.), Cose da donne? La leadership di gender raccontata ai media. Roma: CMCS Working Papers, 2013, pp. 190-211.

Sciannamblo, M. 2012. The problem of evaluating public relation activities as social and intangible issues: the importance of research with practical applications . In M. Sorice (Ed.), Assessing Communication. Integrated approaches in political, social and business context. Roma: LUISS University Press, 2012, pp. 15-51.

Sciannamblo, M. 2012. Communication is business: the strategic role of intangible assets in the process of reputation building . In M. Sorice (Ed.), Assessing Communication. Integrated approaches in political, social and business context. Roma: LUISS University Press, 2012, pp. 153-162.

Sciannamblo, M. 2011. Internet goes to politics: the Swedish Pirate Party . In E. De Blasio, M. Hibberd, M. Sorice (Eds.), Leadership and new trends in political communication. Selected Papers. Rome: CMCS Working Papers, 2011, pp. 99-110.

Sciannamblo, M. 2010. User Generated Cinema . In E. De Blasio, P. Peverini (Eds.), Open Cinema. Scenari di visione cinematografica negli anni Dieci. Roma: Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo, 2010, pp. 163-173.

Research/technical reports
Sciannamblo M., Diasio, F. 2020. Communication and Dissemination Report. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5155535

Botto, F., Sciannamblo M., Teli, M., Rough, D., Serino, R., Morini, C., Monaco, G., Bassetti, C., De Angeli, A. 2019. Evaluation Report. https://zenodo.org/record/3332730#.YJ52OmYzabs

Sciannamblo M., Teli, M. 2018. Mid-Term Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Report. Available at: http://pieproject.eu/2018/01/08/d5-2-mid-term-dissemination-exploitation...

Other publications and media contributions
Lucha y Siesta: bene comune transfemminista, tra utopia ed economia della cura (with Annalisa Fabretti, Michela Cicculli, Egilda Orrico), Intersezionale. 2021. https://www.intersezionale.com/2021/05/10/bene-comune-transfemminista-tr... nomia-della-cura/

Pensare pensare dobbiamo, ancora! Appunti dall azienda Università , traduzione italiana di Think We Must, again! Notes from Academia Inc di Maria Puig de la Bellacasa. Effimera. Critica e sovversioni del presente. 2019. http://effimera.org/pensare-pensare-dobbiamo-ancora-appunti-dallazienda-...

La rivincita delle nerd , InGenere. 2018. http://www.ingenere.it/articoli/la-rivincita-delle-nerd

La rivincita delle nerd. Storie di donne, computer e sfida agli stereotipi , Effimera. Critica e sovversioni del presente. 2018. http://effimera.org/la-rivincita-delle-nerd-mariacristina-sciannamblo/

La rivincita delle nerd. Storie di donne, computer e sfida agli stereotipi . Interview for letture.org. 2018. https://www.letture.org/la-rivincita-delle-nerd-storie-di-donne-computer...

Siamo tutte nerd , review of the book La rivincita delle nerd for girodivite.it. 2018. https://www.girodivite.it/Siamo-tutte-nerd.html

Gender Gap in ICT: i dati, sotto tortura, lo confermano , Interview for ingenium-magazine.it. 2018. https://www.ingenium-magazine.it/gender-gap-ict/

Tech. Chi dice che non è roba per donne? , radio interview for Pensatech , Radio Città del Capo. 2018. https://www.radiocittadelcapo.it/archives/tech-roba-per-donne-191238/

Undoing the Ontology of the Poor: A Participatory Design Project (with Maurizio Teli), post for Backchannels, blog della Society for Social Studies of Science. 2017. http://www.4sonline.org/blog/post/undoing_the_ontology_of_the_poor_a_par...

Donne e tecnologia, oltre le dicotomie di genere , greenious, 2017. https://www.greenious.it/author/cristina-sciannamblo/

Che genere di informatica, la storia Eniac Girls , InGenere. 2016. http://www.ingenere.it/articoli/genere-informatica-storia-eniac-girls

April 2019 December 2020 | Research and Communication Officer within the H2020 Research Project Grassroots Wavelenghts. Responsiblities and work undertaken: writing research papers; management of the project Facebook and Twitter page; management of the project official website; writing and development of project press releases, factsheets, and newsletters; writing of project deliverables and milestones; organization of project events; coordination of work package consortium meetings.

2016 2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher in Participatory Design and Public Engagement within the H2020 Research Project PIE News/Commonfare. Responsibilities and work undertaken: writing research papers and other outputs; management of the project Facebook page; development of contents for the commonfare.net platform; writing and development of project press releases, factsheets, and newsletters; organization of project events; writing of grant proposals.

June 2021 Invitation to the round table Innovating the sociotechnical contract in Italy: investigating potential roles for STS scholars in the Horizon Europe era , organized by STS Italia Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies at VIII STS Italia Conference Dis/Entangling Technoscience (18 June 2021)

May 2021 Rethinking technology through Feminist Technoscience Studies , seminar delivered in the scope of the course Technology in Organizations and Society , Ma lardalen University (Svezia).

March 2020 Invitation to the round table Blockchain for Social Change: Promises and Possibilities , organized by the Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II . https://www.societing.org/event/blockchain-for-social-change-promises-an...

November 2019 Invitation to coordinate the workshop No data, no problem, no action: il gender gap dentro e oltre i numeri , by Women2027, Bruxelles (Belgium). https://donnesifastoria.it/news/women-2027-dedicato-alle-donne-che-fanno...

January 2019 Invited lecture, Rethinking Innovation through Science and Technologies Studies . Master Program, Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino.

May 2018 Invited lecture, The role of space and materiality in organizations . Master in Spatial Design, University of Madeira.

April 2018 Invited lecture, Fostering the Welfare of the Commons: the case of Commonfare . MSc Course: Digital Management Accountability and Governance , IT University of Copenhagen.

April 2018 From Sharing to Caring: the Case of Commonfare , talk delivered at the Technology in Practice Research Group weekly Salon , IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark).

November 2017 Instructor of the Training School On the Collaborative Economy. Learning from Critical Perspectives . https://www.m-iti.org/content/ca16121-training-school

October 2017 Invited lecture on Narratology for interactive storytelling (II) Gender Troubles . International Master in Interactive Media Design, University of Madeira.

May 2017 Writing research as ethico-onto-epistemic practice , University of Applied Arts Vienna, Art & Science (Austria). http://artscience.uni-ak.ac.at/activities/writing_research_as_ethico-ont...

October 2021 Conference presentation, From representation to gameplay: analyzing the cultural mediatization of female characters in war video games , Gender and Media Matters International Conference, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Roma (Italy), 15-16 October, 2021.

June 2021 Conference presentation, Home sharers o platform workers? Una ricerca sugli host di Airbnb a Roma e Berlino , III Convegno SISCC Le reti dei valori. I valori delle reti", online, 24-25 June, 2021. (with Stefania Parisi e Lou Brandner)

June 2021 Conference presentation, Rethinking knowledge production to confront vulnerabilities in a European project , STS Italia Conference, online, 17-19 June, 2021.

June 2021 Conference presentation, Make the difference: living the experience of margins in technoscientific fields , Second International Conference of the journal Scuola Democratica , online, 2-3-4-5 June, 2021. (with Assunta Viteritti)

August 2020 Conference presentation, Feminist Technoscience And Marxism: Contemporary Entanglements Towards Novel Conceptual Lenses , EASST/4S 2020 Conference, Prague (Czech Republic) 18-21 August, 2020. (With Natalia Avlona)

June 2020 Conference presentation, Tales of Institutioning and Commoning: Participatory Design Processes with a Strategic and Tactical Perspective , 16th Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2020), Manizales (Colombia) 15-19 June, 2020. (With Maurizio Teli)

October 2019 Conference presentation, Co-designing collaborative care work through ethnography , Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies Conference, University of Edinburgh (UK), 29 October, 2019.

September 2019 Conference presentation, Mentoring as practice: a sociomaterial perspective , Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities Conference, University of Naples Federico II , Naples (Italy), 16-17 September, 2019.

December 2018 Workshop presentation, Towards a caring culture: the case of Santacoin digital complementary currency , Post Start-Up Cultures workshop, University of Naples Federico II , Naples (Italy), 20-21 December, 2018.

July 2018 Conference presentation, STS meet Participatory Design for social good: the case of Commonfare , Meetings Making Science, Technology and Society together: EASST Conference 2018, Lancaster University (UK), 25-28 July, 2018.

June 2018 Conference presentation, Becoming an infrastructure: co-designing for common values in a European participatory design project , STS Italia Conference Technoscience from Below , Padova (Italy), June 14-16, 2018.

June 2018 Conference presentation, Fostering Commonfare. Entanglements between Participatory Design and Feminism , Design Research Society Conference 2018, Limerick (Ireland), June 25-28, 2018.

August 2017 Conference presentation, Unmaking and remaking Europe through design: what role for sociology? , 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens (Greece), August 28-September 1, 2017.

July 2017 Workshop presentation, The practice and politics of care in a European participatory design project , Collaborative Economies From Sharing to Caring workshop at Communities and Technologies 2017 Conference, Troyes (France), July 26-30, 2017.

June 2017 Conference presentation, Reading Critical Theories in Participatory Design as Ontological Politics , Joint Meeting Red EsCTS and Portuguese STS Network, Lisbon (Portugal), June 7-9, 2017.

February 2017 Workshop presentation, CSCW as an engaged program. Notes on public cooperative practices and critical theory , Theory Transfers? Social Theory and CSCW research workshop at ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Portland (USA), February 25 March 1, 2017.

February 2017 Workshop presentation, Public Design for Underserved Communities: a European Case Study , Reflection on Design Methods for Underserved Communities workshop at ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Portland (USA), February 25 March 1, 2017.

November 2016 Conference presentation, The hard hat problem : women traveling the world of computing , 6th STS Italia Conference Sociotechnical Environments , Trento, November 24 26, 2016.

September 2016 Conference presentation, Writing research as ethico-onto-epistemic practice , 4S/EASST Conference, Barcelona (Spain), August 31-September 3, 2016.

June 2016 Conference presentation, We are here , They are there . Understanding the construction of organizational boundaries through spatiality , Gender, Work & Organization, 9th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Keele University (UK), June 28-July 1, 2016.

June 2015 Conference presentation, Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge , Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge Conference, Charles University Prague (Czech Republic), June 4-6, 2015.

September 2021 to date member of the Organizing Committee (Doctoral Colloquium co-chair) of the Participatory Design Conference 2022, Newcastle University (UK), 30 August 1 September 2022.

June 2021 Member of the Organizing Committee of the VIII STS Italia Conference Dis/Entangling Technoscience , 17-19 June, 2021.

June 2021 Conference track convener Disentangling digital feminist technoscience , VIII STS Italia Conference Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility and Justice , University of Trieste, Trieste (Italy), 17-19 June, 2021 (con Letizia Zampino).

June 2021 Conference track convener Gendering, learning, and scientific practices: reinventing education from the margins , Second International Conference of the journal Scuola Democratica , online, 2-3-4-5 June, 2021. (with Letizia Zampino e Assunta Viteritti).

June 2020 Member of the Organizing Committee (Communication chair) of the Participatory Design Conference 2020, Manizales (Colombia), 15-19 June 2020.

September 2019 Member of the Organizing Committee of the Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities Conference, University of Naples Federico II, 16-17 September 2019.

July 2018 - Conference panel convener STS meet ICT: politics and the collaborative turn in STS , Meetings Making Science, Technology and Society together: EASST Conference 2018, Lancaster University (UK), 25-28 July 2018.

June 2018 Member of the Organizing Committee of the STS Italia Conference Technoscience from Below , Padova, June 14-16, 2018.

June 2018 Conference track convener Social learning and technoscience from below: uses of digital devices and knowledge construction , Technoscience From Below: VII STS Italia Conference, Padova (Italy), 14-16 June, 2018. (With Assunta Viteritti and Letizia Zampino).

November 2017 COST Action 16121 Training School: On the collaborative economy. Learning from critical perspectives , Funchal (Portugal), 20-24 November 2017. (With Maurizio Teli, Peter Lyle, Chris Csíkszentmihályi, James Auger, Enrique Encinas, Julian Hanna).

November 2016 Conference track convener Gendering, learning, and work practices in technologically dense environments , Sociotechnical Environments: VI STS Italia Conference, University of Trento (Italy), 24-26 November, 2016. (With Assunta Viteritti).

November 2016 Member of the Organizing Committee of the Sociotechnical Environments: VI STS Italia Conference, University of Trento (Italy), 24-26 November, 2016.

June 2016 Conference workshop convener Gendering Technoscientific Organizations , Gender, Work & Organization, 9th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Keele University, England, June 28 July 1, 2016. (With Luisa De Vita, Assunta Viteritti, Orazio Giancola).

January 2016 Member of the Organizing Committee STS Italia 10th Anniversary, Sapienza University of Rome, 29-30 January, 2016.

Spring 2021. Adjunct professor. Course: Theories of communication and digital media media (6 CFU). Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome.

Fall 2020. Adjunct professor. Course: Science, Technology, and Society (8 CFU 56 hours). Bachelor Program, Department of Humanities, University of Napoli Federico II .

October 2019 January 2020. Teaching assistant. Course: Science and Technologies Studies. Master Program, Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino.

Fall 2015 Teaching assistant. Course: Conoscenza Apprendimento e Tecnologie nelle Organizzazioni (Knowledge, Learning and Technologies in Organizations). Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome.

Fall 2013 Teaching assistant. Course: Conoscenza Apprendimento e Comunicazione nelle Organizzazioni (Knowledge, Learning and Communication in Organizations). Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome.

Fall 2012 Teaching assistant. Course: Linguaggi dei nuovi media (Languages of New Media). Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University.

Fall 2011 Teaching assistant. Course: Semiotica dei consumi (Semiotics of Consumption). Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University.

Fall 2011 Teaching assistant. Course: Semiotica della comunicazione visuale (Semiotics of Visual Communication). Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University.

European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
STS Italia Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies

Member of Editorial Board
TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies.

Member of Advisory Boards
PDC (Participatory Design Conference) Junior member

Manuscript Reviewer
CHI, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CoDesign. International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts
Communities & Technologies Conference 2017, 2021
Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference
Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference 2020
DigitCult@Scientific Journal on Digital Culture
Engineering Studies
Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI) 2020
Participatory Design Conference 2018, 2020, 2022
Scuola Democratica (fascia A)
Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies (fascia A)
Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (fascia A)