
The final exam will consist in the presentation and discussion of a written and / or multimedia paper, of an entity commensurate with the amount of training credits assigned, in front of a commission of teachers, of which the supervisor who followed the research and drafting phases of the thesis, is a member.  The paper will have to study in depth a topic related to the subjects of study and may also be based on the internship and stage experience offered during the course.  In the presentation and discussion the candidate must demonstrate the ability to use the theoretical knowledge and the methodological and applicative tools acquired through the didactic activities foreseen by the training course.

The final test will consist in the presentation and discussion of a written and/or multimedia paper (video, installation, etc…), which will be necessarily realized and presented in front of the Commission in English. The Board of Examiners qualified to confer the title is appointed by the Dean of Faculty or, with his authorization, by the Course of study’s Head and it is formed by at least seven members. It can be formed by professors of Faculties different from the one the candidates are enrolled into, professors on contract in service during the interested year, research doctors and experts of the field. The majority of the Board members has to be constituted by tenured professors and researchers. The highest mark obtainable with the discussion of the elaborate is 5 points, that will be added to the weighted arithmetic mean calculated in one hundredth and ten. The minimum grade to pass the examination is 66/110. The Board of Examiners, for the final test, expresses its voting in one hundredth and ten and it can, unanimously, accord to the candidate full mark with honours.