Study plan


Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e l'Edilizia Sostenibile (percorso valido anche ai fini del conseguimento del doppio titolo italo-venezuelano)

First year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1055437 - DYNAMICS OF STRUCTURES First semester 9 ICAR/08 Italian
1021959 - Foundation and earth retaining walls Second semester 9 ICAR/07 Italian
- A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 15 Italian
12 cfu a scelta in C Go to group
9 cfu a scelta in C Go to group

Second year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1031620 - CONSTRUCTIONS IN SEISMIC ZONE First semester 9 ICAR/09 Italian
1055436 - HYDRAULIC INFRASTRUCTURES Second semester 9 ICAR/02 Italian
AAF1015 - Final exam Second semester 17 Italian
12 cfu a scelta in C Go to group
9 cfu a scelta in C Go to group

Optional Groups

9 cfu a scelta in C: The student must acquire 9 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1051368 - HYGIENE CONSTRUCTION AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT First year Second semester 9 MED/42 Italian
1055434 - DIGITAL MODELING FOR ARCHITECTURE First year Second semester 9 ICAR/17 Italian
10592810 - Techical building systems with bioclimatic design elements First year Second semester 9 ING-IND/11 Italian
12 cfu a scelta in C: The student must acquire 12 CFU from the exams below
Course Year Semester CFU SSD Language
1047198 - URBAN DESIGN First year First semester 6 ICAR/20 Italian
10592812 - constructive elements for sustainable construction First year First semester 6 ICAR/10 Italian
1051369 - WATER TREATMENT PLANT Second year Second semester 6 ICAR/03 Italian
1051370 - Complements of HYDRAULIC Second year Second semester 6 ICAR/01 Italian

Academic regulations

Academic Regulations of the Masters Degree Programme 

in Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering

LM 24 Degree Class, Building systems Engineering 

2017-2018 Study Catalogue

Academic years currently being held: 1st   

Specific learning outcomes

The Masters Degree in Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering based in Rieti aims to train professionals who, thanks to a relevant in-depth and interdisciplinary technical preparation, are able to work as  designers, production and site managers and inspectors in the civil construction sector, focusing on the sustainability of the underlying processes, both from a technological and an energy efficiency point of view and from a seismic, hydraulics, hydrogeological and environmental safety point of view.

Using an interdisciplinary approach, the Study Programme achieves this objective by providing an appropriate level of in-depth knowledge in:

(a) The basic subjects related to construction techniques, tools and forms for the study and representation of the built and natural environment.

(b) The characterizing subjects of the civil construction sector, focusing on the following areas: technical, construction, structural and installation, of the organization and management of the building process and environmental systems, of safety, of the sustainability of the adjustment, transformation, planning, and possible safeguarding processes of the physical environmental context, of the quality assurance of processes and products, of the restoration of the existing building stock, of the planning and the complex management of the processes and the services connected with environmental and territorial systems.


Admission requirements and recognizable credits


Curricular requirements

To be admitted to the Masters Degree in Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering, Applicants must possess a three-year University Degree or Diploma or equivalent academic qualification obtained abroad and recognized as valid by Italian laws.

Mastery of another EU language other than Italian (both written and spoken) is also required.

Before enrolment, the curricular requirements and the adequacy of the personal preparation of the students must be verified through the procedure specified below.

If the results are not satisfactory, students must sit specific exams indicated by the Academic Committee.

The exams sat for the above-described reasons are not considered part of the Masters Degree Programme and therefore students will not be able to have these credits recognized within the Masters Degree.

These tests must be passed before sitting any of the exams indicated in the personal study plan drafted by the students during the enrolment phase.

Students may be awarded credits for their knowledge and professional skills. Each one must be certified according to the current legislation. They may also be awarded credits for further knowledge and skills acquired during post-secondary training activities, provided that the University was involved in the activities and for knowledge acquired through university exams, provided that the credits achieved through these exams have not already been used by the student to achieve his/her Bachelors Degree or qualification.

The maximum number of university credits that may be recognized is 12.

To be admitted to the Degree Programme, students are required to have achieved at least 120 credits during their University Degree Programmes or other study programmes recognized as valid by Italian laws in the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors indicated in the Call for applications.


Evaluation of the personal preparation of the students

The adequacy of the preparation of the students is assessed through an interview. After the interview students are given a certificate which states if their preparation is sufficient, adequate or insufficient to be admitted to the Masters Degree Programme. If the result is insufficient, students are not allowed to register.


Description of the programme

The Programme is devoted to graduates with a solid background in the core subjects of mathematics and physics, and a basic knowledge of the building and environmental engineering fields. The first year of the Programme provides students with the knowledge and working methods which are typical of modern engineering techniques, through which students are be able to develop the necessary skills of the Sustainable Building Engineering sector.

During the second year of the Programme students approach the studied subjects in a more in-depth manner, choosing elective subjects and completing their personal study plan through a personal thesis project, which must tackle complex interdisciplinary topics. The study plan is completed by elective subjects which may be chosen among the available related and integrative subjects of the Programme.

The elective subjects enable students to broaden their knowledge and provides them with information which may be useful both for their professional training and to plan and coordinate the processes in the construction and land management sectors.


Exam Features (270/04 Ministerial Decree, Article 11, paragraph 3-d)

The final exam consists of the discussion of a Masters Degree thesis for which students are awarded 17 university credits.

The thesis, which is interdisciplinary and must include original contents, represents a fundamental opportunity to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the student and his/her ability to carry out an in-depth analysis of a selected topic and use the achieved results in an independent and original way when dealing with the specific issues and the aspects of land modification for settlement purposes, and of the protection and enhancement of environmental features.


Employment and professional opportunities for graduates (Order regarding the Degree Classes, Article 3, paragraph 7)

The Masters Degree in Sustainable Building Engineering meets the specific needs of the job market, thanks to the quality of the education provided which reflects the socioeconomic development.

Graduates from the Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering Programme, by using their skills to solve complex problems, will also be able to carry out work which requires a high level of responsibility in public and private institutions and bodies, engineering firms, building and environmental industries, construction and services companies for land management, in the field of research, as well as in a freelance capacity and in consulting services.


Manifesto of the studies

The Masters Degree Programme allows students to deepen their knowledge of the issues related to building engineering, focusing also on the environmental protection and sustainability requirements. The subjects, which are related to the civil and environmental engineering sectors, aim to provide the Masters Degree graduates with a deep knowledge of the strong and complex interdependency between land modification and environmental compatibility when designing and carrying out construction works.

The portion of the time available to the student for personal study or other individual learning activities is at least 60% of the time estimated to achieve the Masters Degree (15 hours per credit).


Academic procedures (even for distance learning), and methods used for verifying the preparation of the students

Each subject may involve lectures, group exercises, laboratories, team work, and any other activities that the teacher believes may be useful for achieving the learning objectives

Students are assessed through an exam (E) that may include oral and / or written tests according to modalities defined by the teacher and communicated to the students together with the programme (or on the website, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, locations).For some activities there is no exam requirement if not a simple “pass/fail” assessment (V). Also in this case, the  evaluation methods are defined by the teacher.  


Attendance (also for part-time students)

Students enrolling and students already attending the Study Programme who are engaged in other activities may request the part-time solution, extending the length of the Programme but being required to achieve a lower number of credits per year (instead of the 60 credits which are usually expected).

The rules and procedures related to the part-time solution are indicated in the University Regulations.

The rights and duties of part-time students are the same as those indicated in the general regulations.

The Degree Programme Committee will appoint a tutor to support the part-time students with their study plans


Admission to the second year and preparatory steps

To be admitted to the second year students must achieve at least 21 credits.


Students enrolled in Programmes of previous educational orders

Students from the Masters Degree in Sustainable Building Engineering, Degree Class 4s (509 / 99 Ministerial Decree) held at the Rieti headquarters, and from the Specialization Degree Programmes of the 8s Degree Class (509/99 Ministerial Decree) of Sapienza University, can, upon request, be transferred to the Masters Degree in Sustainable Building Engineering, Degree Class LM24 (270/04 Ministerial Decree), after having their university credits recognized by the Degree Programme Committee.



Students wishing to apply for the Masters Degree in Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering, who come from other Masters Degree Programmes or from LM24 Degrees Classes of other Universities, must submit a specific application to the Committee. If necessary, they may also request an abbreviation of the Programme by submitting a document stating that they have already passed some of the exams of the subjects included in the Manifesto of the Study Programme.


How to evaluate periods of study abroad

The subjects sat at European or foreign universities, with which the Civil and Industrial Engineering Faculty has agreements, projects and / or agreements in place, are recognized according to the procedures established by the agreements.

Students may, after being authorized by the Degree Programme Committee, carry out a period of studies abroad as part of the Erasmus project.

In accordance with the University Academic Regulations related to studies, exams and academic qualifications obtained abroad, the Degree Programme Committee will examine the programmes to award credits in the corresponding disciplinary sectors.

General info

Information regarding the Study Programme is provided by the Academic programmes of Sapienza University, and may be found on the official website of the Ministry for Education.

Detailed information regarding the programmes and the teaching materials may be found on the website , “Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, locations”.

The e-mail address that may be used to ask for further information regarding the Study Programme is:   

Regarding the tutoring services, the Degree Programme avails itself of the tutoring services provided by the Faculty.

The Professors of the Degree Programme carry out educational tutoring activities to support the students. The tutoring hours are published on the Programme’s website.

In case of an internship activity, both an academic tutor and a tutor from the company where the internship is held will be appointed.

In addition to the regular tutoring services, the Study Programme also offers additional tutoring, in particular for the core subjects and the design subjects.


Quality assessment

The Degree Programme, in collaboration with the Faculty, carries out surveys to get to know the opinion of the students attending the various subjects of the Programme.

The survey system is integrated with a quality programme whose responsibility is entrusted to a self-assessment group, composed of teachers, students and staff of the Study Programme.

The results of the surveys and the analysis of the self-assessment group are used to improve the educational activities.

The Chairman of the Academic Committee

Professor Giuseppe Sappa



The Masters Degree in Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering based in Rieti aims to train professionals who, thanks to a relevant in-depth and interdisciplinary technical preparation, are able to work as  designers, production and site managers and inspectors in the civil constructions and soil defence sectors, in the waste and environmental resources management sectors, focusing on water resources, identifying issues and problems, analysing their complexity, developing suitable and appropriate solutions, also by developing innovation, management and implementation processes.

Using an interdisciplinary approach, the Study Programme achieves these objectives by providing an in-depth knowledge of the subjects already studied during the Bachelors Degree in the fields of mathematical physics, history of architecture and construction techniques, and of the tools and forms for the study and representation of the built and natural environment.

Secondly, the Study Programme allows students to learn the characterizing subjects of environmental and sustainable building engineering, focusing on the following sectors: technical, construction, structural and installation, of the organization and management of the building process and environmental systems, of safety, of the sustainability of the adjustment, transformation, planning, and possible safeguarding processes of the physical environmental context, of the quality assurance of processes and products, of the restoration of the existing building stock, of the planning and the complex management of the processes and the services connected with environmental and territorial systems.