Ritratto di ernesto.placidi@uniroma1.it

Il corso di Fisica 1 per Scienze Chimiche (Canale 4) inizierà il 27/02/2024 in aula A ed. Cannizzaro.

Si avvisano tutti gli studenti della ex-triennale di Chimica Industriale che nell' AA 23-24 dovranno sostenere l'esame con me, indipendentemente dall'iniziale del loro cognome.


Codice corso su classroom (Dove si possono trovare le lezioni registrate su meet): cxcgz2b


email: ernesto.placidi@uniroma1.it

Studio 350 Ed. Marconi, Fisica.


Programma Fisica 1 (per Scienze Chimiche)

== Meccanica classica del punto materiale ==
Introduzione al metodo scientifico: grandezze fisiche, analisi dimensionale, unità di misura (sistema internazionale, SI).

Incertezze in fisica, Introduzione all'analisi degli errori e cenni di analisi statistica.
Cinematica: velocità, accelerazione, moto rettilineo uniforme, moto uniformemente accelerato, moto di un grave, moto circolare.
Dinamica: primo, secondo e terzo principio della dinamica, forza attrito, forza di gravita’, reazioni vincolari, forza elastica e moto armonico. Oscillatore libero e forzato. La risonanza.
Lavoro ed Energia: lavoro di una forza, teorema dell'energia cinetica, forze conservative, energia potenziale, conservazione dell’energia meccanica.

== Meccanica classica dei sistemi di punti materiali ==
Dinamica di un sistema di punti materiali: quantità di moto, prima equazione cardinale, conservazione della quantità di moto, teorema del centro di massa, impulso di una forza, urti (elastici, anelastici e completamente anelastici), teorema dell'energia cinetica per un sistema di punti materiali.
Dinamica del corpo rigido: momento di una forza, condizioni di equilibrio del corpo rigido, momento angolare, seconda equazione cardinale, conservazione del momento angolare, moti di rotazione del corpo rigido. Il momento d'inerzia e il tensore d'inerzia. Teorema di Huygens/Steiner. Teorema di Konig.


== Analisi delle incertezze ==


Il metodo sperimentale; Nozioni generali sull’incertezza nella misura;
Determinazione e rappresentazione dell’errore; Propagazione delle incertezze; Analisi statistica delle
incertezze casuali; Distribuzioni statistiche; La distribuzione normale; Metodo dei minimi quadrati; Il test
del chi-quadro per una distribuzione; Covarianza e Correlazione; Test del Chi quadro.


Testi consigliati

Testo principale: Elementi di Fisica. Meccanica e Termodinamica, Mazzoldi Nigro Voci, Ed Edises (2021)

Testi per esercizi:

Esercizi di Meccanica e Analisi degli errori: Ernesto Placidi, 

ISBN: 978-8836231683      Ed. Edises (2023)


Altri testi:

Esercizi di meccanica: Loreto, Baldassarri, Servedio, Tria - "Fisica Generale (Meccanica)", Ed. McGraw-Hill
Esercizi di meccanica e termodinamica (capitolo 1-8 + appendice A): Alippi, Bettucci, Germano - "Fisica Generale", Società Editrice Esculapio

Esercizi di meccanica e termodinamica: Mencuccini, Silvestrini - "Esercizi di Fisica Meccanica e Termodinamica" , Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Testo per approfondimenti:
Teoria: Mencuccini, Silvestrini - "Fisica I (Meccanica - Termodinamica)", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana





Programma Fisica 1 (per Chimica Industriale)

== Meccanica classica del punto materiale ==
Introduzione al metodo scientifico: grandezze fisiche, analisi dimensionale, unità di misura (sistema internazionale, SI).

Incertezze in fisica, Introduzione all'analisi degli errori e cenni di analisi statistica.
Cinematica: velocità, accelerazione, moto rettilineo uniforme, moto uniformemente accelerato, moto di un grave, moto circolare.
Dinamica: primo, secondo e terzo principio della dinamica, forza attrito, forza di gravita’, reazioni vincolari, forza elastica e moto armonico. Oscillatore libero e forzato. La risonanza.
Lavoro ed Energia: lavoro di una forza, teorema dell'energia cinetica, forze conservative, energia potenziale, conservazione dell’energia meccanica.

== Meccanica classica dei sistemi di punti materiali ==
Dinamica di un sistema di punti materiali: quantità di moto, prima equazione cardinale, conservazione della quantità di moto, teorema del centro di massa, impulso di una forza, urti (elastici, anelastici e completamente anelastici), teorema dell'energia cinetica per un sistema di punti materiali.
Dinamica del corpo rigido: momento di una forza, condizioni di equilibrio del corpo rigido, momento angolare, seconda equazione cardinale, conservazione del momento angolare, moti di rotazione del corpo rigido. Il momento d'inerzia e il tensore d'inerzia. Teorema di Huygens/Steiner. Teorema di Konig.


Programma sui libri consigliati (La risonanza non è presente in alcuni di questi, il tensore di inerzia su nessuno, per quello vedere eLearning)


Ferrari Luci Mariani Pellissetto: cap. 1-10

Mazzoldi Nigro Voci: cap. 1-8, 10.1-10.3, 10.6-10.7, 11.1-11.3, 11.5
Mencuccini Silvestrini: cap 1-8

Serway Jewett: cap 1-13


Testi consigliati

Testo principale:
Teoria ed Esercizi: Ferrari, Luci, Mariani, Pellissetto (FLMP), "Fisica I (Meccanica e Termodinamica)", Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi

Testi per esercizi:


Esercizi di Meccanica e Analisi degli errori: Ernesto Placidi, ISBN: 978-8836231683, Ed. Edises (2023)
Esercizi di meccanica: Loreto, Baldassarri, Servedio, Tria - "Fisica Generale (Meccanica)", Ed. McGraw-Hill
Esercizi di meccanica e termodinamica (capitolo 1-8 + appendice A): Alippi, Bettucci, Germano - "Fisica Generale", Società Editrice Esculapio

Esercizi di meccanica e termodinamica: Mencuccini, Silvestrini - "Esercizi di Fisica Meccanica e Termodinamica" , Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Testo per approfondimenti:
Teoria: Mencuccini, Silvestrini - "Fisica I (Meccanica - Termodinamica)", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana




Conoscenza dell’algebra; della trigonometria; delle basi del calcolo differenziale ed integrale tra cui: derivate, integrali e sviluppo in serie di funzioni elementari; rappresentazione grafica di funzioni.

Modalità di svolgimento

Il corso si articola in lezioni ed esercitazioni in aula.

Modalità di valutazione

La valutazione degli studenti e' basata su una prova scritta ed un colloquio orale. Sono esonerati dalla prova scritta coloro che superano le due prove scritte in itinere (esoneri) che si svolgono durante il corso.

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
FISICA I 1015377 2022/2023
FISICA I 1015377 2021/2022
FISICA I 1015377 2020/2021
FISICA I 1015377 2019/2020
FISICA I 1015377 2018/2019
FISICA I 1015377 2018/2019
FISICA I 1015377 2017/2018

Mercoledì 14-16

Ernesto Placidi

1999 2002 PhD in Physics, University of Rome, Tor Vergata
1993 1998 Masters in Physics, University of Rome, Tor Vergata, score: 110/110
PhD Thesis
Title HREELS as a probe of surface anisotropy
Supervisor Prof. A. Balzarotti
Description PhD degree at the University of Rome Tor Vergata on February 25th 2003
Masters Thesis
Title Study of first stages of the formation of the Ag/GaAs(001) 2(2 × 4) interface by means
of tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
Supervisor Prof. N. Motta
Description Italian Laurea degree at the University of Rome Tor Vergata on December 21st 1998
External referee: Dr. A. Cricenti, Istituto di Struttura della Materia Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche (ISM-CNR), Rome.
09/2022 Present Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Physics Department,
09/2019 08/2022 Tenure-track for associate professor , Sapienza University of Rome, Physics
Department, Rome.
02/2009 09/2019 Senior Researcher, National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Permanent researcher
of the National Research Council, from September 2010 at the Institute for the
Structure of Matter.
12/2003 02/2009 Associate Research Scientist, National Institute for the Physics of the
Matter (INFM) and National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Associate
researcher of INFM, from May 2005 INFM merged with CNR.
11/2002 11/2003 Post-Doc fellowship, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Fellowship Forum
FIB Project of European Community at University of Rome Tor Vergata.
11/1999 10/2002 PhD fellowship, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome.
04/1999 10/1999 Post Graduated grant, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome.
05/2004 09/2004 Research Fellow.
Electronic Materials Section of the Centre for Electronic Materials and Devices , Inorganic
Chemistry department, Imperial College, London. "Lincei - Royal Society" 2004 Grant.
01/2012 04/2012 Invited Lecture and Research Fellow.
Queensland University of Technology of Brisbane
04/2018 05/2018 Invited Professor.
Centro de Estudios Avancados de Cuba (CEAC) and the Centro de Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia
de Cuba (CIGB)
2004 Lincei - Royal Society Grant 2004
2005 CNR Award: Incentivazione al personale anno 2005
2013 Qualified as university associate professor, for the sector 02 / B1 Experimental physics of
matter (ASN 2012)
2016 Qualified for the roles of university full professor for the academic sector 02 / B1 Experimental
physics of matter (ASN 2016)
Italian Mothertongue
English Advanced Conversationally fluent
Spanish Basic Basic words and phrases only
Technical Skills
Ultra High Vacuum Technology
Electron Optics, Electron Analyzers
Electron Spectroscopies
a) EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy)
b) AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy)
c) XPS (X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy)
d) UPS (UV-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy)
Electron Diffraction Techniques
a) RHEED (Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction)
b) LEED (Low Energy Electron Diffraction)
Scanning Probe Microscopies
a) STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) in air and UHV
b) STS (Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy) in UHV
c) AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) in air and in UHV
Epitaxial Growth Techniques
a) MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) on III-V compounds
b) PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) on Phase Change Materials (GST, IST)
Optical Techniques
a) RAS (Reflectivity Anisotropy Spectroscopy);
b) Raman
Research Areas
Semiconductor heterostructures: a significant part of the research activity is related to the growth and
morphological and optical characterization of semiconductor heterostructures III-V.
Characterization of sustainable electrolytes for green chemistry.
Growth, optical and electronic properties of III-V alloys with inclusion of Bismuth.
Molecules on surface: study, by AFM characterization, of the aggregation dynamics of molecules.
Graphene and 2D materials. Physical properties and applications.
Teaching Experiences
Bachelor s degree courses
AY1999-2000 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Tutor for the Materials Science course for the degree
course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty of Science).
AY1999-2001 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Tutor for the Structure of Matter course for the
degree course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty of Science).
AY2004-2007 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Tutor for the course General Physics 1 with
laboratory for the degree course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty of Science).
AY2007-2008 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the course Physics Laboratory 1 (4
credits) for the degree course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty of Science).
AY2009-2010 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the course Physics Laboratory 1 (4
credits) for the degree course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty of Science).
AY2009-2010 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Co-teacher of the course Materials physics with
laboratory (1/8 cfu) for the degree course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty
of Sciences).
AY2017-2019 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the course Laboratory of Experimental
Physics (6/10 credits) for the degree course in Materials Science and Technology (Faculty
of Science).
AY2019-2020 Sapienza University of Rome Teacher of the course Physics 1 (9 credits) for the degree
course in Industrial Chemistry.
AY2020-2022 Sapienza University of Rome Teacher of the course Physics 1 (9 credits) for the degree
course in Chemical Sciences.
Master s degree courses
AY2003-2004 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Tutor for the Structure of Matter Laboratory
course for the master degree course in Physics.
AY2008-2009 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Tutor for the Structure of Matter Laboratory
course for the master degree course in Physics.
AY2003-2008 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Cycle of three annual supplementary lessons for the
Surface Physics course for the master degree course in Physics.
AY2011-2017 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the Epitaxial Growth of Crystals and
Nanostructures course for the master degree course in Physics
AY2014-2017 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the Microscopy and Nanoscopy course
(4/6 cfu) for the master degree course in Materials Science and Technology.
AY2014-2017 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the Advanced Characterization of
Materials: Techniques and Applications course (4/6 cfu) for the master degree course
in Physics for Instrumentation and Technology.
AY2021-2022 Sapienza University of Rome Co-Teacher of the course Fabrication and Characterization
of Nanostructures (2/6 CFU) for the master degree in Nanotechnology Engineering.
High formation
AY2011-2017 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the Epitaxial Growth of Crystals and
Nanostructures course for the PhD in Physics
AY2011-2012 Queensland University of Technology. Invited lecturer for the Solid State Physics
fundamentals in Surface Science course (20 hours) for PhD students, Queensland
University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, February - April 2012.
AY2013-2014 University of Rome Tor Vergata. Teacher for the Growth and physics of nanostructures
course (2cfu) for the PhD in Physics
AY2017-2018 Centro de Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia de Cuba. Teacher for the course
Lectures on Atomic Force Microscopy. Theory and applications on biological
systems (96h) for the research staff of the Centro de Estudios Avancados de Cuba (CEAC)
and Centro de Inge-nieria Genetica y Biotecnologia de Cuba (CIGB) of Cuba, April-May
AY2020-2022 Sapienza University of Rome Co-teacher for the Quantum Mechanics and Nanotechnology
course (2h) for the excellence course in Physics
Meeting Organization
2016 Program committee: EMN Meeting on Quantum Communication and Quantum Imaging-
2016, 23-26 Agosto 2016, Berlino (Germania). http://emnmeeting.org/QCQI/committee/
2016 International Advisory Committee: EMN Meeting on Quantum Matter 2016, 30 Novembre
4 Dicembre 2016, Mauritius. http://emnmeeting.org/quantum-matter/committee/
2019 Scientific Committee: International school Advanced Technologies for Characterization
and Sensing of Nanobiomaterials. Rome, Italy, 27th January - 7th February 2019
2022 Chairman: Amaldi Research Center Summer School - 5-9 Sep, 2022 Paestum, Italy
Institutional Assignments
From 06/2021 Member of the didactic commission for the Bachelor degree in Chemical Sciences (Sapienza
From 10/2021 Security manager for the Smartlab facility of the Physics Department (Sapienza University)
From 03/2022 Member of the board of directors for Interdepartmental research center on nanotechnologies
applied to engineering of Sapienza (CNIS) representing the Physics Department
Projects responsibility
2023-2025 Principal Local Investigator. Highly Adaptive Proton Exchange Membrane Water
Electrolysis under Dynamic Power Input. Code . MAECI Italy-China
2021-2023 Principal Local Investigator. BASELINE (2021) Batterie A fluSso pEr L accumulo dI
eNergia Elettrica (Flow batteries for the accumulation of electric energy).Code A0375-
2020-36492. Progetti di gruppi di ricerca 2020. Regione Lazio (150.000 )
2020-2022 Principal investigator: Role of Bi-Ga-Bi complexes in the optical efficiency of strain
engineered GaAsBi alloys. Sapienza University Research project (small)
2018-2019 Responsible for the service provision contract between the Physics Department of the
University of Rome "Tor Vergata and the INUIT Foundation.
2016-2019 Principal Investigator. Bilateral CNR-CAS project: Study of III-V alloys containing Bi as
potential candidates for new three-dimensional topological insulators. SAC.AD002.018.017
2013-2015 Principal Investigator. CNR-RAS Bilateral Project: Spin filter effect of metal hybrid
structures ferromagnetic / ferromagnetic semiconductors: towards the electrical and optical
measurement of the electron spin. (The project was accepted for funding, but the Russian
government suspended funding to the RAS).
2000-2001 Principal Investigator. Young researchers project (University of Rome Tor Vergata ):
Electronic and Structural properties of GaAs (001) surface
Projects participation
2022-2024 Core Optics Coatings, ET-Italia, INFN
2020-2022 Medium Equipment Project (Sapienza) 2020 A Multi-purpose Low-Energy hydrogen source
for Tailoring the properties of advanced materials (AMLET) ( 38,000)
2020-2022 Amorphous Semiconductor Coatings, VCR&D coating Virgo, INFN
2019-2022 Horizon 2020, H2020-ICT-2018-2020, Grant Agreement (GA) No: 824957, Boosting
Performance of Phase Change Devices by Hetero- and Nano-Structure Material Design
(BeforeHand) (3999451.25 )
2019-2021 CRD: Coating R&D for Advanced Virgo + Coordinator EGO-Virgo (270360 )
2016-2017 Consolidate the Foundation 2016 (Università di Tor Vergata): GaAs (1-x) Bi x aLLoY: a
potential candidate for Future Photonic Devices BILLY 18 mesi, 16500 . Università
di Roma Tor Vergata, CUP: E82F16000400005.
2015-2016 Uncovering the Excellence 2014 (Università di Tor Vergata): The good and the bad of
protein fibrillation ProFi 16900 .
2009-2011 MIUR PRIN 2007: Bridging the gap between theory and experiment: towards controlling
growth and properties of semiconductor nanostructures.
2007-2009 MIUR PRIN 2005: Spatially controlled nucleation of quantum dots for single photon
2003-2006 FIRB 2002: Nanotechnologies and Nanodevices for the information society.
2001-204 FORUM FIB, Fabrication ORganisation and Use of Memories obtained by Focused Ion
Beam IST-2000-29573
2003-2005 PRIN 2002: Growth of semiconductors quantum dots on nano-patterned substrates
2001-2003 PRIN 2000: Electronic and structural properties of confined III-V systems made by epitaxy
from molecular beams (MBE).
Books (4)
2022 E. Placidi, Esercizi svolti di meccanica e analisi delle incertezze, editore Amazon. ISBN
2017 E. Placidi, Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy, Lulu editor. ISBN: 978-0- 244-62108-7
2016 E. Placidi, Introduzione alla Microscopia a Forza Atomica, Lulu editor. ISBN: 978-1-326-
2015 E. Placidi, Elementi di Fisica del vuoto, Lulu editor. ISBN: 978-1-326-47217-7, 978-1-326-
Book chapters (3)
2013 F. Arciprete, R. De Angelis, F. De Matteis, L. Persichetti, E. Placidi, P. Prosposito,
A. Sgarlata, Guide d onda: Fabbricazione e caratterizzazione, Springer, STUDENTIRICERCATORI
per cinque giorni, pag. 169-201
2012 E. Placidi, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, R. Magri, M. Rosini, A Vinattieri, L. Cavigli, M.
Gurioli, E. Giovine, L. Persichetti, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella and A. Balzarotti, InAs epitaxy
on GaAs(001): a model case of strain-driven self-assembling of quantum dots, S. Bellucci
(ed.), Self- assembly of Nanostrucures, Surfaces and Quantum dots. The INFN Lectures-
Vol III/,/ Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and
Technology, Volume 12, 73-125 (Invited Book Chapter)
2008 E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, and A. Balzarotti, The InAs/GaAs(001)
quantum dots transition: advances on understanding, Lecture Notes on Nanoscale Science
and Technology: Self-Assembled Quantum Dots , Springer, page 1-24 (2007). DOI:
10.1007/978-0-387-74191-8 (Invited Book Chapter)
Journal Articles (116)
2023 D. Lumaca, A. Amato, M. Bischi, G. Cagnoli, E. Cesarini, V. Fafone, M. Granata, G.M.
Guidi, M. Lorenzini, F Martelli, L. Mereni, Y. Minenkov, M. Montani, Nardecchia I.,
F. Piergiovanni, E. Placidi, and A. Rocchi. Stability of samples in coating research: from
edge effect to ageing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume 930, page 167320, 2023.
2023 N. Forlano, R. Bucci, A. Contini, M. Venanzi, E. Placidi, M. L. Gelmi, R. Lettieri, and
E. Gatto. Non-conventional peptide self-assembly into a conductive supramolecular rope.
Nanomaterials, volume 13, page 333, 2023.
2023 V. C. A. Ficca, C. Santoro, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, A. Serov, P. Atanassov, and B. Mecheri.
Exchange current density as an effective descriptor of poisoning of active sites in platinum
group metal-free electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. ACS Catalysis, volume 13,
pages 2162 2175, 2023.
2022 M. Savioli, L. Antonelli, G. Bocchinfuso, F. Cavalieri, R. Cimino, E. Gatto, E. Placidi,
J.R. Fernandez Masso, H. Garay Perez, H. Santana, M. Guerra-Vallespi, and M. Venanzi.
Formulation matters! a spectroscopic and molecular dynamics investigation on the peptide
cigb552 as itself and in its therapeutical formulation. Journal of Peptide Science, volume 28,
2022 A. Paolone, E. Placidi, E. Stellino, M. G Betti, E. Majorana, C. Mariani, A. Nucara,
O. Palumbo, P. Postorino, M. Sbroscia, F. Trequattrini, M. Granata, D. Hofman, C. Michel,
L. Pinard, A. Lemaitre, N. Shcheblanov, G. Cagnoli, and F. Ricci. Argon and other defects
in amorphous SiO2 coatings for gravitational-wave detectors. Coatings, volume 12, 2022.
2022 A. Nespoli, F. Passaretti, L. Szentmiklósi, B. Maróti, E. Placidi, M. Cassetta, R. Y.
Yada, D. H. Farrar, and K. V. Tian. Biomedical niti and -ti alloys: From composition,
microstructure and thermo-mechanics to application. Metals, volume 12, 2022. All Open
Access, Gold Open Access.
2022 D. Hong, A. Sharma, D. Jiang, E. Stellino, T. Ishiyama, P. Postorino, E. Placidi, Y. Kon,
and K. Koga. Laser ablation nanoarchitectonics of au cu alloys deposited on tio2
photocatalyst films for switchable hydrogen evolution from formic acid dehydrogenation.
ACS Omega, volume 7, pages 31260 31270, 2022.
2022 C. Goletti, L. Fazi, E. Tisbi, B. Bonanni, E. Placidi, and F. Arciprete. Reflectance
anisotropy spectroscopy of strain-engineered gaasbi alloys. Applied Physics Letters, volume
120, 2022.
2022 J. Fernandes, T. Queirós, J. Rodrigues, S.S. Nemala, A.P. LaGrow, E. Placidi, P. Alpuim,
J.B. Nieder, and A. Capasso. Room-temperature emitters in wafer-scale few-layer hbn by
atmospheric pressure cvd. FlatChem, volume 33, 2022. Cover for issue 11/2021.
2022 G. Favaro, M. Bazzan, A. Amato, F. Arciprete, E. Cesarini, A.J. Corso, F. De Matteis, T.H.
Dao, M. Granata, C. Honrado-Benítez, N. Gutiérrez-Luna, J.I. Larruquert, G. Lorenzin,
D. Lumaca, G. Maggioni, M. Magnozzi, M.G. Pelizzo, E. Placidi, P. Prosposito, and
F. Puosi. Measurement and simulation of mechanical and optical properties of sputtered
amorphous sic coatings. Phys. Rev. Applied, volume 18, page 044030, Oct 2022.
2022 A.D. Fattorini, C. Chèze, I.L. García, C. Petrucci, M. Bertelli, F.R. Riva, S. Prili, S.M.S.
Privitera, M. Buscema, A. Sciuto, S. Di Franco, G. D arrigo, M. Longo, S. De Simone,
V. Mussi, E. Placidi, M.-C. Cyrille, N.-P. Tran, R. Calarco, and F. Arciprete. Growth, electronic
and electrical characterization of ge-rich ge sb te alloy. Nanomaterials, volume 12,
2022 W. da Silva Freitas, B. Mecheri, C. Lo Vecchio, I. Gatto, V. Baglio, V.C.A. Ficca, A Patra,
E. Placidi, and A. D Epifanio. Metal-organic-framework-derived electrocatalysts for
alkaline polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, volume 550, page 232135,
2022 R. Cimino, M. Savioli, N. Ferrante Carrante, E. Placidi, H. Garay-Perez, M. López-
Abad, A. Musacchio Lasa, M. Del Carmen Domínguez-Horta, E. Gatto, F. Cavalieri,
G. Bocchinfuso, and M. Venanzi. Aggregation properties of a therapeutic peptide for
rheumatoid arthritis: A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study. ChemPhysMater,
volume 1, pages 62 70, 2022.
2022 C. Chèze, F. Righi Riva, G. Di Bella, E. Placidi, S. Prili, M. Bertelli, A. Diaz Fattorini,
M. Longo, R. Calarco, M. Bernasconi, O. Abou El Kheir, and F. Arciprete. Interface
formation during the growth of phase change material heterostructures based on ge-rich
ge-sb-te alloys. Nanomaterials, volume 12, 2022.
2022 B. Bonanni, L. Fazi, E. Tisbi, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and C. Goletti. Sensing sub-surface
strain in gaasbi(001) surfaces by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy. Physica Status Solidi
(B) Basic Research, 2022.
2022 M.G. Betti, E. Placidi, C. Izzo, E. Blundo, A. Polimeni, M. Sbroscia, J. Avila, P. Dudin,
K. Hu, Y. Ito, D. Prezzi, M. Bonacci, E. Molinari, and C. Mariani. Gap opening in
double-sided highly hydrogenated free-standing graphene. Nano Letters, volume 22, pages
2971 2977, 2022.
2021 S. Tkachev, M. Monteiro, J. Santos, E. Placidi, M.B. Hassine, P. Marques, P. Ferreira,
P. Alpuim, and A. Capasso. Environmentally friendly graphene inks for touch screen
sensors. Advanced Functional Materials, volume 31, 2021.
2021 A. Paolone, E. Placidi, E. Stellino, M.G. Betti, E. Majorana, C. Mariani, A. Nucara,
O. Palumbo, P. Postorino, I. Rago, F. Trequattrini, M. Granata, J. Teillon, D. Hofman,
C. Michel, A. Lemaitre, N. Shcheblanov, G. Cagnoli, and F. Ricci. Effects of the annealing
of amorphous ta2o5 coatings produced by ion beam sputtering concerning the effusion of
argon and the chemical composition. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, volume 557, 2021.
2021 W.D.S. Freitas, A. D Epifanio, V.C.A. Ficca, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and B. Mecheri.
Tailoring active sites of iron-nitrogen-carbon catalysts for oxygen reduction in alkaline
environment: Effect of nitrogen-based organic precursor and pyrolysis atmosphere. Electrochimica
Acta, volume 391, 2021.
2021 A. D Andrea, L. Severini, F. Domenici, S. Dabagov, V. Guglielmotti, D. Hampai, L. Micheli,
E. Placidi, M. Titubante, C. Mazzuca, G. Paradossi, and A. Palleschi. Ultrasoundstimulated
pva microbubbles for adhesive removal from cellulose-based materials: A
groundbreaking low-impact methodology. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, volume 13,
page 24207 24217, 2021.
2021 A. Capasso, J. Rodrigues, M. Moschetta, F. Buonocore, G. Faggio, G. Messina, M.J. Kim,
J. Kwon, E. Placidi, F. Benfenati, M. Bramini, G.-H. Lee, and N. Lisi. Interactions between
primary neurons and graphene films with different structure and electrical conductivity.
Advanced Functional Materials, volume 31, 2021.
2021 M. M. S. Abdelnabi, E. Blundo, M. G. Betti, G. Cavoto, E. Placidi, A. Polimeni, A. Ruocco,
K. Hu, Y. Ito, and C. Mariani. Towards free-standing graphane: Atomic hydrogen and
deuterium bonding to nano-porous graphene. Nanotechnology, volume 32, 2021.
2020 M. Venanzi, M. Savioli, R. Cimino, E. Gatto, A. Palleschi, G. Ripani, D. Cicero, E.
Placidi, F. Orvieto, and E. Bianchi. A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study on the
aggregation process of a long-acting lipidated therapeutic peptide: The case of semaglutide.
Soft Matter, volume 16, pages 10122 10131, 2020.
2020 E. Tisbi, E. Placidi, R. Magri, P. Prosposito, R. Francini, A. Zaganelli, S. Cecchi, E. Zallo,
R. Calarco, E. Luna, J. Honolka, M. Vondrá ek, S. Colonna, and F. Arciprete. Increasing
optical efficiency in the telecommunication bands of strain-engineered ga (as,bi) alloys.
Physical Review Applied, volume 14, 2020.
2020 F. Shahbazi Farahani, A. D Epifanio, M.R. Majidi, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and B. Mecheri.
Tailoring morphology and structure of manganese oxide nanomaterials to enhance oxygen
reduction in microbial fuel cells. Synthetic Metals, volume 268, 2020.
2020 R. Cimino, E. Grelloni, G. Magna, D. Monti, M. Stefanelli, E. Gatto, E. Placidi, F. Biscaglia,
M. Gobbo, and M. Venanzi. Tuning the morphology of mesoscopic structures of porphyrin
macrocycles functionalized by an antimicrobial peptide. Journal of Porphyrins and
Phthalocyanines, volume 24, pages 920 928, 2020.
2020 A. Capasso, F. Muñoz-Rojas, B. Gupta, N. Motta, and E. Placidi. Double grain boundary
configurations on graphite surfaces. Carbon, volume 170, pages 630 635, 2020.
2019 K.V. Tian, F. Passaretti, A. Nespoli, E. Placidi, R. Condò, C. Andreani, S. Licoccia,
G.A. Chass, R. Senesi, and P. Cozza. Composition nanostructure steered performance
predictions in steel wires. Nanomaterials, volume 9, 2019.
2019 F. Shahbazi Farahani, B. Mecheri, M.R. Majidi, E. Placidi, and A. D Epifanio. Carbonsupported
fe/mn-based perovskite-type oxides boost oxygen reduction in bioelectrochemical
systems. Carbon, volume 145, pages 716 724, 2019.
2019 A. Marcucci, F. Zurlo, I.N. Sora, E. Placidi, S. Casciardi, S. Licoccia, and E. Di Bartolomeo.
A redox stable pd-doped perovskite for sofc applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry
A, volume 7, pages 5344 5352, 2019.
2019 J. Honolka, C. Hogan, M. Vondrá ek, Y. Polyak, F. Arciprete, and E. Placidi. Electronic
properties of gaasbi(001) alloys at low bi content. Physical Review Materials, volume 3,
2019 I. Francolini, E. Perugini, I. Silvestro, M. Lopreiato, A.S. d Abusco, F. Valentini, E.
Placidi, F. Arciprete, A. Martinelli, and A. Piozzi. Graphene oxide oxygen content affects
physical and biological properties of scaffolds based on chitosan/graphene oxide conjugates.
Materials, volume 12, 2019.
2019 M. De Zotti, G. Corvi, E. Gatto, B. Di Napoli, C. Mazzuca, A. Palleschi, E. Placidi,
B. Biondi, M. Crisma, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, and M. Venanzi. Controlling the formation
of peptide films: Fully developed helical peptides are required to obtain a homogenous
coating over a large area. ChemPlusChem, volume 84, pages 1688 1696, 2019.
2019 S. Colonna, V. Sessi, E. Placidi, F. Ronci, E. Jiménez, and F. Arciprete. Two-dimensional
antiferromagnetic ordering of the mn/gaas(001) interface. Physical Review B, volume 99,
2018 C. Verona, F. Arciprete, M. Foffi, E. Limiti, M. Marinelli, E. Placidi, G. Prestopino,
and G. Verona Rinati. Influence of surface crystal-orientation on transfer doping of
v2o5/h-terminated diamond. Applied Physics Letters, volume 112, 2018.
2018 F. Shahbazi Farahani, B. Mecheri, M. Reza Majidi, M.A. Costa de Oliveira, A. D Epifanio,
F. Zurlo, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and S. Licoccia. Mnox-based electrocatalysts for
enhanced oxygen reduction in microbial fuel cell air cathodes. Journal of Power Sources,
volume 390, pages 45 53, 2018.
2018 B. Mecheri, V.C.A. Ficca, M.A. Costa de Oliveira, A. D Epifanio, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete,
and S. Licoccia. Facile synthesis of graphene-phthalocyanine composites as oxygen
reduction electrocatalysts in microbial fuel cells. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,
volume 237, pages 699 707, 2018.
2018 M. De Zotti, B. Muzzi, E. Gatto, B. Di Napoli, C. Mazzuca, A. Palleschi, E. Placidi,
F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, and M. Venanzi. Tuning the morphology of nanostructured
peptide films by the introduction of a secondary structure conformational constraint: A
case study of hierarchical self-assembly. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, volume 122,
pages 6305 6313, 2018.
2018 E. Ciotta, P. Prosposito, P. Tagliatesta, C. Lorecchio, L. Stella, S. Kaciulis, P. Soltani,
E. Placidi, and R. Pizzoferrato. Discriminating between different heavy metal ions with
fullerene-derived nanoparticles. Sensors (Switzerland), volume 18, 2018.
2018 M. Carbonaro, F. Ripanti, A. Filabozzi, V. Minicozzi, F. Stellato, E. Placidi, S. Morante,
A. Di Venere, E. Nicolai, P. Postorino, and A. Nucara. Human insulin fibrillogenesis
in the presence of epigallocatechin gallate and melatonin: Structural insights from a
biophysical approach. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, volume 115,
pages 1157 1164, 2018.
2018 A. Amodio, E. Del Grosso, A. Troina, E. Placidi, and F. Ricci. Remote electronic control
of dna-based reactions and nanostructure assembly. Nano Letters, volume 18, pages
2918 2923, 2018.
2017 F. Stellato, Z. Fusco, R. Chiaraluce, V. Consalvi, S. Dinarelli, E. Placidi, M. Petrosino,
G.C. Rossi, V. Minicozzi, and S. Morante. The effect of -sheet breaker peptides on metal
associated amyloid- peptide aggregation process. Biophysical Chemistry, volume 229,
pages 110 114, 2017.
2017 R. Lettieri, L. Cardová, E. Gatto, C. Mazzuca, D. Monti, A. Palleschi, E. Placidi, P. Dra ar,
and M. Venanzi. Hierarchical transfer of chiral information from the molecular to the
mesoscopic scale by langmuir-blodgett deposition of tetrasteroid-porphyrins. New Journal
of Chemistry, volume 41, pages 639 649, 2017.
2017 V. Latini, E. Tisbi, E. Placidi, F. Patella, F. Biccari, M. Gurioli, A. Vinattieri, and
F. Arciprete. Tuning the growth for a selective nucleation of chains of quantum dots
behaving as single photon emitters. Journal of Crystal Growth, volume 457, pages 177 183,
2017 V. Latini, E. Placidi, R. Magri, E. Tisbi, F. Patella, and F. Arciprete. Strain-engineered
arrays of inas quantum dots on gaas(001): Epitaxial growth and modeling. Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology Letters, volume 9, pages 1083 1094, 2017. Invited Review Paper.
2017 M.A. Costa de Oliveira, B. Mecheri, A. D Epifanio, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Valentini,
A. Perandini, V. Valentini, and S. Licoccia. Graphene oxide nanoplatforms to
enhance catalytic performance of iron phthalocyanine for oxygen reduction reaction in
bioelectrochemical systems. Journal of Power Sources, volume 356, pages 381 388, 2017.
2017 J.E. Boschker, E. Tisbi, E. Placidi, J. Momand, A. Redaelli, B.J. Kooi, F. Arciprete, and
R. Calarco. Textured sb2te3 films and gete/sb2te3 superlattices grown on amorphous
substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. AIP Advances, volume 7, 2017.
2016 E. Tisbi, V. Latini, F. Patella, E. Placidi, and F. Arciprete. Anisotropic cation diffusion in
the gaas capping of inas/gaas(001) quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics, volume
120, 2016.
2016 R. Lettieri, F. Di Giorgio, A. Colella, R. Magnusson, F. Bjorefors, E. Placidi, A. Palleschi,
M. Venanzi, and E. Gatto. Dppte thiolipid self-assembled monolayer: A critical assay.
Langmuir, volume 32, pages 11560 11572, 2016.
2016 V. Latini, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, E. Tisbi, F. Patella, and R. Magri. Stress-determined
nucleation sites above gaas-capped arrays of inas quantum dots. Journal of Applied
Physics, volume 120, 2016.
2016 M. Fanfoni, A. Filabozzia, E. Placidi, F. Patella, A. Balzarotti, and F. Arciprete. 2d
voronoi tessellation generated by lines and belts of dots. Physics Letters, Section A:
General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, volume 380, pages 516 519, 2016.
2016 M. Carbonaro, A. Di Venere, A. Filabozzi, P. Maselli, V. Minicozzi, S. Morante, E. Nicolai,
A. Nucara, E. Placidi, and F. Stellato. Role of dietary antioxidant (-)-epicatechin in
the development of -lactoglobulin fibrils. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and
Proteomics, volume 1864, pages 766 772, 2016.
2015 E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Sarti, M. Gurioli, A. Vinattieri, and F. Patella. Single qd
emission from arrays of qd chains obtained by patterning-free method. Advanced Device
Materials, volume 1, pages 33 37, 2015.
2015 V. Latini, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and F. Patella. In-line correlation and ordering of
inas/gaas multistacked quantum dots structures. Journal of Crystal Growth, volume 419,
pages 138 142, 2015.
2015 B. Gupta, E. Placidi, C. Hogan, N. Mishra, F. Iacopi, and N. Motta. The transition from
3c sic (1 1 1) to graphene captured by ultra high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy.
Carbon, volume 91, pages 378 385, 2015.
2015 S. Bobone, E. Miele, B. Cerroni, D. Roversi, A. Bocedi, E. Nicolai, A. Di Venere, E.
Placidi, G. Ricci, N. Rosato, and L. Stella. Liposome-templated hydrogel nanoparticles as
vehicles for enzyme-based therapies. Langmuir, volume 31, pages 7572 7580, 2015.
2014 E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V. Latini, S. Latini, R. Magri, M. Scuderi, G. Nicotra, and
F. Patella. Manipulating surface diffusion and elastic interactions to obtain quantum dot
multilayer arrangements over different length scales. Applied Physics Letters, volume 105,
2014 R. Magri, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and F. Patella. Selective growth of inas quantum
dots on gaas driven by as kinetics. Crystal Research and Technology, volume 49, pages
546 551, 2014.
2014 I.W. Hamley, S. Kirkham, A. Dehsorkhi, V. Castelletto, J. Adamcik, R. Mezzenga, J. Ruokolainen,
C. Mazzuca, E. Gatto, M. Venanzi, E. Placidi, P. Bilalis, and H. Iatrou. Selfassembly
of a model peptide incorporating a hexa-histidine sequence attached to an
oligo-alanine sequence, and binding to gold nta/nickel nanoparticles. Biomacromolecules,
volume 15, pages 3412 3420, 2014.
2014 M. Caruso, E. Gatto, E. Placidi, G. Ballano, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, D. Zanuy,
C. Alemán, and M. Venanzi. A single-residue substitution inhibits fibrillization of alabased
pentapeptides. a spectroscopic and molecular dynamics investigation. Soft Matter,
volume 10, pages 2508 2519, 2014. Cover for issue 15, volume 10.
2014 A. Capasso, E. Placidi, H.F. Zhan, E. Perfetto, J.M. Bell, Y.T. Gu, and N. Motta.
Graphene ripples generated by grain boundaries in highly ordered pyrolytic graphite. Carbon,
volume 68, pages 330 336, 2014.
2014 G. Bocchinfuso, P. Conflitti, S. Raniolo, M. Caruso, C. Mazzuca, E. Gatto, E. Placidi,
F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, M. Venanzi, and A. Palleschi. Aggregation propensity of
aib homo-peptides of different length: An insight from molecular dynamics simulations.
Journal of Peptide Science, volume 20, pages 494 507, 2014.
2014 F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, R. Magri, M. Fanfoni, A. Balzarotti, and F. Patella. Role of as in
the anisotropic positioning of self-assembled inas quantum dots. volume 1551, pages 3 9,
2013 M. Caruso, E. Placidi, E. Gatto, C. Mazzuca, L. Stella, G. Bocchinfuso, A. Palleschi,
F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, and M. Venanzi. Fibrils or globules? tuning the morphology of
peptide aggregates from helical building blocks. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, volume
117, pages 5448 5459, 2013.
2013 F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, R. Magri, M. Fanfoni, A. Balzarotti, and F. Patella. The
unexpected role of arsenic in driving the selective growth of inas quantum dots on gaas.
ACS Nano, volume 7, pages 3868 3875, 2013.
2013 F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, R. Magri, D. Del Gaudio, and F. Patella. Kinetically driven
selective growth of inas quantum dots on gaas. Journal of Materials Research, volume 28,
pages 3201 3209, 2013. Invited Feature Paper.
2012 E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, A. Balzarotti, and F. Patella. Scaling behavior of gaas and
gamnas quantum rings grown by droplet epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, volume 101,
2012 Y.G. Galitsyn, A.A. Lyamkina, , S.P. Moschhenko, D.V. Dmitriev, A.I. Toropov, E. Placidi,
and Y.I. Mikhailov. Statistical donsideration of the ensamble of inas quantum dots on the
gaas(001) surface. Reports of the academy of sciences of the higher school of the russian
federation, pages 27 33, 2012.
2012 M. Fanfoni, F. Arciprete, C. Tirabassi, D. Del Gaudio, A. Filabozzi, A. Balzarotti, F. Patella,
and E. Placidi. Coarsening effect on island-size scaling: The model case inas/gaas(001).
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, volume 86, 2012.
2011 E. Placidi, E. Zallo, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, and A. Balzarotti. Comparative
study of low temperature growth of inas and inmnas quantum dots. Nanotechnology,
volume 22, 2011.
2011 L. Herrera Diez, M. Konuma, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, A.W. Rushforth, R.P. Campion,
B.L. Gallagher, J. Honolka, and K. Kern. Magnetism and carrier modulation in
(ga,mn)as/organic-dye hybrid devices. Applied Physics Letters, volume 98, 2011.
2011 L. Herrera Diez, M. Konuma, R.K. Kremer, J. Honolka, K. Kern, E. Placidi, and F. Arciprete.
Magnetoelectric properties of oxygenated (ga,mn)as. Physical Review B -
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 83, 2011.
2011 A. Cricenti, S. Colonna, E. Placidi, M. Luce, J. Qi, N.H. Tolk, and G. Margaritondo.
Optical techniques for pump-probe magnetic measurements and nanoimaging of biological
samples. Rendiconti Lincei, volume 22, page S49 S57, 2011.
2011 S. Colonna, E. Placidi, F. Ronci, A. Cricenti, F. Arciprete, and A. Balzarotti. The role of
kinetics on the mn-induced reconstructions of the gaas(001) surface. Journal of Applied
Physics, volume 109, 2011.
2010 J. Honolka, L. Herrera Diez, R.K. Kremer, K. Kern, E. Placidi, and F. Arciprete.
Temperature-dependent néel wall dynamics in gamnas/gaas. New Journal of Physics,
volume 12, 2010.
2010 L. Herrera Diez, J. Honolka, K. Kern, H. Kronmu ller, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, A.W.
Rushforth, R.P. Campion, and B.L. Gallagher. Magnetic aftereffect in compressively
strained gamnas studied using kerr microscopy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter
and Materials Physics, volume 81, 2010.
2010 I.W. Hamley, G.D. Brown, V. Castelletto, G. Cheng, M. Venanzi, M. Caruso, E. Placidi,
C. Aleman, G. Revilla-López, and D. Zanuy. Self-assembly of a designed amyloid peptide
containing the functional thienylalanine unit. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, volume
114, pages 10674 10683, 2010.
2010 F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, A. Della Pia, A. Balzarotti, and E. Placidi. Temperature
dependence of the size distribution function of inas quantum dots on gaas(001).
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 81, 2010.
2009 S.D. Thorpe, F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, A. Balzarotti, S. Colonna,
F. Ronci, A. Cricenti, A. Verdini, L. Floreano, and A. Morgante. Xps and stm study of mn
incorporation on the gaas(001) surface. Superlattices and Microstructures, volume 46,
pages 258 265, 2009.
2009 E. Placidi, A. Della Pia, and F. Arciprete. Annealing effects on faceting of inasgaas (001)
quantum dots. Applied Physics Letters, volume 94, 2009.
2009 F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, F. Pattella, M. Fanfoni, A. Balzarotti, A. Vinattieri, L. Cavigli,
M. Abbarchi, M. Gurioli, L. Lunghi, and A. Gerardino. Selective growth of inas quantum
dots on sio2-masked gaas. Journal of Nanophotonics, volume 3, 2009.
2008 F. Patella, F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, M. Fanfoni, A. Balzarotti, A. Vinattieri, L. Cavigli,
M. Abbarchi, M. Gurioli, L. Lunghi, and A. Gerardino. Single quantum dot emission
by nanoscale selective growth of inas on gaas: A bottom-up approach. Applied Physics
Letters, volume 93, 2008.
2008 L. Herrera Diez, R.K. Kremer, A. Enders, M. Rössle, E. Arac, J. Honolka, K. Kern, E.
Placidi, and F. Arciprete. Complex domain-wall dynamics in compressively strained
ga 1-xmnxas epilayers. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
volume 78, 2008.
2008 O. Bute, Gh.V. Cimpoca, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, and A. Balzarotti.
The monitoring of 2d-3d transition for inas/gaas (001) self-assembled quantum dots by
atomic force microscopy. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, volume 10,
pages 74 79, 2008.
2007 E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, E. Orsini, and A. Balzarotti. Inas/gaas(001)
epitaxy: Kinetic effects in the two-dimensional to three-dimensional transition. Journal of
Physics Condensed Matter, volume 19, 2007.
2007 P.D. Szkutnik, A. Sgarlata, N. Motta, E. Placidi, I. Berbezier, and A. Balzarotti. Influence
of patterning on the nucleation of ge islands on si and sio2 surfaces. Surface Science,
volume 601, pages 2778 2782, 2007.
2007 M. Fanfoni, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, E. Orsini, F. Patella, and A. Balzarotti. Sudden
nucleation versus scale invariance of inas quantum dots on gaas. Physical Review B -
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 75, 2007.
2007 O. Bute, G.V. Cimpoca, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, and A. Balzarotti.
The influence of the wetting layer morphology on the nucleation and the evolution of
inas/gaas (001) quantum dots. volume 2, pages 337 340, 2007.
2006 E. Placidi, C. Hogan, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, R. Del Sole, and A. Balzarotti.
Adsorption of molecular oxygen on gaas(001) studied using high-resolution electron energyloss
spectroscopy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 73,
2006 O.E. Tereshchenko, D. Paget, P. Chiaradia, E. Placidi, J.E. Bonnet, F. Wiame, and
A. Taleb-Ibrahimi. Chemically prepared well-ordered inp(0 0 1) surfaces. Surface Science,
volume 600, pages 3160 3166, 2006.
2006 F. Patella, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, A. Balzarotti, and E. Placidi. Apparent critical
thickness versus temperature for inas quantum dot growth on gaas(001). Applied Physics
Letters, volume 88, 2006.
2006 F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, V. Sessi, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, and A. Balzarotti. How kinetics
drives the two- to three-dimensional transition in semiconductor strained heterostructures:
The case of inas/gaas(001). Applied Physics Letters, volume 89, 2006.
2005 E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V. Sessi, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, and A. Balzarotti. Step erosion
during nucleation of inasgaas (001) quantum dots. Applied Physics Letters, volume 86,
pages 1 3, 2005. Cover for issue 24, volume 86.
2005 F. Patella, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, V. Sessi, A. Balzarotti, and E. Placidi. Reflection
high energy electron diffraction observation of surface mass transport at the two- to threedimensional
growth transition of inas on gaas(001). Applied Physics Letters, volume 87,
pages 1 3, 2005.
2005 C. Hogan, E. Placidi, and R. Del Sole. Geometric structure and optical properties of the
gaas(001)-c(4 x 4) surface. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
volume 71, 2005.
2005 I. Aureli, V. Corradini, C. Mariani, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, and A. Balzarotti. Valence
band and in-4d core level photoemission study of de-capped and ion-bombarded-annealed
inas(0 0 1) epitaxial surfaces. Surface Science, volume 576, pages 123 130, 2005.
2004 O.E. Tereshchenko, E. Placidi, D. Paget, P. Chiaradia, and A. Balzarotti. Well-ordered
(100) inas surfaces using wet chemical treatments. Surface Science, volume 570, pages
237 244, 2004.
2004 F. Patella, A. Sgarlata, F. Arciprete, S. Nufris, P.D. Szkutnik, E. Placidi, M. Fanfoni,
N. Motta, and A. Balzarotti. Self-assembly of inas and si/ge quantum dots on structured
surfaces. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, volume 16, pages S1503 S1534, 2004.
2004 S. Nufris, F. Arciprete, F. Patella, E. Placidi, M. Fanfoni, A. Sgarlata, and A. Balzarotti.
Early stages of nucleation in the inas/gaas(001) heteroepitaxial growth. Design and Nature,
volume 6, pages 195 198, 2004.
2004 H. Guyot, N. Motta, E. Placidi, and H. Balaska. Characterization of cleaved surfaces of
a monophosphate tungsten bronze. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, volume 8,
pages 101 106, 2004.
2004 F. Arciprete, C. Goletti, E. Placidi, C. Hogan, P. Chiaradia, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella,
and A. Balzarotti. Surface states at the GaAs(001)2 × 4 surface. Physical Review B -
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 69, 2004.
2004 F. Arciprete, C. Goletti, E. Placidi, C. Hogan, P. Chiaradia, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella,
and A. Balzarotti. Surface states at the GaAs(001)2 × 4 surface. Physical Review B -
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 69, pages 813081 813084, 2004.
2003 F. Patella, S. Nufris, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, E. Placidi, A. Sgarlata, and A. Balzarotti.
Tracing the two- to three-dimensional transition in the inas/gaas(001) heteroepitaxial
growth. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 67, 2003.
2003 F. Patella, S. Nufris, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, E. Placidi, A. Sgarlata, and A. Balzarotti.
Structural study of the InAs quantum-dot nucleation on GaAs. Microelectronics Journal,
volume 34, pages 419 422, 2003.
2003 A. Balzarotti, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, and F. Patella. Anisotropy of the
GaAs(001) 22 × 4 surface from high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy. Physical
Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 67, page 5, 2003.
2003 A. Balzarotti, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, and F. Patella. Anisotropy of the
GaAs(001) 22 × 4 surface from high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy. Physical
Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, volume 67, pages 1153321 1153325,
2003 A. Balzarotti, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, G. Onida, and R. Del Sole.
The GaAs(001)c(4 × 4) surface: A new perspective from energy loss spectra. Surface
Science, volume 524, pages L71 L76, 2003.
2003 A. Balzarotti, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, F. Arciprete, and E. Placidi. Electronic anisotropy
of the gaas(001) surface studied by energy loss spectroscopy. Microelectronics Journal,
volume 34, pages 595 597, 2003.
2003 F. Arciprete, C. Goletti, E. Placidi, P. Chiaradia, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, C. Hogan, and
A. Balzarotti. Surface versus bulk contributions from reflectance anisotropy and electron
energy loss spectra of the GaAs(001)c(4 × 4) surface. Physical Review B - Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics, volume 68, 2003.
2002 F. Patella, F. Arciprete, E. Placidi, S. Nufris, M. Fanfoni, A. Sgarlata, D. Schiumarini, and
A. Balzarotti. Morphological instabilities of the inas/gaas(001) interface and their effect
on the self-assembling of inas quantum-dot arrays. Applied Physics Letters, volume 81,
pages 2270 2272, 2002.
2002 F. Arciprete, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, S. Nufris, E. Placidi, D. Schiumarini, and A. Balzarotti.
Morphology of self-assembled inas quantum dots on gaas(001). Materials Research Society
Symposium - Proceedings, volume 696, pages 195 200, 2002.
2002 F. Arciprete, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, S. Nufris, E. Placidi, D. Schiumarini, and A. Balzarotti.
Morphology of self-assembled inas quantum dots on gaas(001). Materials Research Society
Symposium - Proceedings, volume 707, pages 179 184, 2002.
2001 F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, F. Arciprete, S. Nufris, E. Placidi, and A. Balzarotti. Kinetic
aspects of the morphology of self-assembled inas quantum dots on gaas(001). Applied
Physics Letters, volume 78, pages 320 322, 2001.
2000 E. Placidi, M. Fanfoni, F. Arciprete, F. Patella, N. Motta, and A. Balzarotti. Scaling law
and dynamical exponent in the volmer-weber growth mode: Silver on GaAs(001)2 × 4.
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology,
volume 69-70, pages 243 246, 2000.
2000 M. Fanfoni, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Patella, N. Motta, and A. Balzarotti. Dynamic
behavior of silver islands growing on GaAs(001)2 × 4 substrate. Surface Science, volume
445, pages L17 L22, 2000.
LVK publications (38)
2023 R. Acernese et al. The advanced virgo+ status. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
volume 2429, page 012039. IOP Publishing, feb 2023.
2023 R. Acernese et al. Advanced virgo plus: Future perspectives. Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, volume 2429, page 012040. IOP Publishing, jan 2023.
2022 R. Acernese et al. The virgo o3 run and the impact of the environment. Classical and
Quantum Gravity, volume 39, 2022. 235009.
2022 R. Acernese et al. Calibration of advanced virgo and reconstruction of the detector strain
h( t) during the observing run o3. Classical and Quantum Gravity, volume 39, 2022.
2022 R Abbott et al. Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars at two harmonics in
the second and third ligo-virgo observing runs. Astrophysical Journal, volume 935, 2022.
2022 R. Abbott et al. Search of the early o3 ligo data for continuous gravitational waves from
the cassiopeia a and vela jr. supernova remnants. Physical Review D, volume 105, 2022.
2022 R. Abbott et al. Search for intermediate-mass black hole binaries in the third observing
run of advanced ligo and advanced virgo. Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 659, 2022.
2022 R Abbott et al. Search for gravitational waves from scorpius x-1 with a hidden markov
model in o3 ligo data. Physical Review D, volume 106, 2022. 062002.
2022 R. Abbott et al. Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts detected
by fermi and swift during the LIGO virgo run o3b. The Astrophysical Journal, volume
928, page 186. American Astronomical Society, apr 2022.
2022 R. Abbott et al. Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond
x-ray pulsars in o3 ligo data. Physical Review D, volume 105, 2022. 022002.
2022 R Abbott et al. Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the milky way
center in o3 ligo-virgo data. Physical Review D, volume 106, 2022.
2022 R. Abbott et al. Narrowband searches for continuous and long-duration transient gravitational
waves from known pulsars in the ligo-virgo third observing run. Astrophysical
Journal, volume 932, 2022. All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access.
2022 R Abbott et al. Model-based cross-correlation search for gravitational waves from the
low-mass x-ray binary scorpius x-1 in ligo o3 data. Astrophysical Journal Letters, volume
941, 2022.
2022 R Abbott et al. First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector
KAGRA with GEO 600. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, volume 2022,
04 2022. 063F01.
2022 R. Abbott et al. Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from ligo s and virgo s
third observing run. Physical Review D, volume 105, 2022. 063030.
2022 R. Abbott et al. All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds
around spinning black holes in ligo o3 data. Physical Review D, volume 105, 2022. 102001.
2022 R Abbott et al. All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron
stars using advanced ligo and advanced virgo o3 data. Physical Review D, volume 106,
2022. 102008.
2022 R. Abbott et al. All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational waves
from advanced ligo s and advanced virgo s first three observing runs. Physical Review D,
volume 105, 2022. 122001.
2022 R. AAbbott et al. Search for subsolar-mass binaries in the first half of advanced ligo s and
advanced virgo s third observing run. Physical Review Letters, volume 129, 2022. 061104.
2021 E. Calloni et al. High-bandwidth beam balance for vacuum-weight experiment and
newtonian noise subtraction. The European Physical Journal Plus, volume 136, page 335,
2021 R. Abbott et al. Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational-wave background from advanced
ligo and advanced virgo s third observing run. Physical Review D, volume 104, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second
ligo-virgo gravitational-wave transient catalog. Physical Review D, volume 103, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Searches for continuous gravitational waves from young supernova
remnants in the early third observing run of advanced ligo and virgo. Astrophysical Journal,
volume 921, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Search for lensing signatures in the gravitational-wave observations from
the first half of ligo-virgo s third observing run. Astrophysical Journal, volume 923, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from
advanced ligo and advanced virgo s first three observing runs. Physical Review D, volume
104, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Population properties of compact objects from the second ligo-virgo
gravitational-wave transient catalog. Astrophysical Journal Letters, volume 913, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star-black hole
coalescences. Astrophysical Journal Letters, volume 915, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Gwtc-2: Compact binary coalescences observed by ligo and virgo during
the first half of the third observing run. Physical Review X, volume 11, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Diving below the spin-down limit: Constraints on gravitational waves
from the energetic young pulsar psr j0537-6910. Astrophysical Journal Letters, volume
913, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the third advanced ligo-virgo
observing run. Physical Review Letters, volume 126, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. Constraints from ligo o3 data on gravitational-wave emission due to
r-modes in the glitching pulsar psr j0537-6910. Astrophysical Journal, volume 922, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. All-sky search in early o3 ligo data for continuous gravitational-wave
signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems. Physical Review D, volume 103,
2021 R. Abbott et al. All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third advanced
ligo and advanced virgo run. Physical Review D, volume 104, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third
advanced ligo and advanced virgo run. Physical Review D, volume 104, 2021.
2021 R. Abbott et al. All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron
stars in the early o3 ligo data. Physical Review D, volume 104, 2021.
2020 F. Acernese et al. Quantum backaction on kg-scale mirrors: Observation of radiation
pressure noise in the advanced virgo detector. Physical Review Letters, volume 125, 2020.
2020 R. Abbott et al. Gravitational-wave constraints on the equatorial ellipticity of millisecond
pulsars. Astrophysical Journal Letters, volume 902, 2020.
Conferences and Workshops
1. STM study of the Ag/GaAs(001) and island formation. E. Placidi, M. Fanfoni F. Arciprete, F. Pa-tella, N.
Motta, A. Sgarlata and A. Balzarotti; E-MRS Meeting, European Material and Research Science, Strasbourg
(France) June 1-4, 1999 (oral)
2. Physics for the XXI Century, Roma (Italia), 04-07 September 2000.
3. Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial GaAs and Nanostructures: preliminary results. F. Arci-prete, F.
Patella, E. Placidi, M. Fanfoni, A. Sgarlata, N. Motta, and A. Balzarotti. INFM Meeting, Catania 14-18
June 1999 - (poster). STM study of the Ag/GaAs(001)2x4 interface formation. E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F.
Patella, M. Fanfoni, N. Motta, and A. Balzarotti, (poster).
4. Morphology of self-assembled InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001). F. Patella, F. Arciprete, M.Fanfoni, S.
Nufris, E. Placidi and A. Balzarotti. INFM Meeting, Genova 12-16 June 2000 - (poster).
5. Morphology of self-assembled InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001). F. Arciprete, F. Patella, S. Nufris, M.
Fanfoni, E. Placidi, D.Schiumarini, and A. Balzarotti. INFM Meeting, Roma 18-22 June 2001 (oral).
HREELS study of the surface anisotropy of GaAs(001). A. Balzarotti, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, F. Arciprete,
S. De Giorgio, E. Placidi, (poster)
6. "Nanotubes and Nanostructures", Frascati, Italy, 23-28 September, 2002.
7. Electronic anisotropy study of the GaAs(001) As-rich surfaces by means of High Resolution Energy Loss
Spectroscopy. E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni and A. Balzarotti, ECOSS 22, September
2003, Praha, Czech Republic. (oral)
8. The very surface states on GaAs(001) surface by means of electronic and optical techniques, E. Placidi, F.
Arciprete, C. Hogan, F. Patella, M. Fanfoni, C. Goletti, P. Chiaradia, A. Balzarotti, (Oral); Two-to-three
dimensional transition in the InAs/GaAs(001) heteroepitaxial growth, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, S. Nufris,
M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, A. Sgarlata, A. Balzarotti (poster), APS March Meeting 2004, 22-26 Marzo 2004
Montreal, Canada
9. Two-to-three dimensional transition in the InAs/GaAs(001) heteroepitaxial growth, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete,
S. Nufris, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, A. Sgarlata, A. Balzarotti, Pre APS Workshop on Na-noscience and
Nanostructured Materials, 19-20 Marzo 2004 Montreal, Canada (poster)
10. Dynamic scaling and microscopic mechanisms during growth mode transition of the InAs/GaAs(001)
heterostructure, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V.Sessi, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella and A. Balzarotti, 23rd European
Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23) 4. - 9. Sept. 2005, Berlin, Germany (Oral)
11. Dynamic scaling and microscopic mechanisms during growth mode transition of the InAs/GaAs(001)
heterostructure, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V.Sessi, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella and A. Balzarotti, Nanocose meeting,
Villa Mondragone, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" 3 - 5 October 2005, Rome Italy (Invited Oral)
12. Step erosion during nucleation of InAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V.Sessi, M.
Fanfoni, F. Patella and A. Balzarotti, MRS fall meeting 2005, 28th November 2nd December, Boston,
USA (Oral).
13. Epitaxial Growth and Fundamental Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures, 17th-22nd Septem-ber
2006, Bonassola, Italy.
14. Surface Diffusion and Scaling Behavior in the nucleation and growth of InAs Quantum Dots on GaAs(001),
E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, M. Fanfoni, E. Orsini, F. Patella and A. Balzarotti, MRS fall meeting 2006, 27th
November 1st December, Boston, USA (Oral)
15. The InAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots transition: advances on understanding, Facets of Heteroepi-taxy: Theory,
Experiment, and Computation, 2008, 10-15 February, Banff, Canada (Invited Oral)
16. Single quantum dot emission by nanoscale selective growth of InAs on GaAs: a bottom-up ap-proach:
Collaborative Conference on Interacting Nanostructures (CCIN), 2009 9-13 November, San Diego, USA
(Invited Oral)
17. Mechanism in formation and evolution of InAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots. Nanoscience Nano-technology
2010, 20-23 September 2010, Frascati, Italy (Invited Oral)
18. Searching an alternative self-assembly approach for quantum dots lateral ordering, ACMM 22/APMC
10/ICONN 2012 Perth, 5-9 February 2012, Australia (Oral)
19. InAs on gaAs single quantum dot nucleation on SiO2 patterned areas: a bottom-up approach, ACMM
22/APMC 10/ICONN 2012 Perth, 5-9 February 2012, Australia (Oral)
20. Multi-stacked ordering of quantum dots driven by As kinetics. FisMat 2013, September 9-13, 2013; Milano
21. Single exciton emission from multistacked InAs quantum dots chains self-assembled on GaAs(001). EuroMBE
2015, Canazei, 15-18 march 2015 (Oral)
22. Single exciton emission from multistacked InAs quantum dots chains self-assembled on GaAs(001). XI
Convegno Nazionale Materiali Nanofasici, Roma, 26-28 october 2015 (Oral)
23. A guide to juggling the AFM in chemistry. Advanced micro and nano characterization of hybrid interfaces
workshop, Milano, 07-08 november 2022 (Invited Oral)