Study plan


Curriculum unico

First year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1010516 - SOCIOLOGY First semester 9 SPS/07 Italian
1010578 - HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGICAL THOUGHT First semester 9 SPS/07 Italian
1017545 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY First semester 9 M-STO/04 Italian
1023204 - MATHEMATICS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES First semester 6 SECS-S/06 Italian
AAF1101 - English language First semester 3 Italian
1010575 - STATISTICS Second semester 9 SECS-S/01 Italian
1035443 - SOCIOLOGY OF CULTURE Second semester 9 SPS/08 Italian
Scegliere un insegnamento dell'area delle discipline giuridico-politologiche tra i seguenti: Go to group

Second year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1010544 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY First semester 9 M-PSI/05 Italian
1012749 - CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY First semester 9 M-DEA/01 Italian
1010573 - POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY First semester 9 SPS/11 Italian
1013712 - Political Economy Second semester 9 SECS-P/01 Italian
1034927 - SOCIOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TERRITORY Second semester 9 SPS/10 Italian
1035430 - ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY Second semester 9 SPS/09 Italian
Acquisire 6 cfu scegliendo tra 2 moduli da 3 cfu o il modulo da 6 cfu Go to group

Third year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1017531 - SOCIOLOGY ADVANCED COURSE First semester 6 SPS/07 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 12 Italian
AAF1004 - Final exam Second semester 6 Italian
Scegliere un insegnamento dell'area delle discipline sociologiche tra i seguenti: Go to group SPS/07
Scegliere due insegnamenti con lo stesso SSD tra i seguenti: Go to group
Scegliere un insegnamento tra i seguenti: Go to group

Optional Groups

Scegliere un insegnamento dell'area delle discipline giuridico-politologiche tra i seguenti:: The student must acquire 9 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1013718 - PRINCIPLES OF PUBLC LAW First year Second semester 9 IUS/09 Italian
1017526 - POLITICAL SCIENCE First year Second semester 9 SPS/04 Italian
Acquisire 6 cfu scegliendo tra 2 moduli da 3 cfu o il modulo da 6 cfu: The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
AAF1137 - COMPUTER SKILLS Second year First semester 3 Italian
AAF1113 - FRENCH LANGUAGE Second year First semester 3 Italian
AAF1198 - SPANISH LANGUAGE Second year First semester 3 Italian
AAF1221 - OTHER COMPUTER SKILLS Second year First semester 3 Italian
AAF1161 - OTHER LANGUAGE SKILLS Second year First semester 3 Italian
AAF1452 - TRAINING AND ORIENTATION APPRENTICESHIP Second year First semester 6 Italian
AAF1217 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE II Second year Second semester 3 Italian
AAF1218 - FRENCH LANGUAGE II Second year Second semester 3 Italian
AAF1219 - SPANISH LANGUAGE II Second year Second semester 3 Italian
Scegliere un insegnamento dell'area delle discipline sociologiche tra i seguenti:: The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1018725 - PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Third year First semester 6 SPS/07 Italian
1034933 - SOCIAL POLICY Third year First semester 6 SPS/07 Italian
Scegliere due insegnamenti con lo stesso SSD tra i seguenti:: The student must acquire 12 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1022521 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Third year First semester 6 SPS/08 Italian
101132 - SOCIOLOGY OF WORK Third year First semester 6 SPS/09 Italian
1022316 - SOCIOLOGY OF THE ORGANIZATION Third year First semester 6 SPS/09 Italian
1034959 - SOCIOLOGY OF PUBLIC ACTION Third year First semester 6 SPS/11 Italian
1043981 - GOVERNMENTS POLICIES AND SOCXIETY Third year First semester 6 SPS/11 Italian
1022516 - SOCIOLOGY OF TOURISM Third year First semester 6 SPS/10 Italian
1041827 - URBAN SOCIOLOGY Third year First semester 6 SPS/10 Italian
Scegliere un insegnamento tra i seguenti:: The student must acquire 6 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1022503 - PSYCHOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION Third year Second semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian
1009300 - LABOR LAW Third year Second semester 6 IUS/07 Italian
1022533 - HISTORY OF SYSTEMS, PARTIES AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS Third year Second semester 6 M-STO/04 Italian
1010655 - FUNDAMENTALS OF URBAN PLANNING Third year Second semester 6 ICAR/21 Italian

1. Entry requirements and operational procedures to the degree programme


Enrollment in the Sociology degree course is subject to:

a. possession of a high school  diploma obtained in Italy or a qualification equivalent or recognized, according to the current legislation in force;

b. admission test (henceforth AT). Terms, rules and regulations of the ATare announced every year before the summer break with Rectoralcall [cf. par. 2.].

2. Admission test

The ATassess the possession of a good knowledge of the Italian language; a basic knowledge of the English language; basic notions relating to the use of mathematical symbols; of historical background of twentieth century events; knowledge related to general knowledge and current affairs. The AT also verifies the possession of an interest in the knowledge and understanding of social phenomena and of a specific motivation towards sociological education.

The result of the AT, although not binding for the purpose of enrolling in the degree programme, provides a valid orientation on the knowledge in possession of the student, useful for the course. Those who don’t obtain a certain score in the admission testcan still enroll in Sociology, but will have to take further required courses (OFAs) at a later time. The degree programme activates specific courses in the various assessment areas in which the AT is divided, to allow students who register, following the performance of the AT itself. Students who get one or more OFAs must pass them before they complete their first academic year, those exams do not lead to credit assignment.

Failure to attend the AT constitutes a reason for impeding enrollment in the degree course.


The following candidates are not required to take the  AT:

a. students with a university degree or three-year diploma;

b. students enrolled in degree courses in Sociological Sciences (DM 509/99) and Sociology (DM 270/2004) at other universities;

c. students enrolled at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in the degree programme of the faculties of political science, sociology, communication, medicine and psychology (relating to classes L-24), law and economics;


3. Transfers, passages and exam recognition


It is possible to access the degree programme in Sociology by:

a. transfer from another degree programme of another university, Italian or foreign;

b. passage from another degree programme of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".


Interested students are required to contact the Student Affairs office of the original degree programme  in due time, to carry out the necessary administrative requirements. They can request the transfer or passage only:

a. students who areup to date with the payment of university fees;

b. students who have taken the necessary admission tests [see par. 2.].

The recognition of the university career of students already enrolled in other degree programme or already graduated who intend to enroll in the degree programme in Sociology is based on the calculation of the credits obtained in the access degrees and counted according to the assignment of the issuing university. The exams passed for which the scientific-disciplinary sector is not declared, are, if recognizable, recognized on the basis of assessments and resolutions of affinity and equivalence to the teachings contained in the reference document  - DM (MIUR) 4.10.2000 (GU n. 249 of 24.10.2000) - of the scientific-disciplinary sectors. Exams in subjects taught in courses before the DM 509/99 are recognizable up to 9 credits (if annually)  and up to 6 credits if in semester courses.

The total number of credits that can be recognized cannot exceed 174, of which a maximum of 12 credits already achieved in scientific-disciplinary sectors not included among those in which the degree programme in Sociology is divided. The credits obtained as part of IFTS courses or other post-secondary training courses can be recognized if associated with teaching modules carried out by university teachers structured in such a way as to be compatible with the study disciplines constituting the curriculum of the degree programme. In the absence of these conditions, possession of the relevant qualification, duly certified, to the extent of a maximum number of credits equal to 6 credits, can be recognized, under the sections Altreattività formative, referred to the second year of the course.

Those who obtain the recognition of credits already achieved in another degree programmeare enrolled:

- in the first year of the course if the recognized credits do not exceed 39;

- in the second year of the course if the recognized credits vary between 40 and 99;

- in the third year of the course if the recognized credits are more than 99.


4. Study plan


The degree in Sociology is obtained having fulfilled educational obligations for a total of 180 credits.

Those enrolled in the Degree Programme in Sociology are required to meet specific conditions foreseen for the study plan.  The study plan related to the first year of the course foresees the preparatoryof the teachings of Institutions of sociology and History of sociological thought, regardto the teaching of Sociology of culture and the teaching of Mathematics for social sciences, regard tothe teaching of Statistics. The study plan of the second year foresees the preparatoryof the teaching of Statistics with regard  to the teachings of Methodology and Technique of Social Research and Political Economy.The study plan of the third year foresees the choice between four optional groups:

1. Sociocultural;

2. Socioeconomic;

3. Sociopolitical;

4. Socio-Territorial.


In order to take exams, it is necessary to present a study plan from the first year of the course using the procedure provided on Infostud.

Those enrolled in the degree programme can follow a training course based on the part-time regime. In this case, they are required to opt for this solution within the times and in the ways established by the University Regulations.


The degree in Sociology is obtained having fulfilled educational obligations for a total of 180 credits.

Those enrolled in the Degree Programme in Sociology are required to meet specific conditions foreseen for the study plan.  The study plan related to the first year of the course foresees the preparatoryof the teachings of Institutions of sociology and History of sociological thought, regard to the teaching of Sociology of culture and the teaching of Mathematics for social sciences, regard  tothe teaching of Statistics. The study plan of the second year foresees the preparatory of the teaching of Statistics with regard  to the teachings of Methodology and Technique of Social Research and Political Economy.The study plan of the third year foresees the choice between four optional groups:

1. Sociocultural;

2. Socioeconomic;

3. Sociopolitical;

4. Socio-Territorial.


In order to take exams, it is necessary to present a study plan from the first year of the course using the procedure provided on Infostud.

Those enrolled in the degree programme can follow a training course based on the part-time regime. In this case, they are required to opt for this solution within the times and in the ways established by the University Regulations.