Ritratto di mauro.sarrica@uniroma1.it

Car* student*,

Le lezioni per i corsi di Psicologia Sociale della Comunicazione e Psicologia per lo sviluppo e la pace si svolgono il 2° Semestre (dal 19 febbraio 2024)

Le lezioni per il corso di Narratives and Cultural Psychology si sono svolte il primo semestre (dal 3 ottobre 2023).


Per ricevere notifiche da parte del docente e per avere acesso ai materiali utilizzeremo Google Classroom,

cui avete accesso esclusivamente utilizzando l'email istituzionale (@studenti.uniroma1.it).

Potete usare i link a destra per accedere a Classroom.


Il ricevimento studenti si svolge Martedì - dalle 9.00 alle 11.00 (online o di persona) previa appuntamento concordato via email



I programmi del corso di "Psicologia sociale della comunicazione" e del corso di "Psicologia sociale per lo sviluppo e la pace" sono troppo sovrapposti e, da regolamento, non è possibile inserire esami [...] che hanno parti di programma in comune

Se ne avete già uno nel vostro curriculum, non potete quindi inserire l'altro tra quelli a scelta.


Nota per gli studenti di Global Humanities

Per svolgere l'esame di Narrative & Cultural Psychology dovete iscrivervi tramite un link disponibile su classroom.

Per completare l'esame con la professoressa Bernardo dovrete quindi iscrivervi su Infostud al corso da lei tenuto, il cui secondo modulo è  "NARRATIVES OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND DISCRIMINATION".
I due moduli sono indipendenti, idealmente i due esami possono essere svolti in qualsiasi ordine, ma la registrazione finale su Infostud è comunque effettuata dalla collega.





Per quanto riguarda richieste di tesi di laurea

A causa del numero elevato di richieste, non mi è più possibile seguire ulteriori laureandi / laureande per le sessioni estive o autunnali. Vi prego pertanto di non scrivermi.

Per rendere più organizzato il flusso di email e strutturati i lavori di tesi, prenderò in considerazione nuove richieste secondo la seguente organizzazione:

Richieste pervenute dal 1 Luglio al 15 luglio --> Sessione invernale Dicembre

Richieste pervenute dal 1 Ottobre al 15 Ottobre --> Sessione primaverile

Richieste pervenute dal 1 Dicembre al 15 Dicembre --> Sessione estiva

Richieste pervenute dal 1 Marzo al 15 Marzo --> Sessione autunnale


I principali temi su cui stiamo lavorando e che possiamo sviluppare insieme nel vostro elaborato sono:

Aspetti psico-sociali e transizione energetica, processi di decarbonizzazione, conflitti ambientali

Processi di denial nel cambiamento climatico







Lectures for the courses of Social and communication psychology, and for Peace psychology will start in Semester 2 (19 February 2024)

Classes for the Narratives and Cultural Psychology course took place in Semester 1 (from 3 October 2023).


We will use Google Classroom to communicate and to access materials,

which you can access exclusively using your institutional email (@studenti.uniroma1.it).

Please, use the links on the right to access Classroom.


The student reception takes place on Tuesdays - from 9.00am to 11.00am (online or in person) by appointment agreed by email



The two syllabuses of the courses "Psicologia sociale della comunicazione"  and "Psicologia sociale per lo sviluppo e la pace"  overlap too much. According to the regulations, you cannot insert exams [...] which have parts of the syllabus in common.

If you already have one in your curriculum, you cannot therefore include the other among the exams 'a scelta'.


Note for Global Humanities students

To take the Narrative & Cultural Psychology exam you must register via a link available on the classroom.

To complete the exam with Professor Bernardo you must then register on Infostud for the course she is teaching, the second module of which is "NARRATIVES OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND DISCRIMINATION".
The two modules are independent, ideally the two exams can be taken in any order, but the final registration on Infostud is done by the colleague.


For glob hum students - extraordinary exam session

The exam will exclusively be in presence

Use the form online on classroom. It will close approximately 1 week before 


NOTE: the exam is strictly reserved to fuoricorso students (students enrolled beyond the regular duration of the course), workers, student with disabilities, student-parents with a child/children less than three years old, as well as to pregnant students 
(the fact of falling within one of the provided conditions may be attested by means of a self-certification submitted by the concerned party: download the form).


Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
NARRATIVES AND CULTURES 10595861 2023/2024
NARRATIVES AND CULTURES 10595861 2022/2023
NARRATIVES AND CULTURES 10595861 2021/2022

Il ricevimento studenti si svolge Martedì - dalle 9.00 alle 11.00 (online o di persona) previa appuntamento concordato via email

Mauro Sarrica, Dottore di Ricerca in Psicologia Sociale e della Personalità.

I miei studi si concentrano principalmente sui processi di interpretazione e co-costruzione della realtà in situazioni di cambiamento. Ambiti di ricerca principali:

- Rappresentazioni sociali

- Sostenibilità energetica

- Peace psychology


WP leader nel progetto H2020 TIPPING+ Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (grant agreement No 884565)
Responsabile nazionale Progetto FIRB Futuro in ricerca 2010: ACCESI - Analisi socio-costruttivista delle comunità per l energia sostenibile italiane . Ho approfondito le rappresentazioni sociali dell'energia, esaminando discorsi politici, stampa e posizionamento dei cittadini in Italia a fronte della transizione energetica, e in seguito all'emergere di conflitti ambientali.

In prospettiva costruttivista ho approfondito lo studio delle rappresentazioni sociali di pace, guerra e conflitto. Sviluppi recenti riguardano i crimini di guerra commessi dagli italiani nel periodo coloniale.

Nell'ambito delle ICTs, ho preso parte a persi progetti di ricerca internazionali ed interdisciplinari su Internet e le tecnologie della comunicazione. In questi ambiti ho studiato le rappresentazioni sociali delle ICTs, l'impatto di Internet sulle pratiche di giornalismo, l'uso dei forum online al fine di motivare e coordinare l'azione collettiva.
Nell'ambito delle ICT for Development, sono attualmente coinvolto in progetti su slum tourism e sull'introduzione degli smartphone in comunità rurali in Bangladesh.
Tra le competenze metodologiche ho approfondito i software per analisi qualitative e quantitative di dati testuali.

Membro di associazioni scientifiche quali EASP, IAPS e AIP.

- - - - -

Mauro Sarrica, Ph.D in Personality and Social Psychology.

My research is mainly focused on lay interpretation and co-construction of social reality, facing changes and novelties.

WP leader in the H2020 project TIPPING+ Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (grant agreement No 884565)
Scientific coordinator of 'FIRB Futuro in ricerca 2010' ACCESI - Socio-constructivist analysis of sustainable energy communities in Italy . I conducted research on social representations of energy, energy transition, and environmental conflicts.

In peace psychology, I examined the social representations of peace, war and conflict. Recent research examined communication of war crimes committed by italians during colonialism.

In the field of ICTs, I've been involved in several international and interdisciplinary researches on Internet and Communication Technologies. In these fields I studied the social representations of ICTs, the impact of Internet on journalist's practices, the use of online forum to motivate and coordinate collective actions.
In the ICT for development field, I'm currently involved in research on slum tourism and on the use of smartphons in rural Bangladesh.
My methodological skills include the use of software for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of textual data.

LINK ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1167-2788

Research Papers

70. Norton, L. S., Sarrica, M., Lombardi, R., & Peruzzi, G. (2022). Discourses on sustainability in a network of Argentine universities: exploring representations, cultural roots and transformative processes. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, (ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-07-2021-0283

69. Krupnik, S., Wagner, A., Koretskaya, O., Rudek, T. J., Wade, R., Mi ík, M., von Wirth, T. (2022). Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 89(February), 102536. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2022.102536

68. Rizzoli, V., Norton, L. S., & Sarrica, M. (2021). Mapping the meanings of decarbonisation: A systematic review of studies in the social sciences using lexicometric analysis. Cleaner Environmental Systems, 3(November), 100065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cesys.2021.100065

67. Sarrica, M., Rega, I., Inversini, A., & Norton, L. S. (2021). Slumming on Social Media? E-Mediated Tourist Gaze and Social Representations of Indian, South African, and Brazilian Slum Tourism Destinations. Societies, 11(3), 106. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc11030106

66. Sonetti, G., Sarrica, M., & Norton, L. S. (2021). Conceptualization of sustainability among students, administrative and teaching staff of a university community: An exploratory study in Italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 316, 128292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128292

65. Brondi, S., Pivetti, M., Di Battista, S., & Sarrica, M. (2021). What do we expect from robots? Social representations, attitudes and evaluations of robots in daily life. Technology in Society, 66, 101663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101663

64. Mattiassi, A. D., Sarrica, M., Cavallo, F., & Fortunati, L. (2021). What do humans feel with mistreated humans, animals, robots, and objects? Exploring the role of cognitive empathy. Motivation and Emotion, 45, 543 555. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-021-09886-2

63. Passafaro, P., Chiarolanza, C., Amato, C., Barbieri, B., Bocci, E., & Sarrica, M. (2021). Outside the Comfort Zone: What Can Psychology Learn From Tourism (and Vice Versa). Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.650741

62. Sarrica, M., Rimano, A., Rizzoli, V., & Passafaro, P. (2020). Are e-bikes changing the social representation of cycling? An exploration of articles on cycling in Italian online publications. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 16(1), 155 168. https://doi.org/10.1080/15487733.2020.1794148

61. Comunello, F., Mulargia, S., & Sarrica, M. (2020). ICTs for Community Development: Bridging Conceptual, Theoretical, and Methodological Boundaries. American Behavioral Scientist, 64(13), 1803 1817. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764220952103

60. Stillman, L., Sarrica, M., Anwar, M., Sarker, A., & Farinosi, M. (2020). Sociotechnical Transformative Effects of an ICT Project in Rural Bangladesh. American Behavioral Scientist, 64(13), 1871-1888. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764220952126

59. Sarrica, M., Brondi, S., Fortunati, L. (2020 online 2019). How many facets does a social robot have? A review of scientific and popular definitions online, Information Technology & People, 33(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-04-2018-0203

58. Fortunati, L., Cavallo, F., & Sarrica, M. (2020, online 2018). Multiple Communication Roles in Human Robot Interactions in Public Space. International Journal of Social Robotics, 12, 931-944. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-018-0509-0

57. Sarrica, M., & Brondi, S. (2020, online 2018). Photovoice as a visual-verbal strategy for studying contents and processes of social representations: a participatory project on sustainable energy. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 0887, 1 22. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2018.1456587

56. Sarrica, M., Denison, T., Stillman, L., Chakraborty, T., & Auvi, P. (2019). What do others think? An emic approach to participatory action research in Bangladesh. AI & Society, 34(3), 495 508.http://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-017-0765-9

55. Sarrica, M., Alecci, E., Passafaro, P., Rimano, A., & Mazzara, B. M. (2019). The social representations of cycling practices: An analysis of symbolic, emotional, material and bodily components, and their implication for policies. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 64, 119 132. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2019.04.019

54. Brauch, N., Leone, G., & Sarrica, M. (2019). The debate almost came to a fight results of a cross-national explorative study concerning history teachers´ shared beliefs about teaching historical sensitive issues. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 27(1), 111 132. http://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2019.1566164

53. Bonaiuto, M., Ariccio, S., Prati, G., Sarrica, M. (2018). Psicologia sociale e ambientale per la resilienza umana nelle emergenze ambientali / Social and environmental psychology for human resilience during environmental emergencies, Abitare la Terra / Dwelling on Earth, 48, 52-55.

52. Sarrica, M., Richter, M., Thomas, S., Graham, I., & Mazzara, B. M. (2018). Social approaches to energy transition cases in rural Italy, Indonesia and Australia: Iterative methodologies and participatory epistemologies. Energy Research & Social Science, 45(June), 287 296. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2018.07.001

51. Sarrica, M., Biddau, F., Brondi, S., Cottone, P., & Mazzara, B. M. (2018). A multi-scale examination of public discourse on energy sustainability in Italy: Empirical evidence and policy implications. Energy Policy, 114, 444 454. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.12.021

50. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M., Ferrin, G., Brondi, S., Honsell, F. (2018). Social Robots as Cultural Objects: Is there Room for Dynamicity? The Information Society, 34(3), 141-152. doi: 10.1080/01972243.2018.1444253

49. Sarrica, M., Farinosi, M., Comunello, F., Brondi, S., Parisi, L., Fortunati, L. (2018). Shaken and Stirred. Social Representations, Social Media and Community Empowerment in Emergency Contexts. Semiotica, 222, 321 347, doi: 10.1515/sem-2016-0208

48. Fortunati, L., Farinosi, M., Sarrica, M., Ferrin, G., Minisini, D., & Zanut, S. (2018). In caso di emergenza. Strategie di comunicazione per la riduzione del rischio a 40 anni dal terremoto del Friuli. Comunicazioni Sociali, 2, 246 265. http://doi.org/10.26350/001200_000019

47. Leone, G., & Sarrica, M. (2017). The making of a civic discourse on controversial historical past: from denial to parrhesia. ESSACHESS. Journal for Communication Studies, 10(1-19), 33 53.

46. Sarrica, M., Mazzara, B., & Brondi, S. (2016). Social Representations Theory And Critical Constructionism: Insights From Caillaud s Article. Papers on Social Representations, 25(1), 6.31-6.42.

45. Brondi, S., Sarrica, M., Caramis, A., Piccolo, C., Mazzara, B.M. (2016). Italian parliamentary debates on energy sustainability: How argumentative short-circuits affect public engagement. Public Understanding of Science. 25(6) 737 753. doi:10.1177/0963662515580067

44. Sarrica, M., Roseti, A., Brondi, S., Cervelli, P., Leone, G. (2016). Flooded by a Wall of Water: Parent-Child Reminiscing about Local Environment and Unwanted Changes. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 13(3), 209-230. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2016.1169340

43. Sarrica, M., Brondi, S., Piccolo, C., Mazzara, B.M. (2016). Environmental Consciousness and Sustainable Energy Policies: Italian Parliamentary Debates in the Years 2009 2012. Society and Natural Resouces, 29(8), 1-16. doi:10.1080/08941920.2015.1095379

42. Sarrica, M., Brondi, S., Cottone, P., Mazzara, B.M. (2016). One, no one one hundred thousands transitions in europe. Energy Research and Social Science, 13, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2015.12.019
in Sarrica, M., Brondi, S., Cottone, P. (Eds.). Special issue on Energy transitions in Europe: Emerging challenges, innovative approaches, and possible solutions

41. Sarrica, M., Carman, P., Brondi, S., Mazzara, B.M. (2015). Beyond Wind Turbines, Solar Panels and Beautiful Landscapes: An Exploration of the Figurative Nucleus of Sustainable Energy in Italy.International Review of Social Psychology/Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 28(4), 81-113.

40. Pola, L., Sarrica, M., Contarello, A. (2015). Imprenditori di identità a Palazzo Marino. Valori e cittadinanza nei discorsi di insediamento dei Sindaci di Milano dal dopoguerra a oggi. Psicologia Sociale, 3, 223-256. doi: 10.1482/81370

39. Fortunati, L., Esposito, A., Sarrica, M., Ferrin, G. (2015). Children's knowledge and imaginary about robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 7, 685-695. doi: 10.1007/s12369-015-0316-9

38. Mannarini, T., Boffi, M., Brondi, S., Sarrica, M. (2015). Collective action as response to unresponsive institutions: A psychological insight into the theory of counter-democracy. Psicologia Sociale, 2, 123-140. doi: 10.1482/80761

37. Roseti, A., Brondi, S., Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2014). A trent anni dalla inaugurazione della diga di Monte Cotugno Un analisi psico-sociale sulle conseguenze a lungo termine dei conflitti ambientali. PRISMA, 3, 93-102. doi: 10.3280/PRI2014-003008

36. Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2014). Making room for negative emotions about the national past: An explorative study of effects of parrhesia on Italian colonial crimes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43A, 126-138. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2014.08.008

35. Sarrica, M., Brondi, S., Gavrila, M., Ferrucci, M., (2014). Between representation and self-perception. What kind of energy citizenship in Italy? IAPS Bulletin, 41, 13-17

34. Leone, G., Siag, M., Sarrica, M. (2014). What Does It Mean to Be Muslim / Arab / Young / Palestinian / Palestinian Refugee? Self Definitions and Emotional Reactions to Social Identity Complexity among Young Palestinian Refugees Living in Diaspora. Papers on Social Representations, 23, 7.1-7.23.

33. Sarrica, M., Brondi, S., Cottone, P. (2014). Italian Views on Sustainable Energy: Trends in the Representations of Energy, the Energy System, and the User in the Years 2009-2011. Nature & Culture, 9(2), 122-145. doi:10.3167/nc.2014.090202

32. Brondi, S., Armenti, A., Cottone, P., Mazzara, B.M., Sarrica, M. (2014). Parliamentary and press discourses on sustainable energy in Italy: No more hard paths, not yet soft paths. Energy Research and Social Science, 2, 38-48. doi:/10.1016/j.erss.2014.04.011

31. Nencini, A., Sarrica, M., Cancian, R., Contarello, A. (2014). Pain as social representation: a study with Italian health professionals involved in the Hospital and District without Pain project. Health Promotion International. 30(4), 919-928. doi: 10.1093/heapro/dau027

30. Sarrica, M., Michelon, G., Bobbio, A., Ligorio, S. (2014). Employer Branding in nonprofit organizations. An exploration of factors that affect attractiveness, identification with the organization, and promotion: The case of Emergency. TPM: Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 21(1), 3-20.

29. Ye, W. M., Sarrica, M., Fortunati, L. (2014). Two selves and online forums in China. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17, 1-11. doi:10.1111/ajsp.12034

28. Ye, W., Sarrica, M., & Fortunati, L. (2014). A study on Chinese bulletin board system forums: how Internet users contribute to set up the contemporary notions of family and marriage. Information, Communication & Society, 17(7), 889-905. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2013.854823

27. Brondi, S., Sarrica, M., Cibin, R., Neresini, F., Contarello, A. (2012). The Chiampo River 30 Years Later: Long-Term Effects of Environmental Regulations on Social Representations. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 22, 283-299. doi:10.1002/casp

26. Brondi, S., Sarrica, M., Nencini, A. (2012). Youth Participation In Environmental Issues: A Study With Italian Adolescents. Human Affairs, 22(3), 390 404.

25. Sarrica, M., Mazzara, B.M. (2012). Il paesaggio come risorsa: tra conservazione e nuove attività produttive. Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, 99, 123 139.

24. Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2012). Challenging the Myth of Italians as Good Fellows : Is Clarity About In-group Crimes the Best Choice When Narrating a War to Its Perpetrators Descendants? Papers on Social Representations, 21, 11.1-11.28.

23. Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2012). When ownership hurts: Remembering the in-group wrongdoings after a long lasting collective amnesia. Human Affairs, 22(4), 603-612

22. Gasparini, G., Sarrica, M., Contarello, A. (2011). Processi di regolazione emotiva e benessere emotivo nell invecchiamento. Uno studio sul modello della Socioemotional Selectivity Theory di Carstensen. Ricerche di Psicologia, 1, 63-85.

21. Sarrica, M. (2011). The brigands and the nuclear waste deposit: when a new environmental conflict becomes intractable. Societal and political psychology international review, 2(2), 115-128.

20. Bobbio, A., Nencini, A., Sarrica, M. (2011). Il Moral Foundation Questionnaire: Analisi della struttura fattoriale della versione italiana. Giornale di Psicologia, 5(1-2), 7-18.

19. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2011). Insights from journalists on the future of the press. Communications, 36(2), 123-146

18. MacGregor, P., Balcytiene, A., Fortunati, L., Nuust, V., O'Sullivan, J., Roussou, N., Salaverria, R., Sarrica, M. (2011). A cross-regional comparison of selected European newspaper journalists and their evolving attitudes towards the internet - Including a single-country focus on the UK. Journalism, 12(5), 627-646.

17. Sarrica, M. (2010). ICTs Meanings and Practices: Contributions from the Social Representation Approach. The Journal of Community Informatics, 6(3)[http://www.ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/731]

16. Sarrica, M., Grimaldi, F., Nencini, A. (2010). Youth, citizenship and media: An exploration from the social representations perspective. International Review of Social Psychology/ Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 23(4), 37-62.

15. Sarrica, M., Fortunati, L., O Sullivan, J., Balcytiene, A., Macgregor, P., Vallo, N., Roussou, N., Meso, K., Pereira, X., de Luca, F. (2010). The early stages of the integration of the internet in EU newsrooms. European Journal of Communication, 25(4), 413-422.

14. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2010). The future of the press. Insights from the socio-technical approach. The Information Society, 26(4), 247-255. [Anche in D.K. Herold, H. Sawhney & L. Fortunati (Eds.). Understanding Creative Users of ICTs Users as Social Actors. London: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-415-69747-7)].

13. Sarrica, M., Wachelke, J. (2010). Peace and War as Social Representation: A structural exploration with Italian adolescents. Universitas Psychologica, 9(2), 315-330.

12. Bobbio, A., Sarrica, M. (2009). Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism: an Italian adaptation of Singelis et al. s scale and its relations with Conflict Management and Leadership styles. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 16(4), 209-226.

11. Contarello, A., Cancian, R., Sarrica, M., Nencini, A. (2009). Il dolore come rappresentazione condivisa. Indagine con operatori della salute all interno del progetto della Regione Veneto Ospedale e territorio senza dolore . Psicologia della Salute, 2009/2, 27-49.

10. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M., O Sullivan, J., Balcytiene, A., Harro-Loit, H., Macgregor, P., Roussou, N., Salaverría, R., de Luca, F. (2009). The influence of the Internet on European journalism. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 14(4), 928-963.

9. Sarrica, M. (2007). War and Peace as Social Representations. Cues of Structural Stability. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 13(3), 251-272.

8. Sarrica, M. (2007). Che senso ha ricercare la pace? Un sentiero di esplorazione psico-sociale. Pace, Conflitti e Violenza. Giornale della Società Italiana di Scienze Psicosociali per la Pace, 4 (Gen-Giu), 3-8.

7. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M., de Luca, F. (2007). L interattività in redazione. Problemi dell'Informazione, 1 (Mar.), 91-116.

6. Contarello, A., Sarrica, M. (2007). ICTs, Social Thinking and Subjective Well-Being. The Internet and its Representations in Everyday Life. Computers in Human Behaviors, 23, 1016-1032, (available online 21 Sept 2005).

5. Contarello, A., Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2007). Social Thinking and the Mobile Phone. A study of social change with the diffusion of mobile phones, using a social representations framework. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 21(2). [Anche in G. Goggin (Ed.) (2007).Mobile Phone Cultures. London: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-415-42530-8)].

4. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2006). Internet in redazione. Problemi dell'Informazione, 4 (Dic.), 510-540.

3. Nardo, V., Sarrica, M., Cemin, M., Contarello, A. (2006). Sono donna, musulmana, migrante tra le sponde del Mediterraneo. Narrazioni di identità e percorsi di integrazione. Narrare i Gruppi, 1(1), 5-30.

2. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2004). On line o ancora sulla carta? La battaglia è tutta in prima pagina.Problemi dell'Informazione, 4(Dic.), 486-510.
1. Sarrica, M., Contarello, A. (2004). Peace, War and Conflict. Social Representations Shared by Peace Activists and Non Activists. Journal of Peace Research, 41(5), 549-568.

Volumes and Chapters

XXVIII. Stillman L., Sarrica, M., Denison, T & Sarker, Al. (2020). After the Smartphone Has Arrived in the Village. How Practices and Proto-Practices Emerged in an ICT4D Project. In D. R. Junio and C. Koopman (Eds.): Evolving Perspectives on ICTs in Global Souths, pp. 1 14, 2020. Cham: Springer International Publishing Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-52014-4_6

XXVII. Leone, G., & Sarrica, M. (2020 online first). Historical Culture and Peace: How Older Generations Address the Need of Younger Generations to Learn About Their In-Group Past. In N. Balvin & D.J. Christie (Eds.), Children and Peace, From Research to Action (pp. 173-188). Springer International Publishing. [ISBN: 978-3-030-22175-1; e-ISBN: 978-3-030-22176-8]
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-22176-8.

XXVI. Fortunati, L., Cavallo, F., & Sarrica, M. (2019). The Role of Social Robots in Public Space. In N. Cassiddu, C. Porfirione, A. Moneriù, & F. Cavallo (Eds.), Ambient Assisted Living Italian Forum 2017 (pp. 171 186). Springer International Publishing. Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04672-9_11

XXV. Mattiassi, A. D. A., Sarrica, M., Cavallo, F., & Fortunati, L. (2019). Degrees of Empathy: Humans Empathy Toward Humans, Animals, Robots and Objects. In N. Cassiddu, C. Porfirione, A. Moneriù, & F. Cavallo (Eds.), Ambient Assisted Living Italian Forum 2017 (pp. 101 113). Cham: Springer International Publishing. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04672-9_7

XXIII. Sarrica, M., Mingo, I., Mazzara, B.M., Leone, G. (2016). The effects of lemmatization on textual analysis conducted with IRaMuTeQ: results in comparison. In D. Mayaffre, C. Poudat, L. Vanni, V. Magri, & P. Follette (Eds). Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data. Nice, 07-10 June 2016, vol. 1, p. 249-260. [ISBN: 9782746690677]

XXII. Sarrica, M., Brondi, S. (2015) Le dimensioni umane del risparmio energetico. Alcune determinanti psicosociali. In M. Morcellini et al. (Eds.) L energia della Comunicazione: Linee Guida per l Efficienza Energetica nella PA. Report Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico

XXI. Taipale, S., de Luca, F., Sarrica, M., Fortunati, L. (2015). Robot Shift from Industrial Production to Social Reproduction. In J. Vincent, S. Taipale, B. Sapio, G. Lugano, & L. Fortunati (Eds.). Social Robots from a Human Perspective (pp. 11-24). Berlin: Springer. [ISBN: 978-3-319-15671-2; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-15672-9; doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15672-9_2].

XX. Sarrica, M., Germani, M.P., Brondi, S. (2014). Istanti, ore, giorni dopo il terremoto. Spunti dall'analisi dei Tweet per la Psicologia dell'Emergenze. In F. Comunello (Ed.). Emergenze "social": Il ruolo dei social media nella comunicazione d emergenza (pp. 87-106). Roma: Guerini Editore. [ISBN: 978-8-881-07364-1]

XIX. Denison, T., Sarrica, M., Stillman, L. (Eds.) (2014). Theories, Practices and Examples for Community and Social Informatics. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing [ISBN: 978-1452 1867-62-0; e-ISBN: 978-1-921861-63-1].

XVIII. Sarrica.M., Fortunati, L., Contarello, A. (2014). New Technologies, Ageing and Social Well-Being in a Southern Italian Context. In T. Denison, M. Sarrica, & L. Stillman (Eds.), Theories, Practices and Examples for Community and Social Informatics (pp.19-44). Melbourne: Monash University Publishing [ISBN: 978-1452 1867-62-0; e-ISBN: 978-1-921861-63-1].

XVII. Leone, G., Mazzara, B.M., Sarrica, M. (2013). La psicologia sociale. Processi mentali, comunicazione e cultura (Cap. II, III, VI). Roma-Bari: Laterza [ISBN: 9788842099239]

XVI. Sarrica, M., Wachelke, J. (2012). Make (?) not War! Are the social representations of Peace and War antonyms? In S. Gibson, & S. Mollan (Eds.) Representations of Peace and Conflict (pp. 163-186). Basingstoke: Palgrave [ISBN: 9780230298668].

XV. Leone, G., Mingo, I., Sarrica, M., Treglia, B. (2012). Alcohol as an object of social construction: a mixed methods approach to joint analysis of the press and the Italian laws. In A. Dister, D. Longrée, & G. Purnelle (Eds). JADT 2012, 11es Journées Internationales d'analyse statistique des données textuelles. Liegi, 13-15 juin 2012, vol. 1, p. 603-616. [ISBN: 9782960124606]

XVI. Brondi, S., Nencini, A., Romaioli, D., Sarrica, M., Contarello, A. (2012) Quadri dal passato. Indagine su argomentazioni di questioni ambientali tra comunità, cittadinanza attiva e territorio. In D. Giovannini & L. Vezzali (Eds.).Immigrazione, processi interculturali e cittadinanza attiva. Caserta: Edizioni Melagrana [ISBN 9788863350876].

XIII. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2012). The future of the press. Insights from the socio-technical approach. In D.K. Herold, H. Sawhney & L. Fortunati (Eds.). Understanding Creative Users of ICTs Users as Social Actors. London: Routledge [ISBN: 978-0-415-69747-7].

XII. Ye, W., Sarrica, M., Fortunati, L. (2011). Family and Marriage in Chinese BBS Forums. Conference Proceedings - CIRN Community Informatics Conference - 9-11 November 2011, Monash Centre Prato, Italy. Subtitle: "To measure or not to measure: that is the question". [ISBN 978-0-9581058-9-7]

XI. Contarello, A., Sarrica, M., Romaioli, D. (2011). Ageing In A Broadband Society: An Exploration On Icts, Emotional Experience And Social Well-Being Within A Social Representation Perspective. In F. Colombo, & L. Fortunati (Eds.). Broadband Society And Generational Changes (Vol. 5, pp. 247-258). Frankfurt Am Main: Peter Lang. [ISBN 978-3-631-60419-9 hb; e-ISBN: 978-3-653-00756-5]

X. De Marchi, M., Sarrica, M. (2010). Wind energy, landscape and wine at scansano (ITALY): Beyond nimby, looking at the right side of sustainability. European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2010, Warsaw, 20 - 23 April., Vol. 1, 342-348 [ISBN. 978-161782310-7; Scopus: 2-s2.0-84869997287]

IX. Contarello, A., Sarrica, M., Romaioli, D. (2009). Ageing in a broadband society: an exploration on ICTs, emotional experience and social well-being within a social representation perspective. In B. Sapio, L. Haddon, E. Mante-Meijer, L. Fortunati, T. Turk, & E. Loos (Eds). The Good, the Bad and the Challenging: The user and the future of information and communication technologies (pp. 482-492). Koper (SL): ABS Center [ISBN: 978-88-366-1289-5].

VIII. Contarello, A., Sarrica, M., Nencini, A., Romaioli, D. (2008). Tra identità e memoria. Rappresentazioni delle ferriere. In P.M. Gagliardi, & P. Mazzo (Eds.). Radici di Ferro. Dongo, la ferriera, il territorio (pp.162-221). Milano: Silvana editoriale [ISBN: 978-88-366-1289-5].

VII. Contarello, A., Sarrica, M. (2008). Women, Science and Social Representations: Approaching the Leaky Pipe Emergency. In S. Badaloni, C.A. Drace, O. Gia, M.C. Levorato, & F. Vidotto (Eds.). Under-representation of women in Science and Technology (pp. 107-120). Padova: Cleup.

VI. Nencini, A., Sarrica, M., Romaioli, D., Contarello, A. (2008). Verso Oriente. Intrecci metodologici per l analisi di un diario di viaggio multimediale. In B.M. Mazzara (Ed.). I discorsi dei media e la psicologia sociale. Ambiti e strumenti di indagine (pp. 261-288). Roma: Carocci [ISBN: 978-88-430-4471-9].

V. Contarello, A., Nencini, A., Sarrica, M. (2007). Sé, identità e cultura. In B.M. Mazzara (Ed.). Prospettive di Psicologia Culturale. Modelli teorici e contesti di azione (pp.131-152). Roma: Carocci [ISBN: 978-88-430-4070-4].

IV. Contarello, A., Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2007). Social Thinking and the Mobile Phone. A study of social change with the diffusion of mobile phones, using a social representations framework. In G. Goggin (Ed.).Mobile Phone Cultures. London: Routledge [ISBN: 978-0-415-42530-8] [First published in Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 21(2)].

III. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M., de Luca, F. (2006). The influence of the Internet on Practices and Routines of Italian Journalists. InN. Leandros (Ed.). The Impact of Internet on the Mass Media in Europe COST A-20 International Conference (pp. 267-280). Suffolk (UK): Abramis [ISBN: 978-1-84549-145-1].

II. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2005). Going Online Without Exploiting It. In R. van der Wurff, & E. Lauf (Eds). Print and Online Newspapers in Europe. A Comparative Analysis in 16 Countries (pp. 172-185). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis [ISBN: 90-5589-238-6].

I. Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M. (2004). Off and On-line Newspapers in Italy. In R. Salaverria, & C. Sadaba (eds.).Toward New Media Paradigms: Content, Procedures, Organizations and Audience. II COST A20 International Conference Proceedings, Pamplona (E) 27-28 June 2003 (pp. 797-821). Pamplona: Eunate [ISBN: 84-7768-150-3].