
Final exam

The final degree exam consists in preparing a theoretical, experimental and/or planning thesis on a specific topic linked to themes that characterize the Master’s Degree programme. The thesis work must be developed based on an investigation activity, critical analysis and synthesis of the available related literature. It must include an original methodological and/or applicative contribution. This work must be carried out independently by the student, under the guidance of a supervisor (a professor from the Educational Board or authorized by it). The thesis work can be carried out in collaboration with Italian and foreign institutions, public and private institutions, manufacturing companies and services and/or research centres operating in the sector of interest. The thesis may be written in English.

The final thesis is assigned to the student and, subsequently, submitted by the student and approved by the supervisor through a specific electronic procedure. The final exam is worth 18 ECTS. Students may submit a request to apply 3 additional ECTS to the preparation of the thesis 3. Such 3 ECTS are typically provided for the “additional educational activity”, which usually consists of the attendance of one of the laboratory courses held within the Master’s Degree Programme.
The thesis must be discussed in front of a Dissertation Panel appointed for this purpose. The determination of the final degree mark by the Dissertation Panel follows the guidelines established by the Educational Board, available on the web page of the degree programme, in accordance with criteria such as the weighted average of the marks obtained in the exams taken (expressed in 110), the time taken to complete the programme, specific experiences of the candidate (such as, for example, studies carried out and exams taken abroad), the evaluation of the work done for the preparation of the written dissertation (in terms of commitment, degree of autonomy, the rigour of the analysis, quality of the results obtained) and the graduand’s presentation skills (in terms of clarity, completeness and effectiveness of the synthesis of the work carried out).


Here you can find:


  • deadlines for the submission of the application for graduation;
  • deadlines that cannot be extended for the presentation of documents;
  • Calendar and venues Graduation sessions


The graduation mark for the Master’s Degree is equal to A+B+C, where:


A is the weighted average (on the number of credits for each exam) of the grades recorded for each exam, out of 110;


B is the score assigned in relation to the time of completion of the exams, as follows: B = 2 for students who have recorded all the exams included in their Study Plan within the first extraordinary exam session (October-November) of the second year of the programme; B = 0 for all the other cases;


C is the score assigned by the Dissertation Panel in the final exam (Master’s Degree thesis dissertation); it may vary between 1 and 6.


Honours may be assigned to students who gain an overall A + B + C score of at least 113 out of 110.





·      The weighted average (on the number of credits for each exam) of the grades recorded for each exam is expressed as a number out of 110. This number is obtained by approximating to the closest integer number the result obtained by multiplying by 11/3 the weighted average expressed in marks out of 30.

 ·     Marks equal to 30 with honours shall count as 31.

 ·     In case of exams taken at other Italian or international universities under a grading scale by which marks are not expressed with a number out of 30, marks shall be converted in a mark out of 30 based on appropriate conversion tables