Ritratto di elisa.brasili@uniroma1.it






Le lezioni avranno inizio lunedi 04/03/2024 e si terranno in presenza in aula Grassi dell'edificio di Anatomia Comparata RM057 (E01PR1L042, Via Borelli 50) nei seguenti orari:


- Lunedì 16:00-18:00
- Mercoledì 13:00-15:00
- Giovedì 09:00-11:00


Il materiale didattico (programma, presentazioni delle lezioni e dei laboratori didattici) è disponibile sulla pagina e-learning dell'insegnamento al seguente link: https://elearning.uniroma1.it/course/view.php?id=16018






Plasticità cellulare e dinamiche del
differenziamento nelle piante: Applicazioni


Orario lezioni del primo semestre – a.a. 2023-2024


Le lezioni avranno inizio mercoledì 27/09/2023 e si terranno in presenza nell'aula V dell'edificio di Psicologia, RM024, in Via dei Marsi 78 nei seguenti orari:


- Lunedì 09:00-11:00
- Mercoledì 09:00-11:00

Le informazioni riguardanti l'insegnamento sono disponibili al seguente link: https://elearning.uniroma1.it/course/view.php?id=17013








Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
BOTANICA 1034847 2020/2021
BOTANICA GENERALE 1016310 2019/2020
BOTANICA 1034847 2019/2020
BOTANICA 1034847 2018/2019
BOTANICA 1034847 2017/2018

Lunedì dalle 11:00 alle 13:00

Titoli di Studio:
- Laurea in Biologia Cellulare Applicata conseguita nel Febbraio 2009 presso l Università Sapienza di Roma con la votazione 110/110 con lode.
- Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Botaniche conseguito nel Febbraio 2014 presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale dell Università Sapienza di Roma.
- Post dottorato (2015-2018) svolto presso il Food Research Center (FoRC) , Università di São Paulo, Brasile.
- Ricercatore a tempo determinato (RTDA) presso l Università Sapienza di Roma nel SSD BIO/01 dal 2018 al 2021
-Qualifica attuale: Ricercatore a tempo determinato (RTDB) presso l Università Sapienza di Roma nel SSD BIO/01 dal 2021

Attività didattica:
È titolare dell insegnamento di Botanica (9 CFU), nell ambito del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Biologiche (Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali) dell Università Sapienza di Roma dall a.a 2021-2022.

Attività di ricerca:
Svolge la sua attività di ricerca presso il Laboratorio di Biotecnologie Cellulari Vegetali del Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale dell Università Sapienza di Roma.
L'attività di ricerca è suddivisa in tre principali linee:
1) caratterizzazione del metaboloma vegetale in risposta a stress di tipo abiotico e biotico mediante l utilizzo di 1H-NMR e GC-MS associate a modelli di analisi statistica multivariata.
2) isolamento e caratterizzazione di molecole bioattive, in piante di interesse alimentare e medicinale.
3) produzione di composti naturali antiossidanti, antimicrobici e antitumorali, mediante l utilizzo di sistemi cellulari in vitro.

- Master Degree in Applied Cell Biology obtained in February 2009 at the University Sapienza of Rome (110/110 with honors).
- PhD in Botanical Sciences obtained in February 2014 at the Department of Environmental Biology, University Sapienza of Rome.
- Post doctorate (2015-2018) at the "Food Research Center (FoRC)", University of São Paulo, Brazil.
- Current qualification: RTDA at the University Sapienza of Rome in the SSD BIO / 01.

Training Courses:
-II Workshop on Metabolomics, 31 / 08-02 / 09/2016, National Laboratory of Science and Technology of Bioethanol (CTBE), Campinas, SP, Brazil.
-Agilent Training: GCMS Operation with Mass Hunter Data Analysis. 12-15 September 2016, Agilent Technologies, São Paulo, Brazil.
-1st School of Chemical Methodologies: Modern Chemical-Physical Methodologies for the new Frontiers of Chemistry. 22-26 / 02/2010. Institute of Chemical Methodologies, National Research Council (CNR), Italy.
Teaching activity:
He is Professor of Botanica (9 CFU), within the Degree Course in Agro-Industrial Biotechnology (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences) of the University Sapienza of Rome from the academic year 2017 -2018.

Research activity:
She carries out her research activity at the Laboratory of Plant Cell Biotechnology, Department of Environmental Biology, University Sapienza of Rome.
Her research activity is divided into three main lines:
1) characterization of the plant metabolome in response to abiotic and biotic stress by using 1H-NMR and GC-MS associated with multivariate statistical analysis models.
2) isolation and characterization of bioactive molecules, in food and medicinal plants.
3) production of natural antioxidant, antimicrobial and antitumor compounds, using in vitro cellular systems.


1. Ingestion of orange juice prevents hyperglycemia and increases plasma miR-375 expression. Quintanilha, B.J., Chaves D.F.S., Brasili E., Corrêa T.A.F., Capetini V.C., Ferreira F.M., Castro I.A., Hassimotto N.M.A., Rogero M.M., Lajolo F.M. CLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN, 2022, 47, 240-245.
2. Red beetroot s nmr-based metabolomics: Phytochemical profile related to development time and production year Giampaoli, O., Sciubba, F., Conta, G., Capuani, G., Tomassini, A., Giorgi, G., Brasili E., Aureli, W., Miccheli, A. FOODS, 2021, 10(8), 1887.
3. Circular economy: Valorization of waste plant biomass to produce active ingredients with antimicrobial activity against human and plant pathogens. Simonetti, G., Brasili, E., Pasqua, G. An Introduction to the Circular Economy, 2021, pp. 143 164. Book Chapter.
4. Comparative transcriptomics and metabolomics in Vitis vinifera Malvasia and Vitis rupestris Du Lot cultured cells provide insights in possible innate resistance against pathogens. Brasili, E., Donati, L., Sciubba, F., Ferretti L., Miccheli, A., Pasqua, G. PLANT BIOSYSTEMS, 2021
5. Nmr based metabolomic study of purple carrot optimal harvest time for utilization as a source of bioactive compounds. Sciubba, F., Tomassini, A., Giorgi, G., Brasili E., Pasqua G., Capuani G., Aureli, W., Miccheli, A. APPLIED SCIENCES (Switzerland), 2020, 10, 1 13, 8493.
6. Remediation of hexavalent chromium contaminated water through zero-valent iron nanoparticles and effects on tomato plant growth performance. Brasili, E., Bavasso, I., Petruccelli, V., Vilardi G., Valletta A., Dal Bosco C., Gentili A., Pasqua, G., Di Palma, L. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2020, 10, 1920 Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
7. Antifungal Activity of Phenolic and Polyphenolic Compounds from Different Matrices of Vitis vinifera L. Against Human Pathogens. Invited Review article. Simonetti, G., Brasili, E., Pasqua, G. MOLECULES, 2020, 25, 3748
8. Antifungal activity of dimethyl sulfoxide against Botrytis cinerea and phytotoxicity on tomato and lettuce plants. Petruccelli, V., Brasili, E., Varone, L., Valletta, A., Pasqua, G. PLANT BIOSYSTEMS, 2020, 154, 455 462
9. In vitro antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae causal agent of bacterial canker in kiwifruit. Simonetti, G., Pucci, N., Brasili, E., Valletta A., Sammarco I., Carnevale E., Pasqua, G., Loreti, S. PLANT BIOSYSTEMS, 2020, 154, 100 106. IF 1.787
10. Anti-Candida biofilm activity of pterostilbene or crude extract from non-fermented grape pomace entrapped in biopolymeric nanoparticles. Simonetti, G., Palocci, C., Valletta, A., Kolesova, O., Chronopoulou, L., Donati, L., Di Nitto, A., Brasili E., Tomai P., Gentili A., Pasqua, G. MOLECULES, 2019, 24, 2070.
11. Supplementation with Bifidobacterium longum Bar33 and Lactobacillus helveticus Bar13 mixture improves immunity in elderly and old mice. Finamore A, Roselli M, Donini LM, Brasili E, Rami R, Carnevali P, Mistura L, Pinto A, Giusti AM, Mengheri E. NUTRITION, 2019, 63-64, 184 192
12. Daily Consumption of Orange Juice from Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv. Cara Cara and cv. Bahia Differently Affects Gut Microbiota Profiling as Unveiled by an Integrated Meta-Omics Approach. Brasili, E., Hassimotto, N.M.A., Del Chierico, F., Marini F., Quagliarello A., Sciubba F., Miccheli A., Putignani, L., Lajolo, F. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2019, 67.
13. Functional foods as source of bioactive principles: Some marked examples Campos, A., Brasili, E., Cechinel-Zanchett, C.C., Filho, V.C. Book Chapter Natural Products as Source of Molecules with Therapeutic Potential: Research and Development, Challenges and Perspectives, 2018, pp. 111 157.
14. Chitosan oligosaccharides affect xanthone and VOC biosynthesis in Hypericum perforatum root cultures and enhance the antifungal activity of root extracts. Badiali, C., De Angelis, G., Simonetti G., Brasili E., De Castro Tobaruela E.,Puraggto E., Yin H., Valletta, A., Pasqua, G. PLANT CELL REPORTS, 2018, 37, pp. 1471 1484
15. Beneficial effects of a selected probiotic mixture administered to high fat-fed mice before and after the development of obesity Roselli M, Finamore A, Brasili E, Rami R, Nobili F, Orsi C, Zambrini AV., Mengheri, E JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS, 2018, 45, 321-329.
16. Orange juice affects acylcarnitines metabolism in helathy volunteers as revealed by a massspectrometry based metabolomics approach Moreira V, Brasili E, Fiamoncini J, Marini F, Miccheli A, Daniel H, Ji Hye Lee J, Hassimotto NMA, Lajolo F. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 107, 346-352.
17. Endocytic pathways involved in PLGA nanoparticle uptake by grapevine cells and role of cell wall and membrane in size selection. Palocci, C., Valletta, A., Chronopoulou, L., Donati L., Bramosanti M., Brasili E., Baldan, B., Pasqua, G. PLANT CELL REPORTS, 2017, 36, 1917 1928
18. Proteomic Analysis of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells after a High-Fat, HighCarbohydrate Meal with Orange Juice Chaves, D.F.S., Carvalho, P.C., Brasili, E., Rogero, M.M. Hassimotto, N.A., Diedrich, J.K., Moresco, J.J, Yates, J.R., Lajolo, F.M. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 2017, 16, 4086 4092
19. Prenylated flavonoids and total extracts from Morus nigra L. Root bark inhibit in vitro growth of plant pathogenic fungi. Simonetti, G., Brasili, E., D Auria, F.D., Corpolongo S., Ferrari F., Pasqua, G., Valletta, A. PLANT BIOSYSTEMS, 2017, 151, 783 787
20. Metabolomics of cancer cell cultures to assess the effects of dietary phytochemicals.Brasili, E., Filho, V.C. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION, 2017, 57, 1328 1339
21. Effect of Pasteurization on Flavonoids and Carotenoids in Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Cara Cara' and Bahia' Juices. Brasili, E., Chaves, D.F.S., Xavier, A.A.O., Mercadante, A.Z.,Hassimotto, N.M.A., Lajolo, F.M. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2017, 65, 1371 1377.
22. Acetic acid acts as an elicitor exerting a chitosan-like effect on xanthone biosynthesis in Hypericum perforatum L. root cultures Valletta, A., De Angelis, G., Badiali, C., Brasili E., Miccheli A., Di Cocco, M.E., Pasqua, G. PLANT CELL REPORTS, 2016, 35, 1009 1020
23. Metabolic profile and root development of hypericum perforatum L. in vitro roots under stress conditions due to chitosan treatment and culture time. Brasili, E., Miccheli, A., Marini, F., Praticò G., Sciubba F., Di Cocco M.E.; Cechinel V.F., Tocci N., Valletta, A., Pasqua, G. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2016, 7, 507
24. In vitro antifungal activity of extracts obtained from Hypericum perforatum adventitious roots cultured in a mist bioreactor against planktonic cells and biofilm of Malassezia furfur. Simonetti, G., Tocci, N., Valletta, A., Brasili E., D Auria F.D., Idoux, A., Pasqua, G. NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, 2016, 30, 544 550
25. A non-targeted metabolomics approach to evaluate the effects of biomass growth and chitosan elicitation on primary and secondary metabolism of Hypericum perforatum in vitro roots. Brasili, E., Praticò, G., Marini, F., Valletta A., Capuani G., Sciubba F., Miccheli, A., Pasqua, G. METABOLOMICS, 2014, 10, 1186 1196