

Choose your curriculum


Each student should choose his/her study plan, namely the choice of the similar and supplementary disciplines (currently, 9 ECTS for Psychology and Social Processes and 18 ECTS for Psychology and Health), and the elective disciplines (18 ECTS).

Only the students enrolling in the third year have to choose their study plans.

The second-year students will present their study plans only if they want to take in advance any third-year exam.

In this case, the exam system will accept the applications only if the students will have included these exams in their study plans.

In any other case it is absolutely useless and counterproductive to present a study plan in the first and second year, because students will likely change it, and this will represent a waste of time and resources both for the student and the offices.

You should not present your study plan and then change it.

It will be presented after that the student, having evaluating the alternatives and obtaining the information he/she needs, is able to make his/her choice with conviction and awareness.

Therefore, you should present your study plan just once, without changing it.

All students are required to choose their individual study plan within the deadlines indicated on the site of the psychological area of the Faculty (31 March, except for variations that will be immediately communicated).

Without the presentation of the study plan, the exam system allows the students to put their names down only for compulsory exams, but not for those of the elective courses.

Since the study plan will have to be approved by a commission in charge of evaluating its plausibility and coherence, are now indicated some examples that are absolutely good and adequate:

. for PSP, any course of Psychology and Health not included in one's Degree Programme;

. for PH, any course of Psychology and Social Processes not included in one's Degree Programme;

. for both Programmes, the similar and supplementary courses not chosen as curricular.

This does not mean that a student does not have the possibility to widen his/her interests in a broader range; on the contrary, intellectual initiative and curiosity are considered positive elements by the commission in charge of judging students' study plans.

Actually, all disciplines of the University's Programmes can be included in one's study plan.

But in this case the student should give clear reasons, so to prove that the choice is truly his/her cultural and educational interest, and not just an opportunistic solution to take a simple exam or an exam with the same contents of another already taken.

Therefore, in choosing the elective courses, a student should take into account the following information:

▪ elective courses should be coherent with an overall educational plan;

▪ courses with the same or a similar name of courses of his/her Programme cannot be chosen, even if they have different texts or are in other faculties;

▪ he/she cannot choose the same or similar courses of courses of his/her Programme, even if they have different names or are in other faculties;

▪ he/she cannot take exams of deactivated courses, especially those belonging to ex DM 509 Programmes or to five-year systems (since 2013/14 the only Programmes active have been Psychology and Social Processes and Psychology and Health; the Programmes up to the academic year 2010/11 were active until the end of the three years: so since the a.y. 2013/14 the courses have been definitively deactivated);

▪ first-level students cannot choose courses of Masters Degree Programmes;

▪ the elective courses' exams can be taken in advance only if they do not interfere with a possible exam order indicated in the programme of each course, and must concern active courses.

Students can take in advance not more than two exams of the next years, but only if the exams of the current year and the previous years were regularly passed.

In order to do so, the student will hand in a form, that can be downloaded from the Faculty's website, to the Educational Affairs Office.

After a verification of student's regular position, the student can put his/her name down for the anticipated exam.

Please note that, according to the decision of the Academic Senate of 22 November 2005, students can graduate with a session in advance on condition that he/she has obtained the approval from the President of the Degree Programme for the single exams taken in advance, and from the Faculty Board for the final test.

Furthermore, according to the decision of the Academic Senate of 15 December 2005, particularly worthy students, who obtained from the Faculty the approval to take the exams in advance and passed them with an average mark of 29/30, can take the final exam with a year in advance.

In this case, the student can put down his/her name for the exam progressively, namely before completing the second-year exams, and then the third-year ones (please see also the paragraph "Exams Taken in Advance and Degree Sessions" on the new Student Guidebook 2018/19).

In the Degree Programme in Psychology and Social Processes there are not Honours Programmes.
All information relating to the final exam is contained in the Graduation section