

Choose your curriculum

Ogni insegnamento prevede un esame finale, con voto espresso in trentesimi, nel quale vengono valutate le competenze acquisite dallo studente. A seconda della disciplina, l'esame potrà essere orale, scritto, comprendere sia una prova scritta e che una prova orale, prevedere la preparazione preliminare di elaborati progettuali, grafici o teorici. 

A seconda degli insegnamenti possono venire effettuate prove in itinere, consegne parziali di elaborati progettuali, grafici o teorici, seminari specifici strutturati in modo da evidenziare il grado di autonomia raggiunto dallo studente nell'organizzare il proprio apprendimento.

The Study Plan can be presented only once in the academic year:


·The Study Plan must include 2 elective units for a total of 12 ECTS, which can reach a maximum of 15 ECTSs if one of the elective units is associated to more than 6 ECTSs (potential options: 1 exam of 12 ECTSs; 2 exams of 6 ECTS; 1 exam of 6 ECTS + 1 exam of 8 ECTS; 1 exam of 6 ECTS + 1 exam of 9 ECTS).

Elective units can be chosen among the whole list of units in the University’s Education Offer, also outside the disciplinary sectors strictly related to Architecture, as long as the choice is strongly justified from the academic point of view (the Study Course’s work group for Teaching assesses the coherence of the chosen elective units).

WHAT: The Excellence Pathway in Architecture Sciences seeks to enhance the formation of those exemplary students who are interested in pursuing further cultural activities. The Excellence Pathway is an integrative pathway to the Study Course, and it consists of additional learning activities to those of the Study Course.


HOW: Students admitted to the Excellence Pathway will be involved with two types of activities. The first are programmed by the teaching structure of reference, and consist of in-depth disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies, seminars and internships; the second are agreed with reference to their cultural and scientific vocations. Overall, these activities entail a maximum of 100 hours of work for the student, and they do not result in ECTSs.

...AND THEN ? When graduating, the student who has successfully completed an Excellence Pathway will receive a certificate from the Faculty Presidency, which will be recorded on the student’s curriculum, with the modalities established for other kind of certificates. In addition to this, the University will award the student with a prize corresponding to the amount of the taxes paid in the last year of course.


The Contact Lecturer for the Excellence Pathway in Architecture Sciences is: Prof. Alessandra Capanna (



All information relating to the final exam is contained in the Graduation section