Ritratto di Davide.Ragozzino@uniroma1.it


Le lezioni di fisiologia umana per gli studenti di fisiologia umana e vegetale, si terranno a partire da martedi 17 marzo seguendo l'orario stabilito attraverso la piattaforma Meet.


Per il momento (e salvo cambiamenti) le lezioni sono programmate secondo il seguente orario:

martedi 17/3 9.00-11.00 controllo motorio

giovedi 19/3 9.00-11.00 Contrazione muscolare

martedi 24/3 9.00-11.00 sistema nervoso autonomo

martedi 31/3 9.00-11.00 SNA/sistema endocrino

giovedi 2/4 9.00-11.00 asse ipotalamo ipofisario

martedi 7/4 9.00-11.00 asse ipotalamo ipofisario

martedi 21/4 9.00-11.00 cpntrollo glicemia

martedi 28/4 9.00-11.00 controllo equilibri ionici

martedi 05/5 9.00-11.00 digerente

martedi 12/4 9.00-11.00 recupero

Le lezioni previste per il 5 e 10 marzo scorsi, che non sono state svolte sono disponibili come powerpoint, da usare esclusivamente come orientamento per lo studio individuale e non per riproduzione, sulla piattaforma e-learning/moodle al seguente link:  https://elearning.uniroma1.it/course/view.phpid=11237


Fisiologia umana CCLB II anno


venerdi 20/3 8.00-10.00 equilibri

lunedi 23/3 15.00-18.00 filtrazione glomerulare

martedi 24/3 16.00-19.00 funzioni tubulari

venerdi 27/3 8.00-10.00 formazione urina

lunedi 30/3 15.00-18.00 controllo funzione renale

martedi 31/3 16.00-19.00 controllo pH




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Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2023/2024
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2022/2023
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2021/2022
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1036315 2021/2022
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2021/2022
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2020/2021
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2020/2021
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2019/2020
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2018/2019
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2017/2018
FISIOLOGIA GENERALE 1008197 2016/2017
FISIOLOGIA UMANA 1035576 2016/2017

Curriculum Vitae Davide Ragozzino

Part I - General Information:
Date of Birth: 19/10/1965. Place of Birth: MILAN Citizenship: ITALIAN
Permanent Address: VIA Adelaide Bono Cairoli 5, 00145 ROMA
Mobile Phone Number: +39 392 5539322
E-mail: davide.ragozzino@uniroma1.it
Spoken Languages: English, French

ORCID: 0000-0002-3290-7665
ResearcherID: K-6521-2016
Scopus Author ID: 6701712740

Part II Education
School and location Degree Year Field
University Tor Vergata Roma, Rome, Italy M.Sc. 1990 Biology, 110/110 cum Laude
University of l Aquila, l Aquila, Italy Ph.D. 1995 Biotechnology

Part III Appointments

IIIA Academic Appointments

Present position: Full Professor of Physiology Group leader, Sapienza University of Rome
Director Interdepartmental Center for Research in Neurobiology Daniel Bovet /Sapienza Neuroscience
Group leader Department of Experimental Neurosciences, Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome

Previous appointments
Start End Institution Position
2006 2017 Sapienza University of Rome Associate Professor/Group leader
1995 2006 Sapienza University of Rome Assistant Professor
1993 1994 Inserm U29-Paris Research fellow
1990 1993 Lab of Biophysics Research fellow
1994 1995 Istituto Regina Elena Rome Research fellow

IIIB Other Appointments
Start End Institution Position
2020 present Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome Group Leader
2018 2020 Research Commission, Sapienza Member
2017-present Neurobiology Research Center-D. Bovet Director
2012 2018 Neuromed Research Collaborator
2015-present Sapienza University of Rome Responsible animal welfare
2000 2012 Doctorate in Neurophysiology Board Member
2012-present Doctorate in Clinical/Exp. Neuroscience Board Member
2011 2014 Sapienza University of Rome
Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine Council Member
2006 2012 Sapienza University of Rome
Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (SFA) Secretary CdL
2002. 2003 Méditerranée, Marseille Research fellow CNR-Inserm

Part IV - Teaching Experience (last 6 years)
2016-present Human Physiology, DU Nurse S. Spirito, Sapienza University of Rome
2012-present Human Physiology, CdL Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome
2013-present Human Physiology, CdL Biotechnology, Sapienza University of Rome
2014-present Physiology, CdL Orthoptics, Sapienza University of Rome

Part V - Society membership, awards and honors, ad-hoc reviewer journals
2019-present Member of the International Scientific Board of the Kazan
State Medical University (Russia)
2017 President of the final evaluation Board Joint Doctorat en Neurosciences- Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev, Ukraine
2010 2016 Member of the Academic Senate of University Sapienza (2 terms)
2003-present Member of the Italian Physiological Society (SIF)

Ad-hoc reviewer:
Scientific journals: Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurochemistry, GLIA, European Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Molecular Psychiatry, Frontiers.

Grant agencies: Agencie Nationale de la Recherche, France; Ministero dell Istruzione, dell Universita e della Ricerca- RePRISE, Italy; ERC; FISM; Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

Part VI - Funding Information [grants as PI-principal investigator, I-investigator, key collaborator]

PNRR: M6/C2_CALL 2022 Malattie Croniche non Trasmissibili (MCnT) ad alto impatto sui sistemi sanitari e socio-assistenziali -Reli ving the burden of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: disentangle mechanisms of vulnerability and resilience to tailor personalized therapeutic intervention.Acronym: Reli ving-PTSD
24 months; 999.371 euro; Key collaborator;
- https://www.pnrr.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_bandi_295_3_file.pdf

PRIN Gene environment interactions in autism spectrum disorders: the role of microglia as a key towards new therapeutic strategies; Codice progetto: 2022HTFEH5; 282.089 euro; PI

Sapienza-Medie Attrezzature Scientifiche - classe 3: Extracellular vesicles-mediated cell to cell communication in the brain: from physiological mechanisms to diagnostic and therapeutic use
99.281 euro; PI.

2021 Istituto Pasteur Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti: Role of microglia in synaptic adaptations in the nucleus accumbens during abstinence from cocaine: from mechanisms to strategies for drug relapse prevention
2 years; 40.000 euro; PI

2021 ERA-NET NEURON 2021 Neurodevelopmental Disorders SHANKASTRO: Astrocytes dysfunctions in Phelan McDermid syndrome: from mechanisms towards new therapeutic strategies
36 months 250.000 euro PI

2021 Telethon: The role of astrocytic mitochondria in 22q11 deletion syndrome.
36 months- 240.000 euro (Co-PI)

2020 Role of microglia on synaptic adaptations in the nucleus accumbens during abstinence from cocaine: from mechanisms to strategies for therapeutic interventions to prevent drug relapse. Sapienza Grandi progetti 12 months 73800 euro; PI

2018 PRIN: 2017 - 2017HPTFFC - Synaptic engrams in memory formation and recall.
132.000 euro; 36 months, PI

2015 Sapienza Grandi progetti - Neuronal-microglial signaling in synaptic development
12 mesi 28.000 euro; PI

2009 PRIN- Studio degli effetti comportamentali, biochimici ed elettrofisiologici dell'espressione del frammento neurotossico 26-230 della proteina Tau
24 months; 64.500 euro, PI

2001 FIRB Progetti Negoziali 2001 - Analisi biochimica, elettrofisiologica, anatomica e comportamentale di topi geneticamente modificati nella via di trasduzione del segnale sinaptico Ras/MAPK
36 months; 182.800 euro; PI

Other projects
2014 Neuroplasticità: dalle molecole al comportamento, Sapienza Congressi e convegni., 2.000 euro
2011 Microglial functional properties in development and aging Sapienza FARI, 7.000 euro
2007-09 Progetti Ateneo Federato SPPS, 3.000 euro
2006 Gutierrez Rafael Visiting Professor, 3.800 euro
2003-6 Sapienza Facoltà di Farmacia, 5.000 euro
2001 Sapienza progetto Facoltà, 7.000.000 lire

Part VII - Research Activities
Keywords and brief description:
Synaptic transmission: Study of synaptic physiology in rodent and human slices
GABA/glutamate: Gabaergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission: neurotransmitters, receptors and synapses
Chemokines; Neuromodulatory role of chemokines in the central nervous system
Fractalkine/CX3CL1: CX3CL1/CX3CR1 axis in neuron microglia signaling
Microglia: Microglia functional properties in health and disease; role of microglia in synaptic development and plasticity

Personal Statement
One of my long-standing interests lies in the modulatory role of chemokines in synaptic transmission. More particularly, I am coordinating a research group with extensive experience in studying the role neuron-microglia bidirectional signaling in synaptic plasticity and using this expertise to address questions related to microglia physiology and to the impact of microglia on neurodevelopment and synaptic function in health and disease. This interest and my experience in synaptic physiology allowed the study of microglia-mediated pruning in hippocampal development. I am using advanced electrophysiological, fluorescence and confocal analysis in hippocampal slices from mice defective in neuron-microglia signaling, to understand the contribution of microglia-neuron interactions to the maturation of synaptic transmission.
Current Research Interests
Chemokines and neuron-glia interactions in the central nervous system
Microglia functional properties and synaptic circuit development and plasticity
Microglial ionic channels
Microglia functions in disease

Main contribution to Science
Microglial role in synaptic pruning during development. The applicant contributed to the understanding of microglia developmental pruning in hippocampal development. Studies on CX3CR1 ko mice contributed to highlight of CX3CL1/CX3CR1 signaling on microglial physiology and its impact on postnatal synaptic refinement in mice. The absence of CX3CR1 causes profound changes in synaptic properties which do not recover in the adult and are associated to impairment in social behavior.
- Batti L et al. Cell Reports. Jun 21; 15(12):2608-15, 2016
- Pagani F et al. Front Cell Neurosci. Mar 31; 9:111, 2015.
- Zhan Y et al. Nat Neurosci. 17(3):400-6, 2014.
- Paolicelli RC et al. Science. 333(6048):1456-8, 2011.

Role of neuronal chloride equilibrium in neuronal hyperexcitability.
The applicant contributed to the determination of the role of chloride disequilibrium, and in particular of chloride transporter dysfunction, in epileptogenesis. Studies on glioma-neuron interactions provided an explanation of the unknown mechanisms by which glioma cells affect neuronal chloride equilibrium, suggesting a sequence of events leading to the development of epileptic seizures in the brain of glioma patients. Glutamate released by glioma cells causes the increase of neuronal intracellular zinc, leading to KCC2 dysfunction in neurons, consequent change in the chloride equilibrium and impairing the inhibitory transmission in the peritumoral region.
- Di Angelantonio S et al. Cell Death Dis. 48(11):1300-10, 2014.
- Bertollini C et al. Front Mol Neurosci. 5:100, 2012.
- Palma E et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 103(22): 8465-8, 2006.

Characterization of neuromodulatory and neuroprotective action of fractalkine in the rat hippocampus
The applicant significantly contributed to the establishment and characterization of the role of CX3CL1 (fractaline) as a neuromodulatory messenger in the brain. In particular electrophysiological studies in hippocampal slices and cultures lead to the understanding of the of actions of soluble fractalkine on glutamatergic transmission, disclosing a complex pathway involving the release of adenosine form microglial cells and opening a new avenue of multiple postsynaptic modulation by adenosine receptor stimulation.
- Di Angelantonio S et al. Front Cell Neurosci. 9:409, 2015.
- Piccinin S et al. J Neuroimmunol. 224(1-2):85-92, 2010.
- Lauro C et al. J. Immunol. 180(11):7590-6, 2008.
- Ragozzino D et al. Journal of Neuroscience 26: 10488-10498, 2006.
- Bertollini C et al. Neuropharmacology 51(4): 816-21, 2006.

Electrophysiological properties of GABAA receptors in brain slices from patiens suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE).
The applicant contributed to the understanding of of GABAAR dysfuntion in TLE patients, correlating the basal mechanisms of GABAergic neurotransmission with clinical aspects. The functional properties of GABAA receptors in neurons e glial cells, and particularly the use-dependent rundown of GABA current and its regulation by phosphatases has been characterized (run-down), by means of pioneering applying studies patch clamp technique on acute slices from human cerebral tissue from surgical resection, in TLE patients.
- Palma E et al. Epilepsia 48(10):1842-9, 2007.
- Ragozzino D et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 102(42):15219-23, 2005.
- Palma E et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102(7):2514-8, 2005.
- Palma E et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 101:10183-88, 2004.

Neuromodulation and synaptic plasticity in the CNS: the role of chemokines
The applicant significantly contributed to the first studies on the neuromodulatory role of chemokines, which were carried out mainly by electrophysiological and fluorescence using acute slice of cerebral tissue or neuronal cultures leading to the following results:
Effects of cytokines and chemokines on plasticity mechanisms in the hippocampus; Characterization of the presence and functionality of chemokines receptors in the cerebellum. Effects of GRO , GRO SDF-1, CXCL16: functional modulation of glutamate receptors, basal synaptic activity and plasticity and neuroprotection.
- Di Castro MA et al. Scientific Reports. 6:34633, 2016.
- Ragozzino, D. et al. Journal of Neuroimmunology 127(1-2):30-6, 2002.
- Limatola, C. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA. 97.11: 6197-6201, 2000.
- Limatola, C. et al. European Journal of Neuroscience. 12: 1-8, 2000.
- Giovannelli, A. et al. J. Neuroimmunol. 92: 122-132, 1998.

Organization of scientific conferences and events
- Sapienza Neuroscience, a website for the Neuroscience community in Sapienza and beyond, 2018-present
- Neuroseminars, Seminars series in Neuroscience, University Sapienza, 2016-present
- Viaggi nella mente, Brain Awareness Week, Aula Magna del Rettorato
Sapienza Università di Roma, 9 aprile 2018
- Glutamatergic modulation in the central nervous system, 57th Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Ravenna 25-27 September 2006-Symposium organizer

Invited presentations
1) Roles of microglia in the healthy brain (open lecture) Kazan State medical University-KMSU, Kazan, May 16th 2019
2) Microglia shape presynaptic properties at hippocampal synapses (Flash Talk). EMBO Workshop Microglia 2018 18 - 21 March 2018 in Heidelberg, Germany
3) Microglia shape presynaptic properties at hippocampal synapses. Institut de Neurosciences des systèmes, Faculté de Médecine TIMONE, Marseille November 30th 2017
4) Microglia shape presynaptic properties at hippocampal synapses Dipartimento Fisiologia e Farmacologia «V. Erspamer» Università Sapienza, Roma, September 4th 2017
5) Microglia shape presynaptic properties at hippocampal synapses, SynaNet, Roma June 28th 2017.
6) Microglia shape presynaptic properties at hippocampal synapses, SNIP, Philiadelphia,
march 2017
7) Involvement of microglia and CX3CL1/CX3CR1 signaling in hippocampal synaptic development, septemper 2016, 67th SIF National Congress Italian Physiological Society, Catania
8) CX3CL1-CX3CR1 signaling and microglial regulation of glutamatergic synapses in mouse hippocampus, March 2016, Istituto di Neuroscienze CNR, Via Vanvitelli, Milano
9) Microglia and brain development, PhD Program in Neuroscience Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences, NENS Course, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology Torino, 22-26 september 2014
10) CX3CL1-CX3CR1 signaling and microglial regulation of glutamatergic synapses in mouse hippocampus, Humanitas, Milano 11 July 2014
11) Teaching at "Live cell imaging and electrophysiology workshop". Hellenic Pasteur Institute Athens 1-4 october 2013
12) Glioma cells alter neuronal chloride equilibrium through glutamate release, INSERM U 1106, Epilepsy and Cognition, Brain Dynamics Institute, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille 23 may 2013
13) Effects of CX3CL1 on the properties of microglial cells in mouse hippocampus, 2nd Workshop Chemokines and Chemokine receptors in the Nervous System Roma, 24-25 October 2009.
14) Effects of CX3CL1-CX3CR1 signaling on the functional properties of microglial cells in hippocampal acute slices from developing mice, Italian Physiological Society, Siena 23-25 september 2009
15) Chemokine fractalkine/CX3CL1 negatively modulates active glutamatergic synapses in rat hippocampal neurons, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Universiy of Modena and Reggio Emilia, June 2007.
16) Modulation of synapses in rat hippocampal neurons by fractalkine/CX3CL1, Dipartimento di Genetica e Biologia Molecolare Charles Darwin , University Sapienza, Roma, december 2006.
17) Regulation of glutamatergic transmission by chemokines, Italian Physiological Society, Ravenna 25-27, september 2006.
18) Depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx modulates glycinergic synaptic current in rat hypoglossal motoneurons. Physiological Society, London december 2002; Proceedings of the Physiological Society 547.P: 19P, 2003.
19) Ca2+ permeability of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in transiently transfected human cells, Neuronal Nicotinic receptors: from structure to therapeutics. Venezia, october 1-4 1999.

Part VIII - Scientific achievements
VIIIa Summary of Scientific Achievements
Peer reviewed Papers [international] 74 (1991-2023)
Book chapters [scientific] 1 (2009)

Hirsch (H) index 40
Total Citations 7749
Total Impact factor 532,946
Average Citations per Product 99,9
°Scopus june 2023
VIIb Publications (1991-2023)

1. Microglia at the Tripartite Synapse during Postnatal Development: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Schizophrenia. Ferrucci L, Cantando I, Cordella F, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Bezzi P. Cells. 2023 Dec 13;12(24):2827. doi: 10.3390/cells12242827
2. Microglia-mediated calcium-permeable AMPAR accumulation in the nucleus accumbens drives hyperlocomotion during cocaine withdrawal. Reverte I, Marchetti C, Pezza S, Zenoni SF, Scaringi G, Ferrucci L, D'Ottavio G, Pignataro A, Andolina D, Raspa M, Scavizzi F, Venniro M, Ramsey LA, Gross C, Caprioli D, Ragozzino D. Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Jan;115:535-542. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2023.11.007. Epub 2023 Nov 13.
3. Microglia complement signaling promotes neuronal elimination and normal brain functional connectivity.
Deivasigamani S, Miteva MT, Natale S, Gutierrez-Barragan D, Basilico B, Di Angelantonio S, Weinhard L, Molotkov D, Deb S, Pape C, Bolasco G, Galbusera A, Asari H, Gozzi A, Ragozzino D, Gross CT.
Cereb Cortex. 2023 Oct 14;33(21):10750-10760. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad313.
4. Phospholipid scramblase Xkr8 is required for developmental axon pruning via phosphatidylserine exposure. Neniskyte U, Kuliesiute U, Vadisiute A, Jevdokimenko K, Coletta L, Deivasigamani S, Pamedytyte D, Daugelaviciene N, Dabkeviciene D, Perlas E, Bali A, Basilico B, Gozzi A, Ragozzino D, Gross CT. EMBO J. 2023 May 22:e111790. doi: 10.15252/embj.2022111790 IF 13.783
5. Microglia reactivity entails microtubule remodeling from acentrosomal to centrosomal arrays. Rosito M, Sanchini C, Gosti G, Moreno M, De Panfilis S, Giubettini M, Debellis D, Catalano F, Peruzzi G, Marotta R, Indrieri A, De Leonibus E, De Stefano ME, Ragozzino D, Ruocco G, Di Angelantonio S, Bartolini F. Cell Reports, 2023, 42(2), 112104 IF 9.995
6. Human iPSC-Derived Cortical Neurons Display Homeostatic Plasticity.Cordella F, Ferrucci L, D'Antoni C, Ghirga S, Brighi C, Soloperto A, Gigante Y, Ragozzino D, Bezzi P, Di Angelantonio S. Life (Basel). 2022 Nov 14;12(11):1884. doi: 10.3390/life12111884. IF 3.253
7. Microglial diversity along the hippocampal longitudinal axis impacts synaptic plasticity in adult male mice under homeostatic conditions. De Felice E, Gonçalves de Andrade E, Golia MT, González Ibáñez F, Khakpour M, Di Castro MA, Garofalo S, Di Pietro E, Benatti C, Brunello N, Tascedda F, Kaminska B, Limatola C, Ragozzino D, Tremblay ME, Alboni S, Maggi L. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2022, 19(1), 292 IF 9.589
8. What microglia depletion approaches tell us about the role of microglia on synaptic function and behavior. Basilico B, Ferrucci L, Khan A, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Reverte I. Front Cell Neurosci. 2022 Nov 4;16:1022431. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2022.1022431. eCollection 2022. IF 6.147
9. Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads. Paolicelli RC, Sierra A, Stevens B, Tremblay ME, Aguzzi A, Ajami B, Amit I, Audinat E, Bechmann I, Bennett M, Bennett F, Bessis A, Biber K, Bilbo S, Blurton-Jones M, Boddeke E, Brites D, Brône B, Brown GC, Butovsky O, Carson MJ, Castellano B, Colonna M, Cowley SA, Cunningham C, Davalos D, De Jager PL, de Strooper B, Denes A, Eggen BJL, Eyo U, Galea E, Garel S, Ginhoux F, Glass CK, Gokce O, Gomez-Nicola D, González B, Gordon S, Graeber MB, Greenhalgh AD, Gressens P, Greter M, Gutmann DH, Haass C, Heneka MT, Heppner FL, Hong S, Hume DA, Jung S, Kettenmann H, Kipnis J, Koyama R, Lemke G, Lynch M, Majewska A, Malcangio M, Malm T, Mancuso R, Masuda T, Matteoli M, McColl BW, Miron VE, Molofsky AV, Monje M, Mracsko E, Nadjar A, Neher JJ, Neniskyte U, Neumann H, Noda M, Peng B, Peri F, Perry VH, Popovich PG, Pridans C, Priller J, Prinz M, Ragozzino D, Ransohoff RM, Salter MW, Schaefer A, Schafer DP, Schwartz M, Simons M, Smith CJ, Streit WJ, Tay TL, Tsai LH, Verkhratsky A, von Bernhardi R, Wake H, Wittamer V, Wolf SA, Wu LJ, Wyss-Coray T. Neuron. 2022 Nov 2;110(21):3458-3483. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.10.020. IF 17.17
10. Substrate stiffness effect on molecular crosstalk of epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediators of human glioblastoma cells. Basilico B, Palamà IE, D'Amone S, Lauro C, Rosito M, Grieco M, Ratano P, Cordella F, Sanchini C, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Cascione M, Gigli G, Cortese B.
Front Oncol. 2022 Aug 25;12:983507. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.983507. eCollection 2022. IF 6.244
11. Increased heroin intake and relapse vulnerability in intermittent relative to continuous self-administration: Sex differences in rats. D'Ottavio G, Reverte I, Ragozzino D, Meringolo M, Milella MS, Boix F, Venniro M, Badiani A, Caprioli D. Br J Pharmacol. 2022 Jan 5. doi: 10.1111/bph.15791. Online ahead of print. IF 8.739
12. Antibiotics Treatment Modulates Microglia-Synapses Interaction. Cordella F, Sanchini C, Rosito M, Ferrucci L, Pediconi N, Cortese B, Guerrieri F, Pascucci GR, Antonangeli F, Peruzzi G, Giubettini M, Basilico B, Pagani F, Grimaldi A, D'Alessandro G, Limatola C, Ragozzino D, Di Angelantonio S. Cells. 2021 Oct 4;10(10):2648. doi: 10.3390/cells10102648. IF 4.829
13. Microglia control glutamatergic synapses in the adult mouse hippocampus. Basilico B, Ferrucci L, Ratano P, Golia MT, Grimaldi A, Rosito M, Ferretti V, Reverte I, Sanchini C, Marrone MC, Giubettini M, De Turris V, Salerno D, Garofalo S, St-Pierre MK, Carrier M, Renzi M, Pagani F, Modi B, Raspa M, Scavizzi F, Gross CT, Marinelli S, Tremblay MÈ, Caprioli D, Maggi L, Limatola C, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D. Glia. 2022 Jan;70(1):173-195. doi: 10.1002/glia.24101. Epub 2021 Oct 18. IF 7.452
14. Microglia modulate hippocampal synaptic transmission and sleep duration along the light/dark cycle. Corsi G, Picard K, di Castro MA, Garofalo S, Tucci F, Chece G, Del Percio C, Golia MT, Raspa M, Scavizzi F, Decoeur F, Lauro C, Rigamonti M, Iannello F, Ragozzino DA, Russo E, Bernardini G, Nadjar A, Tremblay ME, Babiloni C, Maggi L, Limatola C. Glia. 2022 Jan;70(1):89-105. doi: 10.1002/glia.24090. Epub 2021 Sep 6. IF 7.452
15. Microglial-glucocorticoid receptor depletion alters the response of hippocampal microglia and neurons in a chronic unpredictable mild stress paradigm in female mice. Picard K, Bisht K, Poggini S, Garofalo S, Golia MT, Basilico B, Abdallah F, Ciano Albanese N, Amrein I, Vernoux N, Sharma K, Hui CW, C Savage J, Limatola C, Ragozzino D, Maggi L, Branchi I, Tremblay MÈ. Brain Behav Immun. 2021 Oct;97:423-439. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021.07.022. Epub 2021 Jul 31. IF 19.27
16. Resilience to anhedonia-passive coping induced by early life experience is linked to a long-lasting reduction of Ih current in VTA dopaminergic neurons. D'Addario SL, Di Segni M, Ledonne A, Piscitelli R, Babicola L, Martini A, Spoleti E, Mancini C, Ielpo D, D'Amato FR, Andolina D, Ragozzino D, Mercuri NB, Cifani C, Renzi M, Guatteo E, Ventura R. Neurobiol Stress. 2021 Apr 15;14:100324. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2021.100324. eCollection 2021 May. IF 5.441
17. Neuroinflammatory Processes, A1 Astrocyte Activation and Protein Aggregation in the Retina of Alzheimer's Disease Patients, Possible Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis. Grimaldi A, Pediconi N, Oieni F, Pizzarelli R, Rosito M, Giubettini M, Santini T, Limatola C, Ruocco G, Ragozzino D, Di Angelantonio S. Front Neurosci. 2019 Sep 4;13:925. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00925. eCollection 2019. IF 5.152
18. Role of nucleus accumbens core but not shell in incubation of methamphetamine craving after voluntary abstinence. Rossi LM, Reverte I, Ragozzino D, Badiani A, Venniro M, Caprioli D. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Jan;45(2):256-265. doi: 10.1038/s41386-019-0479-4. IF 8.294
19. Dimethyl Fumarate Reduces Microglia Functional Response to Tissue Damage and Favors Brain Iron Homeostasis. Pagani F, Testi C, Grimaldi A, Corsi G, Cortese B, Basilico B, Baiocco P, De Panfilis S, Ragozzino D, Di Angelantonio S. Neuroscience. 2019 pii: S0306-4522(19)30740-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2019.10.041. IF 3.59
20. Microglia-neuron crosstalk: Signaling mechanism and control of synaptic transmission. Marinelli, S., Basilico B, Marrone MC, Ragozzino D. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2019 pii: S1084-9521(18)30170-8. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2019.05.017. IF 6.138
21. Mechanical Durotactic Environment Enhances Specific Glioblastoma Cell Responses. Palamà IE, D'Amone S, Ratano P, Donatelli A, Liscio A, Antonacci G, Testini M, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Cortese B. Cancers (Basel). 2019 pii: E643. doi: 10.3390/cancers11050643. IF 6.636
22. Time-lapse Whole-field Fluorescence Imaging of Microglia Processes Motility in Acute Mouse Hippocampal Slices and Analysis. Basilico B, Cortese B, Ratano P, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D BIO-PROTOCOL Vol 9 (8); Art: e3220 doi:10.21769/BioProtoc.3220
23. Microglia shape presynaptic properties at developing glutamatergic synapses. Basilico B, Pagani F, Grimaldi A, Cortese B, Di Angelantonio S, Weinhard L, Gross C, Limatola C, Maggi L, Ragozzino D. Glia. 2019 Jan;67(1):53-67. doi: 10.1002/glia.23508. IF 7.452
24. Inflammation, neurodegeneration and protein aggregation in the retina as ocular biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease in the 3xTg-AD mouse model. Grimaldi A, Brighi C, Peruzzi G, Ragozzino D, Bonanni V, Limatola C, Ruocco G, Di Angelantonio S. Cell Death Disease. 2018 Jun 7;9(6):685. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-0740-5. IF 8.469
25. ATP release during cell swelling activates a Ca2+-dependent Cl- current by autocrine mechanism in mouse hippocampal microglia. Murana E, Pagani F, Basilico B, Sundukova M, Batti L, Di Angelantonio S, Cortese B, Grimaldi A, Francioso A, Heppenstall P, Bregestovski P, Limatola C, Ragozzino D. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 23;7(1):4184. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04452-8. IF 4.996
26. TRPV1 channels are critical brain inflammation detectors and neuropathic pain biomarkers in mice. Marrone MC, Morabito A, Giustizieri M, Chiurchiù V, Leuti A, Mattioli M, Marinelli S, Riganti L, Lombardi M, Murana E, Totaro A, Piomelli D, Ragozzino D, Oddi S, Maccarrone M, Verderio C, Marinelli S. Nat Commun. 2017 May 10;8:15292. doi: 10.1038/ncomms 15292. IF 17.69.
27. Electrophysiological Properties of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons along the Longitudinal Axis of the Mouse Hippocampus. Milior G, Castro MA, Sciarria LP, Garofalo S, Branchi I, Ragozzino D, Limatola C, Maggi L. Scientific Reports. 2016 Dec 6;6:38242. IF 4.996
28. The chemokine CXCL16 modulates neurotransmitter release in hippocampal CA1 area. Di Castro MA, Trettel F, Milior G, Maggi L, Ragozzino D, Limatola C. Scientific Reports. 2016 Oct 10;6:34633. doi: 10.1038/srep34633. IF 4.996
29. TMEM16F Regulates Spinal Microglial Function in Neuropathic Pain States. Batti L, Sundukova M, Murana E, Pimpinella S, De Castro Reis F, Pagani F, Wang H, Pellegrino E, Perlas E, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Heppenstall PA. Cell Reports. 2016 Jun 21; 15(12):2608-15. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.05.039. IF 9.995
30. KCa3.1 channel inhibition sensitizes malignant gliomas to temozolomide treatment. D'Alessandro G, Grimaldi A, Chece G, Porzia A, Esposito V, Santoro A, Salvati M, Mainiero F, Ragozzino D, Di Angelantonio S, Wulff H, Catalano M, Limatola C. Oncotarget. 2016 May 24;7(21):30781-96. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.8761. IF 3.331
31. KCa3.1 inhibition switches the phenotype of glioma-infiltrating microglia/macrophages. Grimaldi A, D'Alessandro G, Golia MT, Grössinger EM, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Santoro A, Esposito V, Wulff H, Catalano M, Limatola C. Cell Death Disease. 2016 Apr 7; 7:e2174. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.73. IF 8.469
32. Di Angelantonio S, Bertollini C, Piccinin S, Rosito M, Trettel F, Pagani F, Limatola, Ragozzino D. Basal adenosine modulates the functional properties of AMPA receptors in mouse hippocampal neurons through the activation of A1R A2AR and A3R. Front Cell Neurosci. 9:409, 2015. doi:0.3389/fncel.2015.00409. IF 5.505
33. Pagani F, Paolicelli RC, Murana E, Cortese B, Angelantonio SD, Zurolo E,Guiducci E, Ferreira TA, Garofalo S, Catalano M, D'Alessandra G, Porzia A, Peruzzi G, Mainiero F, Limatola C, Gross CT, Ragozzino D. Defective microglial development in the hippocampus of Cx3cr1 deficient mice. Front Cell Neurosci. 2015 Mar 31; 9:111. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00111. IF 5.505
34. Di Angelantonio S, Murana E, Cocco S, Scala F, Bertollini C, Molinari MG, Lauro C, Bregestovski P, Limatola C, Ragozzino D. A role for intracellular zinc in glioma alteration of neuronal chloride equilibrium. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Oct 30;5:e1501. IF 8.469
35. Zhan Y, Paolicelli RC, Sforazzini F, Weinhard L, Bolasco G, Pagani F, Vyssotski AL, Bifone A, Gozzi A, Ragozzino D, Gross CT. Deficient neuron-microglia signaling results in impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior. Nat Neurosci. 2014;17(3):400-6. doi: 10.1038/nn.364. IF 24.88
36. Silva BA, Mattucci C, Krzywkowski P, Murana E, Illarionova A, Grinevich V, Canteras NS, Ragozzino D, Gross CT. Independent hypothalamic circuits for social and predator fear. Nat Neurosci. 2016(12):1731-3, 2013. IF 24.88
37. Catalano M, Lauro C, Cipriani R, Chece G, Ponzetta A, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Limatola C. CX3CL1 protects neurons against excitotoxicity enhancing GLT-1 activity on astrocytes. J Neuroimmunol. 263(1-2):75-82. 2013. IF 3.221
38. Bertollini C, Murana E, Mosca L, D'Erme M, Scala F, Francioso A, Catalano M, Limatola C, Bregestovski P, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D. Transient increase in neuronal chloride concentration by neuroactive aminoacids released from glioma cells. Front Mol Neurosci. 5:100, 2012. IF 5.639
39. Paolicelli RC, Bolasco G, Pagani F, Maggi L, Scianni M, Panzanelli P, Giustetto M, Ferreira TA, Guiducci E, Dumas L, Ragozzino D, Gross CT. Synaptic pruning by microglia is necessary for normal brain development. Science. 333(6048):1456-8, 2011. IF 47.73
40. Gozzi A, Jain A, Giovanelli A, Bertollini C, Crestan V,. Schwarz AJ, Tsetsenis T, Ragozzino D, Gross CT, Bifone A. A neural switch for active and passive fear. Neuron Gozzi A, Jain A, Giovanelli A, Bertollini C, Crestan V, Schwarz AJ, Tsetsenis T, Ragozzino D, Gross CT, Bifone A. Neuron 67(4):656-666, 2010. IF 17.17
41. Piccinin S, Di Angelantonio S, Piccioni A, Volpini R, Cristalli G, Fredholm BB, Limatola C, Eusebi F, Ragozzino D. CX3CL1-induced modulation at CA1 synapses reveals multiple mechanisms of EPSC modulation involving adenosine receptor subtypes. Journal of Neuroimmunology 224(1-2):85-92, 2010. IF 3.221
42. Sciaccaluga M, Fioretti B, Catacuzzeno L, Pagani F, Bertollini C, Rosito M, Catalano M, D'Alessandro G, Santoro A, Cantore G, Ragozzino D, Castigli E, Franciolini F, and Limatola C. CXCL12-induced glioblastoma cell migration requires intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel activity. American Journal of Physiology 299(1):C175-84, 2010. IF 4.068
43. Fioretti B, Catacuzzeno L, Sforna L, Aiello F, Pagani F, Ragozzino D, Castigli E, Franciolini F. Histamine hyperpolarizes human glioblastoma cells by activating the intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel. American Journal of Physiology 297(1): C102-10, 2009. IF 4.013
44. Ragozzino D, Lauro C, Limatola C. Role of CX3CL1 in synaptic activity and neuroprotection; in Chemokine receptors and neuroAIDS: Beyond the co-receptor function and links to other neuropathologies, Olimpia Meucci Ed. Springer, 2009 Book chapter
45. Griguoli M, Scuri R, Ragozzino D, Cherubini E. Activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors enhances a slow calcium-dependent potassium conductance and reduces the firing of stratum oriens interneurons. European Journal of Neuroscience 30(6):1011-22, 2009 IF 3.386
46. Lauro C, Di Angelantonio S, Cipriani R, Sobrero F, Antonilli L, Brusadin V, Ragozzino D, Limatola C. Activity of adenosine receptors type 1 Is required for CX3CL1-mediated neuroprotection and neuromodulation in hippocampal neurons. Journal of Immunology. 180(11):7590-6, 2008 IF 5.422
47. Palma E, Ragozzino D, Di Angelantonio S, Mascia A, Maiolino F, Manfredi M, Cantore G, Esposito V, Di Gennaro G, Quarato P, Miledi R, Eusebi F. The antiepileptic drug levetiracetam stabilizes the human epileptic GABAA receptors upon repetitive activation. Epilepsia 48(10):1842-9, 2007 IF 6.04
48. Ragozzino D, Di Angelantonio S, Trettel F, Bertollini C, Maggi L, Gross C, Charo IF, Limatola C & Eusebi, F. Chemokine Fractalkine/CX3CL1 Negatively Modulates Active Glutamatergic Synapses in Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 26: 10488-10498, 2006. IF 6.709
49. Bertollini C, Ragozzino D, Gross C, Limatola C & Eusebi F. Fractalkine/CX3CL1 depresses central synaptic transmission in mouse hippocampal slices. Neuropharmacology 51(4): 816-21, 2006. IF 5.251
50. Palma E, Amici M, Sobrero F, Spinelli G, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Mascia A, Scoppetta C, Esposito V, Miledi R & Eusebi F. Anomalous levels of Cl- transporters in the hippocampal subiculum from temporal lobe epilepsy patients make GABA excitatory. PNAS 103(22): 8465-8, 2006. IF 12.78
51. Ragozzino D, Palma E, Di Angelantonio S, Amici M, Mascia A, Arcella A, Giangaspero F, Cantore G, Di Gennaro G, Manfredi M, Esposito V, Quarato PP, Miledi R & Eusebi F. Run-down of GABAA-receptors is a dysfunction associated with human drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. PNAS 102(42):15219-23, 2005. IF 12.78
52. *Mukhtarov, M., *Ragozzino, D., Bregestovski Dual Ca2+ modulation of glycinergic synaptic currents in rodent hypoglossal motoneurons. Journal of Physiology 569.3: 817-831, 2005. IF 6.228 (°° Equal contribution)
53. Limatola C, Lauro C, Catalano M, Ciotti MT, Bertollini C, Di Angelantonio S, Ragozzino D, Eusebi F. Chemokine CX3CL1 protects rat hippocampal neurons against glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 166(1-2):19-28, 2005. IF 2.824
54. Palma E, Spinelli G, Torchia G, Martinez-Torres A, Ragozzino D, Miledi R, Eusebi F. Abnormal GABAA receptors from the human epileptic hippocampal subiculum microtransplanted to Xenopus oocytes. PNAS 102(7):2514-8, 2005. IF 12.78
55. Palma E., Ragozzino D. A., Di Angelantonio S., Spinelli G., Trettel F., Martinez-Torres A., Torchia G., Arcella A., Di Gennaro G., Quarato P. P., Esposito V., Cantore G., Miledi R., and Eusebi F. Phosphatase inhibitors remove the run-down of -aminobutyric acid type A receptors in the human epileptic brain. PNAS 101:10183-88, 2004. IF 12.78
56. Ragozzino, D. CXC chemokine receptors in the CNS: role in cerebellar neuromodulation and development. Journal of Neurovirol. 8:559-572, 2002. IF 2.569
57. Lax P, Limatola C, Fucile S, Trettel F, Di Bartolomeo S, Renzi M, Ragozzino D, Eusebi F. Chemokine receptor CXCR2 regulates the functional properties of AMPA-type glutamate receptor GluR1 in HEK cells. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 129(1-2):66, 2002. IF 3.221
58. Ragozzino, D., Renzi, M., Giovannelli, A. & Eusebi, F. Stimulation of chemokine CXC receptor 4 induces synaptic depression of evoked parallel fibers inputs onto Purkinje neurons in mouse cerebellum. Journal of Neuroimmunology 127(1-2):30-6, 2002. IF 3.221
59. Ragozzino, D., Giovannelli, A., Degasperi, V., Eusebi, F.& Grassi, F. zinc permeates mouse muscle ACh receptor expressed in BOSC 23 cells and affects channel function. Journal of Physiology, 529.1: 83-91, 2000. IF 6.228
60. Limatola, C., Ciotti, MT., Mercanti, D., Vacca, F., Ragozzino, D., Giovannelli, A., Santoni, A., Eusebi, F. & Miledi, R. The chemokine growth-related gene product protects rat cerebellar granule cells from apoptotic cell death through -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptors. PNAS. 97.11: 6197-6201, 2000. IF 12.78
61. *Limatola, C., *Giovannelli, a., *Maggi, L., *Ragozzino, D., Castellani, L., Ciotti, MT., Vacca, F., Mercanti, D., Santoni, A. & Eusebi, F. SDF-1 -mediated modulation of synaptic transmission in rat cerebellum. European Journal of Neuroscience. 12: 1-8, 2000. IF 3.386
62. Ragozzino D, Giovannelli A, Mileo AM, Limatola C, Santoni A. and Eusebi F. Modulation of the neurotransmitter release in rat cerebellar neurons by GRObeta. Neuroreport 9: 3601-06, 1998. IF 1.343
63. Giovannelli, A., Limatola, C., Ragozzino, D., Mileo, AM., Ruggieri, A., Ciotti, MT., Mercanti, D., Santoni, A. and Eusebi, F. CXC chemokines interleukin-8 (IL-8) and growth-related gene product (GROalpha) modulate Purkinje neuron activity in mouse cerebellum. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 92: 122-132, 1998. IF 3.221
64. Fucile S., Matter J-M., Erkman L., Ragozzino D., Barabino B., Grassi F., Alemà S.; Ballivet M. & Eusebi F. The neuronal 6 subunit forms functional heteromeric acetylcholine receptors in human transfected cells. European Journal of Neuroscience, 10: 172-178, 1998. IF 3.386
65. Ragozzino, D. Barabino, B., Fucile, S. and Eusebi, F. Ca2+ permeability of mouse and chick nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in transiently transfected human cells. Journal of Physiology 507(3): 749-757, 1998. IF 6.228
66. Lorenzon, P., Giovannelli, A., Ragozzino, D., Eusebi, F. and Ruzzier, F. spontaneous and repetitive calcium transients in C2C12 mouse myotubes during in vitro myogenesis. European Journal of Neuroscience, 9: 800-808, 1997. IF 3.386
67. Ragozzino, D., Fucile, S., Giovannelli, A., Grassi, F., Mileo, A.M., Ballivet, M., Alemà, S. and Eusebi, F. Functional properties of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in transfected human cells. European Journal of Neuroscience, 9: 480-488, 1997. IF 3.386
68. Ragozzino, D., Woodward, R. M, Murata, Y., Eusebi, F., Overman, L. E. and Miledi, R. Design and in vitro pharmacoloy of a selective gamma-aminobutyric acidc receptor antagonist. Molecular Pharmacology 50:1024-1030, 1996. IF 3.987
69. Khazipov, R., Ragozzino, D. And Bregestovski, P. Kinetics and Mg2+ Block Of N-methyl-d-aspartate Receptor Channels During Postnatal Development Of Hippocampal CA3 Pyramidal Neurons. Neuroscience, 69(4): 1057-1065, 1995. IF 3.59
70. Giovannelli, A. Grassi, F., Limatola, C., Mattei, E., Ragozzino, D. and Eusebi, F. Acetylcholine-activated Inward Current Induces Cytosolic Ca2+ Mobilization in Mouse C2C12 Myotubes. Cell Calcium 18:41-50, 1995. IF 6.817
71. Ben-ari, Y. Tseeb, V., Ragozzino, D., Khazipov, R., Gaiarsa, Jl. Gamma-aminobutyric-acid (GABA) a Fast Excitatory Transmitter Which May Regulate the Development of Hippocampal Neurons in Early Postnatal Life. Progress In Brain Research 102: 261-273, 1994. IF 2.453
72. Ragozzino, D. and Eusebi, F. Inhibition of GABA and Glycine Responses by Glutamate in Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Brain Research, 628: 115-120, 1993. IF 2.252
73. Zona, C., Ragozzino, D., Ciotti, Mt., Mercanti, D., Avoli, M., Brancati, A. and Calissano, P. Sodium Calcium And Late Potassium Currents Are Reduced In Cerebellar Granule Cells Cultured In The Presence Of A Protein Complex Conferring Resistance To Excitatory Amino Acids, European Journal Of Neuroscience, 5: 1479-1484, 1993. IF 3.386
74. D'Arcangelo, G., Grassi, F., Ragozzino, D. Santoni, A., Tancredi, V. and Eusebi, F. Interferon Inhibits Synaptic Potentiation in Rat Hippocampus, Brain Research, 564:245-248, 1991. IF 2.252
1991-2023 74 papers; 1 book chapter Total Impact factor 532,946
Total citations 7749 H-index 40