Ritratto di francesco.bassobasset@uniroma1.it

Corso di Laboratorio di Meccanica (secondo semestre A.A. 2023/2024, canale Gem-Pes)

Fisica L-30

Il corso è tenuto dalla Prof.ssa Leonetta Baldassarre (docente verbalizzante) e dal Dott. Francesco Basso Basset



Le lezioni si svolgeranno in Aula Cabibbo dell'Edificio Marconi, mentre le esperienze di laboratorio presso i laboratori Pontecorvo in via Tiburtina.

Gli orari delle lezioni, assieme alle informazioni sui gruppi di laboratorio, sono riportate nel sito sulla piattaforma Moodle e-learning Sapienza (vedi voce seguente).


Si raccomanda l'iscrizione al corso sulla piattaforma Moodle e-learning Sapienza per l'accesso ad avvisi, orari, assegnazione turni e materiale didattico condiviso.
Link: https://elearning.uniroma1.it/course/view.php?id=17385


Testi di riferimento:

C. Bini "Lezioni di Statistica per la Fisica Sperimentale", Nuova Cultura Editrice.
J. R. Taylor “Introduzione all’analisi statistica degli errori”, Zanichelli.
P. Fornasini “The Uncertainty in Physical Measurements: An Introduction to Data Analysis in the Physics Laboratory”, Springer.

Dispense del corso messe a disposizione degli studenti.



Ricevimento mercoledì dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 in modalità da remoto o presso l'ufficio 303 dell'Edificio Marconi, previo appuntamento tramite email.

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
FISICA 1008195 2022/2023
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2021/2022
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2021/2022
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2021/2022
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2020/2021
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2020/2021
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2020/2021
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2019/2020
FISICA GENERALE I 1017999 2019/2020

Mercoledì dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 in modalità da remoto previo appuntamento tramite email.

Work Experience
02/2022 current: Researcher (RTDa), Sapienza University of Rome, Physics Department, Rome (Italy). Main research topics related to the development of single and entangled photon sources based on quantum dots and promising novel quantum emitters and to their application in quantum information and communication. Position funded by the Sapienza University of Rome for teaching and research activities inherent to the experimental condensed matter physics division (research discipline FIS/03 sector 02/B1 of the Italian Ministry of Research).
03/2021 01/2022: Postdoctoral Researcher, Sapienza University of Rome, Physics Department, Rome (Italy). Research project on quantum communication using entangled photons emitted from quantum dots under the project FET Open QUROPE.
02/2018 02/2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, Sapienza University of Rome, Physics Department, Rome (Italy). Research project on entangled photon sources based on epitaxial quantum dots, under the project ERC Starting Grant SPQRel.
Education and Training
12/2014 03/2018: PhD in Materials Science and Nanotechnology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan (Italy). Thesis title: GaAs nanostructures for the generation of entangled photons: design, development, and spectroscopy. Activities performed at the Laboratory of Semiconductor Spectroscopy of the University of Milano-Bicocca in close collaboration with the Interuniversity Center L-NESS in Como.
11/2016 06/2017: Research Traineeship, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Linz (Austria). Supported by the Erasmus+ Traineeship program (supervisor: Prof. Rinaldo Trotta, mentor: Prof. Armando Rastelli).
03/2012 07/2014: Master s Degree in Physics, University of Milan, Milan (Italy), mark 110 out of 110, cum laude. Thesis title: Elastic and plastic properties of Ge mesostructures integrated on Si investigated by optical spectroscopy. Activity performed at the Laboratory of Semiconductor Spectroscopy of the University of Milano-Bicocca in close collaboration with the Interuniversity Center L-NESS in Como.
10/2008 02/2012: Bachelor s Degree in Physics, University of Milan, Milan (Italy), mark 110 out of 110, cum laude. Thesis title: Time-resolved emission spectroscopy of free carbon clusters. Activity performed at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces of the University of Milan.
09/2003 07/2008: Secondary School Leaving Certificate in Scientific Studies, Liceo Scientifico Statale "Edoardo Amaldi", Alzano Lombardo (BG, Italy), mark 100 out of 100.
10/2022 current: Lecturer, Sapienza University of Rome, Latina (Italy). Lecturer for the Physics course of the Bachelor s Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology.
02/2022 03/2023: Lecturer, Sapienza University of Rome, Latina (Italy). Lecturer for the General Physics I course of the Bachelor s Degrees in Environmental and Industrial Engineering and Information Engineering.
Co-authored 18 publications (6 first-author) on international peer-review journals, including Science Advances, Physical Review Letters, Optica, Nano Letters, npj Quantum Information, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, Quantum Science and Technology, Nanotechnology, Journal of Applied Physics (full list at scholar.google.com/citations?user=0_u_-3oAAAAJ&hl=it&oi=ao).
Several contributions at international scientific conferences, namely 15 talks (6 of which invited), and 6 poster presentations (full list at francescobassobasset.github.io/files/CV_eng_FBB_20220201.pdf).
Honors and Awards
2021: Research project "Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca" funded by the Sapienza University of Rome, title: Experimental investigation of novel entangled states in the photon pair generation from a quantum dot.
2020: Research project "Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca" funded by the Sapienza University of Rome, title: Solid-state-based entangled photon emitters matched to Rb vapor cells as a viable interconnect technology for quantum networks.
2016 2017: Erasmus+ Traineeship for an international mobility period at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria).
2008 2012: Scholarship "Progetto Lauree Scientifiche" funded by the Società Italiana di Fisica, second place at the national level.
Other professional duties
03/2021 current: Scientific reviewer for the journals npj Quantum Information, Physical Review B, Physical Review X, Physical Review Materials, Applied Physics Letters, and Communication Physics.
12/2020 current: Review Editor for the journal Frontiers in Photonics, Quantum Optics section.
11/2020 01/2022: Postdoctoral representative in the Physics Department Council, Sapienza University of Rome