Study plan


Curriculum unico

First year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1055873 - Psychology of social and emotional development in childhood and adolescence First semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian
1044797 - Psychology of Typical and atypical language development First semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian
1044768 - Neuropsychology Second semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
1044794 - Psychometric Tecniques Second semester 9 M-PSI/03 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 18 Italian
OPZIONALE 1 Go to group M-PSI/04

Second year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1044800 - Tecniques of developmental assessment First semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian
AAF1690 - Other Professionalizing Activities First semester 3 Italian
1044796 - Psychology of groups and educational organizations First semester 9 M-PSI/05 Italian
1044817 - Temperament and personality psychology over the life course Second semester 6 M-PSI/01 Italian
AAF1016 - Final exam Second semester 18 Italian
OPZIONALE 2 Go to group
OPZIONALE 3 Go to group M-PSI/04

Optional Groups

OPZIONALE 1: The student must acquire 9 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1044805 - Psychology and School First year First semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian
1055874 - Psychology of parenting and family relationships First year First semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian
OPZIONALE 2: The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1023546 - SOCIAL PEDAGOGY Second year First semester 6 M-PED/01 Italian
1044799 - Developmental Neurology Second year Second semester 6 MED/39 Italian
OPZIONALE 3: The student must acquire 9 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1051658 - Adolescent at risk: assessment and intervention Second year First semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian
1055875 - Learning disabilities and special educational needs Second year Second semester 9 M-PSI/04 Italian

School Regulations

Presentation of the Individual Educational Paths
All students, after their enrolment, have to fill in the individual educational path according to the deadlines indicated on Faculty's website. In such a path, students have to indicate their choices as for possible suggested path, compulsory optional groups, and extracurricular exams (elective exams). Without the presentation of the individual educational path, it is not possible to put one's name down for an elective course, being impossible thus to take the exams. Students can put down their names for and take all other compulsory exams. 
The individual educational path must include the choices for the next years too, but these options can be modified at the start of the second year.

Admission Requirements 
An essential requirement is a solid basic preparation on all psychological areas: general psychology, psychobiology, physiological psychology, development and educational psychology, social and industrial psychology, dynamic psychology, clinical psychology, methods of psychological assessment, statistical and psychometric methods; it is necessary as well to have obtained in previous studies at least 90 ECTS in the SSD M-PSI. 
The verification of such a preparation will take place by means of an examination based on the previous curriculum. This kind of examination is established in the Programme's rules, which discipline the criteria for the evaluation of the previous training and the type and contents of the examination.

Features of the Final Test 
The final test consists of a presentation and discussion of a Masters Degree thesis (presented according to Faculty's directions) in front of a board appointed according to the University's rules. The thesis, realised under the supervision of a teacher, will contain, as an original scientific report, an empirical research, a re-elaboration of scientific literature, or a critical discussion on a professional experience related to course's educational goals. Personal commitment to prepare the thesis - that must show the theoretical and methodological competences acquired during the educational activities - will be in proportion to the educational credits assigned to such a final work.

Transfer from Other Programmes and Validation of Exams
The rules for transfers and validations are established in the University's general rules.

For anything that is not established in these school rules, please see the rules of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of Sapienza University.

Information on the Course

The Course includes 13 exams: 10 are essential and 2 are elective, and to these other educational activities (AAF) are to be added. The first year is dedicated to the exams aimed at expanding and strengthening the basic knowledge on neuropsychology, psychometry, learning psychology, psychology of social and emotional development; in the second year, instead, there are the exams aimed at the acquisition of tools and methods useful for a consultation in schools and other educational organisations, or for the evaluation and intervention in child and adolescent's atypical development.

In a clearer way in comparison with the old system, the Course, by means of the elective groups, outlines two professional profiles, with greater knowledge and competences one toward educational institutions and organisations, and the other toward public and private centres dealing with evaluation and intervention in the neurodevelopmental disorders and emotional-relational problems.

The first year includes four compulsory courses and an elective group, with two possible PSI-04 courses (one about "psychologist and education" and the other about "psychologist for evaluation and intervention"); there are also 18 credits for elective exams.
The second year includes three compulsory courses and two elective groups: the first one is between a pedagogical course and a medical course (developmental neurology); the second one is between an exam on the learning disorders and special educational needs (profile "psychologist and education") and an exam on the risk factors in adolescence, with a special reference to the autism spectrum disorders (profile "psychologist for evaluation and intervention"). In order to allow the choice between the pedagogical exam and the medical one, keeping however compulsory the 12 credits for the similar and supplementary exams, one PSI-01 exam has been moved into the group of the similar and supplementary exam, but it still remains compulsory in the second year.

The second year also includes 3 credits for AAF and 18 credits for the final test.

The Course supplies students with the following competences:

a) mastery of developmental evaluation tools, both in its emotional-motivation aspects and in its social, cognitive, linguistic abilities and learning strategies;
b) mastery of techniques of observation, assessment, and testing for an early evaluation of the atypical development conditions;
c) mastery of the tools of observation and analysis of the functioning of operator groups within various kinds of educational organisations (schools, group homes, social cooperatives, and non-profit institutions);
d) skills in planning, realising, and evaluating educational interventions starting from childhood, that take into consideration of individual differences and are aimed at strengthening individuals' talents and abilities;
e) skills in planning, realising, and evaluating interventions aimed at the acquisition of social skills that foster children/adolescents' social adaptation;
f) skills in conducting interventions of educational consultation, in order to develop good organisational, professional, and educational practices;
g) skills in conducting interventions aimed at eliminating from educational contexts phenomena of gender discrimination/segregation or social exclusion.

The verification methods consist of written composition for the theoretical parts, and certificates of attendance and written reports for workshops.

The final test consists of a presentation and discussion of a Masters Degree thesis (presented according to Faculty's directions) in front of a board appointed according to the University's rules. The empirical thesis will certify the theoretical and methodological competences acquired during the educational activities, and it will have the form of a scientific report.