Questo insegnamento è presente nel seguente gruppo opzionale


General objectives. The general objectives of the course are: i) to provide students with a hands-on experience with basic biological concepts and common bioinformatics tools and databases; ii) to introduce students to the on-the-field application of networks in biology and medicine.
Specific objectives. Students are expected to acquire basic biology knowledge and skills, to understand the role of networks in the study of physiological mechanisms and diseases; to understand how to use network medicine algorithms and procedures.
Knowledge and understanding. The course will include theory and hands-on projects. Students will be trained in the basic theory and application of programs used for database searching, biological network inference and analysis.
Apply knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course students will have become familiar with basic biological concepts and bioinformatics databases and tools. Furthermore, on successful completion of this course, students will understand the use of networks as a paradigm for disease expression and course.
Critical and judgment skills. At the end of the course, students will be able to critically analyse the results of their analysis.
Communication skills. The students will be required to produce reports describing the hands-on projects with specific sections for the description of the obtained results and their discussion.
Learning ability. The projects will be developed in small groups encouraging team building. All the acquired abilities will be checked in a final oral exam during which a good division of teamwork will be rewarded.




- Essentials of: cell biology, genomics and proteomics; the central nervous system and the brain.
- Introduction to bioinformatics and computational biology: data, databases, information management and analysis tools.
- Introduction to the techniques for studying brain activity and definition of brain connectivity.
- Network biology, network medicine, network neuroscience: networks, graphs, biological network analysis and tools.
- Seminars on network medicine

Testi adottati

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Modalità di valutazione

La valutazione della preparazione avverrà in due prove. Nella prova orale sarà valutato il grado di approfondimento dello studio della materia. Nella prova progettuale sarà invece valutata la capacità di applicare i concetti teorici acquisiti allo studio di sistemi biologici.

Data inizio prenotazione Data fine prenotazione Data appello
12/11/2020 15/01/2021 20/01/2021
10/12/2020 15/02/2021 17/02/2021
10/12/2020 23/03/2021 25/03/2021
10/12/2020 08/06/2021 10/06/2021
10/12/2020 02/07/2021 08/07/2021
10/12/2020 02/09/2021 09/09/2021
10/12/2020 19/10/2021 21/10/2021
28/09/2021 17/01/2022 20/01/2022

Paolo Tieri Paolo Tieri   Scheda docente


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Testi adottati

test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test



Modalità di valutazione

test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test

Scheda insegnamento
  • Anno accademico: 2020/2021
  • Curriculum: Curriculum unico
  • Anno: Secondo anno
  • Semestre: Primo semestre
  • SSD: ING-INF/06
  • CFU: 6
  • Attività formative affini ed integrative
  • Ambito disciplinare: Attività formative affini o integrative
  • Ore esercitazioni: 36
  • Ore Aula: 24
  • CFU: 6
  • SSD: ING-INF/06