Ritratto di francesca.megiorni@uniroma1.it

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Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
ADE AAF1433 2023/2024
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2023/2024
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2023/2024
ADE AAF1433 2022/2023
SCIENZE MEDICHE 1047963 2022/2023
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2022/2023
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2022/2023
ADE AAF1433 2021/2022
ADE AAF1433 2021/2022
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2021/2022
SCIENZE MEDICHE 1047963 2021/2022
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2021/2022
ADE AAF1433 2020/2021
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2020/2021
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2020/2021
SCIENZE MEDICHE 1047963 2020/2021
ADE AAF1433 2019/2020
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2019/2020
SCIENZE UMANE 1035288 2019/2020

Contattare il docente per email per concordare data e orario del ricevimento.

Associate Professor SSD MED/46
Department of Experimental Medicine
University SAPIENZA of Rome


21-10-1998 Degree in Biological Sciences - Biomolecule field. University SAPIENZA of Rome, 110/110 cum laude.
May 2000 License in Biologist Profession. University SAPIENZA of Rome, 140/150.
04-06-2005 PhD in Medical Genetics, 4-year program School of Medicine. University SAPIENZA of Rome.
04-12-2007 Specialty in Medical Genetics Technical field. University SAPIENZA of Rome, 70/70 cum laude.
31-03-2017 National Scientific Habilitation for Associate Professor, Sector 06/A1 Medical Genetics. MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
31-03-2017 National Scientific Habilitation for Associate Professor, Sector 06/N1 Sciences of Health Care Professions and Applied Medical. MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
24-09-2018 National Scientific Habilitation for Associate Professor, Sector 05/H2 Histology. MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.


2021-to present Professor of Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine (1 CFU) - Interdisciplinary Course 1, I year II semester, Degree Course in Health Professions of Technical Sciences (diagnostic), channel A, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2021-to present Professor of Epigenetics Modifications and microRNAs: laboratory methodologies and clinical applications (1 CFU) ADE, III year II semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel C, ASL Latina, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2020-to present Professor of Laboratory Medicine Techniques (1 CFU), II year I semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel F, ASL Rieti, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2020-to present Professor of Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine (1 CFU), I year II semester, Degree Course in Nursery, Rieti, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2020-to present Professor of Internal Medicine 1 (2 CFU) - Medical Sciences - Professionalizing Practical Activities, III year I semester, Degree Course in Dental School, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2019-to present Professor of Genetics (1 CFU) - Cellular and Molecular Basis of Life, I year I semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel A, Polyclinic Umberto I, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2019-to present Professor of Bioethics (1 CFU) Human Sciences, III year II semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel A, Polyclinic Umberto I, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2019-to present Professor of Bioethics (1 CFU) Human Sciences, III year II semester, Degree Course in Audiometric Techniques, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2019-to present Professor of Epigenetics Modifications and microRNAs (1 CFU) - ADE, II year I semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel A, Polyclinic Umberto I, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2015 Professor of Genetics, I year, School of Specialization in Medical Genetics, Alimentary Science and Pharmacology, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2015 Professor of Basic elements of Molecular Biology, Master of Genomics and Bioinformatics for New Technologies in gene identification and expression, LAB GTP, Ceinge, Naples.
2014-2015 Professor of Molecular Genetics, II year, School of Specialization in Medical Genetics, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2013-2020 Professor of Molecular Biology (2 CFU) - Pediatrics - Professionalizing Practical Activities, III year I semester, Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, channel A, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2008-2015 Professor of Applied Biology (1 CFU) - Cellular and Molecular Basis of Life, I year I semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel O, ASL Frosinone, University SAPIENZA of Rome.
2005-2016 Professor of Genetics (1 CFU) - Cellular and Molecular Basis of Life, I year I semester, Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, channel O, ASL Frosinone, University SAPIENZA of Rome.


2022-to present Academic Editor, Stem Cell International
2022-to present Associate Editor, Frontiers in Oncology section of Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics
2022-to present Associate Editor, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences section of Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics
2019-to present Academic Editor, PLOS ONE
2021 Guest Editor, Cells Special Issue "Advances in Rhabdomyosarcoma"
2016 Guest Editor, Medical Sciences Special Issue: "Genetics of Celiac Disease"
2021 External reviewer for the Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) 2015-2019 ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes.


2005-to present Member of the National Association of Biologists - Section A (n° 054772)
2018-to present Member of the Italian Society of Human Genetics SIGU
2020-to present Member of the Italian Society for Translational Research and Health Professions - S.I.R.T.E.P.S.
2019-to present Member of REPRISE (Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation) activity of Applied Research


2021 SAPIENZA, Scientific Collaborator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Multipotent stem cells from epicardial fat: coding/non-coding genes and paracrine mediators in cardiovascular disorders". Median class funding. Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Simona Ceccarelli, Sapienza University of Rome.
2020 PRIN, Scientific Collaborator of the Research Unit (UO) Sector LS7 Gene therapy, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, Line A, Prof.ssa Cinzia Marchese - Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Epigenetic-sensitive mechanisms, coding/non-coding genes, and paracrine mediators in multipotent stem cells from epicardial fat". Principal Investigator: Prof. Claudio Napoli, Vanvitelli University.
2020 SAPIENZA, Principal Investigator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Epigenetic dynamics for enhancing therapeutic efficacy and immunomodulatory activity of adipose-derived stem cells in regenerative medicine: a biological, molecular and computational approach . Median class funding.
2019 AIRC, Scientific Collaborator of the funded project Circular RNAs: novel players and biomarkers in tumorigenesis Prof.ssa Irene Bozzoni, Sapienza University of Rome.
2019 SAPIENZA, Principal Investigator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Non-coding RNAs and epigenetic drivers in ovarian cancer development and drug resistance: cues to new biomarkers and efficient targeted therapies". Median class funding.
2018 SAPIENZA, Principal Investigator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Novel epigenetic therapeutic strategies in rhabdomyosarcoma". Median class funding.
2017 PRIN, Scientific Collaborator of the Research Unit (UO) Sector LS7 Gene therapy, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, Line A, Unit Head: Cinzia Marchese - Sapienza University of Rome. Title: DNA methylation dynamics for enhancing adipose derived stem cells therapeutic efficacy in regeneration of both soft tissue defects and fistulizing chronic intestinal diseases. Principal Investigator: Prof. Claudio Napoli, Vanvitelli University.
2017 SAPIENZA, Principal Investigator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Preclinical evaluation of the synergistic activity of Olaparib and AZD2461, two selective PARP1/2/(3) inhibitors, and cytotoxic drugs in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines". Median class funding.
2016 SAPIENZA, Scientific Collaborator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Ruolo delle DNA metil-trasferasi (DNMT) nel rabdomiosarcoma". Median class funding. Principal Investigator: Prof. Carlo Dominici, Sapienza University of Rome.
2015 SAPIENZA, Scientific Collaborator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Profilo di espressione genica e analisi funzionale di microRNA nel neuroblastoma". Median class funding. Principal Investigator: Carlo Dominici, Sapienza University of Rome.
2011 SAPIENZA, Scientific Collaborator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Il dolore pelvico cronico nella donna: ipotesi patogenetiche e nuovi percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici". Median class funding. Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Porpora, Sapienza University of Rome.
2009 Ministry of Health, Co-Principal Investigator of the subproject 3 "microRNA e Fibrosi Cistica: implicazioni nella patogenesi e nella terapia" - UO5, Unit Head: Prof. Antonio Pizzuti - Sapienza University of Rome. Quota vincolata per le finalità di prevenzione e cura della Fibrosi Cistica - National Health Fund of the Ministry of Health. Title: "Genotipo e fenotipo in Fibrosi Cistica: il ruolo dei macrofagi, dei microrna e della funzionalità residua del CFTR". Principal Investigator: Prof. Salvatore Cucchiara, Sapienza University of Rome.
2009 AriSLA, Scientific Collaborator of the research project entitled "Characterization of disease mechanisms mediated by TDP-43 and FUS RNA-binding proteins in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis". Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa A Ratti, Università of Milan.
2007 SAPIENZA, Scientific Collaborator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Polimorfismi genetici delle metalloproteinasi: associazione con malattie autoimmuni". Median class funding. Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Mazzilli, Sapienza University of Rome.
2006 SAPIENZA, Scientific Collaborator of the project funded by the Sapienza University of Rome. Title: "Polimorfismi genetici delle metalloproteinasi: associazione con malattie autoimmuni". Median class funding. Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Mazzilli, Sapienza University of Rome.


Over the last 15 years, the main interests of Prof. Megiorni have been focused on the molecular targeted therapies in solid tumors. She focused her attention on understanding the epigenetic modifications and non-coding RNAs that control intracellular signaling pathways and their involvement in the regulation of cancer cell proliferation, vitality and spreading. She also focused her research on the epigenetic-based strategies to ameliorate adipose derived stem cells in the development of therapeutic strategies for inflammatory diseases and soft-tissue defects. She has contributed to the study of the genetic basis of different mendelian and complex genetic diseases, i.e. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH), Cystic Fibrosis and Celiac Disease. Recently, her studies are focusing on dissecting the impact of nano- and micropalstics on human health. She has been published in highly qualified international journals and presented her studies at different national and international scientific meetings.


2016 Title: Diagnosi e trattamento dei tumori . Inventors: Bozzoni Irene, Legnini Ivano, Di Timoteo Gaia, Rossi Francesca, Dominici Carlo, Megiorni Francesca. SAPIENZA Patent Portfolio, Application number: 102016000124288, Priority date: 07/12/2016 (https://www.uniroma1.it/en/brevetto/102016000124288)


2017 Italiani scoprono 'grilletto' che aziona un tumore infantile - Un gene troppo attivo, regolarlo possibile nuova via di cura. Notizia pubblicata su ANSA.it Salute & Benessere. Roma, 26-06-2017 (https://goo.gl/7v8YPV).

2019 Lotta al cancro: scoperto un nuovo target coinvolto nella progressione tumorale SAPIENZA Ricerca, 31 gennaio 2019 (https://www.uniroma1.it/it/notizia/lotta-al-cancro-scoperto-un-nuovo-tar...)

2020 CO.RO. (Coordinamento Romano Associazioni Onco-ematologiche) - Casa del Cinema di Roma, 14 febbraio 2020.

2021 ATMP forum, 15 ottobre 2021

PUBLICATIONS (ORCID: 0000-0003-3705-3248)
- Raparelli V, Nocella C, Proietti M, Romiti GF, Corica B, Bartimoccia S, Stefanini L, Lenzi A, Viceconte N, Tanzilli G, Cammisotto V, Pilote L, Cangemi R, Basili S, Carnevale R; EVA Collaborators (Megiorni F among the collaborators). Testosterone-to-estradiol ratio and platelet thromboxane release in ischemic heart disease: the EVA project. J Endocrinol Invest. 2022 Mar 9. doi: 10.1007/s40618-022-01771-0. IF 4.256
- Megiorni F, Pontecorvi P, Gerini G, Anastasiadou E, Marchese C, Ceccarelli S. Sex-Related Factors in Cardiovascular Complications Associated to COVID-19. Biomolecules. 2021 Dec 24;12(1):21. doi: 10.3390/biom12010021. IF 4.879
- Camero S, Vitali G, Pontecorvi P, Ceccarelli S, Anastasiadou E, Cicchetti F, Flex E, Pomella S, Cassandri M, Rota R, Marampon F, Marchese C, Schiavetti A, Megiorni F. DNMT3A and DNMT3B Targeting as an Effective Radiosensitizing Strategy in Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cells. 2021 Oct 30;10(11):2956. doi: 10.3390/cells10112956. IF 6.600
- Cassandri M, Pomella S, Rossetti A, Petragnano F, Milazzo L, Vulcano F, Camero S, Codenotti S, Cicchetti F, Maggio R, Festuccia C, Gravina GL, Fanzani A, Megiorni F, Catanoso M, Marchese C, Tombolini V, Locatelli F, Rota R, Marampon F. MS-275 (Entinostat) Promotes Radio-Sensitivity in PAX3-FOXO1 Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 1;22(19):10671. doi: 10.3390/ijms221910671. IF 5.924
- Anastasiadou E, Ceccarelli S, Messina E, Gerini G, Megiorni F, Pontecorvi P, Camero S, Onesti MG, Trivedi P, Faenza M, Coscioni E, Nicoletti GF, Napoli C, Marchese C (2021). MiR-200c-3p maintains stemness and proliferative potential in adipose-derived stem cells by counteracting senescence mechanisms. PLOS ONE, 16(9):e0257070. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257070. IF 3.24
- Anastasiadou E, Messina E, Sanavia T, Labruna V, Ceccarelli S, Megiorni F, Gerini G, Pontecorvi P, Camero S, Perniola G, Venneri MA, Trivedi P, Lenzi A, Marchese C (2021). Calcineurin Gamma Catalytic Subunit PPP3CC Inhibition by miR-200c-3p Affects Apoptosis in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. GENES, 12(9):1400. doi: 10.3390/genes12091400. IF 4.096
- Carpentieri G, Leoni C, Pietraforte D, Cecchetti S, Iorio E, Belardo A, Pietrucci D, Di Nottia M, Pajalunga D, Megiorni F, Mercurio L, Tatti M, Camero S, Marchese C, Rizza T, Tirelli V, Onesimo R, Carrozzo R, Rinalducci S, Chillemi G, Zampino G, Tartaglia M, Flex E. Hyperactive HRAS dysregulates energetic metabolism in fibroblasts from patients with Costello syndrome via enhanced production of reactive oxidizing species. Hum Mol Genet. 2021 Sep 11:ddab270. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddab270. IF 6.150
- Pontecorvi P, Megiorni F, Camero S, Ceccarelli S, Bernardini L, Capalbo A, Anastasiadou E, Gerini G, Messina E, Perniola G, Benedetti Panici P, Grammatico P, Pizzuti A, Marchese C (2021). Altered expression of candidate genes in Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome may influence vaginal keratinocytes biology: a focus on Protein Kinase X. BIOLOGY, 10(6):450. doi: 10.3390/biology10060450. IF 5.079
- #Megiorni F, Camero S, Pontecorvi P, Camicia L, Marampon F, Ceccarelli S, Anastasiadou E, Bernabò N, Perniola G, Pizzuti A, Benedetti Panici P, Tombolini V, Marchese C. OTX015 Epi-Drug Exerts Antitumor Effects in Ovarian Cancer Cells by Blocking GNL3-Mediated Radioresistance Mechanisms: Cellular, Molecular and Computational Evidence. Cancers 2021; 13(7), 1519; doi: 10.3390/cancers13071519. IF 6.639
- Anastasiadou E, Messina E, Sanavia T, Mundo L, Farinella F, Lazzi S, Megiorni F, Ceccarelli S, Pontecorvi P, Marampon F, Di Gioia CRT, Perniola G, Benedetti Panici P, Leoncini L, Trivedi P, Lenzi A, Marchese C. MiR-200c-3p contrasts PD-L1 induction by combinatorial therapies and slows proliferation of epithelial ovarian cancer through downregulation of -catenin and c-Myc. Cells 2021; 10(3), 519; doi: 10.3390/cells10030519. IF 6.600
- Pontecorvi P, Bernardini L, Capalbo A, Ceccarelli S, Megiorni F, Vescarelli E, Bottillo I, Preziosi N, Fabbretti M, Perniola G, Benedetti Panici P, Pizzuti A, Grammatico P, Marchese C. Protein-protein interaction network analysis applied to DNA copy number profiling suggests new perspectives on the aetiology of Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 11;11(1):448. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79827-5. IF 3.998
- Petragnano F, Pietrantoni I, Camero S, Codenotti S, Milazzo L, Vulcano F, Macioce G, Giordani I, Tini P, Cheleschi S, Gravina GL, Festuccia C, Rossetti A, Delle Monache S, Ordinelli A, Ciccarelli C, Mauro A, Barbara B, Antinozzi C, Schiavetti A, Maggio R, Di Luigi L, Polimeni A, Marchese C, Tombolini V, Fanzani A, Bernabò N, *Megiorni F, Marampon F. Clinically relevant radioresistant rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines: functional, molecular and immune-related characterization. J Biomed Sci. 2020 Aug 27;27(1):90. doi: 10.1186/s12929-020-00683-6. IF 5.762
- Marchionni E, Porpora MG, Megiorni F, Piacenti I, Giovannetti A, Marchese C, Benedetti Panici P, Pizzuti A. TLR4 T399I Polymorphism and Endometriosis in a Cohort of Italian Women. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Apr 27;10(5):255. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10050255. IF 2.489
- Pepin ME, Infante T, Benincasa G, Schiano C, Miceli M, Ceccarelli S, Megiorni F, Anastasiadou E, Della Valle G, Fatone G, Faenza M, Docimo L, Nicoletti GF, Marchese C, Wende AR, Napoli C. Differential DNA Methylation Encodes Proliferation and Senescence Programs in Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Front Genet. 2020 Apr 15;11:346. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00346. eCollection 2020. IF 3.517
- Camero S, Camicia L, Marampon F, Ceccarelli S, Shukla R, Mannarino O, Pizer B, Schiavetti A, Pizzuti A, Tombolini V, Marchese C, Dominici C, #Megiorni F. BET inhibition therapy counteracts cancer cell survival, clonogenic potential and radioresistance mechanisms in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Cancer Lett. 2020 Mar 18. pii: S0304-3835(20)30130-0. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2020.03.011. IF 6.491
- Raparelli V, Romiti GF, Spugnardi V, Borgi M, Cangemi R, Basili S, Proietti M; The Eva Collaborative Group (Megiorni F among the collaborators). Gender-Related Determinants of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Adults with Ischemic Heart Disease. Nutrients. 2020 Mar 13;12(3). pii: E759. doi: 10.3390/nu12030759. PubMed PMID: 32183044; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7146303. IF 4.171
- #Megiorni F. Epigenetics in rhabdomyosarcoma: cues to new biomarkers and targeted therapies. EBioMedicine. 2020 Feb;52:102673. IF 6.680
- Vescarelli E, Gerini G, Megiorni F, Anastasiadou E, Pontecorvi P, Solito L, De Vitis C, Camero S, Marchetti C, Mancini R, Benedetti Panici P, Dominici C, Romano F, Angeloni A, Marchese C, Ceccarelli S. MiR-200c sensitizes Olaparib-resistant ovarian cancer cells by targeting Neuropilin 1. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Jan 2;39(1):3. IF 5.646
- Raparelli V, Proietti M, Romiti GF, Lenzi A, Basili S; EVA Collaborative Group (among collaborators Megiorni F). The Sex-Specific Detrimental Effect of Diabetes and Gender-Related Factors on Pre-admission Medication Adherence Among Patients Hospitalized for Ischemic Heart Disease: Insights From EVA Study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019 Feb 25;10:107. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00107. IF 3.519
- De Felice F, *Megiorni F, Pietrantoni I, Tini P, Lessiani G, Mastroiacovo D, Mattana P, Antinozzi C, Di Luigi L, Delle Monache S, Angelucci A, Festuccia C, Fanzani A, Maggio R, Tombolini V, Gravina GL, Marampon F. Sulodexide counteracts endothelial dysfunction induced by metabolic or non-metabolic stresses through activation of the autophagic program. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2019 Mar;23(6):2669-2680. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201903_17415. IF 2.727
- Codenotti S, Faggi F, Ronca R, Chiodelli P, Grillo E, Guescini M, Megiorni F, Marampon F, Fanzani A. Caveolin-1 enhances metastasis formation in a human model of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma through Erk signaling cooperation. Cancer Lett. 2019 Feb 13. pii: S0304-3835(19)30085-0. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.02.013. IF: 6.491
- Ceccarelli S, Megiorni F, Bellavia D, Marchese C, Screpanti I, Checquolo S. Notch3 Targeting: A Novel Weapon against Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells. Stem Cells Int. 2019 Jan 6;2019:6264931. doi: 10.1155/2019/6264931. eCollection 2019. Review. IF: 3.989
- Marampon F, Codenotti S, Megiorni F, Del Fattore A, Camero S, Gravina GL, Festuccia C, Musio D, De Felice F, Nardone V, Santoro AN, Dominici C, Fanzani A, Pirtoli L, Fioravanti A, Tombolini V, Cheleschi S, Tini P. NRF2 orchestrates the redox regulation induced by radiation therapy, sustaining embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cells radioresistance. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019 Jan 30. doi: 10.1007/s00432-019-02851-0. IF: 3.081
- Rossi F, Legnini I, Megiorni F, Colantoni A, Santini T, Morlando M, Di Timoteo G, Dattilo D, Dominici C, Bozzoni I. Circ-ZNF609 regulates G1-S progression in rhabdomyosarcoma. Oncogene. 2019 Jan 22. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0699-4. IF: 6.854
- Marampon F, Leoni F, Mancini A, Pietrantoni I, Codenotti S, Letizia F, Megiorni F, Porro G, Galbiati E, Pozzi P, Mascagni P, Budillon A, Maggio R, Tombolini V, Fanzani A, Gravina GL, Festuccia C. Marampon F, Histone deacetylase inhibitor ITF2357 (givinostat) reverts transformed phenotype and counteracts stemness in in vitro and in vivo models of human glioblastoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019 Feb;145(2):393-409. IF: 3.081
- Camero S, Ceccarelli S, De Felice F, Marampon F, Mannarino O, Camicia L, Vescarelli E, Pontecorvi P, Pizer B, Shukla R, Schiavetti A, Mollace MG, Pizzuti A, Tombolini V, Marchese C, *#Megiorni F, Dominici C. PARP inhibitors affect growth, survival and radiation susceptibility of human alveolar and embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019 Jan;145(1):137-152. IF: 3.081
- Giannattasio S, *Megiorni F, Di Nisio V, Del Fattore A, Fontanella R, Camero S, Antinozzi C, Festuccia C, Gravina GL, Cecconi S, Dominici C, Di Luigi L, Ciccarelli C, De Cesaris P, Riccioli A, Zani BM, Lenzi A, Pestell RG, Filippini A, Crescioli C, Tombolini V, Marampon F. Testosterone-mediated activation of androgenic signalling sustains in vitro the transformed and radioresistant phenotype of rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines. J Endocrinol Invest. 2019 Feb;42(2):183-197. IF: 3.166
- #Megiorni F, Gravina GL, Camero S, Ceccarelli S, Del Fattore A, Desiderio V, Papaccio F, McDowell HP, Shukla R, Pizzuti A, Beirinckx F, Pujuguet P, Saniere L, der Aar EV, Maggio R, De Felice F, Marchese C, Dominici C, Tombolini V, Festuccia C, Marampon F. Pharmacological targeting of the ephrin receptor kinase signalling by GLPG1790 in vitro and in vivo reverts oncophenotype, induces myogenic differentiation and radiosensitizes embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cells. J Hematol Oncol. 2017 Oct 6;10(1):161. IF: 7.333
- #Megiorni F, Colaiacovo M, Cialfi S, McDowell HP, Guffanti A, Camero S, Felsani A, Losty PD, Pizer B, Shukla R, Cappelli C, Ferrara E, Pizzuti A, Moles A, Dominici C. A sketch of known and novel MYCN-associated miRNA networks in neuroblastoma. Oncol Rep. 2017 Jul;38(1):3-20. IF: 2.976
- Marampon F, *Megiorni F, Camero S, Crescioli C, McDowell HP, Sferra R, Vetuschi A, Pompili S, Ventura L, De Felice F, Tombolini V, Dominici C, Maggio R, Festuccia C, Gravina GL. HDAC4 and HDAC6 sustain DNA double strand break repair and stem-like phenotype by promoting radioresistance in glioblastoma cells. Cancer Lett. 2017 Jul 1;397:1-11. IF: 6.491
- #Megiorni F, Camero S, Ceccarelli S, McDowell HP, Mannarino O, Marampon F, Pizer B, Shukla R, Pizzuti A, Marchese C, Clerico A, Dominici C. DNMT3B in vitro knocking-down is able to reverse embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell phenotype through inhibition of proliferation and induction of myogenic differentiation. Oncotarget. 2016 Nov 29;7(48):79342-79356. IF: 5.168
- #Megiorni F, McDowell HP, Camero S, Mannarino O, Ceccarelli S, Paiano M, Losty PD, Pizer B, Shukla R, Pizzuti A, Clerico A, Dominici C. Crizotinib-induced antitumour activity in human alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cells is not solely dependent on ALK and MET inhibition. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Oct 6;34:112. IF: 4.357
- Nardella M, Guglielmi L, Musa C, Iannetti I, Maresca G, Amendola D, Porru M, Carico E, Sessa G, Camerlingo R, Dominici C, Megiorni F, Milan M, Bearzi C, Rizzi R, Pirozzi G, Leonetti C, Bucci B, Mercanti D, Felsani A, D'Agnano I. Down-regulation of the Lamin A/C in neuroblastoma triggers the expansion of tumor initiating cells. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 20;6(32):32821-40. IF: 5.008
- #Megiorni F, Cialfi S, McDowell HP, Felsani A, Camero S, Guffanti A, Pizer B, Clerico A, De Grazia A, Pizzuti A, Moles A, Dominici C. Deep Sequencing the microRNA profile in rhabdomyosarcoma reveals down-regulation of miR-378 family members. BMC Cancer. 2014 Nov 25;14:880. IF: 3.362.
- Cavaggioni G, Lia C, Resta S, Antonielli T, Benedetti Panici P, Megiorni F, Porpora MG. Are mood and anxiety disorders and alexithymia associated with endometriosis? A preliminary study. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:786830. IF: 1.579
- #Megiorni F, Resta S, Yazdanian D, Cavaggioni G, Lia C, Benedetti Panici P, Pizzuti A, Porpora MG. Lack of association between serotonin transporter 5-HTT gene polymorphism and endometriosis in an Italian patient population. J Negat Results Biomed. 2014 Jun 12;13(1):12. IF: 1.20
- Zicari AM, Mora B, Lollobrigida V, Occasi F, Cesoni Marcelli A, Megiorni F, Pizzuti A, Nebbioso M, Duse M. Immunogenetic investigation in vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2014 Aug;25(5):508-10. IF: 3.397
- Conteduca G, Rossi A, Megiorni F, Parodi A, Ferrera F, Tardito S, Battaglia F, Kalli F, Negrini S, Pizzuti A, Rizza E, Indiveri F, Fenoglio D, Filaci G. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter regions of Foxp3 and ICOSLG genes are associated with Alopecia areata. Clin Exp Med. 2014 Feb;14(1):91-7. IF: 2.959
- #Megiorni F, Cialfi S, Cimino G, De Biase RV, Dominici C, Quattrucci S, Pizzuti A. Elevated levels of miR-145 correlate with SMAD3 down-regulation in cystic fibrosis patients. J Cyst Fibros. 2013 Dec;12(6):797-802. IF: 3.82
- #Megiorni F, Mora B, Maxia C, Gerardi M, Pizzuti A, Rossi A. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) +49AG and CT60 gene polymorphisms in Alopecia Areata: a case-control association study in the Italian population. Arch Dermatol Res. 2013 Sep;305(7):665-70. IF: 2.270
- Ledda M, Megiorni F, Pozzi D, Giuliani L, D'Emilia E, Piccirillo S, Mattei C, Grimaldi S, Lisi A. Non ionising radiation as a non chemical strategy in regenerative medicine: Ca(2+)-ICR "In Vitro" effect on neuronal differentiation and tumorigenicity modulation in NT2 cells. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 9;8(4):e61535. IF: 3.534
- Porpora MG, Resta S, Fuggetta E, Storelli P, Megiorni F, Manganaro L, De Felip E. Role of environmental organochlorinated pollutants in the development of endometriosis. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2013;40(4):565-7. Review. IF: 0.62
- #Megiorni F, Pizzuti A. HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 in Celiac disease predisposition: practical implications of the HLA molecular typing. J Biomed Sci. 2012 Oct 11;19:88. Review. IF: 2.458
- Colombrita C, Onesto E, Megiorni F, Pizzuti A, Baralle FE, Buratti E, Silani V, Ratti A. TDP-43 and FUS RNA-binding proteins bind distinct sets of cytoplasmic messenger RNAs and differently regulate their post-transcriptional fate in motoneuron-like cells. J Biol Chem. 2012 May 4;287(19):15635-47. IF: 4.651
- #Megiorni F, Cialfi S, Dominici C, Quattrucci S, Pizzuti A. Synergistic post-transcriptional regulation of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR) by miR-101 and miR-494 specific binding. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26601. IF: 4.092
- #Megiorni F, Pizzuti A, Mora B, Rizzuti A, Garelli V, Maxia C, Carlesimo M, Fotruna MC, Delle Chiaie R, Cavaggioni G, Rossi A. Genetic association of HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DRB1 polymorphisms with alopecia areata in the Italian population. Br J Dermatol. 2011 Oct;165(4):823-7. IF: 3.666
- Tomaselli S, Megiorni F, Lin L, Mazzilli MC, Gerrelli D, Majore S, Grammatico P, Achermann JC. Human RSPO1/R-spondin1 is expressed during early ovary development and augments -catenin signaling. PLoS One. 2011 Jan 28;6(1):e16366. IF: 4.092
- Nanni L, Quagliarini F, Megiorni F, Montali A, Minicocci I, Campagna F, Pizzuti A, Arca M. Genetic variants in adipose triglyceride lipase influence lipid levels in familial combined hyperlipidemia. Atherosclerosis. 2010 Nov;213(1):206-11. IF: 4.086
- Megiorni F, Mora B, Bonamico M, Barbato M, Montuori M, Viola F, Trabace S, Mazzilli MC. Response to Dubois et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2009;104(3):784-785. IF: 6.012
- Megiorni F, Mora B, Bonamico M, Barbato M, Nenna R, Maiella G, Lulli P, Mazzilli MC. HLA-DQ and risk gradient for celiac disease. Hum Immunol. 2009 Jan;70(1):55-9. IF: 2.550
- Nenna R, Mora B, Megiorni F, Mazzilli MC, Magliocca FM, Tiberti C, Bonamico M. HLA-DQB1*02 dose effect on RIA anti-tissue transglutaminase autoantibody levels and clinicopathological expressivity of celiac disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2008 Sep;47(3):288-92. IF: 2.132
- Megiorni F, Mora B, Bonamico M, Nenna R, Di Pierro M, Catassi C, Drago S, Mazzilli MC. A rapid and sensitive method to detect specific human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles associated with celiac disease. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2008;46(2):193-6. IF: 1.888
- Pedace L, Majore S, Megiorni F, Binni F, De Bernardo C, Antigoni I, Preziosi N, Mazzilli MC, Grammatico P. Identification of a novel duplication in the APC gene using multiple ligation probe amplification in a patient with familial adenomatous polyposis. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2008 Apr 15;182(2):130-5. IF: 1.482
- Megiorni F, Mora B, Bonamico M, Barbato M, Montuori M, Viola F, Trabace S, Mazzilli MC. HLA-DQ and susceptibility to celiac disease: evidence for gender differences and parent-of-origin effects. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Apr;103(4):997-1003. IF: 6.444
- Tomaselli S, Megiorni F, De Bernardo C, Felici A, Marrocco G, Maggiulli G, Grammatico B, Remotti D, Saccucci P, Valentini F, Mazzilli MC, Majore S, Grammatico P. Syndromic true hermaphroditism due to an R-spondin1 (RSPO1) homozygous mutation. Hum Mutat. 2008 Feb;29(2):220-6. IF: 7.033
- Latiano A, Mora B, Bonamico M, Megiorni F, Mazzilli MC, Cucchiara S, Palmieri O, Valvano MR, Annese V. Analysis of candidate genes on chromosomes 5q and 19p in celiac disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2007 Aug;45(2):180-6. IF: 2.102
- Bonamico M, Ferri M, Mariani P, Nenna R, Thanasi E, Luparia RP, Picarelli A, Magliocca FM, Mora B, Bardella MT, Verrienti A, Fiore B, Uccini S, Megiorni F, Mazzilli MC, Tiberti C. Serologic and genetic markers of celiac disease: a sequential study in the screening of first degree relatives. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2006 Feb;42(2):150-4. IF: 2.067
- Megiorni F, Indovina P, Mora B, Mazzilli MC. Minor expression of fascin-1 gene (FSCN1) in NTera2 cells depleted of CREB-binding protein. Neurosci Lett. 2005 Jun 10-17;381(1-2):169-74. IF: 2.02
- Mora B, Bonamico M, Ferri M, Megiorni F, Osborn J, Pizzuti A, Mazzilli MC. Association of the matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) promoter polymorphism with celiac disease in male subjects. Hum Immunol. 2005 Jun;66(6):716-20. IF: 2.467
- Megiorni F, Mora B, Indovina P, Mazzilli MC. Expression of neuronal markers during NTera2/cloneD1 differentiation by cell aggregation method. Neurosci Lett. 2005 Jan 10;373(2):105-9. IF: 2.02
- Mora B, Bonamico M, Indovina P, Megiorni F, Ferri M, Carbone MC, Cipolletta E, Mazzilli MC. CTLA-4 +49 A/G dimorphism in Italian patients with celiac disease. Hum Immunol. 2003 Feb;64(2):297-301. IF: 2.619
- Indovina P, Megiorni F, Fontemaggi G, Coni P, Mora B, Mazzilli MC. Absence of in vivo DNA-protein interactions in the DQA2 and DQB2 promoter regions. Hum Immunol. 2001 May;62(5):504-8. IF: 2.373
- Indovina P, *Megiorni F, Ferrante P, Apollonio I, Petronzelli F, Mazzilli MC. Different binding of NF-Y transcriptional factor to DQA1 promoter variants. Hum Immunol. 1998 Dec;59(12):758-67. IF: 2.169
*co-first author / co-last author; #corresponding author