

Choose your curriculum

First year (Year of enrolment 2016/2017)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
Cognitive Development 1045010 First semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian
Neuropsychology 1044768 First semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Psychobiology of Behavioural Disorders 1045016 First semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Child Neuropsychiatry 1000433 First semester 6 MED/39 Italian
Neurobiology 1045011 First semester 6 BIO/13 Italian
Psychodiagnostics 1045017 Second semester 6 M-PSI/08 Italian
Experimental Design and Psychometric Statistics in Cognitive Psychology 1045036 Second semester 9 Italian
Psychophysiology Advanced Course 1045025 Second semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian

Second year (Year of enrolment 2015/2016)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
Methods in Cognitive Neurosciences 1045026 First semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Advanced psychology of affective processes 1048034 First semester 9 M-PSI/01 Italian
Other Professionalizing Activities AAF1690 First semester 3 Italian
Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation 1045028 Second semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Final exam AAF1013 Second semester 15 Italian
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 15 Italian
All information relating to the final exam is contained in the Graduation section