Ritratto di rinaldo.trotta@uniroma1.it

- Il corso Ottica e Laboratorio inizierà il 26/02/2024

Webiste: https://sites.google.com/view/otticaelaboratorio-trotta/home-page

Google Classroom: ep5elq3



- Non Linear and quantum optics starts on the 27/09/2023

Webiste: https://sites.google.com/view/quantumoptics-trotta/home-page

Google Classroom: okeej73


Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
OTTICA E LABORATORIO 1018976 2022/2023
FISICA 1008195 2021/2022
OTTICA E LABORATORIO 1018976 2021/2022
FISICA 1008195 2020/2021
OTTICA E LABORATORIO 1018976 2020/2021
OTTICA E LABORATORIO 1018976 2019/2020
FISICA 1008195 2019/2020
FISICA I 1015377 2018/2019
FISICA 1008195 2018/2019
FISICA I 1015377 2017/2018
OTTICA E LABORATORIO 1018976 2016/2017
FISICA 1008195 2016/2017

Lun, Mar, Mer, Gio, Ven 8-20. Si riceve su appuntamento.

September 2005 Laurea in Physics (grade: 110 cum laude) at Sapienza University of Rome
December 2008 PhD in Materials Science at Sapienza University of Rome, awarded as the best Italian PhD thesis in (experimental) materials science in 2009 (Giuseppe Turilli Prize)
April 2017 Habilitation (Venia Docendi) in Experimental Physics: Towards scalable sources of single and entangled photons based on quantum dots

2009-2010 Post-doctoral research associate at Sapienza University of Rome
2010-2011 Post-doctoral research associate at the Leibniz Institute for Solid Sate and Material Research, IFW Dresden (Germany)
2011-2012 Group Leader at the Leibniz Institute for Solid Sate and Material Research, IFW Dresden (Germany)
2012-2013 University Assistant and head of the Nanophotonics group at the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, JKU (Austria)
2013 2017 Assistant Professor and head of the Nanophotonics group at the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, JKU (Austria)
06/2017 10/2017 Associate Professor and head of the Nanophotonics group at the Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, JKU (Austria)
11/2017 present Associate Professor and head of the Nanophotonics group at the Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).

Giuseppe Turilli Prize 2009 , awarded by the Institute for Magnetic and Electronic Materials (IMEM-CNR) for the best Italian PhD thesis in (experimental) materials science (2009) (only one price awarded).
Fritz Kohlrausch Prize 2016 , awarded by the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) for the excellent experimental work performed in Austria, selected from all part of physics (one prize every two years, alternately with the Ludwig Boltzmann prize).

Funding Information (only current Europen projects as Principal Investigator (PI) are listed)
EU ERC Starting Grant, SPQRel Entanglement Distribution via Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Quantum-Dot Relays .
EU QUANTERA HYPER-U-P-S Hyper-Entanglement from ultra-bright photon pairs sources .

Short Summary
Rinaldo Trotta received the PhD in Materials Science in 2008 from the University of Rome La Sapienza , where he also stayed as a postdoc for one year. In this period he developed a new method for the fabrication of site-controlled quantum dots using the surprising effects of hydrogen incorporation in dilute nitride semiconductors. His work was recognized with the G. Turilli prize for the best Italian PhD thesis in (experimental) material science in 2009. In 2010 he joined the Institute for Integrative Nanosciences (at IFW Dresden, Germany), first as postdoc and then as leader of a research group working on the effects of external perturbations on the optical properties of self-assembled quantum dots. In 2012 he moved as University Assistant to the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz (Austria), where he founded the Nanophotonics group. At JKU, he became Assistant Professor (2013) and, after completing his Habilitation (venia docendi), Associate Professor in Experimental Physics (2017). The work performed in Austria was recognized by the Austrian Physical Society with the prestigious F. Kohlrausch prize 2016 (selected from all part of physics one prize every two years, alternately with the Ludwig Boltzmann prize). In November 2017 he moved back to the University of Rome (Italy) La Sapienza , where he is Associate Professor and leads the Nanophotonics group. His current research activity focuses on the possibility of using semiconductor nanostructures as sources of non-classical light for quantum information science and technology. Rinaldo Trotta has published more than 100 scientific publications (more than 10 on Nature and Science journals), gathering about 3000 citations with an h-index of 32 (data from google scholar). He has given about 50 invited talks and colloquia and he is currently principal investigator of three European projects: one ERC Starting Grant (SPQRel), one Quantera Project (HYPER-U-P-S), and one FET project (Qurope)