Ritratto di mauro.gatti@uniroma1.it

Course of Leadership & Organizational Change - Academic Year 2023-2024


1. Course

Name: Leadership and Organizational Change

Code: 1047637

Italian Scientific Sector: SECS-P10

Degree Course: Manimp – Business Management (Master Degree)

Language: English

Teacher: Prof. Mauro Gatti

E-mail: mauro.gatti@uniroma1.it


Leadership and Organizational Change is a 9 Credits (72 Hours) course of the Business Management Curriculum (Master Degree), aiming to allow students to learn the reasons and motivations behind the process of organizational change (with particular regard to radical-transformational change), the phases that characterize this process and the problems business firms face in effectively carrying out a project of change.

The topic of organizational change will be tackled by considering the most recent technological, operational, managerial and organizational innovations and the way in which they impact on business models, fundamental operational processes, organizational structures, culture and practices of Human Resource Management. This will help to understand the fundamental variables of the organization, on which to lever for the effective implementation of the change project, having regard to organizational performance and the achievement and improvement of competitive advantage.

Moreover, the analysis of the relationships and interdependencies that characterize the abovementioned variables will allow to obtain a systemic view of the complex connections between organization, strategy and environment and how organizational change emerges from their mutual interaction.

The 2023-2024 edition of the Course will be divided into two complementary parts. The first – 48 hours – will focus on the traditional themes of organizational change and leadership, while the second – 24 hours – (named “Innovation dynamics and organizational behaviors: the Semiconductor Industry case study”), will address the issues of change with particular regard to the sector of semiconductors, considered to be the basis of the development of the microelectronics industry. This subdivision does not imply that it is possible to take two different exams, 6 and 3 credits, as the course is unitary and passing the exam will give the right to a single and unitary grade.


2. Training Aims

2.1 General Aims

The main objective of the course is to transfer analytical knowledge about the process of change management of the firm and the ways in which the leadership acts within organizations.

Students will be able to recognize, face and solve problems arising in the different phases of the organizational change (from the planning of the organizational change, to the mapping of factors that can inhibit or favor the success of the plan itself, to the identification of the supporting roles in the implementation of the change, to the monitoring of the achieved results), also allowing to frame the relationships among organizational, environmental, strategic and operational variables and their mutual link in the change processes, considering their impact on the business performance.

Through appropriate models of organizational analysis, the course will provide adequate knowledge on the effects of systemic change processes and their impact on the main organizational variables.

The course will also provide knowledge on how to exercise leadership in change processes, through the analysis and comparison of leadership styles that can lead to improvements in organizational climate and socio-relational context with respect to toxic leadership style.

The course intends to eventually transfer students with adequate knowledge about the role that organizational culture and processes have in managing human resources to support the effectiveness of change management.

These objectives will be pursued through the adoption of an appropriate mix of lectures, individual jobs, group exercises and testimonies of organizational experts from the business world.

In particular, the special program on Innovation dynamics and organizational behaviors: the Semiconductor Industry case study, aims to walk through technology and innovation management challenges of the highly competitive semiconductor industry, from the perspective of leaders who have worked in this sector over the past 40 years. Innovation strategy driven by Moore’s law and organizational capabilities needed to compete in a highly capital and knowledge-driven environment are described through examples, cases and lessons learned matured in the field. Emerging trends and technologies as well as new skills and capabilities to address future challenges are explored through a sustainable and people-centric vision.

2.2 Specific Aims

2.2.1 Knowledge and understanding.

At the end of the course, students will be able to recognize and face analytically the problems inherent in a process of organizational change, also thanks to the knowledge of models and tools applicable to the specific phases of planning, implementation and control of the change process.

This knowledge will be acquired by adopting an analytical perspective that considers the effects of changes on business models, on the main operational processes, on the organizational structure and practices and related to the development of Human Resources, aimed at understanding the existing systemic relationships. among these components of the organizational action and their impact on the performance of the business firm.

Furthermore, the understanding of the links between environmental, strategic and organizational variables will allow to analyze and solve problems related to the different phases of the organizational change of the firm, in the search for consistency among these variables and in compliance with the economic conditions of the firm itself.

2.2.2 Applying knowledge and understanding.

Through individual work and project work, also commissioned by important Italian entrepreneurial realities, students will be enabled not only to understand the origin, nature and typology of the various problems inherent in the processes of organizational change, but also to elaborate specific solutions using techniques, models and analysis tools transferred during the lectures.

The presentation by the students of the results of the group work will allow the development of capabilities for reflection and argumentation, together with the ability to exchange, share and display the results achieved.

Lectures from organizational experts coming from leading business organizations and the discussion of the related topics with the students, finally, will allow to corroborate - also with a practical feedback - the ability to apply the techniques and the results achieved by students themselves, and learn from any mistakes made.

2.2.3 Making judgements.

The course, through mixed methods of content delivery (lectures, individual and group work, company testimonials), while devoting adequate space to the main theoretical models in the reference literature, intends to stimulate students to realize a personal vision of organizational phenomena, encouraging autonomy of judgment and the creative solution, even if oriented and guided by the teacher, of the consequent problems.

In particular, individual and group work will be designed to increase critical, reflexive and independent judging skills, including that aimed at avoiding the biases that characterize the decision-making processes in this area. solving, also with regard to the ethical and social consequences that distinguish organizational choices.

2.2.4 Communication skills.

The performance of several case studies (at individual and group level) and the presentation of the results achieved is an important tool for the development of communication skills. In particular, the exercises are specifically designed to allow students to learn how to interact and communicate, simulating knowledge sharing activities and building consensus typical of real work contexts.

These skills represent a "natural" component of the contents of the course, given that the subject of organizational communication is a specific issue to be developed in order to support the organizational change process.

2.2.5 Learning skills.

Considering the high transversal and multidisciplinary nature of the topics the course will dealt with, the contents of which can easily be transferred even in organizational contexts other than business firms, the course of Leadership & Organizational Change allows to acquire theoretical, conceptual and applicative knowledge that can be used for a multiplicity of educational and practical paths subsequent to that of the three-year degree.

In addition, being the course the natural continuation of a master's degree course, not only in managerial or business areas, students will acquire skills that can be further developed, even independently, and used in companies, consulting firms and other organizations, as well as for the establishment of innovative, high-tech start-ups.

2.3 Prerequisites

Although the issues of the organization can be learned independently from previous economic-business knowledge, an essential requirement for the students is, however, the possess of fundamental notions about the firm’s economy and functioning, with particular regard to its nature, its characteristics - operational and management criteria and the economic and financial conditions that underlie its dynamics.

This knowledge is typically provided in Business Economics and Management courses, which for this reason must be considered mandatory to that of Leadership & Organizational Change

Course Program

3.1 Contents

The contents of the course of Leadership & Organizational Change articulates as follows.

Part 1) (48 hours)

  • The theory of socio-technical systems: a multivariate model for the analysis of organizational change
  • Theories underlying the process of organizational change

  • Reasons for change and types of organizational change
  • Process analysis and competencies analysis
  • Process re-engineering: incremental vs. radical change
  • The role of technology in process re-engineering
  • The impact of the digital revolution on the organization
  • The digital transformation
  • Planning the radical change
  • The implementation of change and resistance to change
  • The impact of organizational change: structure and operational systems
  • The control of organizational change: recovery of the multivariate model
  • The role of organizational culture in change processes
  • Leadership and change management
  • Types of leadership
  • Good leadership vs. toxic leadership
  • Human resources and organizational change
  • Monitoring the change process

Part 2) (24 hours)

1 - Semiconductor Industry

  • Industrialization and rise of information age
  • Microelectronics overview and history
  • Semiconductor Industry
  • Moore’s Law and Rock’s Law: meaning and implications
  • Semiconductor Memory Business – The Big Wave

2 - Innovation in highly competitive environment

  • Innovation: creative destruction and creative accumulation
  • More than Moore: meaning and examples
  • Innovation amplifiers: product, processes and people
  • Innovation dynamics: semiconductor memories case

3 - Information Era

  • Emerging mega trends
  • Sensors and IoT
  • Silicon pervasivity within unprecedented fields
  • AI: risks and opportunities
  • Inflection Points and the paranoia of exponential transformations
  • Current global context and challenges
  • Innovation by purpose: Fondazione Hubruzzo and BluHub S.r.l. case

4 - People and network driven innovation

  • Emerging critical skills and competencies
  • Cooperation Vs Collaboration
  • Organizational networks and Knowledge sharing
  • Equilibrium and best results
  • Leadership and human capital management
  • Sense and sharing

3.2 Teaching Modalities

Classes will take place in the following days:

- Tuesday, from 10:00 to 12:00, room “Acquario”

- Wednesday, from 10:00 to 12:00, room “Acquario”

- Thursday, from 10:00 to 12:00, room n° 9B

The course will start on February 27th, 2024 and will end on May 28th, 2024.


3.3 Attendance

Attendance of lessons is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.

Students must enrol on the Classroom platform, by using the following code: 52bs6db

Not attending students must prepare for the final exam by studying the whole textbook (see Textbook Reference), as well as handouts and recommended other materials (as shown on Classroom chat).



4.1 Aim of the exam

The exam, consisting in a final written test (see Type of Exams below), will aim to verify the abilities and skills described in Section 2.2.


4.2 Exams Dates

Exams dates for the Academic Year 2023-2024 are as follows:

Ordinary Sessions:

June – July 2024 Session:

- 1st date: June 6th, 2024, at 10:00 am

- 2nd date: July 1st, 2024, at 10:00 am

September 2024 Session:

- 1st date: September 9th, 2024, at 10:00 am

January 2025 Session:

- 1st date: January 14th, 2025, at 10:00 am

- 2nd date: January 27th, 2025, at 10:00 am

Extra Sessions (only for out-of-course students):

May and November 2024 Sessions:

- 1st date: April 14th, 2024, at 10:00 pm

- 2nd date: October 14th, 2024, at 10:00 am

4.3 Type of Exam

The written test is mandatory for all students. It will consists of different batteries of questions, such as "true or false" or multiple choice questions, based on the entire recommended textbook (included boxes), other materials and handouts made available by the teachers during the course. Each correct answer worths as 1 point. No answers will worth 0, while penalties for wrong answers will worth minus 0,5 points. The oral exam is not mandatory, and it will only be reserved to students that passed the written exam with a grade equal or superior of 18/30. Students willing to improve their written exam’s grade can ask the teachers for an integrative oral exam.

4.4 Overall Evaluation

The final grade will be expressed as a grade of out of 30.


Textbook Reference

The basic text for exam preparation is as follows: Graetz F., Rimmer M., Lawrence A., Smith A., Managing Organizational Change, 2014, Wiley, III Ed.

Other materials and handouts will be made available by the teacher during the course.






Corso di Organizzazione Aziendale (9-6 Cfu) - 2023-2024


1 Insegnamento

Denominazione: Organizzazione Aziendale

Codice: 1017193-4


CDL: Scienze Aziendali L-18 (Laurea Triennale)

Lingua di erogazione e di svolgimento dell’esame: Italiano

L’insegnamento di Organizzazione Aziendale (da 9 e 6 CFU – Laurea Triennale) intende fornire agli studenti le conoscenze e i “fondamentali” per l’analisi e la comprensione delle principali problematiche organizzative che caratterizzano le imprese moderne ed un ampio ventaglio di strumenti utili per la loro risoluzione.

In particolare, l’approfondimento delle tematiche relative al comportamento organizzativo e alla progettazione organizzativa consente di esaminare le caratteristiche del processo di costruzione e di implementazione dell’assetto organizzativo a livello micro, meso e macro-aziendale, sino ai modelli reticolari che collegano l’impresa focale ad altre organizzazioni presenti nell’ambiente di riferimento.

Tale percorso aiuta a comprendere le variabili (e le leve) fondamentali dell’organizzazione, sulle quali la direzione aziendale può agire per il miglioramento delle performance ed il conseguimento di posizioni di vantaggio competitivo sui concorrenti.

Inoltre, l’analisi delle relazioni e delle interdipendenze che caratterizzano le suddette variabili permette di ottenere una visione sistemica dei complessi collegamenti tra organizzazione, strategia ed ambiente.


2.1 Obiettivi generali

Obiettivo  dell’insegnamento di Organizzazione Aziendale è il trasferimento di conoscenze di tipo analitico su come riconoscere, affrontare e risolvere i problemi che si presentano ai diversi livelli di progettazione e di implementazione dell’assetto organizzativo dell’impresa (dal lavoro dei singoli individui e dei gruppi, alla costruzione delle unità organizzative, sino alla progettazione dell’intero assetto organizzativo e delle relazioni interorganizzative), in una cornice di riferimento che consenta di inquadrare le relazioni tra variabili organizzative, ambientali, strategiche ed operative ed il loro collegamento con le performance d’impresa.

Tale obiettivo sarà perseguito attraverso l’adozione di un appropriato mix di lezioni frontali, lavori individuali, esercitazioni di gruppo e testimonianze di esperti di organizzazione provenienti dal mondo delle imprese.

2.2 Obiettivi specifici

2.2.1 Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione (knowledge and understanding).

Al termine dell’insegnamento gli studenti saranno in grado di riconoscere ed affrontare analiticamente i problemi organizzativi, disponendo di un ampio background sulle principali teorie dell’organizzazione e sui principi da queste scaturenti per loro soluzione, grazie anche alla conoscenza di modelli e strumenti applicabili alle specifiche problematiche della progettazione organizzativa.

Tali conoscenze saranno acquisite adottando una prospettiva di analisi multilivello (micro-meso-macro-meta organizzativo), finalizzata alla comprensione delle relazioni sistemiche che, partendo dall’organizzazione del lavoro a livello micro (individuale) e meso (gruppi/unità organizzative), consentono di indagare le proprietà emergenti riferite all’intera organizzazione (livello macro) e alle aggregazioni di imprese (livello meta), nonché il loro impatto sulle performance dell’impresa.

Inoltre, la comprensione dei legami tra variabili ambientali, strategiche ed organizzative consentirà di analizzare e risolvere le problematiche afferenti ai diversi profili strategici e alle varie fasi del ciclo di vita delle imprese, nella ricerca della coerenza tra tali variabili e le forme organizzative emergenti, nel rispetto delle condizioni di economicità dell’impresa.

2.2.2 Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione (applying knowledge and understanding).

Attraverso i lavori individuali e di gruppo gli studenti saranno messi in condizione non solo di comprendere l’origine, la natura e la tipologia delle varie problematiche organizzative, ma di elaborare soluzioni condivise utilizzando tecniche, modelli e strumenti di analisi trasferiti durante le lezioni frontali.

La presentazione, da parte degli studenti, dei risultati dei lavori di gruppo consentirà di sviluppare capacità di riflessione e di argomentazione, unitamente a capacità di scambio, condivisione ed esposizione dei risultati conseguiti.

Le testimonianze degli esperti di organizzazione provenienti da primarie organizzazioni imprenditoriali e la discussione dei relativi temi con gli studenti, infine, permetterà di corroborare – anche con un riscontro pratico – la capacità di applicazione delle tecniche e i risultati conseguiti dagli studenti stessi, e di apprendere dagli eventuali errori commessi.

2.2.3 Autonomia di giudizio (making judgements).

L’insegnamento di Organizzazione Aziendale, attraverso modalità miste di erogazione dei contenuti (lezioni frontali, lavori individuali e di gruppo, testimonianze aziendali), pur dedicando un adeguato spazio ai principali modelli teorici consolidati nella letteratura di riferimento, intende stimolare gli studenti a realizzare una propria visione dei fenomeni organizzativi, incentivando l’autonomia di giudizio e la soluzione creativa, pur orientata e guidata dal docente, delle conseguenti problematiche.

In particolare, i lavori individuali e di gruppo sono ideati proprio per incrementare capacità critiche, di riflessione e di elaborazione autonoma di giudizi, compresa quella volta ad evitare i pregiudizi che caratterizzano in quest’area le fasi dei processi decisionali orientati al problem-solving, anche in ordine alle ricadute etiche e sociali che contraddistinguono le scelte organizzative.

2.2.4 Abilità comunicative (communication skills).

Lo svolgimento di diversi case-study (a livello individuale e di gruppo) e la presentazione dei risultati raggiunti rappresenta un importante strumento, adottato nell’insegnamento di Organizzazione Aziendale, per lo sviluppo di capacità comunicative. In particolare, le esercitazioni sono appositamente costruite per consentire agli studenti di imparare ad interagire e a comunicare, simulando attività di condivisione delle conoscenze e di costruzione del consenso tipiche di contesti lavorativi reali.

Tali capacità rappresentano una componente “naturale” dell’insegnamento in oggetto, considerato che la tematica della comunicazione organizzativa costituisce argomento di specifica trattazione nell’ambito dello stesso.

2.2.5 Capacità di apprendimento (learning skills).

Considerata l’elevata trasversalità e multidisciplinarietà dei temi trattati, i cui contenuti possono facilmente essere traslati anche in contesti organizzativi diversi dalle imprese (seppur caratterizzati da un orientamento al rispetto delle condizioni di economicità della gestione), l’insegnamento di Organizzazione Aziendale consente di acquisire una base teorica, concettuale ed applicativa utilizzabile per una molteplicità di percorsi educativi e pratici successivi a quello della laurea triennale.

Oltre, infatti, alla naturale prosecuzione verso un percorso di laurea magistrale, non solo di tipo manageriale o aziendalistico, gli studenti acquisiranno competenze ulteriormente sviluppabili, anche in autonomia, ed utilizzabili in aziende, società di consulenza e altre organizzazioni, nonché per la costituzione di start-up innovative e ad elevato contenuto tecnologico.

2.3 Prerequisiti

Sebbene le tematiche dell’organizzazione possano essere apprese anche indipendentemente da conoscenze economico-aziendali pregresse, un requisito indispensabile per gli studenti è, tuttavia, rappresentato dal possesso di nozioni fondamentali sull’impresa, con particolare riguardo alla sua natura, alle sue caratteristiche operative e gestionali e alle condizioni economiche e finanziarie che sono alla base del suo funzionamento.

Tali conoscenze sono tipicamente fornite nei corsi di Economia Aziendale e di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, che per questa ragione devono considerarsi come insegnamenti propedeutici a quello di Organizzazione Aziendale.

Nel caso di eventuale mutuazione dell’insegnamento da parte di studenti appartenenti a Facoltà diverse da quella di Economia, non sarà prevista alcuna propedeuticità.


3 Programma

3.1 Contenuto dell’insegnamento

L’insegnamento di Organizzazione Aziendale si articola nelle seguenti 5 parti.

Parte Prima – Fondamenti e principali teorie organizzative

- cos’è e di cosa si occupa l’Organizzazione Aziendale

- la collocazione dell’Organizzazione Aziendale nell’ambito delle discipline aziendalistiche

- cenni alle principali teorie organizzative

Parte Seconda – La progettazione della micro-struttura:

- i concetti di base del job design

- progettazione e ri-progettazione delle mansioni

- i modelli di organizzazione del lavoro

Parte Terza – La progettazione della meso-struttura:

- i concetti di base della meso-struttura

- i confini delle unità organizzative

- il dimensionamento delle unità organizzative

Parte Quarta – La progettazione della macro-struttura:

- il rapporto ambiente-organizzazione

- il rapporto strategia-organizzazione

- i meccanismi di coordinamento e controllo

- la differenziazione e l’integrazione

- le forme organizzative “tradizionali”

Parte Quinta – Le relazioni inter-organizzative e la progettazione dei confini organizzativi

- i concetti di base delle relazioni inter-organizzative

- la teoria dei costi di transazione

- le scelte di integrazione e di esternalizzazione delle attività

- le forme assunte dalla collaborazione tra imprese

- la rete e le nuove forme organizzative

3.2 Modalità di svolgimento dell’insegnamento

Le lezioni si svolgeranno nei giorni seguenti:

- Lunedì, dalle 18 alle 20, aula 4

- Giovedì, dalle 16 alle 18, aula 1

- Venerdì, dalle 12 alle 14, aula 5

Le lezioni avranno inizio il 25 settembre 2023 e termineranno il 22 dicembre 2023.

Il docente svolgerà il proprio orario di ricevimento il lunedì dalle 9:15 alle 10:45 presso il Dipartimento di Management, Facoltà di Economia, IV piano, stanza n. 8.

3.3 Frequenza

La frequenza delle lezioni è facoltativa. Tuttavia, la frequenza costante e la partecipazione attiva e proficua ai gruppi di lavoro costituiranno la base per l’attribuzione di elementi di premialità.


4 Valutazione

4.1 Obiettivo della prova

La prova d’esame sarà volta a verificare e a valutare l’apprendimento dei contenuti erogati durante le lezioni e lo studio individuale del testo d’esame.

Gli studenti non frequentanti dovranno attenersi al contenuto del testo e delle eventuali dispense messe a disposizione dal docente.

Sono previsti elementi di premialità per gli studenti che dimostreranno di partecipare con assiduità alle lezioni. In tal caso, la valutazione si baserà anche sui risultati dei lavori di gruppo svolti dagli studenti.

4.2 Numero delle prove e collocazione temporale

Sessioni ordinarie (per tutti gli studenti):

Sessione Gennaio – Febbraio 2024:

- 1° appello: 18 gennaio 2024, ore 9:30

- 2° appello: 9 febbraio 2024, ore 9:30

Sessione Giugno – Luglio 2024:

- 1° appello: 11 giugno 2024, ore 9:30

- 2° appello: 9 luglio 2024, ore 9:30

Sessione Settembre 2024:

- 1° ed unico appello: 17 settembre 2024, ore 9:30

Sessioni straordinarie (appelli riservati ai soli studenti fuori corso, part-time, con disabilità, con DSA, a studenti-genitori, a studenti-lavoratori):

Sessione Aprile – Maggio 2024:

- 1° ed unico appello: 17 aprile 2024, ore 9:30

Sessione Ottobre – Novembre 2024:

- 1° ed unico appello: 30 ottobre 2024, ore 9:30

Le date indicate si riferiscono alla prova scritta, obbligatoria per tutti gli studenti.

Le prove orali potranno svolgersi anche a distanza di qualche giorno da quelle scritte, in base alla numerosità degli studenti prenotati a ciascun appello e delle prove scritte da correggere.

Le date di svolgimento delle prove orali verranno di volta in volta comunicate dal Docente stesso al termine delle prove scritte o attraverso il sito del Dipartimento di Management, insieme alle votazioni conseguite dagli studenti nelle stesse prove scritte.

4.3 Tipologia, durata e modalità di somministrazione

La prova di esame verrà somministrata secondo le seguenti modalità:

- prova scritta, obbligatoria per tutti gli studenti, consistente in 2 batterie di domande, di cui la prima a risposta “vero o falso” (15 domande, con attribuzione di 1 punto per ogni risposta esatta, 0 punti nel caso di risposta non data, -0,5 punti in caso di risposta errata); la seconda, a risposta multipla “a, b, c” (15 domande, con attribuzione di 1 punto per ogni risposta esatta, 0 punti nel caso di risposta non data, -0,5 punti in caso di risposta errata);

- prova orale, facoltativa, alla cui ammissione potranno accedere solamente gli studenti che avranno superato la prova scritta con un voto almeno pari o superiore a 18/30. La prova orale potrà consentire di migliorare parzialmente il voto della prova scritta. Nel caso in cui essa risultasse del tutto negativa, allo Studente potrebbe essere richiesto di rivedere la propria preparazione e presentarsi ai successivi appelli.

4.4 Valutazione finale

La valutazione complessiva della prova di esame sarà data dal voto della prova scritta, se accettato direttamente, o dalla combinazione della prova scritta e dell’eventuale prova orale e verrà effettuata con unico voto in trentesimi. Le valutazioni terranno conto anche delle premialità più sopra indicate.


5 Testi di studio e bibliografia di riferimento

Il testo di base per la preparazione all’esame è il seguente: Franco Isotta (a cura di), La progettazione organizzativa, Cedam, 2011.




Course of Organization Design (Organizzazione Aziendale) (6 and 9 credits) - 2023-2024 


Course Information

Name: Organization Design (Organizzazione Aziendale)

Code: 1017193-4

Italian Scientific Sector: SECS-P10

Degree Course: Scienze Aziendali L-18 (Bachelor Degree – Laurea Triennale)

Language (exam included): Italian

The course of Organization Design (Organizzazione Aziendale, 6 and 9 Credits) aims to provide students with the basic knowledge required for analyzing, understanding and dealing with the main organizational problems that characterize the modern firm, as well as a wide range of useful tools for their resolution.

In particular, the in-depth analysis of the issues related to organizational behavior and organizational design makes it possible to examine the characteristics of the design and the implementation of the organizational form at the micro, meso and macro level, up to the network that connects the focal enterprise to other organizations in the external environment.

This process helps to understand the fundamental variables of the organization design, on which managers can lever on to improve the firm’s performance, enabling it to achieve a competitive advantage over its competitors.

Moreover, the analysis of the relationships and interdependencies that characterize the abovementioned variables allows to obtain a systemic view of the complex connections between the organization, the strategy and the environment.

Training Aims

1.1 General Aims

The course mainly aims to transfer students analytical knowledge on how to recognize, face and solve organizational problems that manifest at different organizational levels – from individual and group/unit level up to the design of the entire organizational structure and interorganizational networks – categorizing them in an overall model that allows to frame the relationships between organizational, environmental, strategic and operational variables, and their connection with the business firm’s performance.

This goal will be pursued through the adoption of an appropriate mix of lectures, individual jobs, group exercises, and organizational experts’ lectures.

1.2 Specific Aims

1.2.1 Knowledge and understanding.

At the end of the course, students will be able to recognize and deal with organizational problems, having a wide background on the main organizational theories and the principles for their solution, also thanks to models and tools applicable to specific problems in the field of organizational design.

This knowledge will be acquired by adopting a multi-level perspective (micro-meso-macro-meta-organizational), aimed at understanding systemic relationships starting from the organization of work at the micro (individual) and meso levels (groups / organizational units), making it possible to investigate emerging properties related to the entire organization (macro level) and business aggregations (meta level), as well as their impact on the firm's performance.

Furthermore, the understanding of the links between environmental, strategic and organizational variables allows to analyze and solve problems related to the different strategic profiles and the various phases of the life cycle of companies, in search for consistency between these variables, the emerging organizational forms, and the general economic equilibrium conditions of the firm.

1.2.2 Applying knowledge and understanding.

Through the individual and group work, students will be able not only to understand the origin, nature and typologies of the various organizational problems, but also to elaborate shared solutions by using techniques, models and analysis tools learned during lectures.

The presentation by the students of the results of the group work will allow them to develop reflection and argumentation abilities, together with the ability to exchange, share and display the results achieved.

Finally, Lectures held by organizational experts from leading business organizations and the discussion of the related topics with the students, will allow to corroborate - also with practical feedbacks, the ability to apply the techniques and the results achieved by students themselves, and let them learn from any mistakes made.

1.2.3 Making judgements.

The course, through mixed methods of content delivery (lectures, individual and group work, company testimonials), will dedicate a proper space to main theoretical models in the reference literature, to stimulate students to realize a personal vision of organizational phenomena, encouraging autonomy of judgment and creative solutions, even if guided by the teacher, of the consequent problems.

In particular, individual and group work will be designed to increase critical, reflexive and independent judging skills, including that aimed at avoiding the biases that characterize the decision-making processes in this area. solving, also with regard to the ethical and social consequences that distinguish organizational choices.

1.2.4 Communication skills.

The case studies (at individual and group level) and the presentation of their results, will be an important tool used for developing communication skills. In particular, case studies are specifically designed to allow students to learn how to interact and communicate, simulating knowledge sharing activities and building consensus processes that are typical of real work contexts.

These skills represent a "natural" component of the course of Business Organization, and one of the most important issues included in the course program.

1.2.5 Learning skills.

Considering the multidisciplinary nature of the topics the course dealt with, its contents can be easily transferred in different organizational contexts, not only business firms, but also the public administration, non-profit organizations, etc.. For this reason, the course of Business Organization confirms aims to transfer a theoretical, conceptual and applicative knowledge that can be used for a multiplicity of educational and practical paths subsequent to that of the Bachelor degree.

In addition, being the Master Degree the natural continuation of the Bachelor Degree, not only in managerial or business areas, students will acquire skills that can be further developed, even independently, and used in companies, consulting firms and other organizations, as well as for the establishment of innovative, high-tech start-ups.

1.3 Prerequisites

Although the issues of the organization can be learned independently from previous economic-business knowledge, an essential requirement for the students is the possession of fundamental notions about the firm’s economics, with particular regard to its nature, its characteristics, and the economic and financial conditions that underlie its operating system.

This knowledge is typically provided in Business Economics and Business Management courses, which for this reason must be considered preparatory to that of Organization Design.

In the case of possible change of teaching by students belonging to Faculties other than the one of Economics, no prerequisites will be provided.


2.1 Content

The content of the course of Organization Design is divided into the following five parts.

Part I – Fundamentals and main Organizational Theories

- What is Organization Design about

- The linkages between Organization Design and Business Management

- The main Organizational Theories (overview)

Part II – Organizational Design at a Micro-Level:

- Basic concepts of job design

- Job design and re-design

- Models of work organization

Part III – Organizational Design at a Meso-Level:

- Basic concepts of the meso-organization

- Organizational units boundaries

- Organizational units size

Part IV – Organizational Design at a Macro-Level:

- The relationships between environment and organization

- The relationships between strategy and organization

- Coordinating and control mechanisms

- Differentiation and integration

- The organizational forms

Part V – The Inter-Organizational Relationships And The Firm’s Boundaries Design

- The basic concept for the inter-organizational relationships

- Transaction Costs Economics

- Make-or-buy decision-making

- The inter-organizational cooperation

- The N-Form and the new organizational forms

2.2 Teaching Mode

- Monday, from 6 pm to 8 pm, room n. 4 (first floor)

- Thursday, from 4 pm to 6 pm, room n. 1 (Ezio Tarantelli) (first floor)

- Friday, from 12 am to 2 pm, room n. 5 (Federico Caffè) (first floor)

Lectures will start on September 25th, 2023 and will finish on December 22nd, 2023.

The teacher will receive students every Monday, from 9:15 am to 10:45 am, at his office, located at the Department of Management, Fourth Floor of the Faculty of Economics, room n. 8.

2.3 Attendance

Lectures’ attendance is not mandatory, but constant and successful attendance of lessons will be rewarded, consistently with the proficiency of participating to team-based project works.

3 Assessment

3.1 Aim of the Assessment

The exam (only in Italian language) will be aimed at verifying and evaluating the learning of the contents provided during the lectures and the individual study of the suggested text.

Students who do not attend classes must comply with the integral content of the text and handouts made available by the teacher.

Special reward will be assured to students who will demonstrate to attend classes with assiduity. In this case, the assessment will be based in part on the results of the group work carried out by the students.

3.2 Exam Dates

The exams’ dates are as follows:

Ordinary Sessions (for all students):

January – February Session:

- 1st date: January 18th, 2024, at 9:30 am

- 2nd date: February 9th, 2024, at 9:30 am

June – July Session:

- 1st date: June 11th, 2024, at 9:30 am

- 2nd date: July 9th, 2024, at 9:30 am

September Session:

- (unique date) September 17th, 2024, at 9:30 am

Supplementary Sessions (reserved to late students out of three years, part-time students, students with disability and DSA, students with children, worker-students):

April Session:

- April 17th, 2024, at 9:30 am

October Session:

- October 30th, 2024, at 9:30 am

The abovementioned dates refer to the written test, which will be mandatory for all students.

Complementary oral (on voluntary basis) exam might take place some days after the written test, relating to the number of students that booked the exam.

Dates of oral exams will be timely communicated by the Teacher or through the Department of Management’s website, together with the exhibit of the grades of the written test, once these latter have been corrected.

3.3 Type of Exam

The exam will be carried out according to the following procedures:

  • Written test, mandatory for all students, consisting of 2 sections of questions: 1) the first to be "true or false" (15 questions, with 1 point for each correct answer, 0 points in case of no answer, -0.5 points in case of wrong answer); 2) the second, multiple choice "a, b, c" (15 questions, with 1 point for each correct answer, 0 points in the case of no answer, -0.5 points in case of an incorrect answer);
  • Complementary oral exam (on voluntary basis), in order to slightly increase the written exam grade, only for those students who have completed the written test with a grade at least equal to, or higher than, 18/30.

3.4 Overall Evaluation

The overall evaluation of the exam will be given by the grade reported in the written exam, or in combination of the written and the eventual oral tests and will be carried out with a single mark out of thirty. The overall mark will take into account the abovementioned bonuses for deserving students.


Text and References

To properly prepare for the exam, Students must read and study the book by Franco Isotta (Ed.), La Progettazione Organizzativa, Cedam, 2011.




Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2023/2024
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2022/2023
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2021/2022
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2020/2021
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2019/2020
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2018/2019
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2018/2019
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2017/2018
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2016/2017
Organizzazione aziendale 1017194 2016/2017

Lunedì, ore 9:15 - 10:45, presso Dipartimento di Management, quarto piano della Facoltà di Economia, stanza n. 8
