Degree Programme

The Master course provides additional competences to the chemical engineer with bachelor degree, to let him/her face more complex problems of analysis, developmente, simulation and optimization of chemical and biochemical processes and design and control of equipment and plants where such processes take place. The course provides advanced methodologies, investigation and design techniques which can be applied to all the fields of chemical and related industry (food, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, health, safety & environment, materials, etc.). Such capabilities derive from the 2-years master course, first thouroughly analysing, from a methodological and practical point of view, the basic knowledges deriving from the bachelor course, and extending them to more specific fields (chemical processes, food-biotechnology, heath, safety & environment, materials), where each studend can orient most of his/her curriculum. Therefore, the Master chemical engineer will be able not only to take care of the problems arising in the development, design and management of the chemical plants, but also to  offer a contribution to its innovation and technological advancement.

All the lessons and the exams are given only in Italian