Ritratto di Alessandra.Derose@uniroma1.it

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Ricevimento studenti in presenza o per Meet, meglio SU APPUNTAMENTO: alessandra.derose@uniroma1.it




Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2023/2024
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2023/2024
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2022/2023
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2021/2022
Demografia 1017493 2021/2022
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2020/2021
Demografia 1017493 2020/2021
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2019/2020
Demografia 1017493 2019/2020
Demografia 1017493 2018/2019
Demografia 1017493 2017/2018
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2017/2018
Demografia 1017493 2016/2017
Demografia 1017493 2016/2017
DEMOGRAFIA 1017493 2016/2017

In presenza o da remoto, tramite appuntamento su richiesta dello studente scrivendo a: alessandra.derose@uniroma1.it

DE ROSE Alessandra s CV Sketch info
Alessandra De Rose is full professor of Demography at Sapienza University of Rome and President of the Italian National Committee - ASN (National Scientific and Teaching Qualification) for Demography and Social Statistics, years 2021-2023 and Editor of Genus - Journal of population sciences, Springer Verlag. She has been former chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Population, Migrations and Development , president of the Italian Association for Population Studies (AISP-SIS) in the period 2011-2015 and dean of the European and Doctoral School in Demography (EDSD) in the academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17.
Her main research interests include fertility and family behaviors, gender inequalities and consequences on population ageing. Presently, she is PI for Sapienza within the PNRR-PE8 Project Age-It. Ageing well in an ageing society , Spoke1 - The demography of ageing with focus on workforce ageing and intergenerational care.
She has published in prestigious journals in demography and sociology such as Population Studies, Demographic Research, European Journal of Population, Genus, European Sociological Review, Social Indicators Research. The research output includes more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 40 chapters in national and international books and several papers in international conference proceedings. (H-index=19; i10Index= 35 source: GoogleScholar 04.01.2024).

Recent project as PI or local unit coordinator:
2023-2026: PNRR-PE8: Age-It Ageing well in an ageing society (PI: Daniele Vignoli, Università degli studi di Firenze, Responsible for Sapienza Team, Spoke1)
16-2020: JPI - More Years Better Lives (MYBL): project: Age-Specific Wellbeing and Transfer Accounts: Evaluation Intergenerational Support -AgeWellAccounts (PI: Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, VID, Wien) responsible for the Italian Team.
2019-2021: Sapienza University: The economic and social sustainability of population aging: the challenges of the Silver Economy in the digital age.
2016-2018: Sapienza University: project Population Dynamics and Climate Changes: a Micro - Macro Analysis of Reciprocal Influences.
2014-2016: Sapienza University: The Impact of the economic crisis on longevity and health: new challenges for the welfare state.
2015: Ministry of Health&Angelini S.p.A. Piper No-pain weekend, a survey on pediatric pain treatment.

List of selected publication related to the project topic (last five years since 2023):
1. Moretti, M., Cisotto, R., & De Rose, A. (2024). Uncovering disability-free grandparenthood in Italy between 1998 and 2016 using gender specific decomposition, Demographic Research, vol.50(429. 1247-1264, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2024.50.42
2. Juárez Carcaño, F.M., De Rose, A., & Testa, M. R. (2024). La relación entre la educación y las preferencias de la fecundidad en México: Lecciones de Italia, Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, 39)1), pp. 1-41 http://dx.doi.org/10.24201/edu.v39i1.2192
3. De Rose, A., Guagnano, G. (2023), Having children in Europe: the role of social capital, Review of European Studies, 15(1), 1-24, DOI:10.5539/res.v15n1p24
4. Lo Conte, M., Corsetti, G., De Rose, A., Marsili, M., Meli, E. (2023). The Future of the Italian Family: Evidence from a Household Projection Model. In: Schoen, R. (eds) The Demography of Transforming Families (pp.93-118). The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, vol 56. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29666-6_6
5. De Rose, A. (2023). Dinamiche di popolazione, trasformazioni della famiglia e domanda abitativa. In M.G. della Scala & S. Santangelo (Eds.), Diritto all abitare e questione abitativa. Tra edilizia residenziale pubblica e housing sociale (pp. 117-135). Roma: Giappichelli Editore. isbn: 9788892170483
6. Zannella, M., Aloé, E., Corsi, M., & De Rose, A. (2022). Unpaid family work and the subjective well-being of Italian women during the lockdown. In Proceedings of the 51° Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistics Association, Caserta 22-24 June 2022 (pp.155-163) (invited paper). Milano: Pearson.
7. Guarneri, A., Rinesi, F., Fraboni, R., De Rose, A. (2021), On the magnitude, frequency, and nature of marriage dissolution in Italy: insights from vital statistics and life-table analysis. Genus 77, 28 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41118-021-00138-2
8. Zannella, M. & De Rose, A. (2021), Fathers and mothers subjective well-being in childcare time: the role of multitasking, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 19, p.1-28, https://doi.org/10.1553/populationyearbook2021.res3.3
9. Zannella M., De Rose (2019), Stability and change in family time transfers and workload inequality in Italian couples, Demographic Research, 40, pp. 49-60, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.3, ISSN 2363-7064
10. Zannella M., De Rose (2019), Italians use of time during the economic crisis: implications for the gender division of labour, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, (Vol. 17), pp. 141 162, DOI: 10.1553/populationyearbook2019s141
11. De Rose A., Racioppi F., Checcucci P., Arezzo M.F., Polli C. (2019). The Workforce Aging and Challenges for Policy and for Business. The Case of Italy, Review of European Studies, 11(4), p.10.5539/res.v11n4p60, online first: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/res/article/view/0/41304
12. Giudici C., Polettini S., De Rose A., Brouard N. (2019), Which Aspects of Elderly Living Conditions are Important to Predict Mortality? The Complex Role of Family Ties at Home and in Institutions, Social Indicators Research, 142(3), pp.1255 1283 DOI:10.1007/s11205-018-1945-9.
13. Ciritel A., De Rose A., Arezzo MF. (2019), Childbearing intentions in a low fertility context: the case of Romania, Genus, 75(4), pp.25, DOI:10.1186/s41118-018-0046-6, ISSN:2035-5556
14. Arima S., Demurtas P., De Rose A., La Valle E., Menniti A., M.R. Sebastiani, (2018), The gender gap at home and in the labour market: the case of Italy, Sodemomed, in Bloss Thierry, Widmer Bloss Isabelle, Ambrosetti Elena, Pages Michèle, Oliveau Sébastien (Edited by) Ageing, Lifestyles and Economic Crisis: The New People of the Mediterranean, Routledge, pp.195-224, ISBN: 978113804026-7

Email address: alessandra.derose@uniroma1.it

ORCID: 0000-0001-7533-1435
Updated: June 2024